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Hi Guys and gals and everything else :classic:

I was on wikipedia and Finds out that speilberg is in the production indiana jones 5

MAybe lego could still have there linscence with lucasfilm until then so who is ready for Indiana Jones 5

G A :knight:

Can you give us a link for proof, please? :wink:

Hi Guys and gals and everything else :classic:

I was on wikipedia and Finds out that speilberg is in the production indiana jones 5

MAybe lego could still have there linscence with lucasfilm until then so who is ready for Indiana Jones 5

G A :knight:

Thats not a real source

Thats not a real source

Aha! But that's where you're wrong. :wink:


I quote:

"The introduction of Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf) in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has led to speculation that he will take over the franchise from Ford. In an interview with IGN, "[spielberg] indicated that LaBeouf has to make multiple Transformers movies before he can move over and take on the fedora and bullwhip of Indiana Jones." The actor himself said, "Am I into it? Who wouldn't be? I don't think that's reality. It's a fun rumor." Ford said he would return for a fifth film if it doesn't take another twenty years to develop, while Spielberg responded it would happen "only if you [the audience] want more".

George Lucas made another suggestion that there would be a fifth film. While at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, he revealed his idea "to make Shia [LaBeouf] the lead character next time and have Harrison [Ford] come back like Sean Connery did in [the third film]". Lucas has also said that age will not be a factor, as Ford was "65 and did everything in [Crystal Skull]. The old chemistry is there, and it's not like he's an old man. He's incredibly agile; he looks even better than he did 20 years ago, if you ask me". In August 2008, Lucas was researching potential plot devices, and stated Spielberg was more open to the idea of the fifth film. He also changed his mind about continuing the series with a spin-off, joking "Indiana Jones is Indiana Jones. Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones. If it was Mutt Williams it would be Mutt Williams and the Search for Elvis or something." Two months later, Ford stated that he would not return if the fifth film was an animated film like The Clone Wars, because "I'd hate to see it reduced in any way from the movies that we have done and the way we have done them." He also called Lucas' concept for the fifth film "crazy but great".

When asked how being married to Marion Ravenwood and having a son would affect the character in a fifth film, Ford only replied "He's seen something. Remember those are the only witness to what he's seen. That's kind of interesting."

Speaking to BBC journalist Lizo Mzimba in June 2009, LaBeouf confirmed that "Steven [spielberg] just said that he cracked the story on it [the fifth film], I think they're gearing that up."

Also, producer Frank Marshall has also updated, stating that "The story for Indy 5 is progressing," although, "It is still in the research phase.""


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Sorry did not know how to do that :sceptic: and does anybody have ideas for a Indiana Jones plot

G A :knight:

Not looking forward to this at all, especially after the disjointed, plot-hole filled mess that was Crystal Skull. Plus the "handing over the torch" to Mutt is another thing I dread.

To the Batbrickmobile! :devil:

Not looking forward to this at all, especially after the disjointed, plot-hole filled mess that was Crystal Skull. Plus the "handing over the torch" to Mutt is another thing I dread.

To the Batbrickmobile! :devil:

I honestly thought KOTCS was pretty good. Although I think that making Mutt the lead would be a terrible move.

If you even read the article, then you would see that both Lucas and Speilberg are NOT interested in making Mutt the main character of the next movie, it's not going to happen. I'd be excited to see a 5th Indiana Jones, seeing as the even numbered films are bad, and the odd numbered films are good ( :tongue: ). I read somewhere that Lucas and Speilberg have always had a contract to make 5 Indy movies, but everybody just assumed that The Last Crusade was the last movie, because of the title and the length of time that it took to make Crystal Skull. Plus, I think that Lucas, Speilberg, and Ford want Indy to go out with a good adventure, and not be known as the "perfect film franchise that went too far".

EDIT: Plus, you never know, we might hear an official announcement about it this week :wink: .

Edited by Tinn-man

Hmm... not sure what to make of this. Considering the lackluster reception of the last movie, I think another one might do more harm and less good.

