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Since the beginning of Heroica RPG, the rules have stated that players should include their hero statistics into their signature. This has caused some problems along the way, but now it is about to change. Darkdragon and Peppermint_M came up with a suggestion to have everyone post their character information into one topic dedicated only to stats. And this topic is it! No more overly long signatures because of this game, no more searching players' profiles for the information, no more messing around with footnotes.

This topic is meant as a tool for players and Quest Masters alike. All vital information under one header, which can be easily searched and updated. But please, use this topic only for your character statistics. Biographies and play history and reputations etc. should remain in your profile page.

Please post your character information to this topic in this exact format (note the changes to the old format):

Name (Player Name)
Age Gender Race Class
Level *Permanent effects*
Power: 0 (Level + weapon power + artefact boosts + permanent boosts)
Defense: 0 (Shield power + artefact boosts + permanent boosts)
Health: 0/0 (Basic health + level bonus + class bonus + artefact boosts + permanent boosts)
Ether: 0/0 (Basic ether + level bonus + class bonus + artefact boosts + permanent boosts)
Gold: 0
(Main weapon + main shield + equipped artefacts as limited by level, category and suitability)
(Other weapons + other shields + other artefacts + gems + scrolls + consumables + tools + other items)

For the sake of clarity, this is the format that should be used in all quests for all characters. You can remove the lines that don't concern you (e.g. defense or ether) or add information if it's crucial to your gameplay (e.g. list of spirits for Evokers), but otherwise, please stick to this format. If you are still unsure how the statistics should look, please look at my character information for an example.

After you've posted your information, please post a direct link to it to your signature. To get the link address, click on the number on the upper right corner of your post (marked with a #).

List of Hero Statistics:
Actaeon Artus (Actaeon)
Addok-Zo Obbex (Goliath)
Alexander Vandangant (Wedge 09)
Alexandre le Chevalier (Capt.JohnPaul)
Alexis Fenral (Masked Builder)
Althior Emorith (K-Nut)
Annienal Anavir (Kintobor)
Arthur Justus Regulus VII (Flipz)
Atramor Gibbin (CallMePie)
Avalanche (Dragonfire)
Bartholomew Docken (Brickdoctor)
Blizzard (Rider Raider)
Bobby "Young" Bucks Jr. (Zepher)
Boris Bruhalv (Waterbrick Down)
Calamity (Scubacarrot)
Cedric (wiz)
Cinna the Dark (Darkdragon)
Cree (Pedguin)
Darksten (Comrade Commander)
The Demon Germ (samuraiturtle)
Dyric Rone (The Legonater)
Ellaria Arbour (Sandy)
En Sabah Nur (Jebediahs)
Eric (Khorne)
Erik Tyrvarr (Myrddyn)
Ezeran Yanarr (MysticModulus)
Grimwald Gjinko (LordoftheNoobs)
Guts Holla (Scubacarrot)
Heckz Brutenhal (Cutcobra)
Hoke Ablesword (UsernameMDM)
Hunkan Silvertoss (BountyBeast)
Hybros (JimBee)
Jeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554)
Jess Islanti (Sisco)
Jinnipher Buchaire (JimButcher)
Johon (Bricksandparts)
Jon "Sarge" McEncy (Skyrimguy)
Karie Alderflask (Kintobor)
Karl (bionicle_fanatic)
Keliim the Cruel (Mencot)
Kheyli (K-Nut)
Kid Reddson (dum)
Kiray Nastayo (KingoftheZempk)
Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher)
Leofwein Twynam (Capt.JohnPaul)
Lind Whisperer (Lind Whisperer)
Matthias (nstickney)
Miderun (CallMePie)
Monk Pretzel (Palathadric)
Mortimer "Em" Mahzan (emjajoas)
Na'im Thamir (Enceladus)
Nalguz the Infinite (Robert10ant)
Namyrra Uq (Quarryman)
Nerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight)
Petaldan Parfenius (Palathadric)
Purpearl Berthadhiell (Purpearljellyblob)
Quintessa of Heartland (Sandy)
Siercon (Siercon and Coral)
Skrall (Waterbrick Down)
Sorrow (Endgame)
Sylph Solanum (Dannylonglegs)
Terry Yelnats (Endgame)
Tesni Hightribe (Peppermint_M)
Thalion Dwinlas (-obelix-)
Thormanil Nihai (swils)
Throlar Wineghilm (Lord Duvors)
Torald Waruelf (Alfadas)
Vindsval Half-born (Asphalt)
Warlen Melimane (The Chosen Minifigure)
William Harkenshire (Fred Daniel Yam)
Zannaqim (Flipz)

ava-jess.jpgJess Islanti (Sisco)

74 year old female Elf Assassin

Level 20.66 *Immune to Weakened Effect*

Power: 38 (+4) (19+14+2+2)

Health: 31/31(+1) (7+18+5+1)

Gold: 201

Equipment: Blohdhurm (WP: 14)(Fire elemental, Permanently Poisoned), Pugilist's Gloves (+2 to Power, immune to the Weakened Effect), Medal of Glory (Artefact/Accessory - Mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles)

Inventory:2 Venoms, 3 Meads, 2 Grand Potions, Dragonfire Stew (Grants the consumer the encouraged and inspired effects for the duration of one battle), Mulled Wine, 13 Potions, 11 Remedies, 4 Phoenix Essences, 5 Flame-Distilled Brandy

gallery_11254_206_11357.png Bartholomew Docken, Dragonslayer (Brickdoctor)

34-year-old human male, Mime

Level 51.6 *Gains Triple XP* *Takes Halved Damage from Free Hits* *Restoration* *Scary* *Nimble* *Immune to Defense Reduction, Removal of Positive Effects, Confused, Blinded, Poison, Fragile, Fire, Earth, and Wind* *Counterstriking*

Power: 71 (Level 51 + WP: 10 + artifact bonus: 10) (Power Bonus: 0)

Defense: 28 (SP: 20 + SP: 3 + SP: 5)

Health: 97/97 (base HP: 6 + Level bonus: 50 + Class bonus: 20 + permanent boost: 21*)

Ether: 60/60 (Level bonus: 50 + Class bonus: 10)

Gold: 314 (1 Gold loaned to Lord Lawrence Boomingham [Zepher])

GP: 27

Equipment: Darksteel Crossbow (WP: 10; inflicts the Blinded-effect; Crossbow), Mythril Shield (SP: 20; Shield), Dread Hat (permanent Scary effect; immune to Defense Reduction, Removal of Positive Effects, Confusion, Blindness, Poison, Fragile, Fire, Earth, and Wind; suitable for anyone; Headwear), Mail of the Renegade Commander (SP: 3; Damage of all Free Hits is halved; suitable for anyone; Bodywear), Medal of Glory (Mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles; suitable for anyone; Accessory), Counterstrike Gloves (After the wearer is struck by a Free Hit, he counters with strength equal to his Level; suitable for anyone; Handwear), Cloak of Extravagance (SP: 5; WP +10; permanent Nimble effect; suitable for Mimes; Backwear), Barbarian's Boots (changes “Natural Respite” job trait into “Restoration”, restoring full Health after every battle; suitable for Barbarians, Chi Monks, Beast Warriors and Winged Warriors; Footwear)


• Iris Shield (SP: 15; reflects physical Damage back to the attacker regardless of Row or Defense, if the user survives the attack.), Pan (WP: 1; +1 Max HP; suitable for all classes), Fishstick (WP: 7; deals double Damage on ships; club), Skirmisher's Shield (SP: 10; Shield), Composite Bow (WP: 11; ignores Defense; Longbow), Butcher's Cleaver (WP: 3; Throwing Weapon, inflicts Bleeding-5)

• Large Water Canteen (Carries 6 portions of water; Accessory), Aqua Gear (Adds Water-element to physical attacks, immune to Water, Accessory), Cobweb Cowl (immune to Sudden Death; suitable for anyone; Backwear)

• Potions (4), Diluted Arc Potion, Grand Potions (9), Health Cores (3), Grand Tonic, Remedies (10), Phoenix Essences (3), Phoenix Incense, Mead, Smelling Salts, Feathers of Lithe (2), Feather of White, Smoke Bombs (5), Water Bombs (5), Lightning Bombs (5), Doomsday Bomb (99 damage to all enemies), Bones (11), Venom (5), Deadly Venom, Inkwell (causes a weapon to deal the Blinded-effect for one battle), Skeleton Decoy, Teleportapple, Adamantite Shards (3/4 Adamantite), Writ of Blacksmith Service

