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I would like you all to post your requests/ideas for new themes or sets here. It's easier to have them all in just one thread :thumbup: !

So far the requests has basically been WW, Ninjas, Pirates & Romans. This is now known to TLG.

When you have an idea or request, please elaborate a bit as to why this would be a good theme/idea and what the possibilities are.

For example - a new interesting setting, a good vs. bad conflict, a missing theme that could be used together with an existing one, etc.

So, welcome with your thoughts :sweet:!


Update 2008-10-12

This is basicly what´s been suggested so far in a short version. TLG has the list & the link to this tread.

PLEASE read through this before suggestin the same yet one more time :cry_happy: !

General themes:

Arabic style, crusades, the whole Richard vs Saladin

Aztecs or Incas, maybe with Conquistodors

Wild West theme but not located in North America

Ninja theme

Futuristic theme, maybe with mechs

Fantasy Era theme. Elves, legendary monsters, mystical objects, mighty heroes

New space theme in the colours of one of the Classic Space themes


Classic spies

Another, better adventures line


Retro space

Chinese theme

Time travel theme

More animals (chickens, sheep, cows, pigs etc.), combined with a farm theme


World Explorers—modern extension of the "Adventurers" theme. A team of explorers (and maybe some nogoodnik rivals as well) that search for sunken treasure, ancient treasures - vehicle and location-oriented.

"Studio" themed sets:

The Mummy

Jurrasic Park

Pirates of the Carribean

Lord of the Rings

Harry Potter, smaller theme in Studios

The Matrix

"License" themes:

Age of Empires III style

The full Justice League


The Mummy

Jurassic Park



Iron man


Nintendo theme

Starcraft theme


A Back to the Future Trilogy theme

Space Pirates or Air Pirates (like Crimson Skies)

Alice in Wonderland

Peter Pan

The Elder Scrolls-not just oblivion, the whole series

Lego EarthBound-not just earthbound/Mother2, the whole series

TLG themes:

Fabuland, mark II

Paradisa, mark II

Aquanauts and Aquasharks style

Specific objects:

Big Ben

Sydney Opera House

London Bridge

Mount Rushmore

The White House


US Capitol Building

Washington Monument

Jefferson Monument

Lincoln Monument

World Trade Center

Space Needle

CN Tower

Sears Tower

Arc de Triomphe

The rest:

An expert Technic line, really big sets with over 2,000 pieces

Volkswagen Type 2 bus, a 1950s Diner, a clothing store, and some new modular buildings

Ferrari Cars in minifig scale that are not F1

A elevated train system

UCS old computers

A new ninja/samurai line

A moonbase system

Some sort of landscaping system

Generic houses in multiple colors

Assorted civilian vehicles

A mountain cabin

Generic Gunships/AT-TE – for army building without minifigs

A table top game series

Alright, here is my first suggestion to TLG:

I would very much like a new Sudios theme with many well-know movies, old and new, such as...

The Mummy

Jurrasic Park

Pirates of the Carribean

Lord of the Rings

Harry Potter (scrap the old theme, which is dying, and start a new, smaller theme in Studios)

The Matrix (maybe a little violent for the younger audiences...)

...and many more. I have seen plenty of great MOCs of these movies, and they could be made into real sets. Many people would buy these sets because they are based off of favorite moves; any movie-goer would want a set from the movie they just saw. Also, people wouldnt feel the need to collect all of the sets, just their favorite movie sets. Another plus is that TLG wouldnt have to go crazy and create every little thing seen in the movie, unlike Star Wars (sets like the Republic Cruiser) and Indiana Jones (sets like Peril in Peru or Jungle Cutter), although I enjoy these themes very much. So, TLG could create little scenes, and not huge sets of the movie, like The Mummy, when the mummy is hunting down his organs, TLG could make a small set of the mummy, an American, a jar with the organ, and some furniture. This is the theme that I want most, and I hope you take it into consideration. :classic:

Erm, arabic style, crusades, the whole Richard vs Saladin thing. That would be awesome since I'm trying to make Saracens!

Next to the standard pirates (which go before anything else :pir-wink: ):

- Something arabic styled like mentioned before (camels, oasis, nomads etc.)

