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  On 8/26/2012 at 2:59 AM, Waterbrick Down said:


As in Rrrrruffles! I attempted to try and figure out a reason why Bristol was killed making the least amount of assumptions. According to your reasoning, her kill doesn't make sense from a scum's perspective and thus you go on to assume that it was probably a serial killer and that the scum were either blocked or their target was protected. :sceptic:

You have some kind of speech impediment? WOOF!

Blocking and protection aren't the only alternatives I brought forward but they seem the more likely ones at this point.

It's speculation of course, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking Bristol was a poor choice for a scum kill. I would also think a cult worshipping an arsonist would be a little more flamboyant in their killing. Neither kill today involved fire.

Yes, I'm making assumptions at this point but they're based off of facts we have. I don't care how much Occam needs a shave, your simple explanation has holes in it.

The sound of Gordon drumming his chest is heard.

I think I might have a clue about what happened. Remember those vials the ones who weren't dumb and could solve the anagram could choose from? I bet my tail that one of them has had something to do with the Walrus's death.

Lazlooo!!! :wub: I want to BOING with you so much right now, but the others are watching and I know you're shy about getting undressed. Isn't that why you always turn off the lights before we BOING? I don't understand why you keep calling me "Ralphy" while we're doing it, though...

  On 8/26/2012 at 3:16 AM, CorneliusMurdock said:

It's speculation of course, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking Bristol was a poor choice for a scum kill.


Aren't the scum trying to kill all of us? Tell me, why shouldn't they have killed Bristol? Who would've made a better target, in your opinion?

Bristol kept to herself most of yesterday, and to me that could also mean she had something to hide. She obviously wasn't a Cultist, so perhaps the scum thought she had a powerful night action?

I didn't get any nightly action because Lazlo was away. :sad:


Oh that's not the natural sound a bunny rabbit makes. That's the sound a bunny rabbit makes when he is fapping!

Oh my god! We lost two of our dear neighbors... Luckily one of them was a bad guy. Humng only two kills, I'd expected there to be three... Lets see what this day brings us.


  On 8/26/2012 at 12:22 AM, Tamamono said:

Now, let's not waste any time, dearies! It's time to focus on today's lynch! :sweet: In my opinion, we should definitely look at Pennie and Casey (Casey especially). Does anyone have any information regarding them?

If Casey were a Cultist, I don't see a good reason for defending a Villager yesterday. Petey was becoming the prime candidate for a lynch at the point she started to subtly defend him. All the Cultist needed to do, and probably have done, is sit back at that point. She might have done it to appear Village, but the attention that she drew by doing so illustrates how risky that strategy is for them. Pennie insisted on leading the lynch against Petey, something a Cultist would also like to avoid. So, as I already indicated yesterday, Petey showing up Village actually increases the chance that the both of them are also Villagers. Now that doesn't clear them of course and it would make them prime candidates for conversion.


As to last night's events. I don't have a lot to add to what's already been said. Bristol seems like an odd choice for a Cultist kill and the lack of sacrificial rituals may suggest something else is going on. The killings of Gabby and Benji yesterday night both involved rituals and poor Benji was even burned alive. :cry_sad: Regarding the fish trap, God seems to like landmines, traps, and stuff like that, so it may be something like that...

  On 8/26/2012 at 7:31 AM, Scubacarrot said:

I think I might have a clue about what happened. Remember those vials the ones who weren't dumb and could solve the anagram could choose from? I bet my tail that one of them has had something to do with the Walrus's death.

... or indeed like this. Anyway, whether it was divine intervention or someone deliberately targeting the walrus, we got rid of our first Cultist. :sweet: As Portia already indicated, there's still the possibility of delayed kills, which our God also seems to fancy. Not sure if God is just stupid messing with us, but Gabby already went missing before yesterday night, yet her remains were only found yesterday morning. Maybe the Cultists or a Serial Killer abduct someone and kill them the following night... :look:

In any case, people with protective abilities or a blocker may hold vital information, especially once we get a better picture of what transpired last night.

  On 8/26/2012 at 7:31 AM, Scubacarrot said:
I think I might have a clue about what happened. Remember those vials the ones who weren't dumb and could solve the anagram could choose from? I bet my tail that one of them has had something to do with the Walrus's death.

I don't think you can fit a walrus trap in one of those vials. :tongue: But yes, you're right, it's entirely possible one of the vials contained a one-shot kill action... And if it does, we'll need to some how keep it away from the Cultists - we don't want them having more power...

Although, they didn't kill last night. Maybe they need the vials to kill? Nay, neigh, surely that's too unbalanced. I don't think God is that nice to us... :tongue:

Awesome that we killed our first Cultist already, even if it wasn't actually us but some unidentified bear-trap-placer. Still, progress is progress when you're cleaning up filth! :sweet: I think the one thing we can establish is that the bear-trap wasn't placed by a cultist! :laugh: The paranoid dude argument could hold some validity, but then so could several other explanations for it. I guess we will find out in the coming nights.