• Bedroll, Shovel, Magnifying Glass

*+1 from a Healthy Apple (Quest 1), +5 from a Magic Chicken Drumstick (Quest 14), +10 from 2 Raw Meats (Unlimited Quest), +2 from 2 Tinyshrooms (Quest 72), +1 from a Chicken Drumstick (Unlimited Quest), +2 from 2 Healthy Apples (Quest 118)

  • Author

ava-ellaria5.jpgEllaria Arbour (Sandy)

26 years old female human Alchemist

Level 36 *Immune to Fire* *Three rolls for Mixture* *Transfer poisoned and bleeding upon being hit* *No Free Hits for 3 rounds*

Power: 56 (36+20)

Defense: 6 (1+5)

Health: 57/57 (9+35+10+1+2)

Gold: 224

Equipment: Mythril Mallet (WP: 20, wood- and darkness-elemental; Hollow [-]; hammer), Rubber Gloves (For Mixture, the die is rolled three times instead of twice, and the highest two results determine the created item; suitable to alchemists; handwear.), Robe of the Magi (SP:1, suitable for mages, clerics, alchemists, chi monks, decamon drafters, necromancers, regulators, scholars and weather mages; bodywear.), Spider Helmet (SP:5, passes poisoned and bleeding effects to the enemy when the wearer is hit; immunity to fire; headwear), Spirit Robe (Renders wearer invisible to the enemy for the first three rounds of battle so they do not take free hits; backwear)


Weapons Ignis Fatuus (WP:13, permanently poisoned by 15, fire- and lighting-elemental staff), Sylvania's Crossbow (WP:10, wood-elemental crossbow), Pan Flute (WP: 7, instrument), Wizard's Staff (WP:1, fire-, wind-, water- and earth-elemental staff), Wormtail Whip (WP:15, earth-elemental, whip)

Artifacts: Ranger's Quiver (WP: +1 to bows and crossbows, suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators, and winged warriors; backwear), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3, Max Ether +5, protects from sealing; suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers, scholars and weather mages, bodywear), Cherokee Rose (Doubles potency of both incoming and outgoing restorative consumables and healing; suitable for Ellaria only; accessory.)

Spell Items: Scroll of Inspiration (Inspired for rest of battle, 10 ether, 50/50 chance) Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Weakening, Serenade of Water (Causes Water damage equal to the minstrel's level to all enemies per round for as long as the song is sung. Costs 10 ether per round. Battle Song)

Consumables: 7 Grand Potions, Health Core, 4 Tonics, Diluted Arc Tonic (Restores 10 ether to all allies), 3 Grand Tonics, Ether Core, 2 Hyper Arc Tonics (Restores full ether to all allies), 2 Elixirs, Arc Elixir (Restores 60 health and 15 ether to all allies and removes negative effects.), 2 Remedies, Neutralizer, Tiger Balm, Phoenix Essence, Last Resort (revives all knocked allies to 1 health), 3 Meads, 2 Smelling Salts, Nostrum, Soma, 2 Mulled Wines, 2 Smoke Bombs, Blind Bomb, Seal Bomb, Holy Rain Bomb (Causes 20 water-, wind- and light-elemental damage to all enemies), Baffle Bomb (Causes 15 damage and confused to all enemies), Bad Breath (Poisoned by 1-effect to all enemies), Feather of White, Demon Repellent, Ancient Bone (Can be thrown at monsters to distract them for 3 rounds. Worth nothing, except in magic shops where it is worth 50 gold.)

Tools etc.: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, Chemistry Set (Allows the user to use Mixture outside of battle, costs 2 Gold Bars/un-modified roll, suitable for alchemists; tool), 7 Gold Bars

*Ether reserve: 42/42 (5+35+2)

20713006760_921976d201_t.jpgAtramor Gibbin, the Fiery and Aquatic Champion of Decamon and the Serpent Skinner (CallMePie)
34 year old male human Rogue Thief
Level 45 2/5 *Immune to all elements and all negative effects except virus* *Steal 50% More Gold*
Power: 75 (45+30)
Defense: 10 (4+6)
Health: 88/88 (7+44+20+6+6+5)
Gold: 3055
Equipment: Living Mythril Claws (WP: 30, double WP against humanoids, double damage against vermin, +1 WP after every successful hit, resets at end of current quest, light elemental, dual strike, daggers), Rat's Hide (SP: 4, backwear, suitable for anyone), Galactic Armor (SP: 6, +6 max health, immune to waterwoodlightningfireearthwindicelightdarkness, and doomed, bodywear, suitable for anyone), Sticky Gloves (Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up), suitable for rogues and beast warriors; handwear), Wide-Brimmed Hat (Protects from all negative effects except sudden death and virus; headwear)
Weapons: Pheles Kris (WP: 20, wielder has a 1/2 chance to generate an Aura while equipped, doubling the user's maximum health but drawing all attacks to them, lightningfireearthwindicelightdarkness elemental dagger), Robust Shield (SP: 12, shield), Ball & Chain (WP:11, causes fast asleep -effect; whip), Bow of the Void (WP:10, each demon and ethereal enemy alive in the battle temporarily increases the WP by 1, longbow), Bloodied Poleaxe (WP:15, causes the bleeding by 5 -effect; halberd), Brain Drill (WP:20, damages the target’s ether as well; suitable to all classes), Phlegethon (WP:20, doubled by each knocked out party member,
fire-elemental whip)
Artifacts: Bracers of Insatiable Avarice (Power +2; user gains 25 Gold for every enemy he kills, handwear, suitable for hunters, berserkers, battle mages, beast warriors, dragoons, marauders, regulators, and skirmishers), , Helmet of Azzurat (SP: 4, immune to poison, headwear, suitable for anyone), Spider Demon’s Cowl (Protects from doomed and sudden death; backwear), Vengeful Heart (Power +10, but the user cannot change target of attacks until the previous one is defeated; accessory), Amulet of the Court (Negative effects last only one round on the wearer, accessory, suitable for anyone), Order Imperial's Assassin Cowl (Immune to darkness, wearer is nimble, headwear; suitable for assassins, chi monks, infiltrators, rogue thieves, and paragons)
Spell Items: Scroll of Arc Frailty, Scroll of Fire Armor, Scroll of Ice Armor, Scroll of the Chasm, Scroll of Tongues (Grants the user the Glossolalia Job Trait. Each casting lasts for a limited amount of time and costs 10 ether), Topaz, 2x RubyAmethyst, 2x AquamarineArchangel's Summonstone, Archdemon Summonstone
Consumables: Health Core, 2 Elixirs, 3 Grand Tonics, Greater Tonic (Restores 30 ether), 3 Ether Cores, 4 Remedies, Mead, Phoenix Essence, 3 Phoenix Incenses, Kraken Fang (Grants hastened- and reinforced-effects when consumed), 4 Venoms, Smoke Bomb, Dirt Bomb, Fire Bomb,Water Bomb, Doomsday Bomb (Deals 99 damage to all enemies.), Fearomone (Causes afraid-effect to all enemies for the duration of one battle; consumable), Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy), Hexed Idol (Causes the hexed-effect to one humanoid enemy when consumed), Sword of Asmodeus (Power +6 but max. health -6 when merged into an artifact at a smithy), 6 Bones
Tools/Treasure: Decamodifier (Transforms an enemy with a quarter or less health left into a Decamon card when used, if there is a corresponding card. The monster will not drop anything if it is modified. Tool.), Flint and Steel (Handy for starting fires), Pickaxe, Shovel, Rope, Magic Shovel, 3 Mythril Shards, Twitzle the Canary (Remedies poisoned when used on target, bird familiar)
Decamon Deck (35): Volt Ant (Electric 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), x2 Brains-in-a-Jar (Ethereal 2), x2 Barghest (Electric 2), Vampire Bat (Flying 3), Tangleweed (Plant 3), x2 Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Sylph (Electric 3), Succubus (Fiery 4), x2 Holy Cow (Luminous 4), 2x Thunderbird (Electric 4), x2 Death's Rose (Plant 4) Shedu (Rock 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Night Mare (Dark 5), Mushroomhead (Plant 5), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Cave Troll (Rock 6), Dryad (Plant 6), Sandman (Ethereal 6), Woodwose (Plant 7), Tygurah (Electric 7), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Stone Golem (Rock 8), Storm Elemental (Electric 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Cloud Gigas (Electric 9), Phoenix (Fiery 9), Treant (Plant 9), Hydra (Aquatic 9)

