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Hey Guys,

i startede my first babysteps with LDD a while ago and finally,one of my first LDD Designs took shape as a physical MOC.

I`m honest with you,i`m no professional MOC Guy and my Creations might only compete with the Stuff we all builded when we were Kids.

But it`s all about Fun,right?

So here it is,my first physical MOC:

Scifi Police Bike

This Idea started when i asked myself "what if Lego City meets Lego Space or another futuristic Theme?".

This tiny Police Bike started as a pile of Bricks in LDD,and for a weird Reason,the Rendering looks more impressive than the real Version,but see for yourself:






I also started hoarding Pieces for this fancy Design of a scifi-esque Food Truck



Currently i`m designing something that should be a futuristic Garbage Truck.I wonder how this will turn out.

The Garbage Processing Part is almost ready,but i have now Idea in which direction i should go with the Drivers Cab.Any good Ideas on how to desig the Front Cabin?



i like these!!! I think the garbage ship is the best

The speeder bike has a nice design.

I like all three.

Maybe you can take the cabin från the food truck and use on the garage truck as well?

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Thanks Guys,i`m glad you like it.

The Foodtruck by the Way is almost finished,still needs some small Parts and the lower Chin Shell (Damn,why are these Pieces so hard to get...)

@stigge:Well,i already thought about it and copied the Foodtruck Cabin over to the Garbage Truck but it just doesn`t look right.

Besides that,the Parts for the Cabin don`t grow on Trees (i know they are molded on Plastic Tres but you know what i mean).

I`m thinking of something more bulky and less aerodynamic.

BTW,here are two Teaser Pics for the Food Truck.

Sadly i had to change a few Pieces because i couldn`t get enough of the right ones.I used a few Workarounds but some Pieces are really hard to get.

Blue half Arch Pieces and a yellow 1x4 with Studs on top and one Side.

Also tried something different with the visual Connection between rear Part an the Cabin / Glass Cupola.



Edited by badchriss

Nice work...Don't ask me why but seeing all these made me want to watch Schwarzenegger movies (6th Day, True Lies, Total Recall, etc.)

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Okay,i finally finished my first "bigger" MOC,along with two Hover Bikes:

The Design for the Scifi Foodtruck was slightly overhauled.The rear Part is now completely green and the new Design also features tiny moveable stabilizing Wings.I mean the Foodtruck is capable of hovering near Ground and reaching higher altitudes.It may not be the fastest Vehicle but because of it`s sturdy Body (the Manufacturer once produced Tanks and armored Vehicles too) it surely can take a few Hits.The future isn`t shiny and happy at all and so two Plasmacannons can shot down everyone who`s bugging the Pilot.

Luckily the renewed Design keeps it`s movable Outlet Tables which can be folded up in Flight.




The Window might be switched for a less scratched Version,but for now this one has to do the Job


Four different Flavors of industrial Instant Food can be pulled from the Dispensers but i`s always a surprise what`s coming out of it.



The Undercarriage is pretty plain and boring,only a few Pads for softer Landing, some red Plasma Fusion Connectors for the Engine and the Wing Mechanism.

This Vehicle is already very old and a bit banged up,so here and there mismatching Spareparts can be seen.


The View on the Roof isn`t spectacular either.


Folded up Sides en Detail


Of course the Future also needs Cops and Thugs.

This fine Bike is ready for Speed and catching Criminals.



Speaking of Criminals,here is one.This Guy is sitting on a menacing wild Bike with tons of (mostly illegal) Modifications.

The exaggerating Exhaust Pipes are loud,very loud.But the icing on the criminal Cake might be the Dual Front Blaster which was ripped from a Police Bike.Of course this isn`t allowed at all but a Criminal doesn`t care that much...



Also made an improvised Stand for the hovering Food Truck.This Thing sure needs Work


So,what do you think of my MOC`s?

Definitely have potential. I don't know much about sci-fi offerings, but these looks good. Reminds me a bit of Fifth Element. Some clunk and heft to these vehicles.

I do like the Police bike, although the rendering is better (but I think that only has to do with the coloring involved). I almost get an even more futuristic Judge Dredd feel from the police bike.