- In general: more animals (chickens, sheep, cows, pigs etc.), maybe combined with a farm theme?

Edited by Fluyt

id like some kind of not space theme but futuristic theme

maybe with mechs like exo force but not anime/manga themed

How about something completely new and different. Like...Aztecs? The old Johnny Thunder had a few Central American sets, but it would be very interesting to see a castle like theme of Aztecs or Incas, maybe with Conquistodors?

The two themes I would like to see are mentioned already.

- In general: more animals (chickens, sheep, cows, pigs etc.), maybe combined with a farm theme?
How about something completely new and different. Like...Aztecs? The old Johnny Thunder had a few Central American sets, but it would be very interesting to see a castle like theme of Aztecs or Incas, maybe with Conquistodors?

Farm and Mesoamerican or Inca sets would be brilliant! :laugh: Think of all the llamas!

When you have an idea or request, please elaborate a bit as to why this would be a good theme/idea and what the possibilities are.

For example - a new interesting setting, a good vs. bad conflict, a missing theme that could be used together with an existing one, etc.

Good things about farm sets would be animals (of course), new building structures and vehicles, and compatibility with many other themes! :thumbup:

Good things about Inca or Mesoamerica sets (probably less violent to choose Inca) would be llamas (hehe), lovely temples, mountain and tropical settings, Conquistadors or opposing tribes to be the bad guys, and peasants, which a lot of people want! :grin:

May I ask CopMike, why are you asking this? Are these sugesstions going to go to TLC TLG? :thumbup:

Llamas On!


Edited by Shoc

maybe with mechs like exo force but not anime/manga themed

I just have to butt in to say that this is an odd request, since mechs are basically from a genre of manga/anime. All western mechs (if there are any) are basically copies of the original Japanese ones.

It's like asking a Wild West theme but not wanting it to be located in North America, in my opinion. :sceptic: I'm sorry if this reply seems rude to you, I really don't want to hurt anybody's feelings, I just felt that request needed some correction.

As for me, a continuation to the Fantasy Era theme will suffice. Elves, legendary monsters, mystical objects, mighty heroes... Throw anything of that sort this way and I'll be happy. :blush:

As I had written in Ye Olde Obsolete Embassy, I say that a Nintendo theme is now looking better than ever. With the new bionic arm from Agents, a Samus Aran minifigure could be made; and the other games are there too. It'd be a hit with AFOLs who like the nostalgia, and younger fans who like the bright colors (Ok, maybe not so much with Metroid, lol) and the characters that are still relevant. Plus, Nintendo and Lego share similar policies on protecting children - it'd be a great combination.

Licensed Nintendo theme aside, I think that a new space theme in the colors of one of the Classic Space themes would be a good idea; and as for castle, continue the line going now; but soon introduce more human factions - perhaps a return of the Fright Knights or some other evil faction?


One thing TLC should NOT make is a theme based on a games console (e.g.: Nintendo) :tongue:

Sorry for the severe shock, I just think Lego can do so much better without that sort of license.

Besides, don't you think kids would rather use the games console instead of blocks?

More Ideas:

-Fabuland MARK II !!! :laugh:

-Dr.Who is still up, but that will never happen :laugh:

-May sound like an odd idea but famous sites around the world (made like the 50th anniversary town set)

- Big Ben

- Mount Rushmore

- Sydney Opera House (mey be hard for a smaller scale)

- The Kremlin

- Taj Mahal (maybe its already coming out soon!)

And of the course (mentioned already):


Edited by The Rancor

id like some kind of not space theme but futuristic theme

maybe with mechs like exo force but not anime/manga themed

Good Idea :thumbup: i would realy like another new Space theme like what Pencoin suggested above and to include mecha's as well and not be anime WOULD BE EXCELLANT!!!!!

Also I hope they continue the Star Justice and Space Skulls theme! :cry_happy:

New maybe Creator or City cars that are new and diffrent but mini-fig scale [Like 4-wide or 6-wide] and not so <insert that tiresome argument>. :sceptic:

City - New Hospital/Medical Clinic, New emergency vehicles Police/Fire/Medic [Like above]

Creator - Besides Cars i would like more mini-fig scale buildings like 4996 accept with a second floor & stairs as well if it is a 2 Storey building also other buildings like post office [Maybe city not creator?] or other like public buildings like a bus stop with bus would be good but i guess it will fall into the city section + other public buildings just plain 2 storey buildings, they could be offices ect.... the posibilities are endless!!!!!!

