Posted August 26, 201212 yr Hello everyone! For my third and final bronze-level review, I will be reviewing 4738 Hagrid's Hut from the Harry Potter line. And let me tell you, this set has quite a few interesting details inside. So, let's get started! Set name and number: 4738 Hagrid's Hut Minifigs: 4 Price: US- $39.99 DE- €49.99 UK- £39.99 AU- $69.99 CA- $54.99 Year: 2010 Theme: Harry Potter Pieces: 442 Here is the box, and if you look closely, you will notice that no one on the picture is happy. Especially Ron, since there is a large spider in front of him. (Box Picture came from Brickipedia.) Instructions The front of the instructions shows the detailed, spooky, box art. I love it, because we don't typically get to see something like this. The back of the instruction shows an advertisement for the LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 video game. I have the game, so I don't usually pay attention to this when I am going through my instructions. The Minifigs Ah, one of my favorite parts of the reviewing process is the minifigures. Let's start off with the Harry and Ron figs. Here we have Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Ron's smile is a bit too relaxed in my opinion, and Harry looks too cheery. Even with these face blunders, they are both excellent figures. I love the alternate faces! Well, Ron's face that is. Harry looks like someone ate the last doughnut for breakfast, whereas Ron looks frightened to the line of almost wetting his pants! I almost forgot to mention that Ron's hair is definitely fitting for him. However, Harry needs a shorter haircut. This hair is good for the first two movies, though. The boys have back printing as well. It is a nice print, but I am disappointed that it is the exact same. The same statement goes with the front of the torsos {Begin Rant} Next, we have Hermione. The reason Hermione is alienated from the rest is that she isn't all that accurate. The face just seems awkward, and I can't tell if her face is too defined, or under-defined. It does have a sense of maturity, though, and I appreciate that detail. Another thing that irritates me is that Hermione, Ron, and Harry have the exact same torso. I think if they were going for a mature look, they should've at least given her curves. Especially since her Diagon Alley version is the exact same head and face, and has curves. What's even more sad, is that the torso comes from Ginny, who is younger than Hermione! The hair is horridly inaccurate as well, as I have only seen it like that once. Do to her inaccuracy, I shall call her "Clone-mione". {Rant off} She also has a double sided expression. I actually prefer this face, but it just doesn't have that "Hermione" feel to it. However, it is nice to get more female faces that are not happy on one side, and screaming on the other. Hermione, like her two friends, has back printing as well. I am still unhappy with all 3 kids getting the exact same torso, though. Finally, Here is Hagrid. Overall, he is a very well done minifigure, and is amazingly accurate to the films. This is where Hagrid goes downhill. He is very, very happy, which makes me unhappy. This face just looks awkward and weird, as well as unnatural for him. Here is a comparison between Ron and Hagrid. Is anyone else thinking what I am thinking? That Hagrid is way too small? Exactly. However, I am okay with it as I know that LEGO's piece sizes are limited to certain heights. Finally, all of the minifigures have accessories. Hagrid has the umbrella, (which is my favorite), the crossbow, and the lantern. I am not sure why Hagrid has a crossbow, but it is fine with me. More parts!! The trio each gets a wand, which I think ends up being much too long in their hands. LEGO could have at least made a new mold for it, like in the video game. Interesting Parts and Animals First, why don't we start with our interesting parts. Here, we have a printed pumpkin head, a spider eye tile, a key, a plant leaf, an owl, a cauldron, a light brick, and a 2x2 that is twice as tall as normal. All of these pieces are extraordinary, and have many uses. The pumpkin head as a double print as well. Personally, I would love to see this head used in a Headless Horseman minifig. Moving on, let's see the animals. We get a fish, a miniature dragon, two owls, three spiders, and a rat. I mistakenly put the key in this picture as well as the one above, as you'll notice. I love these new owl pieces. Here is a comparison of the new ones with the old ones. The old one is not printed, and is "perched" at a lower angle than the new one. The Build Part One: The Spider The set comes with a spider, named Aragog. On the contrary, though, this spider looks nothing like Aragog. Here he is, the Acromantula. He actually isn't a terrible part of the set despite being nothing like the so called Aragog. I don't mind him, and he is actually