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That map is really well done! Great job!! Fun to se an imaginary world growing up!

  On 11/21/2011 at 9:31 AM, NiceMarmot said:

Yet another revision to the map. I've redone the mountains and forests, added some more detail from the overall Historica map, and added some decorations. I took the liberty of adding two features: Erezhi, the Lone Mountain, because every desolate wasteland needs a lone, possibly evil, volcano in the middle, and the Great Escarpment, because it sounds so cool, and a few hundred miles of cliff makes a good defensive barrier and a great place to put watchtowers.


Siccus Badlands (Kaliphlin Guild)

Did I overdo the mountains? I can cut them back a bit, or put back the old ones.

I'm thinking this map has only one more revision to go. Looking for input on the following, and then I'll finish off the map:

  1. What are the names of the major rivers, ie. the one leading into Salt Lake and the one flowing from Qarkyr, and possibly the one in the far west?
  2. Any geographical features on the island of Gorr? Mountains? Desert? Forest?
  3. There's room for probably two or three major towns/cities if anyone wants to add one.

If anyone wants a more detailed map, I'd probably break this up into four or so sections and zoom in accordingly for more detailed maps. Those detailed maps would be better for locating small towns and other places MOCs might be. I'll also investigate how to make links from Flickr to EB, so we can link from maps to our MOC threads. But probably not for a few days at least; I've got some watchtower ideas to build.

Dude, that is SICK! Nice job! :thumbup: :thumbup:

Personally, I like the way the mountains look. Nice, heavy-duty, imposing range.

I REALLY like that map :thumbup:, I have a small request, could you maybe make a small landmark symbol with the text Arkbri Quarry at the point where the distance between the Arkbri River and the Oil road is the smallest, as there I imagine it is where most of my Kaiphlin mocs will be located.

Greetings, honored members of the Kaliphlin Guild!

On this auspicious day, we have the following to report.

It has been decreed that a Giant Asp Venom Gathering Shrine was to be erected, and so it has been done. Our weapons will now bear a deadly surprise for our enemies!



It has also been told to us that the Sagacious Priest of Wajut has been busy making new friends. For one, he tamed a pair of Venomous Asps to be his familiars and battle cohort.


For another, he devised another spell of Great Summoning. He is now able to raise a host of Lesser Dune Ginn as his personal guard.



That is all we have to report for now.

May you live in interesting times,

~ Jahi Khaldun Ibn Maibe

Dear fellows,

greetings from Burj Sina. I watch out for Kaliphlin.

Abu Ali

  On 11/21/2011 at 9:31 AM, NiceMarmot said:

Yet another revision to the map. I've redone the mountains and forests, added some more detail from the overall Historica map, and added some decorations. I took the liberty of adding two features: Erezhi, the Lone Mountain, because every desolate wasteland needs a lone, possibly evil, volcano in the middle, and the Great Escarpment, because it sounds so cool, and a few hundred miles of cliff makes a good defensive barrier and a great place to put watchtowers.

Veeery impressive! *oh2*

Well done! It really looks like all the great maps you find in these fantasy books! I think the map is very inspirational as well. :thumbup:

Yeah, that map is somewhere beyond awesome. Excellent work on it.

In less favourable news, another foreman was fired from the watchtower build earlier today. From a catapult.


  On 11/21/2011 at 9:31 AM, NiceMarmot said:


[*]There's room for probably two or three major towns/cities if anyone wants to add one.

Ah! A true map! Sometimes I wonder if this desert is even worthy of your cartography skills!

May I ask my great trading port, Na Ghitan (yes, they urged me to dedicate to myself. Such lovely people there.) to the largest Spice Island, also possibly noting the Flow of the Spice route from said port to Barga? As a great oracle once said, "The spice must flow."

In other news, my dwarven architects have completed my watchtower. In the wrong place. So now I must have it removed and build into the side of the cliff where I want it. Really, ingenius, those dwarves, but they lack a certain....common sense. No offense to you, Flagg, of course. It takes great intellect to bring together the bestial tribes of the desert. :thumbup:

  On 11/21/2011 at 9:31 AM, NiceMarmot said:

There's room for probably two or three major towns/cities if anyone wants to add one.

Would you please add Akhenaten, the ancient necropolis of the Tomb Kings in the delta of the unnamed river?

Much obliged!


