Posted April 15, 200519 yr Governor Note! I'm heavily revising this. When I'm finished I'll create a new topic and return this to it's original form for archiving purposes... -Siegfried My Fellow EBers, here is a list of the most commonly used acronyms on EB. A must read thread for every EB newbie members ;-) So enjoy and feel free to contribute the that glossary by posting suggestions !! 0-9 4+/Juniors models that use fewer but larger pieces and more complex minifigs. Examples: Jack Stone & 2004 Pirate Themes. A AFOL Adult Fan of Lego AFFOL Adult, Female Fan of LEGO AFOFL Adult Fan of Fabuland Lego AWFOL Adult Walrus Fan Of LEGO B BL Bricklink. BrickLink is a venue where individuals and businesses from all around the world can buy and sell new, used, and vintage LEGO through fixed price services. Bley Bluish Grey Colour terminology referring to the new grey introduced by Lego. Like "old" grey it exists in light and dark. BOLOCS Built Of Lots Of Colours BP Battle Pack. These are small sets with a few figs with accessories and sometimes a small extra model, much like the old People Packs. These first appeared in the Star Wars line but now other themes (such as castle) have them as well. BPP Big Precise/Pointless Pieces A term developed by our very own for <insert that tiresome argument> pieces (the larger pieces intended for younger builders, usually, but not always found in 4+ sets). This does NOT include Duplo or Quatro pieces. BS Brickshelf An online resource for LEGO® fans, with full instruction and catalog scans, a gallery of fan contributed pictures, and more. BSTF Our very own Buy, Sell, Trade and Finds forum BTW By The Way BURP Big Ugly Rock Piece Those large strange shaped pieces including piece 6082 and piece 6083 C CAD Computer Aided Design CMF Collectable Minifigures. A recently occurred abbreviation for the LEGO® Collectable Minifigures series. CRAPP Crummy Ramp and Pit Plate The baseplate with a ramp and pit D D2C Direct-to-consumer A set made by fans directly for consumers. See here for the latest D2C contest. DSL Digital Subscriber Line. DSL is a very high-speed connection that uses the same wires as a regular telephone line DSS Dreaded Sticker Sheet. A common rant among AFOLs lies in the wide use of sticker sheets included in sets (intended to lower cost reduction) instead of printed pieces. DUPLO Double Sized Bricks. Large bricks intended for very young children E EB Eurobricks. This place ERLING Part designed by Erling Dideriksen in 1979 - also known as a headlight brick. F FBTB From Bricks to Bothans. A LEGO Star Wars fansite. Frown Reddish brown. Also known as Rown or Frown. Ref FTW For The Win G GREEBLE (GREEBLIE, GREEB) groupings of mechanical-looking detail elements on MOCs EX: H HOG Hand Of God HTH Hope That Helped I IJ Indiana Jones. A licensed theme by LEGO® Indiana Jones IMO In My Opinion IMHO In My Humble Opinion IOW In Other Words ISD Imperial Star Destroyer K KFOL Kid Fan Of Lego KK Knights Kingdom A castle line by LEGO® The Knight's Kingdom I line on Brickset and The Knight's Kingdom II line on Brickset L LEGO It was in 1934 that the company name LEGO was coined by Christiansen from the Danish phrase leg godt, meaning "play well." The LEGO Group claims that "LEGO" means "I put together" or "I assemble" in Latin [1] , though this is a rather liberal translation of a verb form that would normally translate as "I read" or "I gather." LBSD Lego Buying Sets Disorder; Buying sets from themes you don´t like just for the buying itself, or buying sets just because they´re cheap - not that you need them LDD LEGO® Digital Design(er) The official virtual building program by LEGO®. LDraw Lego® Draw The basis software with a huge parts library needed for CAD programs like MLCad. LMAO Laughing My A$$ Off LOL Laughing Out Loud LUG Lego Users Group. A popular suffix to the name of LEGO fan groups LULS Light-Up Lightsabers Fortunately, those MFs had a real short lifespan: they were only found in ROTS sets (& the 2005 Police Station by affiliation) LURP Little Ugly Rock Piece lxf A file extension used by LDD. M MF Minifig MIB Mint In Box/bag Midi A scale-size that's larger than mini, but smaller than minifig-scale. Midi MINI A model that is smaller than minifig scale MISB Mint In Sealed Box/bag MLCad Mike's LEGO Computer Aided Design. A virtual building