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x - Avalonians - love green, morning and spring; feather, leaf and water; arrow, elf and nature

x - Mitgardians - love white, evening and winter; beards, snow and rock; axe, dwarf and crafting

x - Nocturnians - love red, night and fall; horn, lava and fire; hammer, demon and power

x - Kaliphlins - love tan, day and summer; turban, sand and wind; sword, human and wealth

I like your description. But I think Kaliphlins are more attracted to the colour of blue since they like the water more than all the sand. And if the colour would be blue it would represent the crystal. .. ding ding ding! :classic:

We're not the human race. Kaliphlin is a mix of all of them.

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Mikel Fun little story. Though I'm disappointed that you didn't do a brick built spider ;(

Rasputin You don't need to have to do a Indiana Jones temple with a dragon.... it could be underwater, guarded by traps... I think there could be a lot of room to do something really creative....

Count Balthasar HEY!

I'm not a Sandlover. I just like sitting in it with a few drinks.

Mikel Oh another lovely micro... you should put up a guide on how to build such lovely creations :)

Drow Master Builder Lovely ... creature? great shot.

Ghi'natn is right! Kaliphlin is the most diverse of all the guilds out there!


Challenge Reminder - Contest closes in a few days.

While I can't win, I can play too!


I know last night I promised you a special story before bedtime. Tonight I'm going to tell you the story of Kathryn the Warrior Slave. Yes Stevphen, that Kathryn!

You see, many years ago before you were all delivered by the fire-storks your uncle Dextrus was a enslaved by Titum the Tauren.


Titum the Tauren had his own little slaving company: Titum's Little People and Gladiators Shoppe which specialized in ... well Little People and Gladiators. For you see, the little folk have great minds and could build the most incredible machinery. Plus they fit in really small places when they need cleaning.


He also peddled in Gladiator slaves - renting them out for various arenas in the southern areas. One day there was one special Gladiator that came along - Kathryn! She beat every other Gladiator they threw at her! You should have seen her in the fighting pits, she was a tactical master of the fighting stage. As I watched her fight, I realized that if there was any hope that me and my little friends were ever to break free from the slavery of Titum that we needed to team up!

Biding my time, I spent many nights construction a weapon of epic destructiveness....


Finally I had done it! I took the weapon and gave it to Kathryn, so that she may use it against the evil Titum.

"Excellent!" she said. "The deed will be done tomorrow - be ready then!"

I rushed back and squeezed through the bars of my cell and eagerly awaited till morning.

I awoke with a start - Screaming and commotion all around. I looked and saw, Titum was down!

Following the lead of my little friends, we bursted out and made our escape for freedom!


So with the help of Kathryn, we escaped and started a new lives.

I quickly rose through the ranks - and never forgetting my saviour I adopted Kathyrn as my sister - my slave sister for when we were slave siblings.

Oh yeah, and she fought a bear too.


That bear is so cute, it almost looks like they're cuddling! Nice story though, very cool to see the background of an emerging new character!

That bear is so cute, it almost looks like they're cuddling! Nice story though, very cool to see the background of an emerging new character!

I agree, Is he tickling her to death? That bear is deceptively cute.

Awesome story. Midterm week is killing my free time with grading, so I probably won't get a story down by the end of the weekend. But I really like the stories so far!

Mikel Fun little story. Though I'm disappointed that you didn't do a brick built spider ;(

Mikel Oh another lovely micro... you should put up a guide on how to build such lovely creations :)

I really wouldn't know where to begin with a guide on micro scene building but maybe if I get enough requests, I will. This was actually the second one I built on LDD, the first one which I had posted here before. After I finished the first one, I realized I could use the micro scene to quickly "sketch" myself a landscape for my MOC that will help me build the landscape in minifig scale later. And LDD has two benefits. 1. I don't have to search my unorganized stash for bricks and 2. I can also be laying in bed while I'm doing it too :laugh: (I wasn't feeling well but couldn't sleep)

I thought about doing a brick built spider but as Lego has come out with a few BBS themselves, I decided to use the molded spiders. And I am working on a brickbuilt monster for challenge 3 which this MOC is an intro to. But as I said before I was not satisfied with the cave MOC and I also realized that I had taken the tower off its base as I intended to change it a bit but in my hurry forgot about it. I hope to be able to upload new pictures of the tower before the deadline but for now here is my updated cave.



Angeli That creature is truly terrifying, winged death.

Mikel Your micro city and cave is looking great, could you add light grey to the cave to mix it up?

Si Lord Flagg, I remember as a child being told of your great story truly amazing. (I love the thought bubble style photos)

Here's a little something I whipped up, inspired by Skyrim I wanted to see what it was like in legos and probably incorporate it into my moc for C3


Here's a WIP shot of my entry for C3


I'd love some advice, I'm wondering what to put in the other corners, I have a few ideas, I could move the stairs into a corner and have a sand pile exit in the opposite corner but idk what to have in the other, any suggestions? perhaps incorporate the burial chambers into the scene and they could be the guardians? I was going to save it for a seperate scene maybe. Also, here's a minifig view of the shrine.