May I ask CopMike, why are you asking this? Are these sugesstions going to go to TLC TLG? :thumbup:

This thread was actually my idea, so I'll field it although CopMike, feel free to chime in. The point of this thread is to keep all theme requests in one place. The old Embassy was mostly topics asking for new themes, so to keep a better focus on Ambassador matters, we're keeping all theme requests in this thread. This is not necessarily a direct line to TLG for future releases.

So, basically, instead of starting a new topic every time you want to tell the Ambassadors to ask TLG to create a new theme, just post the idea in here. Thanks. :classic:

This thread was actually my idea, so I'll field it although CopMike, feel free to chime in. The point of this thread is to keep all theme requests in one place. The old Embassy was mostly topics asking for new themes, so to keep a better focus on Ambassador matters, we're keeping all theme requests in this thread. This is not necessarily a direct line to TLG for future releases.

So, basically, instead of starting a new topic every time you want to tell the Ambassadors to ask TLG to create a new theme, just post the idea in here. Thanks. :classic:

Ah, cool. Good idea, hopefully the forums won't be too cluttered.


Edited by Shoc

Ah, cool. Good idea, hopefully the forums won't be too cluttered.


Precisely. They won't be because they'll all be kept in this thread which can handle all the "clutter." :wink:

Idea #1

I would like to request a fabuland-esque theme. Unlike the older larger scaled version though it could be made in minifigure scale with slightly oversized head molds in the shapes of animals. It would still have the focus on simple and child friendly themes with the round windows, tiled roof parts and colorful designs but it would be at the normal minifigure scale. It could literally be a remake of the older sets in a new system sized style. I would prefer it to remain as true to the original concept as possible and use as many original parts as possible or, if the molds are destroyed, a comparable part in a familiar design.

The parts would be better in the standard hard ABS but could also be made in the newer rubber like the heads that are used for starwars.

These parts, especially the heads, would also have applications beyond just a new fabuland. A bird or cat head could be used for an ancient eygptian series or set. Any of them could be an alien race in an upcoming space, futuristic, or even town based series where a ufo crashes. These could also be used in a fantasy setting too.

The other parts like round windows, car parts, roof tiles, trees, and many others could be used in a future town series easily and like any well design LEGO part they would find application in any number of themes.

Idea #2

A licensed product with Nintendo. Nintendo is the largest and most family based videogame company in the world. They have dozens of instantly recognizanble characters such as Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Princess Peach, Samus, Link, Zelda, Ganon, Kirby, Donkey Kong and many more. These characters are in over 100 different game titles and sequels spanning nearly thirty years. Sets made with these characters or any of the hundreds of others Nintendo has rights to would, like the StarWars brand LEGO sets, be collectible with adults both male and female, teens, and children. There is a strong following within nearly every age group and like LEGO, the Nintendo products are internationally successful with adults and children.

Set designs could be taken directly from any of the games Nintendo would allow. A Hyrule temple of time, Bowsers flying airship, Samus' Federation class gunship, Donkey Kongs tree top house and many others could be instant successes.

Like StarWars with its clones and storm troopers, Nintendo themed sets (which could include battle packs) could be filled with all manner of army builder type figures. Kremlings, Goombas, Metroids, Moblins, Kobolds, Paratoopas, Toadstools, Space Pirates and many others could be successful sets or included to make sets more appealling than just the instantly recognizable lead characters in Nintendo games.

There are even the lesser known games that feature dozens more characters and ideas that could be used for future sets. The Fire Emblem series, Wario and his cohorts, and plenty of other lesser known but well desired characters and sets would be very welcome.

I know this may be an impossible suggestion but I would feel better if I knew that TLC knew about this and that there are hundreds of AFOLs looking for this exact partnership to occur along with thousands of parents and children who would gladly buy these types of sets to both play with and collect as a truly collectible item.