Arwald Sharp pledges his allegiance to the Kaliphlin guild. His men are few but their bravery is unmatched in battle. He is a master of everything to do with weapons. Our Watchtower is almost complete sir.

A few ideas for the excellent map made by NiceMarmot:

(1) River in Gorr: River Zenagi?

(2) Gorr should probably have a couple of mountains just north-west of where the text "Gorr" is located just now. The east coast (north of the river) should probably be desert.

(3) Just because it sounds cool, I think the desert between Petraea and Qarkyr should be called "The Parched Lands". This would reflect it lacking in water, obviously!

Feel free to disagree.


Also, congratulations to Christoph for being the first to complete his watchtower. A high standard set from the start.

Edited by Basiliscus

  On 11/21/2011 at 8:44 PM, Masked Builder said:


Arwald Sharp pledges his allegiance to the Kaliphlin guild. His men are few but their bravery is unmatched in battle. He is a master of everything to do with weapons. Our Watchtower is almost complete sir.

Couldn't take longer, could you? :laugh:


Although the watchtower has been built and our masons are now working on the landscaping, the first seige weapon has just rolled out of our workshop; a light battering ram. Although I know that we are still in times of peace, as a survivor of many conflicts, I feel that peace never lasts, and preparedness can be the difference between this guild's distruction and survival.

Photoset, EB thread.


Edited by J4ke

Well, I asked for feedback on the map and here it comes. Trying to find a balance between keeping the high-level, 'guild-level' map clean and uncluttered, and putting enough things on it to give a feel for the land and its important sites and features...

  On 11/21/2011 at 7:55 PM, Jorgevorg said:

Would you please add Akhenaten, the ancient necropolis of the Tomb Kings in the delta of the unnamed river?

I really like the idea of an ancient necropolis in the marshes there! In fact, I think Gex has done some treasure-hunting there in the past. But, on this high-level map, I'd rather name the marshes and the river, and leave sites like the necropolis to more detailed maps, unless it is still a major, inhabited city or something. No offense, but there won't be room on this map for all the tombs, ruins, necropoli, watchtowers, temples, pyramids, castles, etc that we're going to build! Plus it will be hard to fit the label in down there with the swamp symbols and delta. I'll try it out, and see if looks too cluttered. But, would you care to name the marshes and/or the river?

  On 11/21/2011 at 11:55 AM, Scubacarrot said:

could you maybe make a small landmark symbol with the text Arkbri Quarry at the point where the distance between the Arkbri River and the Oil road is the smallest

Likewise, not sure if a quarry is at the level for a 'guild-level' map though... Perhaps there's a city there that is important enough, and the quarry can be on a more detailed map? I've tried it out, and putting a city or town there does not clutter up the map too much.

  On 11/21/2011 at 7:23 PM, CallMePieOrDie said:

May I ask my great trading port, Na Ghitan ... to the largest Spice Island, also possibly noting the Flow of the Spice route from said port to Barga?

Well, a healthy ego is important... is this an ancient town that you've renamed? Perhaps we should use the traditional name :wink:? We could do with a town in the Spice Islands, nicely balancing Stone Town at the other end of the channel, so I'll put one in.

  On 11/21/2011 at 9:08 PM, Basiliscus said:

(1) River in Gorr: River Zenagi?

(2) Gorr should probably have a couple of mountains just north-west of where the text "Gorr" is located just now. The east coast (north of the river) should probably be desert.

(3) Just because it sounds cool, I think the desert between Petraea and Qarkyr should be called "The Parched Lands". This would reflect it lacking in water, obviously!

A numbered list! A man of action! Excellent, I like it!

  1. River Zenagi it is!
  2. I'm thinking about switching your suggested mountains to the north-east of Gorr, and the desert all around the word Gorr. For a couple of reasons -- mountains go better with a river and lake than a desert does, it mirrors the layout on the main continent where the eastern mountains provide a rain shadow causing central / western deserts, and I can lay desert speckles under the word Gorr but it's harder to put mountains around the label. Let me know if you really want them the other way.
  3. And we do need a name for the desert, so The Parched Lands it is.

So, still looking for names for the river flowing out of Qarkyr, and the one leading to the Salt Lake (which could also be renamed if anyone is inspired to do so), and the river leading to the Inland Sea. We could possibly have two more cities too -- somewhere in the south-east might be a good spot, and somewhere near where the Petraea-Cedrica road crosses the Arkbri River is probably a good spot too. Anyone want to name those, or suggest a different location? We could also use names for the other two smaller deserts too.

