Posted December 24, 201113 yr [pid][/pid] LDD 10B The project is finally done :D There might be some little changes that I could be doing, but overall, I think she's complete, so I present you, my design of Queen Anne's Revenge: Details of the interiors: (LDD has no bottles, this is supposed to be the room where blackbeard stores his ships as throphies) The navigation room: Captain cabin: Thanks to everyone who visited my humble thread and a double thanks for those who commented and left their suggestions, which were all well received and appreciated, you really encouraged me to do my best on this project :) There might be several things that could be improved, I'm sure of that, but I guess these would be left for the real ship, when I actually get in my hands the order from bricklink and start building her :) Also, as I promised, I did a little index of the progress I had in these 3-4 weeks, you can check it here, instead of scrolling, thought it could be useful The beggining, 1st try: Starting hull and stuff inside gun decks Realized of the flaws of early desing, started from scratch: Comparing both designs Update on hull View of the upper deck Comparing both designs, on a more advanced stage Again, I had to start from the beggining, this time for good! This one is a little larger Learning lots of stuff from my mistakes, starting upper decks The beggining of that huge stern More progress on decks and stern My 4195 QAR I finished that day..alongsie with my precious Renegade Runner :D Details on stern A more completed stern, starting the roofings Some more details, and progres on all the ship Details are what takes more time, no lie Figure on the bow, kind of clunky and not very good looking, gotta fix that hehe Details details... more details Image I used to base details on decks Last details on decks, here and there Almost there.. Guess it's done... :D Furniture I plan to use inside rooms Final post show my fleet, I know, something out of topic, but I had to ^ ^ Edited January 14, 201213 yr by Yawgmoth
December 25, 201113 yr Author Well, it is slowly taking form...added the extended mode for LDD, and replaced all crappy custom things for the original ones..reoriented some things.. and.. still trying to desing something cool for the bow..dunno what yet..hope anyone could give me any advice :P suppose i should be doing lots of mistakes xD theres still lots of work left, but there i have been an extremely nice and fun learning, and it would be twice that ammount when i finally decide to build it on real life :) happy holidays to everyone
December 25, 201113 yr hey, though i count myself also to that kind of rusty beginners as you did yourself, i allow myself to say that this already looks quite good. since your kind of ship is going to be rather big in comparison to standard lego ship sets, there should be enough place for doing some more sloping stuff. you could start with bringing the canons in different hight positions, this is quite easy, takes not many hard to get pieces and looks very good. you can see which good effect it has when looking at the "Spanish Sloop of War" from Sebeus Iniwum for instance. just google for pics, there are some in this forum, on brickshelf and on mocpages. and merry christmas and push on the good project =)
December 26, 201113 yr Author hey, though i count myself also to that kind of rusty beginners as you did yourself, i allow myself to say that this already looks quite good. since your kind of ship is going to be rather big in comparison to standard lego ship sets, there should be enough place for doing some more sloping stuff. you could start with bringing the canons in different hight positions, this is quite easy, takes not many hard to get pieces and looks very good. you can see which good effect it has when looking at the "Spanish Sloop of War" from Sebeus Iniwum for instance. just google for pics, there are some in this forum, on brickshelf and on mocpages. and merry christmas and push on the good project =) Thanks for ur advice, it is well received, and...well i did started with the "curving" thing, and ohh god.. it was so much trouble to disarm and start redesigning that i decided to just start from scrach, at least i gained little exp on the last attemp, so this time i started designing a much wider and higher ship, and hopefully a more accurate one, since the last one was kind of.. childish :P ... i couldnt help to do it, never had so many pieces to build whatever i wanted hehhe. anyway, heres some screenshots: Btw, if u can note on the 1st SS, i was starting to add some extra details on the front, but i couldnt place the chains, they just refused to be manipulated :P dunno how to do it, still looking how hehe
December 27, 201113 yr Author slowly rising from the dept of the seas,...hehe, another update Cant wait to start that huge stern QAR has :D
December 27, 201113 yr Author Last update of the day.. just realized i did it a little to wide or tall, maybe both, so i lost some proportions by being not large enough..but will b something to fix for tomorrow..suppose with just 1 middle hull piece would suffice.. anyway, the pics: also, LDD is starting to get slow..maybe i should be deleting my former ship..also a task for tomorrow.. :P
December 28, 201113 yr Author Well, it turned out to be more work than i thought.. but it doesnt matter, i fixed lots of thing from the former design, this one is looking good :) opinions?