C&C please.

With such a fantastic prize on offer...let's get Kaliphlin back to the top of the leader-board after round 3! I know I will be entering...!

I agree with Basisliscus, we have a great collection of builders and storytellers in this guild, and I think this is one is ripe for the taking.

CptMugWash-that is looking very cool! I see the plant life surrounding the structure in the center, is that going to be an indoor location or outdoor with an open roof? I think that would help to come up with what is going in the corners, and whether or not to use the mausoleum in that or a seperate picture leading up to that location.

I also started my build for C3. I am going to have it be buried deep beneath the sands in the tunnels that lead from my last build The Ruins of Mägi Linnus. I have some guardians planned that are being brickbuilt and should be pretty cool if I can translate what I see in my head into brick properly!

Thanks Kayne, it's going to be an underground scene, the water crystal hidden in the depths of a ancient tomb, guarded by something? :sceptic:

The growth around is coming from the crystal, after all it is the water crystal, the 'party piece' will be the light up brick underneath the perpetual pool, the crystal itself floating on a small sprout of water. I was thinking my first scene would be a dig site, yes a bit Indiana Jones but I'll try and make it a bit different, second scene would be in the tomb, the group of soldiers fighting off the restless undead, third scene being the shrine and a seperate one showing another guardian, a possible tentacle monster, the perpetual pool being some kind of incubator and a possible final scene showing the succesful minifig in retrieving the crystal and leaving in one piece.

Can't wait to see your entry and everyone elses, it sounds cool, I would love to see some WIP shots and the guardians sound interesting. I always thought about some kind of Dwarvern automaton like Skyrims' but couldn't figure out how to do it without using technic/hero parts, might have to mess around with my gold pieces.

Does anyone else have some ideas for guardians?

There could be ghosts, skeletons, undead, mummies, tentacle monster, dragon, giant spider, giant scorpion, sand worm, something a bit different.

My plan is to have the party traveling through the tunnels of Mägi Linnus fighting off mummies along the way. Reach the crystal chamber with a sarcophogus in front of the crystal. An earth golem rises out of the cave to defend the crystal, after it is defeated the pieces crumble to the floor opening the sarcophogus and releasing the Lich Lord Sonuja Al Katma. He is the real guardian of the Water Crystal. My challenges so far are the articulation of the golem while still looking realistic, and the effect of rising in smoke and fire for the Lich Lord. Plus, he has to look cool enough to be scary, yet still be based off a minifig.

Mikel Your micro city and cave is looking great, could you add light grey to the cave to mix it up?

Good suggestion! I just have difficulty using multiple colors without making it look patchy but I have an idea that might work.

BTW your burial chambers are looking great!

Wow cool ideas and WIP pics, folks. Jeez, I haven't even begun to think about challenge 3 yet. Still recovering from challenge 2 I suppose.

BTW, my embassy was hit the other night by two 'earthquakes', registering 5.0 on the Kid Age scale (which is equivalent to > 9.0 on the Richter scale). They caused significant but structurally minor damage to the upper floors, but unfortunately, the cellar was completely destroyed, razed to the bedrock, and its pieces scattered over a large area. The two 'earthquakes' were severely reprimanded and made to clean up. Alone, earthquake number one would never do something like that, but put him together with his friends and all common sense goes out the window. (My wife reminds me that someone else was very similar when he was a kid...) Rebuilding on the cellar has started. Ugh. :angry:

I don't know if I'll be able to complete the myth mini-challenge on time. I've got the story totally nailed, and builds roughly planned, but haven't started building at all yet. Job and kids to blame as usual, plus the weather in NorCal has been so great these past few weeks, we've been outside a lot. Can't really complain about that. I'll get it built sometime and post it, but not likely by tomorrow night. Maybe I can build one of the planned vignettes and post it tomorrow so at least the story gets started.

I was thinking about taking all the myth pics and stories, and putting together a "Myths of Kaliphlin" photo book using a service like Blurb or Shutterfly. I was going to add some decorative elements to the pages, and borders around the pictures, plus a table of contents, and credit each of your characters. Would anyone else be interested in getting such a book? Usually they seem to end up in the USD $20-35 range. And let me know if any of you don't want your myth included.

Sounds great Kayne hope the golem turns out good :thumbup:


NM I'm sorry to hear about the disaster, I hope the inhabitants and locals are alright and everyone can be accounted for :tongue: I managed to come up with a story but no mocs yet, I do have an idea though which I'll have to put into bricks after challenge 3, I'll still do the mini myth regardless :classic:

I messed around with some gold parts and made this little fella, the Dwavern Sentry, protecting dwarven tunnel networks across historica.


Edited by CptMugwash

NM, My embassador already told me earthquakes in Mitgardia are not rare. I hope it will be rebuild quickly in it's former glory!