This is all subject to approval by Dextrus Flagg, of course.


  On 11/21/2011 at 9:30 PM, NiceMarmot said:

Well, a healthy ego is important... is this an ancient town that you've renamed? Perhaps we should use the traditional name :wink:? We could do with a town in the Spice Islands, nicely balancing Stone Town at the other end of the channel, so I'll put one in.

'Twas I pirate port I liberated and made my home. Reinvigorated the trade with my 7 Spices and Seasonings.

Perhaps The Sand Bowl for one of the desert, maybe Lick of Salt for the river leading to the Salt Lake?

  On 11/21/2011 at 9:30 PM, NiceMarmot said:

A numbered list! A man of action! Excellent, I like it!

  1. River Zenagi it is!
  2. I'm thinking about switching your suggested mountains to the north-east of Gorr, and the desert all around the word Gorr. For a couple of reasons -- mountains go better with a river and lake than a desert does, it mirrors the layout on the main continent where the eastern mountains provide a rain shadow causing central / western deserts, and I can lay desert speckles under the word Gorr but it's harder to put mountains around the label. Let me know if you really want them the other way.
  3. And we do need a name for the desert, so The Parched Lands it is.

Reversing the mountains/desert orientation is fine. I'm going for a fairly bleak landscape on Gorr - more like scorched savannah rather than tropical paradise. The Sudite tribesmen are a hardy bunch! Thanks for including these suggestions.


  On 11/21/2011 at 9:36 PM, CallMePieOrDie said:

Perhaps The Sand Bowl for one of the desert, maybe Lick of Salt for the river leading to the Salt Lake?

Loving the "Lick of Salt" for the river name - I endorse this wholeheartedly!


PS - Great ram Jake!

Edited by Basiliscus

  On 11/21/2011 at 9:09 PM, K-nut said:

Couldn't take longer, could you? :laugh:

I could have don't worry. :tongue:

How about either the Wither-Woods or the Dry-Woods for the small foresty-area that the Oil Road goes through?

Here is an updated version of the map of all the Guilds of Historica with all of the Kaliphlin landmarks added in from NiceMarmot's beautiful map. Since all the changes were made in your guys territory I thought it most fitting to post it here rather in the Nocturnus thread.


Larger Version

Let me know if there are any changes you think should be made!

  On 11/22/2011 at 1:22 AM, Thrash said:

Here is an updated version of the map of all the Guilds of Historica with all of the Kaliphlin landmarks added in from NiceMarmot's beautiful map...Let me know if there are any changes you think should be made!

Looks great! Love the city symbols!

Just a few spelling differences: The lone volcano south of Petraea is Erezhi with an E, looks like you've got a G. And the cape in the east is Cape Dahaka, with a 'k' second from the last; hard to tell, but it looks like you may have an 'r' there.

BTW, what's the spelling of Nocturnus' capital? It's hard for me to make out exactly. And do the symbols in Nocturnus represent trees and lakes? And while we're on it, is Nocturnus the name of the land as well as the guild?

Avalonia has a very originally named capital city :laugh:

I really like the two very different styles of the maps; keeps them from being repetitive.

  On 11/22/2011 at 2:07 AM, NiceMarmot said:

Looks great! Love the city symbols!

Just a few spelling differences: The lone volcano south of Petraea is Erezhi with an E, looks like you've got a G. And the cape in the east is Cape Dahaka, with a 'k' second from the last; hard to tell, but it looks like you may have an 'r' there.

BTW, what's the spelling of Nocturnus' capital? It's hard for me to make out exactly. And do the symbols in Nocturnus represent trees and lakes? And while we're on it, is Nocturnus the name of the land as well as the guild?

Avalonia has a very originally named capital city :laugh:

I really like the two very different styles of the maps; keeps them from being repetitive.


Ah, I wasn't sure about those particular spellings. Thanks for pointing out those corrections...these fonts can be so hard to read sometimes! I just fixed them on my computer so that they'll be correct on the final version.

To answer your questions:

1. I have the spelling of Nocturnus' capital as "Abyssan".

2. The symbols in Nocturnus are supposed to represent swampland.

3. I think the land overall is called the "Eastern Darklands", and it is divided into the Kelra Labyrinth, Rakath Mountains, and Moruth Swamplands.