Edited by CMP

galen3.pngGalen Woodward (Fugazi)

36 year old male human Rogue

Level 19

Power: 35 (19+16)

Defense: 1 (+1)

Health: 29/29 (7+18+4)

Gold: 984

Equipment: Throwing Dagger (WP:16, ranged *Permanently Crumbling!*), Chimera Headdress (Headwear, Suitable for Rangers and Rogues, +1 SP +4 Health), Rubber Band (accessory; returns throwed weapons immediately without having to be retrieved; suitable to Galen only)

Inventory: Murkwood Thread (WP:10, Whip), Goblin's Wrench (WP:10, retrievable), Black Katana (WP:8), Hide of The Wound (+6 power to throwing weapons), Bedroll, Trial Brew x3, Phoenix Essence x5, Smoke Bomb, Fire Bomb, Venom x2, Deadly Venom, Plague Venom, Remedy x5, Grand Potion x10, Cast, Mulled Wine x2, Soma x2, Nostrum x7, Mead x7, Smelling Salts x7, Stingy Gloves, Overkill Gloves, Emerald Hood

av-28776.jpgphoto-thumb-28776.jpg?_r=1355571591Dreyrugr (Vash the Stampede)

1000 year old Male Vampire Black Knight *Immune to Stunned, Water, Wind, and Fire*

Level: 23.33

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 13

Health: 42/42 (Base 7+ Level Bonus 22 + Class Bonus 9 + 5 perma - 1 perma)

Gold: 155

Equipment: Sharkjaw Scythe (WP:15, WP x2 against Aquatic type enemies, Darkness, Ice), Gloves of the Undead Assassin (For every enemy the wearer kills, it gains 5 HP, Immunity to Water, Usable by anyone, Handgear),Dragonbrand Shield (SP: 8, immune to wind and fire, shield), Black Knight's Armour (SP:4, protects from stunned-effect), Cloak of the Blue Assassin (SP: 1, backwear, suitable for anyone),

Inventory: Bedroll, Remedy, Smelling Salts x5, Mead x2, Net (if used in combat, 1/3 chance to slow enemy, 1/3 chance to be useless, 1/3 chance slow self, lasts 3 rounds, retrievable), Nostrum, Throwing Dagger (WP:3), Fauxthril Scythe (WP:5), 5 Bones, Bow (WP: 4), Crow-Claw Dagger (WP: 6, 50/50 chance to stun enemy on successful attack), Shuriken (WP:5, Wind), Grand Elixir (Restores full health and ether to target and remedies all negative effects), Pseudos Hood (can damage undead with normal attacks), Hunter's Plate (SP: 4, wearer gains 10 gold for each Humanoid killed, suitable for rogues, rangers, barbarians, beast warriors, infiltrators, regulators, and winged warriors) Loaned to Matthias, Deadly Venom, Scroll of Ice Armour, Elixir,The Steel Stone (WP: 12, Earth, Greatsword), Helm of the Lord of Light (Immune to Light and Jinxed, Headwear, Suitable for Knights), Boris's Bat (Bat Familiar; causes Afraid to one opponent whenever used)

Perma Boosts: Raw Meat +5 health

Perma Looses: Musky Mushroom -1 health

Edited by Vash the Stampede

Erik%2Bfinal%2Bbattlemage%2Bheadshot%2B100x100.jpgErik Tyrvarr (Myrddyn)

19 years old male human Battle Mage.

Level: 27 *Natural Respite**Immune to Fragile, Petrified, Fire, Water,**Commands dogs**Absorbs Earth*

Power bonus: 0

Hit power: 39 (Level 27 + WP 12)

Defense: 16 (Heavy Armour 5 + Bright Polish 1 + Dog Fur Coat 5 + Juggernaut's Helm 5)

Health: 47/47 (Barbarian base 8 + Level bonus 26 + Battle Mage bonus 5 + Raw Meat 5 + Vampire Dust 3)

Ether: 28/28 (Level bonus 27 + Battle Mage bonus 1)

Gold: 566

Glory Points: 31

Equipment: Titanic Axe (WP:12, Earth, fire, Light-elemental, has 1/6 chances of inflicting petrified-effect; axe), Brightly Polished Heavy Armour (SP: 6, immune to Fragile, fire, water, bodywear), Dog Fur Coat(SP:5, Grants Command over dogs, backwear), Juggernaut's Helm (SP:5; immunity to petrification and absorbs Earth-element; suitable to Erik; headwear.)


Weapons: Darkstar Wand (WP:12; has 1/2 chance of inflicting hexed-effect; darkness-elemental wand), Silver Cup of Victory (WP:10; has 1/6 chance of causing doomed; club), Plunger (WP:2; 1/2 chance to cause sudden death to an aquatic enemy with each hit; club), Twin Axe (WP: 5, dual strike-axe), Voltedge (WP: 13, greatsword/longsword).

Artifacts: Peacekeepers totem (Grants the "Diplomacy"-job trait; suitable to Erik only; accessory), Talisman of Enlightenment(Protects from hexed-effect; accessory), Sharkskin Armour (SP +1, bodywear), Shamanic Plate (Max. Health +2, Max. Ether +2; Blood Ritual does double damage to the target; suitable for shamans; bodywear), Lighter Armor (SP: 4, immune to Fragile, bodywear), Helmet (Health +1), Barbarian's Boots (Natural Respite>Restoration; footwear), Ethereal Cloak (SP:2, Max. Ether +4, suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers, scholars and weather mages; backwear.), Tricorne(SP: 3).

Gems: Amethyst, Ruby, Topaz.

Consumables: Milk (Restores 15 health and ether), Grand Elixir (Restores full health and ether to target and remedies all negative effects), 4x Tonics, Nostrum, Venom, Ether Core, 3x Potions, Health Core, Mulled Wine, Mead, Smelling Salts, Elixir, Grand Potion, Deluxe Skeleton Decoy, Feather of Flight (Allows the user to flee from the battle when used.), 3x Bone, Smoke Bomb, Phoenix Incense,

Other items: Gold Statuette (Worth 100 gold), 3x Torches (WP:2, breaks after one use, suitable to all), Chair (WP:4, club), 2*Crystal Balls (worth 50 gold, except in magic shops where it is worth 100 gold.)

Edited by Myrddyn

19721936010_d6f7b9bf17.jpg19915137201_c8843378f1_t.jpgGuts Holla (Scubacarrot) *Dancing**Dualstriking**Immune to all Elements, Weakened, Fragile, Asleep, Confused, Slowed, Afraid, Blinded and first negative effect.*

45 year old male human Marauder

Level: 39.5

Power Bonus: 4

Health: 63/63 (+1 bonus)

Defense: 4

Gold: 9261

Equipment: Balanced Rapier (WP: 20, ignores defense, second weapon ignores defense, Longsword, suitable for Marauders) & Mythril Edge (WP: 64, Ice, Darkness, Light, attacks restore 3 health, dagger), Dancing Shoes (Wearer dances well, in the turn after a miss is rolled, the wearer can act twice. +Immunity to Asleep, Confused, Fragile, Slowed, Afraid, Weakened and Blinded, + Immunity to Darkness, Light, Fire, Air, Earth, Wood, Lightning, and Ice Elemental Damage, footwear), Crocodile Armour (+4 Defense +Immunity to Water Magic, bodywear), Pugilist's Gloves (2+ Power, Immune to Weakened, handwear), Grimmeau's Clothespin (Grants Immunity to first negative effect each battle. Headwear)


• Pronged Gauntlet (WP:6, dagger), M.U.C.A (WP: 12, bleeding 3, Axe) Giant Axe (WP:10, dual-strike, axe),

• Jester's Hat (Wearer may choose to gain one immunity from targeted enemy, suitable for anyone), Rubber Gloves, Blessed Amulet (Immunity to Cursed, accessory), Bomber's Belt (Craft Bomb creates Potent bombs, doubling the damage output of all bombs created, does not stack, accessory, suitable for cannoneers), Magnar's Smaller Axe (Grants Dual Strike to classes wielding axes, can't wear shield. handwear), Marauder’s Mantle (Grants permanent reinforced-effect, doubling defense; suitable to marauders; backwear)

• Beholder's Eye, Shovel, Telescope, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Bedroll, Decamodifier, Magic Compass