Idea #3

A table top game series. LEGO would not even have to produce any new parts, or molds though both would add to the concept. There are a number of tabletop games currently in production but I think that a LEGO based version would be not only superior in quality but also in design. It could be themed in castle, pirate, ninja, roman, space, a combination of them all or something totally different. This is just an idea and I don't really want to try and define what it should be. I think that this is something TLC could use to draw in new AFOLs and teens that view LEGO products as just toys and allow LEGO to expand its market to a group of people who are doing this on there own with LEGO. The direction the tabletop game could go should be decided with the help of the ambassadors and the community.

It should not rely on cards like the adventurers sets did though. This should be a miniatures adventure or battle style game. Something collectible, expandable, customizable, and unique to the LEGO experience.

Can't say I'd like to have a Nintendo Theme.

But if anyone's ever played Age of Empires III, maybe something sort of like that. No, I don't mean having Aboriginal oppression. But historical... something that's actually interesting unlike half the garbage we get nowadays. I don't think it's too much to ask for something like good old classic space again, either. Maybe we could have some western, easily my favourite theme of all time, even though I got one set... not to drone.

First, I would love to see a historic building series, as mentioned before by Rancor! We already have the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower. Plus the Taj Mahal is rumored for later this year. Other possibilities are,

Big Ben

Sydney Opera House

London Bridge

Mount Rushmore

The White House


US Capitol Building

Washington Monument

Jefferson Monument

Lincoln Monument

World Trade Center

Space Needle

CN Tower

Sears Tower

Arc de Triomphe

And for Star Wars,

Tauntaun, Wampa, Rancor, and maybe a Ronto!!


Edited by jamie75

A table top game series. LEGO would not even have to produce any new parts, or molds though both would add to the concept. There are a number of tabletop games currently in production but I think that a LEGO based version would be not only superior in quality but also in design. It could be themed in castle, pirate, ninja, roman, space, a combination of them all or something totally different. This is just an idea and I don't really want to try and define what it should be. I think that this is something TLC could use to draw in new AFOLs and teens that view LEGO products as just toys and allow LEGO to expand its market to a group of people who are doing this on there own with LEGO. The direction the tabletop game could go should be decided with the help of the ambassadors and the community.

It should not rely on cards like the adventurers sets did though. This should be a miniatures adventure or battle style game. Something collectible, expandable, customizable, and unique to the LEGO experience.

I had an idea like that for star wars! :tongue: It's still a great idea. I think there should be a whole line of it, probably of medieval themed characters. There would be figure packs that you could purchase for $10-$20, and several different sets of different terrain and buildings. You could mix and match them around (like a modular battlefield) or you could take them apart, and build your own battlefield!

Anyone heard of Heroscape? Lego could do something very similar to this. Heroscape has been called 'Just like lego' (I'm not one to call it that) but it does encompase similar parameters that lego could easily expand to.

Modular battlefield tabletop game, on!!

Well I know this is not likely to happen, but I would like to see a WW2 theme. There are lots of possibilitys for sets. They could make famous planes and tanks and other vehicles. The one thing I know they wouldn't do is put swasticas on the german vehicles and buildings. I think that a line like this would also sell be cause like Star Wars it would be very vehicle based.

They could also make models of famous aircraft similar to the Red Baron and Sopwith Camel.

These are just themes I would to see made because I think that TLG would do a very good job and make loads of money based on these themes, not just because of Afols and Tfols but all of the little kids that would just buy this line up.

I am also for bringing back the WW sets.

Since they've already done Batman, I'd love to see them expand that into the full Justice League. A JL line would have outstanding potential for minifigures, and they could have some cool sets like the Watchtower or the Legion of Doom headquarters. Since it has such a massive amount of characters, they could also sell something similar to the Castle battle packs, with a heroes one and a villains one.

First, I would love to see a historic building series, as mentioned before by Rancor! We already have the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower. Plus the Taj Mahal is rumored for later this year. Other possibilities are,

Big Ben

Sydney Opera House

London Bridge

Mount Rushmore

The White House


US Capitol Building

Washington Monument

Jefferson Monument

Lincoln Monument

World Trade Center

Space Needle

CN Tower

Sears Tower

Arc de Triomphe

And for Star Wars,

Tauntaun, Wampa, Rancor, and maybe a Ronto!!


