Kayne Posted May 24, 2012 Posted May 24, 2012 I believe you may be on to something NiceMarmot! Challenge 4 could be interesting indeed...perhaps the drow are just making sure that the crystals did reach the High King safely. But I doubt it, must've been some money to be made by stealing them!
Derfel Cadarn Posted May 24, 2012 Posted May 24, 2012 The current skirmish with the Drow is down to the fact that they have pushed things a little to far. Posting a wanted poster of their own Nocturnus leader and therefore triggering a civil war in the land is not acceptable! Avalonia have also long been insulted by the Drow and we now have a reason to attack them. We want to help Nocturnus and stop their silly rebellion, that is all. We have nothing against Nocturnians, only the Drow, we will not just sit back and watch as our brothers to the east our attacked. So we will help them. We do not wish for Kaliphiln to get involved in this, war is a nasty business and it's best avoided. However, there seems to be no end to the Drow's ambitions and I would not be surprised if they eventually try to take control of other Guilds. So just be prepared! On a different note, GOH will always continue to run. The current story arc will run through to challenge 6, which will be the final challenge and end that particular story. We will then take a break from GOH, leaving lots of time for free builds and for you guys to write your own stories and build your lands. Then we will eventually come back to GOH and run a new story with new challenges, this way we can come back after a long break and things will all be fresh again. If we were to just keep rolling out challenge after challenge people would eventually all get sick and tired of it all. So it's best to finish a main story and then leave it for a while, so when we do come back with a new story everything will feel fresh and new again. Don't forget that you can always keep building free builds and running your own story's.
purpleparadox Posted May 24, 2012 Posted May 24, 2012 I'll be ready to fight for our Nocturnian brothers! The Drow are pests that must be exterminated! They don't know what they've got coming for them. Good to hear GoH has no ending. I'm wondering if Challenge 4 has to do with the Drow...
Kayne Posted May 24, 2012 Posted May 24, 2012 <off topic> I just finished putting together Helm's Deep.....what a great set! The piece assortment is fantastic, and the figs are top notch! I am glad I waited and ordered from Target.com though, because the Toys R Us price was 159 vs. 129 at Target!
purpleparadox Posted May 25, 2012 Posted May 25, 2012 (edited) Here's a sneak peek to go with the story of my next free build: Now, a couple disclaimers: -That's NOT part of what I'm building, it's something small I built to go with the story I'm writing for the free build. -Those aren't necessarily Drow, but they might be. I'm not sure yet. Edited May 27, 2012 by purpleparadox
Maxim I Posted May 25, 2012 Posted May 25, 2012 grrr, why are those dark times happening a 4 days before my exams??? No seriously, I agree with NiceMarmot. The Drow are certainly a very good tradepartner. They never looked for trouble in Mpya Stedor and I got even a few Drow mercenaries in my army! So I am sorry Avalonia, but my army will not help you! What is maybe not so surprising for those who read the stories of Mpya Stedor I posted a while ago But I have to admit that I don't support every Drow activity. As long as they stay out of Kaliphlin, I forgive them
Mike S Posted May 25, 2012 Posted May 25, 2012 As SoT has said, the Drow are not a real threat. Sure they talk smack but it is Drow personality to be hyperactive and honestly I'm surprised that they have not started something in Nocturnus a long time ago. As an old saying goes, idle hands is the devils workshop, or something like that... There are a good many Drow in Barqa and I get worried citizens always coming to me about Drow saying they are going to conquer Barqa one day. I am not worried in the least for 2 reasons: 1. There are simply not enough Drow remaining in Historica to actually be a threat. 2. I know a bit more about the goings on of the drow than probably most others in Historica. The drow are no longer a united force as they were thousands of years ago but are divided into small factions. And I must also give the drow credit for helping me in my exploration of the Siccus Badlands. If I had to chose one companion to accompany me on my adventures, it would probably be a drow. I will soon enlighten you, my fellow guildmates of Kaliphlin on my latest discovery in the Dune Sea. It is Drow related... Perhaps some of you remember the painting of the drider I shared with you a while back? The first lead didn't pan out and the cave was a dead end but this time I am sure I have found something that will lead me into more knowledge of such a being.