Haha! The Avalonians are supposed to tell me when they name their capital. Last I looked they were still trying to decide on a name.

  • Author

Kustig , we look forward to your arrival. We'll keep a seat warm and the ale on ice or ya.

Arwald Sharp! Welcome. A man of few words, but quick action. We need men like you.

Wahil, my good man great news about the progress! It sounds like the Emir has a solid plan on what we need. I look forward to seeing more from you in the future. Though I hope your hand is not too firm with your slaves and men....

Master Cartographer Gex - Your title is well deserved.

As the master of the map, I leave it to you to travel the wasteland and determine where to place all our new discovered places. Though I think as a general rule of thumb, until we can have visual confirmation (of completed mocs) perhaps we should hold off to adding it on the map... :devil:

Though I'm curious why it would be salt lake... is there salt there? some deposits of interesting minerals that we should explore? We know the rivers flowing from the Rakath mountains to be pure, despite the dark taint.... but what makes it salty in the lake?

Jahi Khaldun! What incredible weapons you are developing... laced weapons and summoned legions - we shall soon have an army that will be feared among the four great realms. Though I pray to the High King Draconian that we shall not need them...

Abū Alī! Fantastic tower. I love the proud placement of the Kaliphlin colours on your family fortress. We hope to hold the the ground for you, while you seek your truth. For a mystic once told me, that the Truth Shall Set Us Free. Hopefully as you gaze into the stars, you can make sense of all these ill tidings that we have been hearing. And might I complement you on your most fearsome of door guards.

Ghi'natn, yes, I must sadly admit that us dwarfs are a bit ... single minded on tasks. Ask for a tower, and we shall build a tower... but you must tell us where! Many moons ago, my old master bid me to build a monstrous drill. Me and my brethren worked day and build the largest drill ever constructed, going through rock and earth till it pierced the skin of Gaia herself till she bleed black oil... Though it was only after my old master explained he wanted a drill to go through enemy walls... and don't get me started on when he asked us to get rid of all this black stuff, and we tried to burn it like all our other garbage.....

Yakob my Red friend, fantastic addition to our armourments. It looks to be the perfect size to be easily transported to break down towers of any future enemy...


Wither-Woods sounds like a very apt name for our ... less than boisterous foliage.

Thash, we thank you for your map. With the exception of our traders, we do not get to travel very far north, so it is good to see what the rest of the world is like...

And I believe every other realm's guilds are named after thier realm (unless the times have changed). Alas some of the other leaders may not have wasted spent the time to think up so many place names :laugh:

  On 11/22/2011 at 2:57 AM, SI-mocs said:
Though I'm curious why it would be salt lake... is there salt there? some deposits of interesting minerals that we should explore? We know the rivers flowing from the Rakath mountains to be pure, despite the dark taint.... but what makes it salty in the lake?

The lake has no river flowing from it, so the minerals and salts that are coming in as small amounts with the river water from the Rakath Mountains (or from some mineral-rich sediments along the run) over the centuries concentrate on the lake when the water evaporates. The river doesn't have to be discernibly salty for this to happen.

I'm sure you could make good business with the salt if it is of good quality, as salt is quite a vital necessity for everyone (except undeads, I suppose) before the invention of refridgerators and other such science fiction. Salt is one of the very few things that even the secluded northern clans like the Great Elks barter for, otherwise we are quite self-sufficient.

  • Author
  On 11/22/2011 at 3:51 AM, Haltiamieli said:

The lake has no river flowing from it, so the minerals and salts that are coming in as small amounts with the river water from the Rakath Mountains (or from some mineral-rich sediments along the run) over the centuries concentrate on the lake when the water evaporates. The river doesn't have to be discernibly salty for this to happen.

I'm sure you could make good business with the salt if it is of good quality, as salt is quite a vital necessity for everyone (except undeads, I suppose) before the invention of refridgerators and other such science fiction. Salt is one of the very few things that even the secluded northern clans like the Great Elks barter for, otherwise we are quite self-sufficient.

Thank you, brother from the north. My dwarven mind knows how to build things that work... but not why they work... that seems very logical and I shall take your word for it! I'll have some our our more learned men see what use wan can make for salt - besides my Chips!

I Kustig after being a rogue for a long time am now joining the army

as leader of a scout battalion. Me and my men can travel very

far without rest. I hope I can be of aid the guild of Kaliphlin.



Edited by Kustig

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