They sound like great ideas, and i bet TLG could incorporate those into the City theme. But i fear they will be just statues and sculptures, with no relation to minifigs. Although I'm sure people would still buy them that way, but i would like them to be minifig scale.

I had an idea like that for star wars! It's still a great idea. I think there should be a whole line of it, probably of medieval themed characters. There would be figure packs that you could purchase for $10-$20, and several different sets of different terrain and buildings. You could mix and match them around (like a modular battlefield) or you could take them apart, and build your own battlefield!

Anyone heard of Heroscape? Lego could do something very similar to this. Heroscape has been called 'Just like lego' (I'm not one to call it that) but it does encompase similar parameters that lego could easily expand to.

Modular battlefield tabletop game, on!!

Heroscape is exactly what i thought of when i read this. Not a bad game, ive played it at a friends house, but i dont own it. I think a lego version would be great, but it might need some lisenceing. And it doesnt have to be limited to medieval, like Heroscape. It has heroes brought from all times, the past, the future, the present. An all out game like that with different existing themes like Star Wars, Castle, Agents, etc., or an all new theme (more likely). Great ideas!

LEGO sales have been drastically dropping over the past decade or so, but what is it that has been driving the sales to decrease? Some may say that it is due to the recent lack of originality, others may account it to the increase of competition, but I believe that it is due to the many new types of entertainment, specifically in the form of Video Games. Now, of course, TLC already realizes this blatant fact of modern society, they're even acting upon it by publishing several titles, spanning across many genres, from "LEGO Racers", "LEGO Star Wars" and even into the MMO world with "LEGO Universe". Many of these games (surprisingly) are great, and sure, I believe that it definitely is helping TLC with the recent financial struggles. But what has always baffled me is how TLC, now that they are on top of their game when it comes to LEGO Video Games (hehe), why they aren't making Video Game LEGO? Sure the Video Game world may be a little intimidating at first with all of the violence, weapons... prostitutes, it basically is everything TLC stands against. But there is one exception, one great company that shares the same morals as TLC and that is Nintendo. I believe Suvie has the perfect idea, the Nintendo universe is SO vast, containing limitless themes and possibilities! It would even be used as a "bridge" theme that would let Video Game enthusiasts venture into the world of LEGO and even create many new AFOL's!

I would love to see a Doctor Who theme.

With Rose and The Doctor and of course the Tardis.

Some set Ideas:

The Bridge of the Game Station where the 9th Doctor is Preparing a deltawave - Parting of The Ways

Features: The screen where the Dalek Emperor is talking to the 9th Doctor, the 2 walls where the Doctor is standing between. Minifigs: 9th Doctor, 2 Daleks,

Rose and the Tardis and perhaps the Dalek Emperor.

The Sphere Chamber where the Daleks have landed - Army of Ghosts/Doomsday

Features: The sphere, the genesis ark en perhaps Mickey's preacher gun. Minifigs: Rose, Mickey, Rajesh Singh, The Cult of Skaro (4 Daleks: Sec, Thay, Jast and Caan)(Lego, don't forget that Dalek Sec is Black).

And as a playset:

The Tardis Inside - Many Episodes

Features Everything that the inside Tardis features.

So I mean everything you see when you enter the Tardis, Minifigs: The 10th Doctor, Rose, Captain Jack, Martha Jones, Mickey and Jackie.

The Ideas are of the New Series!

And I've got many more ideas!!!!

Please Lego, Make this theme!!

The Force.

I want one thing: LEGO Harry Potter. We still didn't get an answer in the previous topic (Will The Boy Who Lived continue living?), it was such a fantastic theme and the next two films could bring us a lot of cool sets, just like the fifth could do (but TLC only produced a third Hogwarts...). And people say it's because the films are comming too dark: but isn't Star Wars dark? And are there SW sets? Yes. And the serie was a great theme on his own, and a great addition to the Castle line.

So, I just want to know if the theme will be continued, will LEGO produce new Harry Potter sets?

A steampunk-ish theme would be too awesome.

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