Hi Guys and gals and everything else :classic:

I was on wikipedia and Finds out that speilberg is in the production indiana jones 5

MAybe lego could still have there linscence with lucasfilm until then so who is ready for Indiana Jones 5

G A :knight:

After seeing Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I am seriously worried for the series. The first three were simply amazing, with great acting and superb stories. However, the new one came across as a run-of-the-mill adventure story, which was fine with me. That is, until the end. When the big flying saucer came out of the ground is when I decided that he movie was an insult to the series. Harrison Ford is too old for the role and Shia LaBeouf (even though I like him) was terrible as Mutt Williams. I think it was mainly the fact that he character itself was bad, but I would not be happy if he took over the main role in the films. I think that they need to let the series live the rest of it's life and then slide slowly into obscurity, much as series such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Batman, Terminator, and other great film series will. It's natural for series to be popular and great while they are prominent and then die out. No reason to try to keep it alive.

If you even read the article, then you would see that both Lucas and Speilberg are NOT interested in making Mutt the main character of the next movie, it's not going to happen.

I'm glad about that, otherwise it wouldn't be an Indiana Jones movie. Instead of "Indiana Jones and ..." it would be "Mutt and ..." or something.

I hope they'll finally make "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis" into a movie.

Laboofhead will not be taking over as Indi Lucas said it himself after 4, if anything Laboofhead would be his own character.

This is one i am definitely not looking forward to, in fact it shouldn't be made, Stiff as a board Ford is too old, the story for 4 was lame, the chick did a shocking Russian accent (hello there is enough hot girls that could do it, like the chick in transporter 3), not to mention Laboofhead is a hacktor.

If they are going to do it then they need to get new actors, and leave the special effects at home, the cheap almost tacky sets are what made the first 3 so good, its a pity they cant get Sean in again, that whole father son hitting the same chick was hilarious, and Nazi's not Russians.

Laboofhead will not be taking over as Indi Lucas said it himself after 4, if anything Laboofhead would be his own character.

This is one i am definitely not looking forward to, in fact it shouldn't be made, Stiff as a board Ford is too old, the story for 4 was lame, the chick did a shocking Russian accent (hello there is enough hot girls that could do it, like the chick in transporter 3), not to mention Laboofhead is a hacktor.

If they are going to do it then they need to get new actors, and leave the special effects at home, the cheap almost tacky sets are what made the first 3 so good, its a pity they cant get Sean in again, that whole father son hitting the same chick was hilarious, and Nazi's not Russians.

Do you really have to be so callous and insulting in your response. "the whole father son hitting the same chick was hilarious"? While it did add humor the film, did you really have to reference it like that. Plus, the little names like "Laboofhead" are funny when you are 5 years old. They really don't belong on a mature forum like this. There really is no need to throw pointless insults around that serve no purpose except to make you look immature. And while Ford might be too old at this point, he was and still is a great actor.

Do you really have to be so callous and insulting in your response. "the whole father son hitting the same chick was hilarious"? While it did add humor the film, did you really have to reference it like that. Plus, the little names like "Laboofhead" are funny when you are 5 years old. They really don't belong on a mature forum like this. There really is no need to throw pointless insults around that serve no purpose except to make you look immature. And while Ford might be too old at this point, he was and still is a great actor.

I agree, please tone it down a bit when speaking your opinion Darthsion.

And what's a Laboofhead, some sort of dog? :wacko:

Ignoring DarthJerkion's usual immaturity, let me say that it's rather unlikely that Mutt wont be the next Indy. I think they made that pretty clear at the end KotCS when Indy took the fedora out of Mutt's hand. :grin: If he is going to star in an Indy-related movie, it will be a spin-off at best.

I hope they'll finally make "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis" into a movie.

Seconded! :cry_happy: That would be SO much better than Crystal Skull! Even if Ford doesn't play it.

Ignoring DarthJerkion's usual immaturity

Even if you dislike the behavior of someone else, that does not give you the grounds to insult them. Please don't do it again.

Even if you dislike the behavior of someone else, that does not give you the grounds to insult them. Please don't do it again.

Even if it is a good one? :tongue: You are right though. We shouldn't encourage him.