92x Potion, 16x Grand Potion, 3x Health Core, 3x Diluted Arc Potion, 2x Arc Potion, 3x Elixir, 12x Phoenix Essence, 28x Remedy, Neutralizer, Tiger Balm, Crimson Serum (Grants Mutated Effect for one battle.), x2 Arc Elixir, Hyper Arc Tonic (Restores All ether to allies, consumable), 2x Ambrosia, 19x Mead, 14x Smelling Salts, 11xNostrum, x4 Bad Breath, 2x Wyvern's Breath, 2x Tonic, Grand Tonic, 2x Purging Water, 3x Smile of the Gods, 3x Fortune Flush, 5x Venom, 3x Bone, Soma, Silver Ore (worth 60 gold), x2 Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy.), Ether Core, Last Resort, 2x Bravado Brew, Cloud of Celerity

6x Smoke Bomb, Neptune Bomb, Dirt Bomb, 2x Water Bomb, Blind Bomb, 2x Confuse Bomb, 2x Poison Bomb, 2x Seal Bomb, Sleep Bomb, 5x Mystic Bomb, Electro Bomb (Deals 30 lightning-elemental damage and the stunned-effect to all enemies), Sand Bomb (Deals 30 earth-elemental damage and the blinded-effect to all enemies), Baffle Bomb

Topaz, Amethyst, Sapphire, Crystal Ball (Worth 200 gold, 400 in magic shops), Gold Ring (Worth 15 gold; can be given to someone to make them enamored with the giver)

Edited by Scubacarrot


Nagure (Costy)

34 year old Male Yeti Berserker.

Level 21.33 *Natural Respite* *Trap Evasion* *Immune to Ice, Fire, Earth, Petrified, Fragile, Blinded, Confused and Asleep* *Counterstrike*

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 25

Health: 43/43*

Gold: 5

GP: 4

Equipment: Xiaolin's Bident (WP:16; instantly kills Aoi; ice- and lightning-elemental spear), Yeti Fur Coat (SP:12, immunity to Ice, Fire, Fragile,Blinded, Confused and Asleep ; suitable for yetis only, bodywear), Counterstrike Gloves (After the wearer is struck by a Free Hit, he counters with strength equal to his level; handwear), White Dragon's Greaves (SP:3, avoid traps on the ground, immunity to earth and petrified; suitable to knights, dragoons, skirmishers and winged warriors; footwear), Shield (SP:10)

Inventory:, Stone Hammer (WP: 15, Earth & Darkness-elemental, hammer), Tiger Slayer (WP:10/20 against enemies with “tiger” in their name; spear), Axe of the Croise (WP: 10, Light-elemental axe), Helmet (SP:1), Potion x2, Grand Potion x8, Remedy x4, Elixir, Phoenix Essences x2, Mead x2, Deadly Venom x2, Smoke Bomb x5, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Pickaxe, Lightning Bomb x2, Smelling Salts, Venom, Phoenix Incense x2, Teleportapple, Scroll of Weakening.

* +5 from Raw Meat.

Edited by Costy

(Accurate as of 11/4/2016 (end of Quest 147+Training Room+Trade with Zannaqim+Lottery+Hall trades+Wikia Contest earnings))

Arthur Justus Regulus VII Ziegfried, a Hero Who Is Actually Worth Something (played by Flipz), Level 43.4 Skirmisher, 24-year-old male Human *Permanently Blessed* *Immune to Hexed, Petrified, Minimized, Jinxed, and Stunned* *Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind, Blind, Confused, and Defense Reduction* *Immune to Magic and Healing* *Takes Half Damage from Free Hits* *Deals double damage to Humanoids and Ancient-type enemies*
Power Bonus: +2
Health: 69/69 (5+15+42+7)
Defense: 50 (15+2+3+[15*2])
Gold: 6230 (Owed 128 gold by Boomingham)
Equipment: Dauntlet Index (WP: 20, WP doubled against humanoids, Darkness-elemental; spear), Blue Hand Shield (SP:15, Immune to Hexed, Petrified, Minimized, Jinxed, and Stunned; shield), Duplovian Helmet of the Guard (SP:2, Immune to Magic and Healing; headwear, suitable for anyone), Mail of the Renegade Commander (SP: 3, Free hits deal half damage, Bodywear), Shadeaux Cape (SP:15, Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind, Blind, Confused, and Defense Reduction, suitable to those with reputation among the Shadeaux only; if reputation is great, SP is doubled; if reputation is outstanding, SP is tripled; backwear), Immortal Greaves (Wearer deals double damage to Ancients and Humanoids; footwear), Prayer Beads (Makes the wearer permanently Blessed; accessory.)
Abilities: First Breath (Arthur may sacrifice a turn of combat to focus and gain +3 power. Power resets at the end of a battle or when the hero is KO'd)
Weapons: Zoot's Rebel (WP:20 "halberd", suitable to Arthur only), Clockwork Lance (WP:12, Light-elemental, has 1/3 chance to cause slowed-effect on the target; lance), Gladiator Trident (WP: 11, Spear, causes bleeding-by-5 effect), Stag Antlers (WP:10, grants Intimidation; halberd), Metasimian Dory (WP:10, pierces defense; spear), Spider Leg (WP:10, WP doubled against flying enemies, Lightning- and Wind+Slowed-elemental; spear), Icy Halberd (WP:9, Fire-, Earth-, and Ice+Fragile-elemental, triple damage against plants and electric enemies, no damage against fiery and rock enemies; halberd), Duplovian Swift Halberd (WP:3, halberd, stuns on successful hits, Hollow [--]),
Artifacts: Unicorn Helmet (SP:1; the wearer can only receive one negative effect at a time, with a new effect replacing the old one; headwear, usable by barbarians, knights, dragoons, infiltrators, regulators, skirmishers, and winged warriors), Sylvania's Cowl (Permits Animal Talk, Headwear), Stingy Gloves (Prevents enemies from ever stealing gold from you; handwear, wearable by everybody), Overkill Gloves (Grants Overkill gold on kills; handwear, suitable for anyone) (currently loaned indefinitely to Namyrra), Tin Gloves (Power +1, multiplied by the number of “tin” artifacts equipped; suitable to knights, dragoons, skirmishers and vindicators; handwear), Tin Armor (SP:6, multiplied by the number of “tin” artifacts equipped [current: 0]; suitable to knights, dragoons, skirmishers and vindicators; bodywear), Tin Greaves (Immunity to Stunned-, Slowed-, and Hastened-effects; footwear), Winged Sandals (Protects from bound- and slowed-effects; footwear), Fur Leggings (SP: 1, Beast enemies do not deal free hits to the wearer; footwear, suitable for anyone), Coat Hanger (Allows wearing a second bodywear artifact regardless of the amount limit for artifacts; accessory [no bodywear attached]), Shackles of War (Prevents anyone from fleeing battles; Accessory, suitable for anyone), Macabre Collar (Provides immunity to Insta-Kill and Doomed; Accessory, suitable for anyone), Scarf of Misfortune (Wearer deals the Jinxed effect on every third round; Accessory, suitable for anyone), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (changes the wearer into an elf of the same gender when worn; Accessory, suitable for anyone), Sandman’s Parasol (Protects from asleep- and fast asleep –effects; accessory), Comfy Pillow (If the user is inflicted by asleep- or fast asleep-effect, they regain full health and ether; accessory.),
Unsuitable Weapons/Artifacts: Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7, staff, 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd), Pointy Hat (+2 Max Ether),
Spell Items (unsuitable): Diamond (Light)
Tools: Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Magic Compass, Guffington's Seal (Proves the Hero is a Friend of Guffington. The hero starts every quest with one "Hero's Cocktail"), Cornucopia (This horn of plenty is said to ensure limitless wealth. Increases the holder’s gold by 25% at the end of each quest.)
Consumables: Adamantite Shard, Health Core, 12x Grand Potion, Tonic, 10x Remedy, Elixir, Hero's Cocktail (Makes the hero encouraged, hastened, lucky and inspired), 7x Mead, Arc Mead, 4x Nostrum, Hurricane, 3x Neutralizer, Exterlate, Blind Fury, Ella's Pie (Permanently boosts max. ether by 5 but permanently decreases max. health by 5 when consumed.), 2x Blind Bomb, 2x Seal Bomb, 3x Stun Bomb, 5x Smoke Bomb, 3x Bone, Henry Award, Grating Stone,