program using the LDraw parts library. Official site of MLCAD MOC My Own Creation MOD The Modification of an official LEGO set. MSRP Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price N NISB New In Sealed Bag O OT Original Trilogy The Original Star Wars Trilogy comprising A new Hope (ANH-ep4), The Empire Strikes Back (ESB-ep5) and Return of the Jedi (ROTJ-ep6) P PAB: Pick A Brick A pick a brick consists of a wall of boxes full of various bricks in which you can choose whatever piece you want. PAY (or PA ): Pull A Yoda This comes from the fact that a lot of times when was not online, important news tended to appear. So by extension, PAY means something important happening in someone's absence. POTC Pirates of the Carribean. LEGO® pirate line based on the Disney movies. Pirates of the Caribbean POAAFOL Partner Of An AFOL POI Pieces Of Interest. Interesting pieces found usually when sorting through baggies from sets or when searching through misc. LEGO Primo A sub branch of Duplo for babies. Mostly things like rattles... PT Prequel Trilogy The Prequel Star Wars Trilogy comprising The Phantom Menace (TPM-ep1), Attack of the Clones (AOTC-ep2) and Revenge of the Sith (ROTS-ep3) POV-Ray Persistence of Vision Raytracer A tool to create three-dimensional renderings. Official site of POV-Ray Q QUATRO Bigger and softer bricks for really really young children. R RC Remote Controlled Sets that feature remote control, for example 8369 Dirt Crusher RC and 8475 RC Race Buggy RCB Relay Community Build People all over the world contribute a part for a big diorama. See here for a summary of Eurobrick's RCBs. Rewn Reddish brown. Also known as Rown or Frown. Ref RGS Republic Gunship ROFL Roll On Floor Laughing Rown Reddish brown. Also known as Rewn or Frown. Ref ROTS Revenge of the Sith S S@H (or SAH): Shop At Home Lego's online store. SHEFOL "She" (Female) Fan of LEGO SHIP Seriously Huge Investment in Parts. A very large LEGO spaceship, often (but not always) one that's 100+ studs long. Ref SIGFIG A business card in the form of a minifig. SNIR tuds Not In a Row. SNOT Studs Not On Top A building technique where studs are, surprisingly, not always on top. This can be achieved with pieces designed for the purpose and have studs and/or anti-studs) on two or more faces, or by using pieces in a creative way. For example, most of the hinge pieces are good for SNOTting. Examples: A Design at Brickshelf Sinner's tug boat uses SNOT to make the roof and front of the pilot house SP Space Police. A space line by LEGO® Space Police SPUD Special/Single Piece/Purpose Ugly/Useless/unLegoish Design/Decorative The many meanings of that acronym makes it a great one, as its not Single Purpose. SSD Super Star Destroyer STAMP Stickers Across Multiple Pieces Example: Tail and wings of 3451 Sopwith Camel SF Swoosh Factor Ability to swoosh a set/vehicle, meaning playing with it by holding it moving it around in the air generally making engine sounds. Some EB members (like *cough* KimT *cough*) love to swoosh in the nudes ( :-D ). Some models like the X-Wing, TIE Fighter or Snowspeeder have a very SF, the MF ISD & Falcon have an average ISD due to their size and bulkiness, whereas other models like Cloud City have a 0 SF (go figure why :-D ). SW Star Wars. A popular licensed theme by LEGO® Star Wars SYSTEM The line in which LEGO categorised mini-figure scaled sets. No longer officially used, however for convenience and old time sake still used to refer to mini-figure scaled sets. T TAWT Tie Army Wanted Target Term used in the Tie Army Thread to designate the rebel scum that need to be hunted down and destroyed TBB The Brothers Brick. LEGO blog featuring custom creations built by LEGO fans all over the world, plus LEGO news, LEGO set reviews, and more. They have a Glossary too! TCW The Clone Wars TFOL Teenage Fan Of Lego TLC The Lego Company TLG The Lego Group TRU Toys 'R' US U UCS Ultimate Collector's Series. UCS. V Vig / Vignette A small scene recreated on a small plate (usually 8X8) W WIP Work In Progress; a good example is this glossary... Whack Hit someone's avatar with another out of love. Note this is an EB definition and please don't try this at home. Example
April 15, 200519 yr Good thread idea mister_phes ;) . Lets add a new one: BPP (big precise pieces - for <insert that tiresome argument> pieces).