Fifth Element meets Judge Dredd...interesting concept.

But good ideas all around. The world needs more every day vehicles and not just spaceships all of the time. I hadn't considered doing something more lifelike and mundane, only the fun stuff....we will see if I do anything of my own, but I can certainly be inspired by your builds/ideas. So Thank you.

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Thanks TheLegoDr,your Comment is much apprechiated.Indeed i`m getting inspired by Fifth Element, Judge Dredd and other futuristic Settings.

I alwys think of something like Lego City meets the Future.

After spending a few Hours in the late Night i finally finished my newest LDD MOC:

Scifi Trash-Truck

The Front has a mean looking Bumperguard.


The rear Hatch


The Sideview shows some Vents,Sidemarkers and the odd looking Taillights.


Movable Parts include two Doors,the rear Hatch, the inbuilt Garbage Lock that holds back already stored Garbage and a Hatch on the right Site.


More Vents,a Ladder for maintaining Roofvents and Lights


I spend the night finishing this trashy Beauty at 3 AM.

First i used Lego Digital Designer to build it with virtual Bricks and then i used Bluerender with a few Custom Materials to render the Model in several Views (btw,the LDD is a fun little Tool.You can build anything without owning a single physical Brick.And it`s completely free and has no Ads.Get it at the Lego Website)

As with my previous Design,the Sci Fi FoodTruck this Model was inspired by the Idea of what would happen if you mix the Lego City Theme with futuristic Eements or place it in a futuristic Setting with hovering Vehicles,interesting new Techniques etc.

This Vehicle has several movable Parts.The rear Lid can be opened to dispose Garbage at the Landfill while the grey Lid on the right side is there to empty Trashcans.The Drivers Cab has Room for two Minifigs and has openable Doors.

A fun little Feature is the Front Bumper / Ram Bar.It can swivle up an Dow,it depends on how you want to use it.

Futuristic Cities are a Minefield,with Criminals and Villains on the loose and dangerous Gangs looming around every Corner.

A Road Blockade?Eh,who cares,just push it away.

So,what do you think of this orange Monstrosity (yeah i know it kinda looks like a Train :D)?

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And finished another LDD i`m planning to build.

This Model is based on 3179 Repair Truck.I got my Hands on one Exemplar where the Roof and the two Barricade Things are missing.And instead of just getting the missing Pieces i tried to build a modern Version of it and i will reuse most Parts from the Original.

The Basket on a foldable Arm was replaced by a small Hoverpad (got the Idea from an Episode of "Eureka" where the Towns Mechanic is using a Hoverplatform to repair a Trafficlight)

The Minifig can be placed on it and just float around to reach everything better.The only catch is that the Pad has a very limited Range,but you`re not flying two Blocks away to change the Lightbulb of a Streetlamp anyway.


In the Sideview you can see the Jet Engines as the main Source for the Vehicles Power.Of course the Cherrypicker can also hover in Slowmotion with it`s Antigravity Pads attached to the Body.

The Cherrypicker also has enough Room for Tools on both Sides.

The Vehicle still carries two Barriers but this Time they are hidden under it.They can be pulled out but are well secured by Clamps so they won`t fall out while in Flight.

Because Security and Visibility is everything,the Vehicle is also equippt with bright yellow Warning Bars which also have two orange Sidemarkers.


The Rearview doesn`t reveal too much new Info.


The Topview shows the Warninglights on the Roof and on the Back as well where the Hoverpad can be stored.


The Undercarriage might not have that much Detailing like the Rest of the Vehicle,but it`s still something.

When in Parking Mode,the Vehicle stands save on 4 stubby Legs.


So,what are you thinking of my newest Creation?Comments and Critics are welcome :D

As with my previous Design,the Sci Fi FoodTruck this Model was inspired by the Idea of what would happen if you mix the Lego City Theme with futuristic Eements or place it in a futuristic Setting with hovering Vehicles,interesting new Techniques etc.

I like the idea, ever since I saw the Legoland branding on old space sets I wanted Lego to make a theme like that. I'm working on one myself, got a few vehicles so far that I'll eventually post.