kind of cute. Here you can see his shape. His legs use Technic pieces and swords that allow his legs to be posed. For me, his body is way too bulky but is something that I can forgive. The Build: Part Two- Hagrid's Hut (1st half) I am going to be showing what each half of the building looks like as a whole, so I am going to start off with the light brick section. Here, you can see that the light brick is in the middle of the sculpture. It works by pressing the red Technic bricks inward, which will cause it to light up. Below is the light brick function. I know the lighting isn't that dark, but the light doesn't get much brighter than that anyways. So, there it is, the light brick function. It isn't that bright, and it is a yellow color, which is unusual for flames, but it still is an interesting function. Here, you can see most of the inside of the first half. The only thing that isn't really visible is the swivel part that moves the cauldron. You also can't see the potion bottles, but there will be a close-up of those next. I don't remember there being steps on the inside, but it still looks good. Here, we have the potion bottles. These have got to be one of my favorite details in the entire set. It just adds to the homely feel of Hagrid's Hut, and adds to the entire experience. Here is the outer view of the set, and it really does come along in the entire set. It really is beginning to look like Hagrid's Hut, and I can't believe how realistic it looks. The Build: Part Two- Hagrid's Hut (2nd half) In the second half, there are three details that I would like to point out. I really like this picture frame. Unfortunately, it is a sticker. It is a very cute little detail, and I appreciate that it was put in the set. Here is another one of my favorite details. The table is quite basic, but it adds to the homeliness of the house. Here is the third and final detail that I loved. Hagrid is hiding the Sorcerer's stone in a desk, and it really is a cute thing. The stone is a diamond, which is fairly accurate, so I am fine with it. He also has Dumbledore's letter sitting inside of his desk. Hagrid may have to bend down quite a ways to grab it though, so he may have Clone-mione take it for him. The only flaw here is that the envelope falls out of it's slot extremely easily. Here is he outer view of the second half. It will connect with the other half via hinge bricks. You may notice that I forgot a slightly major part of this build. I noticed it right after I uploaded and edited all of my pictures. Anyways, our door is on after the build is complete, so don't worry. I like the mushroom details on the outside of the hut. Here we have our inside view of Hagrid's Hut. Hagrid has placed a vicious owl on the desk to guard the Philosopher's Stone. It is hard to see behind Mr. Guard Owl, but there is a plant jar behind the desk. overall, it looks pretty good. The Build Part 3- The Roof Next, we connect the two halves, and begin the roof. I love the sand-green parts, mostly because I don't have many, but also because it fits with the color scheme. You may also notice that there are miscellaneous items hanging from the ceiling. They are a fish, a drumstick, a spare key, and an axe. I can just imagine some of Hagrid's mottos: Who needs traps when you can let miscellaneous weapons and food drop on a burglar's head?, or even Hagrid's Hut, the place where you are probably too short to reach the food. We have also added clip pieces so we can add the rest of the roof. Also, as you can see in my "Fun Stuff section at the end, there isn't a lot of room inside the house, and it can barely fit everyone inside. Here is the one of the main roofs. The build becomes slightly repetitive here, but not enough to leave someone entirely frustrated. These clip on to the rest of the roof as shown below, and will complete the build. Build Complete, View of Each Side Here is the first and front view. You can see the Technic brick, but it isn't very overwhelming. I like this view, it is very ca, and relaxing. This view is just horrible! I can't look over it at all! You can see where everything comes together, but it just looks disgusting! Eugh, let's move on please. Ahh, that's more like it. This is my favorite view, because you can't see the light brick extension. Everything looks so peaceful. Except for the pumpkin heads. Finally, the rear view. Overall, there is a door and some mushrooms. I do like this side, because it seems realistic. Nobody really looks at backyards, so they tend to be kind of messy, and this backyard says "Hagrid" all over it. Build Complete, Interior Here is the complete set opened. There isn't a whole lot of floor space, which lessens the playability factor, so I am a bit disappointed with that. This is the left side of the building. The thing that really aggravates me here is that when the cauldron isn't being used, it