Additional Info:

Reveal hidden contents
Formatting (community resource):


Reveal hidden contents

Edited by Flipz


Nerwen Calmcacil (played by Chromeknight) Champion of The Northern Kingdoms, Sungold Alliance,

265 year old female Elven Shaman

Level 40.4 *Immune to sealed* *Gains Double EXP** restoration**counterstriking*

Power bonus:,+8 (quest #102)

Defence: 1 (lesser etherial cloak 1)

Health: 62 (Base Cleric 9 +Level bonus 39 -Quest #102 5 +Shaman Bonus 9 + Chameleon Vest 10)

Ether: 49 (Base Cleric 5 +Level bonus 39 +Shaman Bonus 1 +zoot cookie #102 1 +Lesser Etherial cloak 3)

Gold: 425

Equipment: Mourning Star (WP: 10; Fire-elemental; inflicts Fragile-effect; mace), Lesser etherial cloak (SP:1, Max. ether +3, immune to sealed; backwear), Medal of Valor (Double experience from battles; accessory), Chameleon Vest (Max. Health +10, the user becomes able to absorb the last element it was damaged with; bodywear), Counterstrike Gloves, Barbarians boots (natural, respite becomes restoration)

Inventory: Nocturne Flute (WP:6; causes asleep-effect; instrument), Mutt's Flute (WP:10; inflicts Weakened-effect; instrument), Party Maracas (WP:4; user is hastened; instrument), Battered wooden flute (WP:6; Darkness-elemental; instrument), Sword of the Warrior of the Light (WP: 14; Light-Elemental, Meditate becomes hits; longsword), Bent Crowbar (WP: 8; 3x damage to Mechanic enemies; hammer), Singing Sword (WP 10; causes bleeding, longsword/instrument)

Leather armour (SP:1; Bodywear), Zap-Tap Badge (1/2 chance to Electric counterstrike an opponent who has dealt damage to a hero, equal to the hero's level; Accessory), Shield (SP: 5), Nordic Stomach Guard (SP: 3; Immunity to Ice and Water; Bodywear; Suitable for Barbarians, Regulators, and Beast Warriors), Shield of the Red Lizard (SP: 2; Immune to Blind), Seal of the Warrior Priestess (At the beginning of the battle the user has a 1/6 chance to be Transcended, a 1/6 chance to be Blessed, and a 1/6 chance to be Inspired; Accessory; Suitable for Paladins), Trickster's Mask of the Angel, Razor (user is Blessed and Immune to Bleeding, Enraged, and Encouraged; May take up any artifact slot; requires a shaved head), Helm of the Lord of Light (Immune to Light and Jinxed; headwear; Suitable for Knights), Sylvania's Cowl (Permits Animal Talk, Headwear), Encore Plectrum (if the same Battle Song is sung for more than one round in a row, the song’s ether cost for the consecutive rounds is halved; suitable to minstrels; accessory.)

Opal (2), Topaz (2), Diamond (2), Amethyst, Garnet, Sapphire, Emerald, Aquamarine, Ruby

Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Fragile, Scroll of Confusion, Hundred Hero Hymn (Inspired-effect to all allies for 10 ether; song),

Phoenix essence (3), Potions (10), Grand potion (2), Health Core, Tonics (3), Grand tonic, Ether Core (2), Ambrosia (4), Elixirs (2), Remedies (6), Neutralisers (2), Tiger Balm (2), Nostrum (2), Smelling Salts (2), Venom (4), Mulled Wine, Dragon Scale (lucky & blessed), Titan Heart (encouraged & inspired), Fire Bomb, Ice Bombs (2), Lightning Bomb, Water Bombs (2), Dirt Bombs (2), Air Bomb, Bone, Milk (restores 15 HP and 15 Ether), Red Death Blood (Once applied to a weapon the first successful hit deals doomed, consumable) (2), Sushi (restores 5 health and ether), Feather of Lithe (user is nimble for three rounds, 1/3 chance to avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits), Grating Stone, Bright Polish (2),

Shovel, Bedroll, Magnifying Glass, Telescope,

Previous versions


Edited by Chromeknight


MimeAvGold.jpgHybros (played by JimBee), the Mindflayer Slayer
55-year-old male imp Alchemist
Level 48 
*Permanently Hastened, Blessed and Transcended* *Immune to Cursed, Asleep, Blinded, Confused, Fragile, Weakened, Enamored, Slowed, Minimized* *Absorbs all elements*
Power Bonus: +3

Defense: 3
 74/74 (7+47+10+5+5) 
Ether: 0/0 (+2*)
Gold: 1202
Equipment: Zoot's Ancient Eldritch Reaper - Mythril Crimsamber Mk VI (WP:30, damages undead, double damage to Ancient, Humanoid, Holy and Luminous enemies, pierces SP, deals poisoned-7 and cursed; scythe, suitable to Hybros, cannot be upgraded)
Golden Armor (user is permanently Hastened and Cursed, fire-, water-, earth-, wind-, ice-,  lightning-, wood-, darkness-, light-elemental, immune to Asleep, Blinded, Confused, Fragile, and Weakened; bodywear)
Immortal Helm (wearer is permanently Blessed and Transcended; headwear)
Nondescript Cape (SP:3, immune to Cursed; backwear)
Phoenix Emblem (Automatically revives the user with one health if knocked out, once per battle, accessory)
Crystal Shoes (Immunity becomes Absorption, immune to Enamored, Slowed and Minimized; footwear)
Abilities: First Breath (Hybros may sacrifice a turn of combat to focus and gain +3 power. Power resets at the end of a battle or when the hero is KO'd), Dragon's Heart Flame (Once per quest, Hybros may spend a round reviving a KO'd ally with full health. The ally will also receive the blessed and lucky effects)
Weapons: Sword of Ancestral Hatred (WP:50 2/4, deals Fragile, darkness-, fire-, wind-, and ice-elemental, gains 1/4 WP every kill made with it; longsword),  Iustitia (WP:12, deals Blinded and Sealed; light- and earth-elemental; dagger),  Clock Cog (WP:14; throwing weapon), Hollow Dagger (WP:6, hollow [Health Core], deals confused, water-elemental; dagger), Demon Skull Club (WP:18, double damage against humanoids,
darkness-elemental club), Heavy Flail (WP:5, deals Fragile; mace), Reaver’s Axe (WP:18, transfers all ether from the target to the user; axe), Skirmisher's Shield (SP:10; shield), Demonic Shield (SP:25, absorbs darkness-elemental damage; will break if hit by a light-elemental attack or a holy opponent; cannot be used by paladins or vindicators; shield), Spinning Bolas (WP: 5 deals Slowed, but the effect is removed when retrieved; throwing weapon), Banana Bladerang (WP:9, damage all; throwing weapon), 
Artifacts: Coat Hanger (Allows for a second body wear; accessory), Lichen Armor (The wearer’s ether is counted as additional health if health is depleted, +6 max ether, -6 spellpower; suitable to classes with ether; bodywear), Sterile Gloves (immune to Poisoned and Bleeding handwear), Sticky Gloves (gains 50% more gold, suitable for Rogues, handwear),  Baron's Epaulets (Suitable for short heroes, grants Command over short NPCs), Helmet of Asmodeus (Makes SP randomly fluctuate between either 0 or 60 each round regardless of other equipment; suitable to knights, dragoons, regulators, skirmishers and vindicators; headwear), Gauntlets of Recklessness (hits become mortal hits, adding lost health to the attack power; suitable to barbarians; handwear), Glimmer Cape (Attacks after 'Hide' or 'Steal & Hide' deal double damage; backwear)
Spell Items: Diamond, Amethyst, Garnet
Consumables: 20x Potion, 17x Grand Potion, 9x Health Core, Hyper Arc Tonic, 3x Elixir, 2x Arc Elixir, 10x Remedy, 4x Neutralizer, 2x Purging Water, Tiger Balm, Phoenix Essence, 3x Phoenix Incense, Fenghuang Essence (After being consumed, automatically revives the target with full health once when knocked out; cannot revive targets that are already knocked out), 2x Last Resort, 4x Nostrum, 5x Mead, Soma, Mulled Wine, 2x Cloud of Celerity, Bravado Brew, Earthwyrm Fang (Grants the encouraged-, lucky-, reinforced-, and blinded- effects for the duration of one battle), Bad Breath, 2x Wyvern's Breath, Gold Ring (Worth 15 gold; can be given to someone to make them enamored with the giver), 4 Smoke Bombs, 2 Holy Bombs, Aeolus Bomb, Fog Bomb, Mystic Bomb, 2x Bone, Skeleton Decoy, 4x Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy
Others: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, 2 Mythril Shards,
 Guffington's Seal (Proves the Hero is a Friend of Guffington. The hero starts every quest with one "Hero's Cocktail")


* +1 permanent Max Health from Zoot's Cookie, Quest #7. +2 from Chicken Drumsticks, Quest #50, +2 from Greasy Sausage, Quest #129, +5 from Raw Meat Quest #148, +1 permanent Power from Growshroom Cap, Quest #72, +2 permanent ether, Quest #118, +6 permanent max ether and -6 spellpower from Pentacle of Asmodeus, Quest #148.