I agree with using atlantis in the theam, i loved the first and third movie because they were based off of things that could be or are real the second was okay but the storyline was a bis whacko. But when you throw in aliens it makes the movies into a science fiction film not an adventure :sadnew: If atlantis was involved it may not be o hard to come up with somthing to build around, i can already think of a few ways the movie could go. And as for Harrison ford being to old, well to that i say :tongue: nonsense, "its not the years, its the milage"-Harrison Ford :cry_happy:

Edit: Whoo Hoo! Im a citizen! :pir-devil:

Edited by MrTools

It was supposed to be a joke. You know, because I call him immature, but call him names myself? Anyway, I'm sorry and wont do it again. :blush: Carry on.

Laboofhead will not be taking over as Indi Lucas said it himself after 4, if anything Laboofhead would be his own character.

This is one i am definitely not looking forward to, in fact it shouldn't be made, Stiff as a board Ford is too old, the story for 4 was lame, the chick did a shocking Russian accent (hello there is enough hot girls that could do it, like the chick in transporter 3), not to mention Laboofhead is a hacktor.

If they are going to do it then they need to get new actors, and leave the special effects at home, the cheap almost tacky sets are what made the first 3 so good, its a pity they cant get Sean in again, that whole father son hitting the same chick was hilarious, and Nazi's not Russians.

Really, I'm not trying to be mean or accuse you of something, but that last post did not sound like it was coming from an adult. EDIT: Sorry Siegfried. :blush::tongue: "Hacktor, Laboofhead, Stiff as a Board Ford, and Russian Chick?" :laugh:

Anyway, this will undoubtedly stink. In fact, I am giving up all hope on Indiana Jones from this point forth. I don't consider the 4th movie to have ever happened. And hey, if they make a 5 and 6, it'll be like the Star Wars Prequal Trilogy! Maybe we can have: Indiana Jones: The Bone Wars! No idea how long Lego will stretch the license, but hopefully if they do make sets in 2-3 years on Indy 5, Lego will make it look better.

Ha, Bone Wars. :laugh:

Edited by Darth Legolas

If a moderator makes a request to a member it is not a call to arms for other members to join in. We step in if we feel someone is going too far, but kicking someone when they are down is just not on.

While on the same topic, I wish people would stop accusing people of being underaged. Leave that to us... especially if you're underaged yourself. There's been too much mini-modding around lately.

Edit: Whoo Hoo! Im a citizen! :pir-devil:

Mature. :hmpf:

And what's a Laboofhead, some sort of dog? :wacko:

I think it's meant as an insult to "Shia LaBeouf". I think he's a horrid actor too...

I think it's meant as an insult to "Shia LaBeouf". I think he's a horrid actor too...

At least he has twice as much talent than many other teen stars these days(looking at you people from Twilight, HSM, and other movies popularized by tween girls)

At least he has twice as much talent than many other teen stars these days(looking at you people from Twilight, HSM, and other movies popularized by tween girls)

Seconded. :wink:

Seriously, Indy 5 is a viable possibility, no matter how much we don't want it - the series still makes a pile of money, so why not sell out? Its happened before (I'm looking at you, Clone Wars).

Seconded. :wink:

Seriously, Indy 5 is a viable possibility, no matter how much we don't want it - the series still makes a pile of money, so why not sell out? Its happened before (I'm looking at you, Clone Wars).

I like the Clone Wars.

Anyway, I doubt the movie can be too good, as Harrison Ford is rather old. He can't do any of his own stunts any more, and that alone took out alot of him doing his own action in the 4th movie. For all we no this may never happen, as Shia will be working on the third Transformers (Due to be released July 4, 2012.)

I like the Clone Wars.

Anyway, I doubt the movie can be too good, as Harrison Ford is rather old. He can't do any of his own stunts any more, and that alone took out alot of him doing his own action in the 4th movie. For all we no this may never happen, as Shia will be working on the third Transformers (Due to be released July 4, 2012.)

While he isn't too old for more dramatic movies, I agree that he is too old for a movie like Indiana Jones. He just looked out of place in the last one. If they continue the series, I will see the movie. I just hope they don't go for the 50's/60's cheesy Sci-Fi approach that they took on the last one. They did just fine with the more religious and historical themes with the first three. I don't know why they switched.

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