Maxim I Posted May 25, 2012 Posted May 25, 2012 As SoT has said, the Drow are not a real threat. Sure they talk smack but it is Drow personality to be hyperactive and honestly I'm surprised that they have not started something in Nocturnus a long time ago. As an old saying goes, idle hands is the devils workshop, or something like that... There are a good many Drow in Barqa and I get worried citizens always coming to me about Drow saying they are going to conquer Barqa one day. I am not worried in the least for 2 reasons: 1. There are simply not enough Drow remaining in Historica to actually be a threat. 2. I know a bit more about the goings on of the drow than probably most others in Historica. The drow are no longer a united force as they were thousands of years ago but are divided into small factions. And I must also give the drow credit for helping me in my exploration of the Siccus Badlands. If I had to chose one companion to accompany me on my adventures, it would probably be a drow. I will soon enlighten you, my fellow guildmates of Kaliphlin on my latest discovery in the Dune Sea. It is Drow related... Perhaps some of you remember the painting of the drider I shared with you a while back? The first lead didn't pan out and the cave was a dead end but this time I am sure I have found something that will lead me into more knowledge of such a being. Like you said, they don't hide their ambitions But we Kaliphlins are indeed safe as the Drow would lose too much if they conquer Kaliphlin. They need us to much for trading And thanks to the desert, only idiots will try to siege our cities I am looking forward to monday as SoT promised us to show a prelude of the future!
Basiliscus Posted May 25, 2012 Posted May 25, 2012 Seems like there is a lot happening at the moment! I am taking a small break from GoH until challenge 4 in announced, I have a few other things I would like to build, but I will still keep up to date with the situation! However, I am holiday next week so it might be a couple of weeks before I am back on-line, good luck in the contest results everyone!
Mike S Posted May 25, 2012 Posted May 25, 2012 Preview of the free build I've been working on- Black Pyramid
gedren_y Posted May 25, 2012 Posted May 25, 2012 (edited) The Clans of the Nestlands formally announce their alleigance to Dextrus Flagg and the Kaliphlin Guild. Where, what and who, you ask? Where: see map: Map of Nestlands by gedren_y, on Flickr What and who: read story: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is an ancient tale in the lands of Peregrinus of a fair skinned people that landed on the beaches of the mainland, and then disappeared into the mountain lands beyond. There was never any contact between the people of Peregrinus and these settlers, and most believed they simply perrished in the unforgiving landscape. Over the centuries, though, stories cropped up about fair folk in the mountains, or of a painted city rich in metals and fine cloth. Since most came from traders that traveled the land route from Qarkyr, they were dismissed as misidentifications, or embellishments, of the local Mountain Mummies. As the port of Berigora and the Peregrinus fleet grew, the land route for traders fell out of use. The often fantastical stories ceased to be told by outland traders, but were still told in taverns and to little children at bedtime; with even more embellishments. So the tale of the fair folk be came legend; one not truly believed by any citizen of Peregrinus today. They have just now found that some of those fantastical tales were grounded in fact. The fair folk have made contact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I was ready and waiting when the man in the Petraea Guard livery approached in a horse-drawn cart. CV Entrance 01a Greeting by gedren_y, on Flickr CV Entrance 01b Greeting by gedren_y, on Flickr "Halo and welcome, good representative of the powerful Dextrus Flagg to Cobalt Vale, the center city of the Nestlands; sacred space of the Clans of the Armored Eagle Goddess," I parroted my prepared lines with as much emotion and little accent as I could manage, "I am Sdair Zuuree, Guardsman to the new Minister of External Affairs. Please, follow me." CV Entrance Sdair Zuuree by gedren_y, on Flickr (Sdair Zuuree = gedren_y) I turned, and then relaxed some as the guest removed his blades, climbed down and followed. Seeing my relaxation eased some of the tension of the city guards, but they were startled when the horse decided to follow the driver. "I and my kin be proud to be Kaliphlin," I told them in my own accent, "I will be escortin' the Minister on his official travels. 