Becka, why don't you hang me from the hook in our bedroom ceiling with those handcuffs you keep under the bed and rub my unmentionables with chilli powder in celebration! :wub:

  On 8/26/2012 at 8:16 AM, Rick said:

In any case, people with protective abilities or a blocker may hold vital information, especially once we get a better picture of what transpired last night.

I can say this without giving away anything I think. I have it on good authority I was protected.

Ooh, ooh!


Bollocks, Oink

Well at least we know theres a crazy bear trap cult killer out there/ or indeed a vial which sounds a lot more likely. Although I would have thought the vial would have killed someone the next day!

  On 8/26/2012 at 7:31 AM, Scubacarrot said:

The sound of Gordon drumming his chest is heard.

I think I might have a clue about what happened. Remember those vials the ones who weren't dumb and could solve the anagram could choose from? I bet my tail that one of them has had something to do with the Walrus's death.

Neigh, I believe that God had mentioned somewhere that these bottles given out won't be extremely consequential. I doubt they would contain something as extreme as a one-shot kill action.

I must say I'm surprised about Petey; I was expecting to have a long look at Seamus today, given my suspicions, but that doesn't seem warranted right now. I'm not saying that clears Seamus, but my suspicions have reduced.

And so much for the bunny conspiracy, although again that doesn't necessarily clear Bridget or Ralphy. Bristol does seem like an odd choice to me for a culty kill, but then the aim of the cultists is to sew confusion and doubt. That said, an axe through the head isn't exactly 'ritual sacrifice' and as has been pointed out already, there was a lack of immolation. :sceptic: The firey fox was spotted overnight - perhaps 'approving' of the kills? The multitude of possibilites for the apparent lack of culty kill have already been stated, but I do fear a delayed-action kill.

Well done to whoever done-in Wallace, that shows remarkable perspicacity, as it does seem to me to have been deliberated targeted at him, rather than some sort of reflexive action. The vials from Firus also crossed my mind as a possibility, however, given that there's such a large group, surely there would have been multiple people choosing the same vial? Or maybe after choosing the correct vial there was another trial from which there was only one person selected? It's difficult to speculate on what god may have done in his infinite insanity, and picking up patterns will unfortunately only be possible after a second night.

In the meantime, it sounds like there are some leads to follow from the unseen events of last night, so if furries have found furries to trust, please do make sure you can trust them.


*chews on lamppost*

Grrrr. Grrrr.


  On 8/26/2012 at 9:46 AM, Dragonator said:

Grrrr. Grrrr.



You really could use a baaaaaaaa-th. :sick:

*squeak* I don't think analyzing last nights events is going to get us anywhere today, unless we have some witnesses who can tell us more about what happened. We have no grounds for comparison, so the information may only become useful later, when we see how future nights pan out, and thus can know more about if last night was different in any way.

If we want to get anywhere today, I think we should focus on what we do know. And what is that? Well, we know that Petey was a loyal Villager. And what can we learn from that? Well, that's what I'd like to know! It seems most of those who voted for Petey yesterday did so on the grounds that it was the lynch we would learn the most from. Now, please tell me, oh wise furries: what did we learn from it?

Theoretically, we could also learn something from knowing that Bristol was a Villager, and that Wallace was an evil Cultist, but neither of them said anything of value yesterday :hmpf:. They do have one thing in common though, they were the two quiet furries Portia tried to awake :tongue:

And one more thing. Petey died giving us a list of his suspects. Given that we now know he was a Villager, we should have an extra look at that list, even if it is all based on Day 1 behaviour...

  On 8/24/2012 at 1:23 AM, darkdragon said:

  • Becka Bulldog (Rick) - Comes in late, quotes a lot of people, says nothing much though. Non-commiting to a vote until its becoming a bandwagon.
  • Brigit Bunny (Sandy) - Nothing helpful at all, lots of "go town" but just enough visibility to not be invisible, and this after it was brought up that the bunny family was quiet.
  • Cameron Crocodile (Rufus) - Again, lots of typing but no substance. Not the first to vote me, but not the last.
  • Casey Cat (Scouty) - Casey tried to help, but when I think about it, did she? Why would she say I contacted her? I never asked her to publicly defend me. Once I'm dead and come up town, she will look like a good samaritan.
  • Gordon Gorilla (scubaradish) - Started the whole thing. One gentle prod and he knew I'd freak out (it's just what I do). Wasn't the first one to vote for me, wasn't the last to jump on the bandwagon. He even got a little wishy-washy in his posts.

Even if my dear Casey is on that list :cry_sad:


  On 8/26/2012 at 11:34 AM, Cecilie said:


You are so scum.