I like your designs, too. Especially the cabs of these last two trucks, nice detailing, and the relatively small windshields make them look imposing and heavy. Nice job!

I like these vehicles a lot. Especially the utilitarian designs on the work truck and the trash truck. Perfect for any Sci-Fi scene. :thumbup:

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Thanks Guys.

Yep,a Lego City meets Space Crossover-Theme would be amazing.

And yes,i aimed for the big and heavy Looks to make them look better.

Guys,i need some Advice...

I`m currently working on a futuristic Hauler with connectable Container Units.

I still have no Idea how to design the Cab (first i wanted to reuse the Cab of my Food Truck and add a Sleeper but i`m not too sure bout that) and how to design the Containers.

Currently they are connected by Technic Pieces and 1x4`s with 3 Holes in them and a few Chains.The small Chains on the Sides are a neat Detail,but i`m not too sure about the long Chains on Top of the Containers.

Any Advice or Ideas?


  • 1 month later...
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Okay Gang,i finished another physical MOC.It`s the physical Version of the futuristic Repairtruck i showed a while ago.A few Changes had to be made,but overall the Repairtruck stil looks like its LDD Counterpart:





The Hoverpad Unit.A more flexible Way to reach Streetlamps, Trafficlights and Highway Signs without interrupting the Traffic.The Repairtruck can be parked in a riveway or on the Sidewalk while the Repairman can fix what needs to be fixed.


Watch your Step



The Drivers Cabin.


Meet the other futuristic City Vehicles i made:



The Barriers are stored savely and Space saving.


So,what do you think of my newest Creation?

These look great! What program do you use to get those nice renders?

  • Author

These look great! What program do you use to get those nice renders?

Thanks RoastPotato, i use Bluerender for my Renderings.A very easy and handy little Render Program.You can find more Information in the LDD Section of this Forum.

Thanks RoastPotato, i use Bluerender for my Renderings.A very easy and handy little Render Program.You can find more Information in the LDD Section of this Forum.

Thanks, I'll go hunt it down. These look so much better than the LDD export.

Cool space bikes. Like that garbage chomper a lot!

  • Author

Thanks Guys.

Today i designed another futuristic Vehicle,this Time it`s the futuristic Counterpart of a Hotrod.

This wild Beast is called Vicious Viper,and that`s for a Reason.This vipergreen Speedrod isn`t very comfy or easy to handle,but if you master it,it will be a Hell of a Ride.

Wild, fast and aggressive are the core characteristics.

The Quadruple Winglets will keep the Speedrod save at any Speed (World Record was 635 kph on a Saltlake,but even Beginners can get this Baby up to 500 kph)





Some very nice looking future city like MOCs. That trash truck is my favourite, If I had to pick one.

  • 3 weeks later...
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Thanks,i`m glad you like my Stuff.

Today i want to show you my newest Creation.It`s an old Pickup that was equipped with Hovercar Tech so the Farmer can throw away tose pesky Wheels and hover in Style to the local Market or to meet some Friends.







  • 1 month later...
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Meet Clay and Jessy,the brave Crew of the "Dungbeetle".

No,they aren`t trained Professionals on a fancy schmancy Spaceship or on a Boat,they just keep Lego City clean.And "Dungbeetle" isn`t a Highspeed Car,it`s just their trusty and reliable Garbage Truck.

Clay and Jessy are Sanitation Workers or Trash Collectors,and both love their Job.

Clay is more of a calm and laid back kind of Guy.He knows every Street,Nook and crammed Backyard in Lego City and enjoys sitting in the Truck and driving in carefull between Obstacles.

His Partner is Jessy.She`s definately a hot headed Adrenalin Junkie and loves to skate or to ride on her Mountainbike.

Guess this is the Reason she loves "Garbage Surfing".

She pulls old Trashcans from the Boardwalks to the Garbage Truck where they will be emtied (modern Trashcans already have lots of Tech Equipment build in so they float to the Garbage Collector and they empty themself)











I like the way that garbage truck turned out. It's my favorite of your futuristic vehicles.

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