'Tis a very excitin' time for us here." The soldier grunted, looking about. "You'll 'ave met one of my kin already," I continued with an jovial tone, "Durgen Abirneend, my mother's brother, is the messenger we sent with our Declaration of Alleigance. The man loves his drink, so, I 'spect him to be fair pickled when he finally makes it home." "Welcome, welcome to the messenger from Petraea! I am Aturl Prndrn, Minister of External Affairs for the Nestlands Clans. And your name, sir?" exclaimed our new Minister in his best public speaking voice. "I am Captain Ahmnatt Sanib, Officer of the Court," the visitor replied, "I am here to finalize the Nestlands Clans acceptance into the Kaliphlin Guild." With that speach finished he removed an ornate guild standard from his cart and placed it in an open stanchion the Minister had prepared. With that duty done he removed his helm and gathered two large scrolls from his cart. "I have two scrolls requiring both our signitures. You as representative of the Nestlands Clans, and I as witness. One scroll will remain here and one I will return to Petraea for the court records." "Yes, yes, yes. We will get to official business in due time," the Minister dismissed with a wave, "But for now let me share with you some things about our people and our home. I am thinking that the great leaders in Petraea would like you to report as much as you can about us, correct?" The captain nodded. "Good then, please come inside," Aturl invited with rellish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The captain was seated in the office of the newly appointed Minister, and the polite offers of refreshments deffered until later. Aturl breathed deeply, as was his habbit to do when preparing for a long speach. I groaned and leaned against the wall, knowing I would be here quite a while. "We the people of The Armored Eagle Clans emigrated millennia ago from the lands that today are Mitgardia," the Minister began our people's tale, "In those early times we were persecuted for our worship of the Armored Eagle Goddess by a great many succession of Lion Kings. The great voyage to our current home was couched in the idea of finding the fabled Nest of Metals, where it was believed our Goddess would return to the world in a great egg. The practical reality was we were being driven from our ancestral lands by the ever-expanding reach of the oppressive Lords." The captain looked at his tunic with a frown. "No need to worry about your emblem," I told him "The old hatred's long gone now." "Throughout our history here," Aturl continued, "We have attempted to keep ourselves apart from the native peoples, but over the centuries new ideas, architecture, technology and language have filtered their way in. First from quiet pacts with the Mountain Mummies, and then later with our own secret traders. More on that later." I had to chuckle at that. "While many still consider our current home sacred lands, most do not believe in the literal return of our Goddess." I coughed to remind him of my beliefs. "Oh, I guess Sdair still does," then he quickly returned to his topic, "We modern hill peoples now consider ourselves Kaliphlin hill people. This and the recent cooperative quests we've witnessed have spurred the clans to cast off centuries of hiding. Now we are formally announcing our allegiance to the Guild Leader Dextrus Flagg, while still holding on to our heritage." "The drow threat sorta forced us," I broke in, "The drow like rocks more than desert." For that I got a glare. "You'll notice much of our clothing still retains the forms of our ancestors, but not their weight," he kept on with his planned remarks, " Our accents, pronunciation and even the odd 'old word' may seem strange, and many have skin lighter than most. Despite our differences, we hope to be trusted companions in this new age of cooperation." "Some o' the older clan members are a bit wary o' outsiders." I interjected, and recieved an even more stern look. "How about we discuss the hills of the Nestlands?" the Minister quickly changed the subject. "Please do," the captain replied pulling the feather out of his helm and a folded bit of parchment from inside it. "All our hills are rich in iron and semi-precious materials: pyrite (fool’s gold), pewter (with varying degrees of copper/tin mix), a white metal the locals call khuweipp and cobalt. Blue pigments made from this cobalt (some lightened with khuweipp) and weapons made from our metals can be found nearly everywhere in the Siccus Badlands," he boasted, "Most wouldn't know that they came from here due to the fact that, until recently, all clan traders went out in disguise, most in the guise of our neighbors the Mountain Mummies. The reason I speak with so little accent is I was one of those traders. My good friend Namses Setesh saw my disguise as a fun joke on our customers." "You are familiar with their culture?" the captain asked excitedly, "Can you..." "No!" the minister replied firmly, "They kept our confidence until we decided to reveal ourselves. We can do no less for them." "Understandable," he replied with resignation while making notes. "My home hill is Nod Nol," Aturl said whistfully, "It is the smallest of our hills, but the one best suited for raising the little livestock that we keep." "Kine and sheep mostly," I explained. "Dub Nohl, Sdair's clan hill?" I nodded, and he continued, "Is the southern-most hill and has the darkest stone in the region. Ghuin Nol is the northern-most and highest hill and has the lightest stone. On a clear day the High Guard, Ghuin Nol's elite soldiers, can see the causeway of Peregrinus from the Skywatch Perch near the sumit. That is how we were able to prepare our welcome for you so quickly." "They spotted you more than a day out," said with a