6804337917_f0161d27c6_t.jpgTomas (Played by Tamamono)

Level 17.5 Sage

Power: 26 (17+9) (No extra power)

Health: 32/32 (17+15)

Ether: 25/25 (17+7)

Gold: 51

Equiptment: Shadeaux Staff (WP:9)

Inventory:Fang Dagger (WP:6), Gold Staff (WP: 4), Pongcanis Staff (WP:5), 3 Remedies, 1 Phoenix essence, 3 Bedrolls, Tonic, 2 Bones, 3 Grand Tonics, Shovel, Mead, 2 Venoms, 3 Smoke Bombs, Topaz Elemental Gem, Smelling Salts, Common Axe (WP:5), Captain's Shield (SP:3), Holy Bomb, 2 Grand Potions, 2 Saber teeth, Scroll of Frailty, Tetonic potion, Demon blood, Crystal chalice


Elgar Gligin (played by Jedi master Brick)

Level 24 2/3 Druid *Immune to Fragile!*

Power: 34

Defense: 6

Health: 38/38

Ether: 24/24


Equipment: Mockthril Crossbow (WP:11 Permanently Deadly envenomed), Chainmail (SP: 2, Bodywear: half damage from Fire elemental enemies and double from Electric elemental enemies) Emerald Hood (SP: 4, headwear, protects from Fragile)

Inventory: Fauxthril Longbow (WP: 5),Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz,,Opal, Aquamarine, Spade, Pickaxe, 3 Potions, Needlessly Large Rod (Non-Artifact Item, Curses a random enemy. Usable once per battle.) Does not prevent free hits. Grand Potion (x3), Fireworks, Remedy (x2), Hide of The Regret (halves damage from undead; suitable for anyone, backwear), Tonic, Grand tonic (x5), Root beer (Restores 10 health, or can be used as a bomb against undead enemies for 20 damage. The Root Beer does not affect non-undead enemies.) , Ambrosia

Edited by Jedi master Brick


Thormanil Nihai, Dragonslayer, Orc-kin (swils)

24 years old male vertically challenged giant Dragoon

Level 48 1/5 *Immune to Darkness, Light, Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and Asleep, Blinded, Bound, Confused, Fragile, Slowed, and Weakened*

Power: 65 (48+16+1)

Defense: 13 (10+3)

Health: 70/70 (8+47+15)

Gold: 1999

Equipment: Shishkebab (WP:16, dual-strike, darkness-elemental, lance),Skirmisher's Shield (SP:10, shield), Bright Armor (SP:3, Wearer is immune to Darkness, bodywear), Winged Sandals (Wearer is immune to Light, Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, and Lightning, and the Asleep, Blinded, Bound, Confused, Fragile, Slowed, and Weakened-effects; footwear)


Weapons: Dragonsbane Lance (WP: 20, triple damage to enemies with 'Dragon' in their name, lance), Gladiator Trident (WP:11, Spear, causes bleeding-by-5 effect), Guardian Halberd (WP: 5, target's defense is used as additional WP, halberd), Duplovian Swift Halberd (WP:3, deals Stunned, halberd), Tongue on a Stick (WP:1, Miss -> "Aim"), Frozen Saber (WP:9, longsword, Stuns enemies), Repeater Crossbow (WP:7, crossbow. Hastened for first round of combat while equipped.), Mercutio's Dagger of Mugging (WP:5, +5 gold from stealing; dagger), Composite Bow (WP:11, ignores defense, bow), Crystal Shield (SP:2 multiplied by the amount of gems imbued; cannot be upgraded otherwise; shield)

Artifacts: Bejeweled Collar (Amethyst, Emerald, For each gem imbued into the collar, the pet dragon gains the ability to attack with the respective element instead of their natural one. Both the pet dragon and the dragoon also become immune to the imbued elements; suitable to dragoons only; Accessory), Trickster's Mask of the Gender Swap (Accessory), Trickster's Mask of the Weredog (Accessory), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (Accessory), Sticky Gloves (Handwear, Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up)), Aqua Gear (Wearer deals and is immune to water-elemental damage, accessory)

Spell Items: Amethyst (Darkness), Opal (Ice)

Consumables: 2x Potion, Diluted Arc Tonic, Grand Tonic, 4x Remedy, 3x Phoenix Essence, Neutralizer, Milk, 2x Elixir, Nostrum, 3x Smelling Salts, 3x Mulled Wine, Soma, Dragon Scale (lucky & blessed), Jinxy Juice, 2x Feather of Lithe, 3x Venom, 2x Deadly Venom, 2x Fire Bomb, Lightning Bomb, 3x Smoke Bomb, Ice Bomb, 4x Water Bomb, Doomsday Bomb (99 damage to all enemies), 2x Grating Stone, Teleportapple

Tools etc.: Pickaxe, Shovel, Magnifying Glass

9394458519_4bc0f05f51_o.pngArx the Youngling (Pet Dragon controlled by swils)

Level: 48 1/5

Health: 78/78 (30+48)

Element: Ice

Edited by swils


Haldor Skovgaard (Played by Scorpiox)

34 year old male human Nord. Level 32.5 Shaman. *Immune to Stunned, Weakening and Blinded*

Power: 51 (Level 32, + WP: 13, +4 from Scarlet Hood, +2 from Pugilist's Gloves)

Defence: 2 (SP: 2 from Ethereal Cloak)

Health: 52/52 Base 9, +32 Level Increase, +9 from Advanced Class Increase, +2 from Shamanic Plate, +1 from Zoot's Cookie)

Ether: 43/43 (Base 5, +32 Level Increase, +1 from Advanced Class Increase, +4 from Ethereal Cloak, +2 from Shamanic Plate)

Gold: 291

Equipment: Dualis Sceptres (WP: 13, Dual-Striking, Darkness Elemental), Shamanic Plate (+2 Health, +2 Ether; Blood Ritual inflicts double damage to the target), Ethereal Cloak (SP: 2, +4 Ether, Protects from Blindness), Scarlet Hood (+4 Power, Protects from Stunning), Pugilist's Gloves (+2 Power, Protects from Weakening)

Weapons: Heavy Metal Rod (WP: 12, Water Elemental), Bear Claw Gloves (WP: 8, SP: 2), Sickle Claw Knife (WP: 12), Zoot er Isen (WP: 15, Ice and Light[/font] Elemental)

Artefacts: Ognar's Beard (+8 Power, Gives wearer Enraged effect), Gladiator's Helmet (SP: 3), Heavy Armour (SP: 5, Protects from Fragility) (x2)

Consumables: Health Core (x2), Potion (x4), Remedy (x7), Venom, Grand Tonic (x4), Ether Core, Grating Stone, Elixir, Crimson Venom (Inflicts Poisoned by 7 and Cursed effects when applied to weapon)

Inventory: Scutum Shield, Emerald (Wood Elemental), Shovel, Pickaxe, Bedroll, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Sleep

Edited by Scorpiox

Mizuki_Fancy_Ava2.jpgMizuki Kimura (zakura) *50% More Gold Stolen* *Death Mask* *Ignores Positive Effects*

Level 25.33 Assassin

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 0

Health: 35/35

Gold: 0

Equipment: Dual Gladii (WP:12, Darkness and Light elemental, dual-strike), Sticky Gloves (Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up)), Death Mask (Increases assassination chances to 1/3 when the target’s health is lowered to 1/3, headwear, suitable for assassin), Fox Tail (user not affected by opponent's positive effects, backwear)