April 15, 200519 yr Author Governor Your suggesting has been added. But will it be accepted by the community?
April 15, 200519 yr Author Governor Ahhhhh... But he expects Master Yoda with his 900 years of wizdom to come up with a better one.
April 15, 200519 yr Yeah, I just read it ;) My old and legendary wisdom is at rest at work ;) I said B2P ;) (just sounds better and a little farther away than BURP)
April 15, 200519 yr True (I was trying to be positive, but why not, who cares, those pieces are ... anyway) and you still have B2P :-D
April 16, 200519 yr True (I was trying to be positive, but why not, who cares, those pieces are ... anyway) and you still have B2P :-D It looks too much like BZP... but then again, isn't BIONICLE itself a bunch of BPPs? ;)
April 16, 200519 yr Your suggesting has been added. But will it be accepted by the community? I object on the grounds that new terminology cannot be made up by just anyone. It must be approved by the Holy Brick.
April 16, 200519 yr Your suggesting has been added. But will it be accepted by the community? I object on the grounds that new terminology cannot be made up by just anyone. It must be approved by the Holy Brick. Consult the Book of Elements! Brother Maynard, come forward.
April 16, 200519 yr Ah, grand! I've been wondering what a BURP was. Now I'm just wondering why LEGO thought they are necessary when a handful of 1X2's would accomplish the same thing....... *wacko*
April 16, 200519 yr Your suggesting has been added. But will it be accepted by the community? I object on the grounds that new terminology cannot be made up by just anyone. It must be approved by the Holy Brick. Overruled :-D ;)
April 16, 200519 yr Author Governor Ahhhhh... My gloassary thread has helped Invaderjes! Its serving its purpose nicely. I don't object to the BURPs myself. I find a few BPP pieces useful but these days LEGO is just over doing it. The reason I don't mind BURPs is because they're a good base and have more structural stability than making them from scratch. Although I've never made one from scratch so I probably don't know what Im talking about.
April 16, 200519 yr Ahhhhh... My gloassary thread has helped Invaderjes! Its serving its purpose nicely.I don't object to the BURPs myself. I find a few BPP pieces useful but these days LEGO is just over doing it. The reason I don't mind BURPs is because they're a good base and have more structural stability than making them from scratch. Although I've never made one from scratch so I probably don't know what Im talking about. Yes it sure does serve its purpose ;) Like you I relly don't mind BURPS, it saves precious amounts of bricks (for other stuff ;) ). You always need these walls ;) The major problem about BPPs is that those pieces serve their purpose but mainly ONLY their purpose: some of them cannot be reused for something different than their purpose *wacko*
April 16, 200519 yr Author Governor I find I'm always running out of the smaller bricks so another advantage of the BURP is it frees them up.
April 16, 200519 yr I also like the disproportionned big round rocks (whatever their acronym is) that are in the KK sets ;)
April 16, 200519 yr I also like the disproportionned big round rocks (whatever their acronym is) that are in the KK sets ;) Boulders? They're ok, not great. Can't wait to fling them around in Viking sets, though...
April 16, 200519 yr mister_phes, here are some you can incorporate in your acronym lexicon ;) : HTH: Hope That Helped IMO: In My Opinion LOL: Laughing Out Loud STAMP: Stickers Accross Multiple Pieces Do I dare add those: TLC: The Lego Company MOC: My Own Creation BTW: By The Way
April 17, 200519 yr Author Governor STAMP: Stickers Accross Multiple PiecesTLC: The Lego Company MOC: My Own Creation Well these seem fine but the rest are non LEGO specific. Could you possible provide a picture example of a STAMP?
April 17, 200519 yr Ah, now I have a single word to insult! STAMP! It was tedious to say 'I hate stickers that go across more than one piece'.
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