blocks the doorway! How do Harry and his friends get inside?! I do suppose that there is a back door, but that would be almost sneaking in. The one thing on this side that I truly enjoy is the potion bottles up on the shelf. Here is a view of the fireplace, as well as the hinge that moves the cauldron. I have found that the block that supports the swinging hinge gets loose very easily, and when it falls out, it is very tricky to put back in due to the lack of space inside. Little things like that have effected my scoring of the set. The inside of the fireplace is two "flames" in a translucent orange CMF Series 4 Musketeer plume, as well as a few studs in orange. I would have preferred LEGO to have included more of the flames, despite the fact that they are not realistic, and do not look like flames. Finally, we have the view of the right side of the hut. I prefer this side more, as it has a lot more detail. I can't say anything negative about this side at all! It blends together so well, and it is very believable as a home! The Verdict: Price: 8/10- It isn't a super amazing price, but I am happy to get the amount of pieces that there are. Minifigs: 5/10- The best of them is Ron. The Major flaws include Hermione and Hagrid, but Hagrid is enough to overlook. Hermione isn't. Build: 9/10- There was only one bit of repetitiveness. Everything else was fantastic and new. Parts: 7/10- There was nothing new except for the owls. A lot of the parts are interesting though, so the set does deserve a "7" Playability: 10/10- LEGO did a fantastic job with this set playability wise. They mixed parts from different movies that allow you to reenact several of the movies or books. Overall: 39/50- That really makes me realize that this set is almost a hit and a miss on LEGO's part. It isn't terrible, but it isn't good either. Thanks for reading my review everyone! TrumpetKing67 Fun Stuff Clone-mione: "Let us in Hagrid, we know you are in there! We have a spare key, and we aren't afraid to use it! Oh my!" Hagrid: "I shaved my entire head! How does it look?!" Harry: "Horrible!" Why would you do such a thing?!" Ron: I think I might throw up slugs........ Ron: "Whew, it was just a nightmare. I don't think I can sleep again. Yesterday I had a dream that Bellatrix asked me to Wizard Prom." Edited August 26, 201212 yr by TrumpetKing67
August 26, 201212 yr Great review! The interior of the hut is awesome, but that spider is pretty lame.. the only thing I like about it is the use of katanas for the legs. It's amazing how LEGO can make a brickbuilt spider like this then make one so awesome like the one in Shelob Attacks.
August 27, 201212 yr Thanks for the review. I was lucky enough to come out of my Dark Ages just as the 2010 Harry sets were coming to stores! I love the whole line much more than the previous incarnations. I really liked Aragog (that is until Shelob came out ) The overall building is actually quite nice and I really like the interior. It has some nice touches from the book like the food hanging from the ceiling. The light brick is a neat feature, although I never use them for fear of having to change the battery. The minifigures look great. I don't think it looks like Hermione either, but at the same time, I rarely see a minifigure that looks like its real life counterpart. I actually am really pleased with Hagrid. No he isn't as giant as one would expect, but within the realm of Lego I am satisfied. I would definitely give this set a higher score than 39/50, but that is because Harry Potter is my favorite theme. If TLG released more sets, I would be more than willing to cut out some other licensed properties. Anyway, thanks for the review. It was nice seeing this again.
August 28, 201212 yr I love this set just for the versatility. Even if you don't go in big for HP, tis set makes a great little addition to a Castle/Kingdom/Fantasy Era setting or to a Monster Fighters MOC, pretty much no modification needed. It's a great witches or woodsmans hut. And all the little details and accessories are fantastic.
August 28, 201212 yr Ths is a great little dollhosue-like set, you can also get it really cheap these days!
August 28, 201212 yr Im a huge Star Wars fan but I bought this set right away. I guess its my favourite HP set from the last 2 waves of this theme. Nice review. Thanks !
August 31, 201212 yr Great review 'TrumpetKing67'! The photos are a bit bright, but I still enjoyed them nonetheless. For $40, it's a pretty nice set with some good parts, but I agree that Aragog just looks wrong... and it is really disappointing that they didn't make a female uniform torso for Hermione. Having owned the original version from 2001, this one looks like a great improvement, but it's really strange that this set was one of the few ways to get Ron in the final 'Harry Potter' wave.
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