Cpt, nice creature!!

The Vote is now officially open Guildmsmen! Make sure you cast your ballot for the first even Mitgardian Prime Minister! ---> HERE

Question: Why is voting open to all members?

Answer: We want this to feel more like an election, if only Mitgardians voted there would be a dozen or so votes, and that could be a very underwhelming race. For the purposes of the election, all members can become Mitgardian citizens for a day, just as many of us take on a couple of characters in places like the war-games forum, and our multiple Historica adventures.

Wow, CptMugwash, that Dwarven Sentry is amazing! Some days ago, I was thinking about making similar sentry's for the challenge, but I couldn't make anything good so I ditched the idea. So, I really like your version there. Can't wait to see it in some kind of MOC :sweet: !

Dear friends of Kaliphlin,

have you ever wondered why the Lone Mountain is such a popular postcard motive?


I wrote a myth for our mini challenge and posted it in a separate thread: The Myth of Erezhi

I hope it's okay that I invented a background story for the Lone Mountain. I couldn't find/remember whether somebody else had already done so...

robuko: great myth and build!

Si-Mocs: ingenious idea of tell kids a story and show thought bubbles of them!

Mikel: very good idea to make a mini scale model to show the surroundings. Also, a scary story about spiders. I am sure the kids love to hear stories about catacombs full of spiders!


Abū Alī

Edited by Christoph

Abu Ali Great Myth! :thumbup:

Khorne Thanks, I thought these might have been more Mitgardian but figured there's mines all over historica, I may or may not do a moc featuring these, for C3 a handful would look great but I need more pieces and they don't really fit in with my story either. If anyone else wants to try and make one feel free.

Damaximus Cheers!

I made another because the other was lonely.



Your dwarven sentries are amazing!

I have decided that I should concentrate all my energy on Challenge 3, so I won't be posting anymore MOCs other than maybe progress updates of Lion's Bluff, A Backpackers Guide to the Greater Siccus Badlands, and continuation of Mikel Kalores' backstory. BTW I've been meaning to ask but it keeps slipping my mind.... Is it ok with everyone if I inlude your characters in Mikel Kalores backstory as he meets them?

Christoph - I like how you made your myth using limited bricks by using microfigs. Ingenious!:thumbup:

NiceMarmot - I'm not too sure if I would be interested in a hard copy, but I would love to see all the Kaliphlin myths put together in sort of an ebook format. I haven't done any research yet but I think there probably is somewhere to put it together online for free.

"Taming the Wyrm" - Mini Challenge entry:

I, Tashbaan, recently visited my niece and nephew in Barqa while pursuing some real-estate ventures (good pasture land is hard to come by these days with inflation and all the underwater properties from the speculation land market). As they often do, they asked about my travels, but when they quickly became bored with my adventures they demanded I tell them the legend of our noble Fathers, the ancient Wyrm-riders. So I began:

"It was when the waters that once covered our land were divided and the dry land appeared that the wyrms came. They were terrible beasts, many of them could swallow an entire caravan in one gaping mouthful. But soon, our Fathers began to understand the way of the wyrms, could identify their movements and signs. The people became less fearful - even the bravest nomads would travel the sands with their flocks and could lead them to safety on the rocks before a wyrm attacked. When our noble father Tish'rok dared to tame them, many of the community laughed him to scorn. But he was undaunted in his determination to conquer the creatures and saw a future when the wyrms could be used to cultivate the lands. On a bright, hot morning, he set out with his companions to an area known to be common to wyrm travel. He waited patiently with his blade and chain, supposing that he could wedge his blade between the hard scales of the wyrm and fashion a harness to ride it. Soon they felt the tell-tale rumble of a wyrm coming to the surface. Suddenly the wyrm burst forth from beneath a dune Tish'rok's companions were perched on, sending is father tumbling down the other side of the dune. In a single movement, Tish'rok bounded off the dune, scrambling up the mountain of sand cascading down from the wyrm. He even managed to wedge his blade into the beast, quickly wrapping his chain around it. With the blade embedded in it's back, the wyrm picked up speed and began to turn violently. Tish'rok tried to hang on, but, well. . . you know the rest of the story:



I made another because the other was lonely.

Skyrim :) First one even more ;)

And for the worm riders, great idea ;)

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Tonight is going to be good - I have all these wonderful story to tell my little minifigs :tongue:

I will create a voting thread tonight.

Though I know I said Kaliphlin votes only do we want to open it up to others like Mittgardia elections?

Kaliphlin and Democracy? I couldn't possibly picture that! :tongue:

Tonight is going to be good - I have all these wonderful story to tell my little minifigs :tongue:

I will create a voting thread tonight.

Though I know I said Kaliphlin votes only do we want to open it up to others like Mittgardia?

Considering 8 (I think) votes were coming from Kaliphlin, I think we don't need other Guildmembers :tongue:

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