Ooh, ooh.


  On 8/26/2012 at 12:22 AM, Tamamono said:

What a splendid job done! :wub: Now, I'm going to go right ahead here and say I told yoooooou so on Petey Polar Bear, but to whoever killed the manatee, a job well done to yoooooou!

Yes, you did. Let us all recall what you said.

  On 8/22/2012 at 3:52 PM, Tamamono said:

So, wait, let me get this straight, people are going to vote for Petey Polar Bear because he made a joke about not taking lynching lightly? *huh* That's incredibly silly! Silly silly silly!

Right from the off you were vehemently against it. Even before people had voted. At a time when people were looking more at Casey. Almost as if you knew Petey was a town member, and could claim a higher ground of morality and innocence the next day. Despite being asked twice, you managed to skilfully avoid answering why you felt that way... most likely because you were preparing the salad to serve alongside me, when I get eaten! :cry_sad:

  On 8/26/2012 at 12:22 AM, Tamamono said:

Does anyone have any information regarding them?

Anyone got any leads?

Ah, thank you Maurice. My my! What an awfully long speech you gave, whilst providing an unhelpful quote from yesterday. Petey's suspicions are questionable, at best; four of them were just people voting for her, and the list doesn't include Wallace. :sceptic:

  On 8/26/2012 at 11:39 AM, Scubacarrot said:

You are so scum.

Ooh, ooh.

You are so helpful :hmpf:


  On 8/26/2012 at 11:46 AM, Professor Flitwick said:

Ah, thank you Maurice. My my! What an awfully long speech you gave, whilst providing an unhelpful quote from yesterday. Petey's suspicions are questionable, at best; four of them were just people voting for her, and the list doesn't include Wallace. :sceptic:

Well, sorry for trying to start talking about something else than clues in the pictures :hmpf_bad:.


  On 8/26/2012 at 11:53 AM, Cecilie said:

You are so helpful :hmpf:


Well, sorry for trying to start talking about something else than clues in the pictures :hmpf_bad:.


Look. I find it interesting you acted like you was sure of Petey's Innocence, something only the dirty (I bet they have fleas, too) cultists would be sure of. I'm sure you will say: "But I did not say that." Face it, you acted like it.

Now you pull out a quote from yesterday basically saying: We should look at this guys. How about you look at it and you act like it. Oh wait, you are scum so you don't want to do anything yourself.

You are scummy.

Ooh ooh. This rule is stupid.

  On 8/26/2012 at 12:01 PM, Scubacarrot said:

Look. I find it interesting you acted like you was sure of Petey's Innocence, something only the dirty (I bet they have fleas, too) cultists would be sure of. I'm sure you will say: "But I did not say that." Face it, you acted like it.

Now you pull out a quote from yesterday basically saying: We should look at this guys. How about you look at it and you act like it. Oh wait, you are scum so you don't want to do anything yourself.

You are scummy.

Ooh ooh. This rule is stupid.

You are right, I will say it: I didn't say I was sure. Maybe I acted like it, but that's only because I didn't feel Petey was really acting all that scummy, and I didn't see what there was to learn from lynching him.

And what's wrong with trying to start some talk about people? It won't help if I just go out and call them scummy, I was trying to spark some discussion. But apparently, that doesn't sit well with you, maybe because you are on the list? :wink:

And if you really think I am scum. You are dead wrong. And now you are going to say "of course you would say that!" :tongue:

*squeak* I like this rule, you need to lighten up :laugh:

  On 8/26/2012 at 12:01 PM, Scubacarrot said:

Now you pull out a quote from yesterday basically saying: We should look at this guys. How about you look at it and you act like it. Oh wait, you are scum so you don't want to do anything yourself.

The monkey makes sense, for a change. BOING for that!

I did not vote for Petey, anyway, but only scum could've known he was innocent yesterday.

The same applies to Petey's list - it's just his thoughts based on what he saw take place. A list of five random people, nothing more, nothing less. So look at it all you want, Maurice, but just make sure to return to us with your thoughts, or you'll end up looking just as scummy as Gordon said.

For the record, I did not learn anything new last night. I was too busy reading Fifty Shades of Bley - it really makes me BOING-y!

  On 8/26/2012 at 12:06 PM, Cecilie said:

You are right, I will say it: I didn't say I was sure. Maybe I acted like it, but that's only because I didn't feel Petey was really acting all that scummy, and I didn't see what there was to learn from lynching him.

And what's wrong with trying to start some talk about people? It won't help if I just go out and call them scummy, I was trying to spark some discussion. But apparently, that doesn't sit well with you, maybe because you are on the list? :wink:

And if you really think I am scum. You are dead wrong. And now you are going to say "of course you would say that!" :tongue:

*squeak* I like this rule, you need to lighten up :laugh:

Feel free, ask me anything, look at anything, I don't care.