smile. "Vesw Nol is our western-most hill," Aturl droned on, "and it is where most of our metal ores are processed. It is possible that the metal for your helm and swords was smelted there." The captain tapped his helm and gave a shrug. "Edst Nol is the wide double-hill in the other direction," the Minister said with a sweeping gesture towards a curtained window, "It is where most of our clothing and pigments are produced. Where we stand now, as you know, is Cobalt Vale. It is the religious, cultural and commercial center. All traders that leave the Nestlands are based here. I'm thinking I should treat you before you leave to a nice cape." "Tell 'im the rest, Minister," I grumbled, "Not just the good." "You'll have noticed some green among the hills," Aturl said with a careful softening of his tone, "There is water here, but it comes from mineral springs with such a high metal content that all water for drinking, washing and gardening has to be distilled. Plants grown in the natural waters, though edible by the local animals, when eaten raw are indigestible to people and are often poisonous. Food preparation is taken very seriously by the hill peoples." "Don't offer to cook for a clansman," I huffed, "You'll get laughed at, and probably called 'bird food'." "Never ask what the meat is in a dish you are served," the Minister cautioned, "because you are likely to be told the truth. Usually it's mountain ram or mountain cat, but occasionally you'll be served monitor lizard. A common food you may want to avoid is a local derivation of haggis, made from the organs of said monitor lizard, boiled date roots and a weed-like plant that has been steeped in mead, wrapped in the lizard's skin and baked." "Naw," I drawled, "My mother's 'zard bag ain't that bad." "Despite our new announcement of alleigance," Aturl returned to his cautions, "I would discourage visitors from traveling alone away from Cobalt Vale. The clans have a long tradition of hostage taking. There is no need to worry about mistreatment since hostages are treated as honored guests, but you must stay until the ransom is paid or until a year and a day have passed, and the food may not always agree with you." "That's mostly the Vesw Nol clans," I grumbled, "Dub Nol doesn't do that anymore." "If you do travel our lands," he rejoined, breaking off my rant, "You may note that we have no cemeteries. We still adhere to ancient tradition by feeding the bodies of the dead to birds. Usually the giant vultures that most Kaliphlins avoid. This is important to us, so if you find one of our clan-members dead, please do not bury us." "No burial. Important" he murmured, continuing to make notes. "Some things you must be aware of concerning our laws are that theft, murder and the killing of birds will not be tollerated in the Nestlands," the Minister said more pointedly, "Even minor theft of food can make someone a 'guest' of the city for a year and a day. If you are hungry, but have no coin, do not let pride keep you from asking." "There is always plenty of food," I said proudly, "Good people share when there is plenty." The captain smiled at that. "Murder," the Minister returned forcefully, "carries the sentence of life and afterlife servitude to the clan the offender has taken from." Our visitor opened his eyes wide at that, but continued with his notes. "The killing of a bird comes with harsher punishment," warned Aturl at his darkest, "As they are holy symbols here. The killing of a non-eagle bird, other than the giant vulture, is punishable by the removal of flesh equal in weight to the dead bird. The killing of eagles is a death sentence. The killing of a giant vulture is permissible in self-defence, but a sport killing has the same sentence as an eagle killing." "Hap na scraddig graah!" came a cry from the street. "Sdair, will you please open the side door for Sesi?" the Minister requested, "She is probably overburdened with food for tonight's feast." I did so as quickly as I could, but by the time I returned, the scrolls were signed and they were having what smelled like shwipper spirits. I don't drink alcohol, so I stood outside the door until I was relieved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So that is the tale as it exists so far. Edited with new photos. Some are still not what I wanted, but I have to dismantle it now. More photos of this build can be found here. I invite any guildmember to build their vision of life in the Nestlands. I just ask that you keep your builds consistant with the culture and landscape, and the locals should speak with an accent simmilar to American Hillbilly. Build with whatever colors you like as the Nestlands have plenty of paint. I hope you enjoy this addition to the Kaliphlin Guild. gedren_y PS: I am planning more vingettes from this story, so keep a watch for them. Oh, and can anyone spot the Red Dwarf reference? Edited January 10, 2013 by gedren_y
Rogue Angel Posted May 25, 2012 Posted May 25, 2012 Preview of the free build I've been working on- Black Pyramid Might you be the reason that double concave (I think) black slopes are at such a premium on BL right now? I had to revert to a gray roof for my current build instead. Ah well, I am envious...