December 29, 201113 yr hey, this is going to be very nice and evil looking just as an evil pirate vessel. cant wait to see more. dont worry of parts. you can order loads quite cheap on
December 31, 201113 yr Author Well, heres another little update, had some issues thinking how the stern would be, got some designs in paper, and well... finally i have an idea of how this could be done :P the pics: thanks for ur comments, it encourages me even more to do everything in my skill to try and make a nice and accurate ship :) btw, got lots of images to see deatils of the deck, upper parts, and well, almost everything, but i made the colors based on this specific image: and this mostly some stuff i admit i do it as i desire to, some others i try very hard to be done as the original design,..overall, guess this time is going well.. but i'd always love any feedback :) Happy new year :D
December 31, 201113 yr Author Another update, making some details on the stern, and well.. finishing :P feedback is always welcome :)
January 2, 201213 yr Please post more! This is extremely nice. I'm really loving that Captain's Cabin. Well done, mate.
January 2, 201213 yr Author thanks for the comments, i really appreciate em, makes it even funnier to keep on with the project :) and well, today's update its only for details i have been adding, as i figure out how to continue with the cap's cabin :P, got certain idea of how to do some parts, but its gonna take some brain to do it without losing proportions.. anyway, here the pics.. wide view of the ship: found some cables that can be bended for some deailts on the bow.. its not that easy as it'd be in real life, and it was taking more time than i expected, so i didnt spent more time on it, gotta do a review of it later when i enter the final steps of the building. added some more details on decks, as the double gold line, that QAR has, well.. at least in some pics like this one: so i tryied to emulate it,.. hope i can do it on all the ship contours this is some idea i had to set the anchors, 1 on each side of the ship, while the chains are inside, the top of the mechanism is on the upper decks ...but it was difficult to bend enough the chains, so i decided to show it here, even tho it isnt installed in the actual ship yet.. but u get the idea.. some more details for the stairs to the lower decks details details and this.. i know the original doesnt have it, but i like d it,.. adds some personal touch :P .. one more pic to show the sides : so thats about it, hehe, hope i can finish it by the end of the next week :) Edited January 2, 201213 yr by Yawgmoth
January 2, 201213 yr Author thats the idea :) still im searching a place for it, im afraid my room is to small for it XD
January 2, 201213 yr That, if really built, would be the COOLEST PIRATE SHIP EVER You have really got some great things on that design, but if you build it, go for a deep red instead of the bright stuff, but you probably already thought of that. I can't wait to see what you do for the cabin!
January 2, 201213 yr thats the idea :) still im searching a place for it, im afraid my room is to small for it XD I know the feeling. go for a deep red instead of the bright stuff, but you probably already thought of that. I can't wait to see what you do for the cabin! That's the only thing I can say.
January 2, 201213 yr Author That, if really built, would be the COOLEST PIRATE SHIP EVER You have really got some great things on that design, but if you build it, go for a deep red instead of the bright stuff, but you probably already thought of that. I can't wait to see what you do for the cabin! dark red would be the definitive choice, but i dont know if all the pieces that i used for it really exist on that colour :P .. hehe.. btw.. yesterday i finally built my 4195 QAR, and learnt a thing or too, mostly on color scheme, and varying it, .. also, almost all bricks fromt the set are in dark color dark gray.. dark brown, dark red.. and it looks really nice like that... i'd be trying to change it on my desing :P heres 1 pic of QAR
January 2, 201213 yr Yep. I have that set, the QAR. It's nice, but the lack of a lower deck is really sad. Why can't LEGO make ships that are at least half at the scale and have more than one deck? WHY? The only set that does have a second deck is the Imperial Frigate, but why they gave that set only four cannons and such bright colors is a mystery. Oh, LOL I just figured something out. You're building my ship! I'm Blackbeard! Make sure the cabin is luxurious and ornate! :pir_laugh2: Edited January 2, 201213 yr by Captain Blackbeard
January 2, 201213 yr Author hehe, i mostly like it all :P ... but theres one or two things that annoys me, 1st, theres no way to climb from the lower decks... or the main and only decks hehe, to the cap's cabin.. nor to the upper part where the steering wheel is,..also,.. why only 3 cannons? .. come on! 4 is the number for a ship of this size!.. and lastly.. why do they put a chef minifig instead of scrum? .. hehe, but overall i like the set,.. that why i bought it :P
January 2, 201213 yr Aye, it's a good thing I had a cannon from a small Pirates set that I used. Normally, when the QAR is just sitting on the marble countertop cupboard that is it's resting area, the cannons are on alternating sides of the ship. Cannon 1=portside cannon 2=starboard and so on. I also got Scrum from White Cap Bay, along with rowboats, but what I really need is; 1 more hull piece More sails Some stairs A lot of brown and black platforms more bones more red and brown bricks more porthole flaps more CANNONS XD More crew members Then I could expand the QAR and make it more to scale,
January 2, 201213 yr Just use your imagination that there are more cannons. It looks like a lot of people will be having QAR projects, since I plan on making mine like the historical QAR, which I have the blueprints for. That last one is with the Redbeard Runner, correct? Wow, really shows how mighty the QAR is.
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