And easy for you to say, your species has a word for the sound you make.

  On 8/26/2012 at 12:10 PM, Scubacarrot said:

And easy for you to say, your species has a word for the sound you make.

Well, howler monkeys howl. Are you sure you're not a howler monkey? Judging by the noises you make at night...

Boing boing! And a bounce and a hop!

  On 8/26/2012 at 8:32 AM, Dragonator said:

Becka, why don't you hang me from the hook in our bedroom ceiling with those handcuffs you keep under the bed and rub my unmentionables with chilli powder in celebration! :wub:

Wrrrooof! :wub_drool:

:blush: Tonight Bookie, if you actually manage to stay awake, unlike last night. :hmpf: At least I got some... uhm... extra business, thanks to the nice people in Gibson's pub. :look:

  On 8/26/2012 at 11:34 AM, Cecilie said:

If we want to get anywhere today, I think we should focus on what we do know. And what is that? Well, we know that Petey was a loyal Villager. And what can we learn from that? Well, that's what I'd like to know! It seems most of those who voted for Petey yesterday did so on the grounds that it was the lynch we would learn the most from. Now, please tell me, oh wise furries: what did we learn from it?

I explained yesterday what we could learn from it:

  On 8/23/2012 at 5:46 PM, Rick said:

If we decide to lynch either Casey or Petey and they turn out to be a Cultist, it becomes more likely the other is a Cultist too (especially in the case of Casey). If Casey turns out to be a Villager, that won't tell us much about Petey's allegiance though. However, when Petey turns out to be a Villager, that makes it likely Casey is a Villager too, because a Cultist would be happy with all the attention on a Villager like Petey (unless Casey's trying really hard to appear 'Village' of course). So, ironically, while I think Casey has been acting scummier than Petey, and wouldn't mind seeing her lynched, I think we'll learn slightly more from lynching Petey. :sceptic:

So, as I also said earlier today, it makes it more likely that both Casey and Pennie are Villagers too. Of course we can't be sure of anything and with those crazy frogs around, I don't think we'll ever be sure. What would we have learned had we lynched Pennie, which is what you wanted, and she had come up Village? Would you have concluded Petey was a Cultist? :wacko:

Theoretically, we could also learn something from knowing that Bristol was a Villager, and that Wallace was an evil Cultist, but neither of them said anything of value yesterday :hmpf:. They do have one thing in common though, they were the two quiet furries Portia tried to awake :tongue:

At least you come up with a good reason why the Cultists would want to kill Bristol, namely that we learn very little from her death.


  On 8/26/2012 at 11:46 AM, Professor Flitwick said:

Right from the off you were vehemently against it. Even before people had voted. At a time when people were looking more at Casey. Almost as if you knew Petey was a town member, and could claim a higher ground of morality and innocence the next day.

  On 8/26/2012 at 12:01 PM, Scubacarrot said:

Look. I find it interesting you acted like you was sure of Petey's Innocence, something only the dirty (I bet they have fleas, too) cultists would be sure of. I'm sure you will say: "But I did not say that." Face it, you acted like it.

Indeed, people strongly opposed to Petey's lynch, as if they knew he was an innocent Villager, should be scrutinised today.

  On 8/26/2012 at 12:12 PM, Sandy said:

Well, howler monkeys howl. Are you sure you're not a howler monkey? Judging by the noises you make at night...

Boing boing! And a bounce and a hop!

Oh Brigit, you know I only make that noises when I look at my portait of you in my bedroom.




I love you Brigit! Please leave that dirty Lion, you know your life would be better with me! :sing: Ooh, ooh!

  On 8/26/2012 at 12:13 PM, Rick said:

I explained yesterday what we could learn from it:


So, as I also said earlier today, it makes it more likely that both Casey and Pennie are Villagers too. Of course we can't be sure of anything and with those crazy frogs around, I don't think we'll ever be sure. What would we have learned had we lynched Pennie, which is what you wanted, and she had come up Village? Would you have concluded Petey was a Cultist? :wacko:

Sorry, I must have missed that. So basically, all we learned is that Casey is slightly less scummy then? Yey, my dear wife Casey :cry_happy:

  On 8/26/2012 at 12:13 PM, Rick said:

At least you come up with a good reason why the Cultists would want to kill Bristol, namely that we learn very little from her death.

Yey, I'm not completely useless! I am really trying to help you know, even if I apparently am not very good at it :cry_sad:.

  On 8/26/2012 at 12:13 PM, Rick said:

Indeed, people strongly opposed to Petey's lynch, as if they knew he was an innocent Villager, should be scrutinised today.

I would like to know who you would place in that category? All of those who didn't vote for Petey? Because there were quite a lot of those, including a good bunch of non-voters who didn't want to take a stand at all.

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