robuko Posted May 26, 2012 Posted May 26, 2012 Sdair Zuree, welcome to the guild! Grab a mead and let's swap stories of the bird gods - we hear that Rocs still live in the Easten islands. The Petraea Geeral Trading Compay may well be able to help with distribution of your produce, and contribute to the prosperity of your towns. Mikel, whoooooah! Love the sand dunes, this is going to be special. With regards to the current unpleasantness in Nocturus, we were sorry to hear of the civil war amongst the Drow, which has now spread to all Nocturnus and beyond. We enjoyed good relations with Valsharess and we mourn her passing. The PGTC remains ready buyers for cash of grains, timber, metals and other basic commodities in large size. purpleparadox, intriguing start! @NiceMarmot, my tag is a train tag that I was lucky enough to be awarded in a contest. If you find any more of those palm fronds, you have a ready trading partner in the PGTC (Hong Kong) branch!
Mike S Posted May 26, 2012 Posted May 26, 2012 Welcome to Kaliphlin! or should I say glad to finally make your acquaintance? Nice backstory! Just an added thought here, I noticed Avalonia is putting character profiles on their front page. I think it would be cool if we did the same. We have a few on the wiki but not everyone participated in that venture so it might be better if Sci-MOCs adds members profiles to the front page here. I have a hard time sometimes remembering character names especially the really long ones so it would be very helpful for me to be able to go to one place and check whos who and where they are from. I could go and make myself a list but haven't really had the time lately... Might you be the reason that double concave (I think) black slopes are at such a premium on BL right now? I had to revert to a gray roof for my current build instead. Ah well, I am envious... It's not because of me... I had gotten these a year ago for my castle but since I joined Eurobricks I came up with a better roof design so was trying to think of another use for these pieces. I thought about reselling them but want to wait until I'm "finished" building before I start cleaning up my collection.
Angeli Posted May 26, 2012 Posted May 26, 2012 (edited) 1. There are simply not enough Drow remaining in Historica to actually be a threat. 2. I know a bit more about the goings on of the drow than probably most others in Historica. The drow are no longer a united force as they were thousands of years ago but are divided into small factions. I have actually made something for this, with pictures and story and everuthing, but darn, I am at work right now, and internet at my home is working funny (i.e. not work at all) I will however post that something in monday, and all those two reasons are going to fail :) Edit: btw, I LOVE your black pyramide :) Edited May 26, 2012 by Angeli
Si-MOCs Posted May 26, 2012 Author Posted May 26, 2012 Sdair Zuree Welcome to our fair guild. We have the finest of ales for you, including a fine selection of hillbilly-ale I look forward to sampling some of your colourful wares! Mikel That looks fantastic! I was wondering when someone would build a pyramid... (I started one, but didn't pan out well). And in true Kaliphlin fashion, totally not what I was expecting :) Just an added thought here, I noticed Avalonia is putting character profiles on their front page. I think it would be cool if we did the same. We have a few on the wiki but not everyone participated in that venture so it might be better if Sci-MOCs adds members profiles to the front page here. I have a hard time sometimes remembering character names especially the really long ones so it would be very helpful for me to be able to go to one place and check whos who and where they are from. I could go and make myself a list but haven't really had the time lately... Didn't Avalonina steal that from us? Every single member is listed on the front page, linked to their profile (intro post).