Inventory: 20 Venoms, 5 Nostrums, Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, 1 Think Jeeax Scales, Gladiator Trident (WP:11, causes bleeding effect; spear), Tonic, Potion, Weak Potion, 2 Deadly Venoms, Weak Regeneration Potion, Grand Potion, Loaded Die (Gives holder the Lucky-effect, accessory, suitable for anyone, Fleuret (WP:9, longsword), Orcish Shield (SP: 4, double if user is a greenskin), Sylph Shuriken (WP:12, wind elemental, retrievable), Quickdraw Quiver (Gives wearer the Hastened-effect, backwear, suitable for rangers), Top Hat (WP: 14, 50/50 chance of dealing the stunned-effect, retrievable), Kjorfalneire Tongue (The wearer’s restorative consumables are twice as potent, potions and tonics restoring twice as much health or ether, suitable for anyone, accessory), 2 Ambrosias, Smelling Salts

Edited by Zakura


namyrra_training_hall_avatar.jpgNamyrra Uq (Quarryman)
1337 years old female Fenarian Necromancer
Level 52 1/5 *Immune to Sealed, Slowed, Bound, Confused, Burned, Fire, Wind, Water, LightningEarth, Darkness, Wood and Light* *Triple level undead* *Overkill*
Power: 102 (52+50)
Defense: 10 (3+2+5)
Health: 71/71 (5+51+5+5+5)
Ether: 81/81 (5+51+1+5+4+5+10)
Gold: 1702
Equipment: Adamantine Staff (WP:50, can be transformed into an Adamantite Ore at a smithy for 500 gold; staff), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3, Ether:5. immune to Sealing, Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Earth, Darkness, Wood, and Light, bodywear), Ethereal Cloak (SP:2, Max. Ether +4, backwear), Fireward Helmet (SP:5, immune to fire and burned; headwear), Winged Sandals (Immune to bound and slowed, footwear), Overkill Gloves (gain Overkill gold on kills, borrowed from Arthur), Sigil of the Cold Circle (raises triple level undead for double ether cost, accessory)

Weapons: Crystal Mace (WP: 45 (5*gems imbued); Fire-, Ice-, Wind-, Water-, Lightning-, Earth-, Wood-, Light-, and Darkness-elemental; Mace), Mythril Empyreal Staff (WP:28, staff)
Artifacts: Medal of Glory (triple XP; accessory), Demonic Pointy Hat (+13 maximum ether, -13 maximum health; suitable for suitable for mages, necromancers and weather mages; headwear), Gold Dragon Crown (max Ether +6; immune to Stunned; suitable for anyone; Headwear), Water Canteen (Carries 3 portions of water; Accessory), Cobweb Cowl (immune to Sudden Death; suitable for anyone; Backwear), Winged Sandals (immune to Bound and Slowed; suitable for anyone; Footwear), Stella Polaris (Grants immunity to ice and doubles spellpower of ice-elemental spells; accessory), Fanged Helm (SP:5, headwear), Desert Cloak (immune to Fire; suitable for anyone; Backwear), Paper Doll (immune against Hexed, Accessory), 
Magician's Touch (Spellpower +10, Ether +10; handwear)
Spell Items: Zirconia, Emerald, Topaz, Aquamarine, Scroll of Arc Blindness, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Weakening, Naamah's Hourglass (Randomly causes either Hastened or Slowed to the target at the cost of 3 Ether), Jade Lamp of Summoning (summons Mediq, restoring health equal to the level of the summoner at the cost of 5 Ether)
Consumables: Potions (10), Grand Potions (4), Health Core, Tonics (9), Grand Tonics (4), Greater Tonic, Ether Cores (7), Remedies (9), Phoenix Essences (6), Phoenix Incenses (2), Mead (12), Nostrum (3), Titan Heart (encouraged & inspired) (2), Deadly Venom (3), Smoke Bombs (2), Holy Bomb, Water Bomb (14), Lightning Bomb (14), Dirt Bomb (3), Aeolus Bomb, Rudra Bomb, Flash Bomb, Rod of Asmodeus (Spellpower +6 but max. ether -6 when merged into an artifact at a smithy.), Skeleton Decoys (2), Bones (17)
Tools etc.: Pickaxe, Bedroll, Cornucopia (increases gold by 25% at end of quest)



Thothwick, a Hero who is Worth Something, a 44 year old Metasimian

Level: 25 Black Knight *Damage Undead* *Immune to Stunned*

Power: 39 (35 Ranged) (+2 due to cookies)

Defence: 10

Health: 40

Gold: 324

Equipment: Banana Sabre (WP:13, Heals Metasimians when used on them), Skull Shield (SP:6; immunity to darkness-elemental damage; suitable to Black Knights only), Black Knight's Armour (SP:4, protects from stunned-effect), Cultist's Hat (regular attacks do Damage to Undead)

Inventory: Shuriken (WP 8), Sabre (WP 10), Hinckwell Spear (WP: 4), 1 Traveller's Cloak (Backwear SP: 1), 1 Bedroll, 1 Telescope, 3 Cosmic Essences, 5 Deadly venoms, 5 Grand Potions, 6 Meads, 1 Ambrosia, 1 Dragon Scale, 1 Potion, 1 Military Grade Ice Bomb, 1 Military Grade Darkness Bomb, Grand Zoot Cookie, Sapphire, Bluto's Hat

Edited by Professor Flitwick


Name: William Harkenshire *Immune to Light* *Counterstriking*

Level: 23.66 Warden

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 10

Health: 37/37

Gold: 559

Glory Points (GP): 36

Equipment: Croise Crossbow (WP: 12), Mirror Shield (SP:10, user is immune to light-elemental damage; shield), Quiver of Homing Arrows (Rolls of AIM become HIT; can only be used with a bow or a crossbow; backwear.), Counterstrike Gloves (If the wearer is damaged by a Free Hit, they counter with strength equal to their level; handwear.)


* Repeating Crossbow (WP: 5 May not be upgraded; Fire; Hastened), Delfrin Sword (WP:3), Chain Whip (WP:7, causes Bound), Hand Cannon (WP: 5; Lightning ,Wood),Handy Longsword (WP: 4, 1/6 chance to inflict poisoned), Norgh Shield (SP: 5, Immune to Fragile), Lion Knight Shield (SP: 4, suitable for Knights),Pauldrons (SP +2, suitable to Knights, Dragoons and Skirmishers; accessory), Amulet of the Elven Horse Rider (Power +1 on the front row, doubles movement),Chimera Armor (SP:2, +2 Max Health; bodywear, suitable for Knights and Barbarians), Wave Sword (WP: 11, Darkness-elemental, deals Cursed Effect)

* Sapphire, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Pickaxe, Skeleton Decoy, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Venom x3, Elven Bomb, Bomb XX, 4 Fire Bombs, Water Bomb, Elixer, Military Grade Water Bomb, Military Grade Lightning Bomb, Bone x4, Magic Saucepan, Nostrum, Rito Feather (consumable, grants the hastened- and blessed-effects upon use for one battle), 1 fine Montresorian Wine, Mead, (Shard of Wood: WP 1 Dagger), Gold Bar, Mithril Shard (1/4 of a piece of Mithril)

Edited by Fred Daniel Yam


Romulus Dean (TheBoyWonder)

Level 26.33 Raider *Natural Respite* *Immune to Fragile* *1.5 multiplier gold gain*

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 8 (5+3)

Health: 39/39 (7+23+7+1)

Gold: 876 (30 to Loreal)

Equipment: Combrys (WP:17/16, Darkness, Wind, Fire and Ice; successful strikes raise WP by 1, unsuccessful strikes and the end of battle drop WP back to base value; greatsword), Heavy Armour (SP:5; protects from Fragile; bodywear), Gladiator Helmet (SP:3; headwear), Sticky Gloves (Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up))

Inventory: Dawnbreaker (WP:16, Light, Lightning, Water, Wood and Earth; greatsword), Gladiator Trident (WP:11, causes bleeding effect; spear), Staff of Frog Paladin (WP:6, grants Amphibianoc's Blessing; staff), Sylvania's Cowl (grants Animal Talk; headwear), 1 weak potion, 8 Potions, 3 Grand Potion, Regeneration Potion, Health Core, 2 Remedies, Phoenix Essence, 2 Nostrums, 2 Venoms, Bedroll, mead, 5 Weak Regeneration Potions, Soma, Strong Mead, Scrap Metal, Fenghuang Essence

Edited by TheBoyWonder

18679652234_a20d7689fc_t.jpgAlthior Emorith, The Dragonslayer (K-Nut)