Mike S Posted May 26, 2012 Posted May 26, 2012 I have actually made something for this, with pictures and story and everuthing, but darn, I am at work right now, and internet at my home is working funny (i.e. not work at all) I will however post that something in monday, and all those two reasons are going to fail :) tsk, tsk, I think the only thing that I will end up conceding is that the Drow are even more divided than I first thought- seems there might be more than one race of Drows... same thing here... at work and no working internet at home. But I also have Drow pictures coming... full face and ears included Didn't Avalonina steal that from us? Every single member is listed on the front page, linked to their profile (intro post). BUT THERE AREN'T ANY PROFILE PICTURES ON THE FRONT PAGE! Seriously though, thats the second time I've missed something and posted. Maybe I'm part Drow- too hyperactive. I tend to only scan everything I read and so I do tend to miss quite a bit...
gedren_y Posted May 26, 2012 Posted May 26, 2012 Sdair Zuree Welcome to our fair guild. We have the finest of ales for you, including a fine selection of hillbilly-ale Thank you, but Sdair Zuuree (two U's) does not drink alcohol. His uncle, Durgen Abirneend, has availed himself of Petraean hospitality though, since he is the one carried the innitial offer of alleigance. He has yet to return. I'll begin work on his drunken speach as soon as I get better pics of the current build. The Cobalt Vale city wall used up most of my tan, dark tan and dark orange pieces.
Gabe Posted May 27, 2012 Posted May 27, 2012 (edited) Preview of the free build I've been working on- Black Pyramid <snip> Looking good there Mikel! I agree with robuko, the sand dunes look great. I like the shinyness of the balcony as well, looks very sinister... The Clans of the Nestlands formally announce their alleigance to Dextrus Flagg and the Kaliphlin Guild. <snip> I hope you enjoy this addition to the Kaliphlin Guild. gedren_y PS: I am planning more vingettes from this story, so keep a watch for them. Oh, and can anyone spot the Red Dwarf reference? Aha - the stories are true then! What a wonderful surprise, to find that we have old neighbours that we'd never known before! With your permission, i shall send emissaries of our own also, to formally welcome your clansmen into our guild and to assure you that should the Drow ever trouble your lands, Peregrinian forces will march to assist you in throwing them back. If you don't mind, i'd also like to send our court herbologist, to study some of your hardy mountain plants and learn what plant-lore you have. Please, do not feel the need to disguise yourself any longer when you visit us - your kinsmen are ours also and very welcome in Peregrinus. Raptors are also sacred to our people, so perhaps we share more of a common ancestry that we suspect. (ps. Great backstory! I look forward to seeing and finding out more about the Nestlands. ) Edited May 27, 2012 by gabe
purpleparadox Posted May 27, 2012 Posted May 27, 2012 A prologue for my next story is up. Meet at the cottage Let me know what you think!
Maxim I Posted May 28, 2012 Posted May 28, 2012 (edited) Kaliphlin Times: 28/05 Avalonian Warmoning by Menshe Idisra Ar, Professor Sociology at the Mpya Stedor University and the Free University of Petraea Still, it is frightening how fast Avalonia declared the War to fight in Nocturnus after the Drow declared their Rebellion... I mean, if I remember right, we already got those rebellions in the past: - The rise of the mage (directed by SoT) - main goal: to rule all-over Historica by sieging Cedrica - Defenders of Old Order: only the Royal Knights and Mitgardian Soldiers as the Rebels are active in their region - The Rebelion in Avalonia (directed by ???) - The only thing I remembered of this story is a guy who had to kill a Drow (which was captured and defendless by the way) and ran away ..... - The Rebelion in Mitgardia (directed by ???) - Also here I don't remember everything, just that a Mitgardian made a MOC where he explains his rebellion - Also here no other Guild declared war against the rebels - The Rebelion in Kaliphlin where Dextrus Flagg became the new leader. As far as I know, this was also a Guild-related thing without any other Guild helping one of both sides... - The Rebelion in Avalonia where Artorius Rex became the new leader. Also no signs of interfering from other Regions... - ... So to make a long story short: "Why does Avalonia declares war the moment the Drow started a rebellion?". They have absolute no interests in Nocturnus