36 years old male (undead) human Prophet

Level 58.6 *Clairvoyance* *Glossolalia* *Intimidation* *Permanently Transcended and Hastened* *Immune to Petrified, Cursed, Bound, and Slowed* *Absorbs Earth* *Immune to Ice and Darkness*

Power: 96 (58+35+3) (Spellpower: 111 (58+35+15+3))

Defense: 10 (5+5)

Health: 92/92 (5+58+15+1+1+5+5)

Ether: 107/107 (5+58+15+10+15+2+2)

Gold: 5130

GP: 14

Equipment: Mythril Scepter of Divine Affinity (WP:35, Has ⅙ chance to deal cursed effect on successful spells and ⅙ chance to deal blessed effect on successful healing, staff), Gloves of the Aspirant Zieg-Friend (Spellpower +5, Max Ether +5; suitable to those with reputation with the Ziegfrieds only, if reputation is great, values doubled, if reputation is outstanding, values tripled; handwear), Winged Sandals (protects from bound and slowed effects, footwear), Garuda Wings (Makes the user permanently hastened; Power +50 to winged warriors; backwear), Coat Hanger (allows wearing a second bodywear artifact regardless of the amount limit for artifacts; accessory), Robe of the Seneschal (SP:5; wearer absorbs earth-elemental damage and is immune to petrified, ice, and darkness elemental damage; suitable to clerics, mages, chi monks, necromancers, scholars, and weather mages; bodywear), Robes of Illumination (SP: 5, +10 Max Ether, wearer is permanently transcended, suitable to prophets; bodywear), The Black Hat (wearer is immune to cursed, grants Intimidation), Sungold Seal (Max HP+2; Power+3)


Weapons: Staff of the Supreme Necromancer (WP:25; damages undead; +5 level to raised undead; suitable to necromancers; staff), Boon Rod (WP:22; healing is guaranteed to restore health at least equal to WP at cost of one ether; staff, suitable to clerics), Scorching Staff (WP:20; attacks and fire elemental spells deal blinded; fire elemental staff), Doom Axe (WP:19, has 1/6 chance to cause doomed; axe), Bone Saw (WP:17, causes weakened and fragile to humanoids, beasts, vermin and flying enemies; longsword), 

Artifacts: Lieutenant's Helm (SP:3, protects from fragile; headwear), Feathered Hat (Max Health +4; a consumable item named 'feather' can be stored in the hat and used without spending a turn during battles; comes equipped with [Feather of Lithe]; headgear), Pink Ribbon (Max Ether +3, grants immunity to sealed, afraid, and doomed; accessory), Lens of Speed Reading (allows one scroll to be used per round in addition to a normal action, suitable for classes that have ether; accessory), Medal of Glory (Wearer earns triple experience; accessory), Counterstrike Gloves (if the wearer is damaged by a free hit, they counter with strength equal to their level; handwear), Warlord’s Helmet (SP:6; healing through ether in a battle encourages targets as well, suitable to clerics and chi monks; headwear)

Spell Items: 2x Ruby (Fire), 2x Aquamarine (Water), Garnet (Earth), Sapphire (Wind), Opal (Ice), Topaz (Lightning), Emerald (Wood), Diamond (Light), Amethyst (Darkness), Ethereal Amethyst (Darkness, deals blinded) Scroll of Frailty (Enables casting the fragile-effect to the target, causing it to take double damage for the next three rounds. Each casting has a 50/50 chance of success and costs 1 ether.), Scroll of Love (Enables casting the enamored-effect to the target, making it unable to damage the caster for three rounds. Each casting has a 50/50 chance of success and costs 1 ether.), Scroll of Luck (Enables casting the lucky-effect to the target for one battle. Each casting has a 50/50 chance and costs 10 ether.), Begone With The Winds (Grants the holder access to the Weather Mage expert job class upon reaching Level 30), Geode

Consumables: 3 Potions, 10 Grand Potions, Greater Potion (Restores 50 health to the target.), 7 Tonics, 4 Grand Tonics, 4 Ether Cores, 6 Remedies, 2 Elixirs, Phoenix Incense, 9 Meads, 3 Nostrums, Smoke Bomb, Rudra Bomb, Venom, Garnet Lamp of Summoning, Skeleton Decoy, Feather of Lithe (Makes the user nimble for three rounds), Feather of Flight (Allows the user to flee from the battle when used.), 2 Milks (restores 15 health and 15 ether upon consumption), Cup of Asmodeus (Max. health +6 but power -6 when merged into an artifact at a smithy.), Pumpkin Bomb (Causes stunned-, poisoned by 1-, asleep-, blinded-, sealed- and confused-effects to all opponents when used.), Grating Stone

Tools etc.: Bedroll, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, 4 Bones, Deaddy Bear (Causes 45 damage and doomed but has 1/6 chance to break whenever used), Sauce Pan (Tool; Can be used with a Potion, outside of battle, once per quest to restore full HP), Cornucopia (increases the holder's gold by 25% at the end of each quest),

Edited by K-Nut


Alexis Fenral
, Orc-kin
*Immune to
, Bound, Slowed*

24 year old female elven Assassin

Level 47

Power Bonus:





Steel fan (WP:20,
-, and
-elemental), Counterstrike Gloves, Medal of Glory (Artifact/Accessory - Mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles), Winged Sandals (artifact; footwear; protects from bound and slowed effects), Aventine's Cape (SP:1, immunity to darkness and water),


Cat-o'-Nine-Tails (WP: 20, damage divided between all enemies, Suitable For Rouges), Death's Whip (WP:11, on successful hits there is a 1/6 chance to cause double damage), Healing Staff (WP: 5; healing effect), Staff of Ennon (WP: 5,
-elemental, Restores 2 ether on a roll of 2, 3, or 4; staff), Fang Dagger (WP: 4), Town Watch Halberd (WP: 6),

Quickdraw Quiver (permanent hastened-effect, suitable to Rangers),
Electro Gear (Adds lightning-element to physical attacks and protects from lightning-elemental damage, accessory), Smelly Hide (Suitable for barbarians and beast warriors, half damage from beasts and humanoids on Damage, bodywear), Lieutenant's Helmet (SP:3, protects from
), Ring of Sight (protects from
), Regret's Cape (Backwear, grants immunity to first negative effect afflicted each battle),

Aquamarine (
), Diamond (
), Sapphire (
), Topaz (
), Fifty Shades of Bley,

Bedroll, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Shovel, Venom, Bedroll,

2 Somas, 5x Venom, 2x Deadly Venom, Health Core, 6x Potion, Grand Potion, 9x Meads, Smelling Salts, Nostrum, 9x Remedies, 7x Grand Potions, Skeleton Decoy, 8x Bone, Deadly Venom, Silver Ore (worth 60 gold), Mulled Wine, 2x Grating Stones, Crimson Venom (Causes a weapon to deal the poisoned by 7 and cursed effects for the duration of one battle), Red Death Blood (If applied to a weapon the Doomed effect is dealt on first blow), Zoot's Cookie, 2 Lightning Bomb, 7 Water Bombs, 3 Dirt Bombs


Alexandre le Chevalier, Orc-kin (Played by Capt.JohnPaul) *Immune to Fragile*

20 year old elf male Skirmisher

Level 31

Power Bonus: +1 (Growshroom Cap, Quest 103) (+6 total if in Front Row)

Defense: 20

Health: 56/56

Gold: 395

Equipment: Sword of the Elven Blademaster (WP: 17; ignores SP, +1 gold per successful strike), Cross Heater Shield (SP: 12), Fighting Boots (Power +5; footwear), (SP:5, protects from fragile-effect;bodywear), Gladiator Helmet (SP:3; headwear)


• Feather Duster of DOOM (WP: 1), Butcher's Cleaver (WP: 5, throwing weapon), Demonic Shard (WP:15, causes bleeding:10, greatsword)

• Bedroll,

• 5x Grand Potion, 2x Remedy, Neutralizer

• 5x Mead, Smelling Salts, 2x Nostrum, Mulled Wine, Ambrosia

• 3x Smoke Bomb

• 2x Deadly Venom, 3x Volatile Venom, Crimson Venom (Causes a weapon to deal the poisoned by 7 and cursed effects for the duration of one battle),


• Tome of The Regret, 1 fine Montresorian Wine, Level-up Mushroom

Edited by Capt.JohnPaul

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