unlike Mitgardia (playground for Nocturnian creatures) and Kaliphlin (traders). They hate Nocturnus even without the Drow as they are the total opposite of eachother. Of course you can defend Avalonia by saying : * "The Drow are a threat to Historica the moment they have the power in Nocturnus". I will not question that, but then you have to think by yourself: what is the difference between now and then? ===> Nothing. By conquering Nocturnus, the Drow will be as powerful as now. They only spare their alliances they have now. They don't trust people who first fought against them and then offered their allegiance... * "The Drow have provoked Avalonia to much" Again this is true. BUT, not only the Drow... Many Nocturnians and even Kaliphlins and Mitgardians have mocked with Avalonian stereotypes in the past. I can even add that the Drow never hurt an Avalonian in the past! Unlike the fact that Drow were chased, tortured and killed by the Avalonians!! * "The Drow are spying non-stop" That's just racism... There are even more Drow in Kaliphlin as in Avalonia and Mitgardia together! But here we accept them as who they are and we trade with them. In Mitgardia and Avalonia, they think about them as spies and they chase them the moment they are seen. If they were white or yellow, no one would ever notice them! You know some cities have more spies than the drow? But nobody knows they are spies as they can easily pretend to be a foreigner visiting the country... So the Question we can ask ourself in these changing times: what are the plans of Avalonia? Do they want to conquer all of Nocturnus pretending to fight only the Drow? Or are the men just afraid of their wife at home and are they just seeking distraction? note: The opinion of Menshe Isra Ar is not necessarily the one of "The Kaliphlin Times", The F.U.P. or the M.S.U. Edited May 28, 2012 by DaMaximus
Derfel Cadarn Posted May 28, 2012 Posted May 28, 2012 Think what you will of Avalonia, we are just doing what's right and standing up for the people of Historica. We do not want war, we don't want to lose good soldiers but if Nocturnus needs our help we will fight along side the men of Nocturnus. We have an army camped on the Nocturnus borders and we await orders from Nocturnus. If they need us we will be there for them. The same goes for every other Land, we will always be there to help out if you are in danger, that we promise. You all may mock and think we are warmongers but when it comes to the crunch and lands of Historica are threatened, we will be the ones who will be the first there to lay down their lives to defend it! It's true we do enjoy battle, you can't fight a battle half hearted, you need to be focused and my warriors are the best at what we do! So frown on Avalonia all you want, but when you are in trouble, remember its us who will always be there to watch your backs! REX
gedren_y Posted May 28, 2012 Posted May 28, 2012 I've just edited my innitial post with 2nd round photos. I'll now be making a larger thread for the build.
gedren_y Posted May 29, 2012 Posted May 29, 2012 Sorry for the second post, but I had to share this. Inspiration struck, but I don't have all the parts. Maybe another Kaliphlin guildmember can use this. Kaliphlin Wall Ext. by gedren_y, on Flickr Kaliphlin Wall Int. by gedren_y, on Flickr I bid you good building.
Maxim I Posted May 29, 2012 Posted May 29, 2012 Sorry for the second post, but I had to share this. Inspiration struck, but I don't have all the parts. Maybe another Kaliphlin guildmember can use this. Kaliphlin Wall Ext. by gedren_y, on Flickr Kaliphlin Wall Int. by gedren_y, on Flickr I bid you good building. Hmm, nice! I think I will try this out for one of the noblemen residences in Mpya Stedor! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In other news: Dear brothers and sisters of Kaliphlin, our great Guild has a new outpost, almost impossible to conquer: ==> The Ruins of Everlast <== (click link to see the topic) I know ruins doesn't sound like a very thrustworthy fortress, but the maingate is almost completely intact and it is the only way to enter Everlast. Don't forget the myths! Ji'fall besieged this fortress for years before he it fell! Siegeweapons simply can not be transported in the Rakathmountains Well, now it's home to the Intelligence Agency of Mpya Stedor. Also, in the future, I will put my version of Challenge 3 in it (as freebuild) and probably I will use the topic to write more stories about the I.A.M.S. The first story is already full of intriges by the way...
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