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While I do appreciate that you like my guild, I am not sure that your statement would work, as just about everyone would build for their whatever its called and GOH would probably become a mess.

no offence or anything.

  On 9/6/2012 at 10:13 AM, Legonardo said:

While I do appreciate that you like my guild, I am not sure that your statement would work, as just about everyone would build for their whatever its called and GOH would probably become a mess.

no offence or anything.

I already use 3 (and now 4) other Guilds in my stories, since the beginning: Ximus, Amenor, Atlarka and now Drakrydar. Some of them will have their own embassy in Mpya Stedor, their leaders or embassadors represented and so on and so on. So in my opinion, these newly discovered guilds (Morgali, Skislandor, ...) can still exist in Historica, as long as you still consider them as a minor part in Historica.

So I agree with you that if we would build MOC's for our own Guild, it will become a mess. Beside, there are thousands spots in Historica that aren't MOC'ified yet, so there are still plenty of different ideas that can be developped.

And I agree with Angeli that these very own Guilds still may exist even when they are not the 5th Guild. But we can only use their warriors, traders, leaders, assassins, ... and not their ground :classic:

Too late now, we are sending Drow raiding party! :)

That aside, you can implement any story into Historica :) If Celestials become a guild, they will have major impact on guilds. If they are not selected, they will still exist, but they will not present such a threat (or influence); they will raid a city or two, and then stop (for some reason), and continue to exist in the background :)

Even now you can build what ever you want and implement it in any way you see fit into Historica world :)

A teaser of my 5th Guild...


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Looking good so far everyone! :thumbup:

Here’s my entry as a “Fifth Guild” so I hope you all like it!

Guild: Gomoria

Location: 100 miles off the coast of Nocturnus

Capital: Fern (Largest Lordship)

Unique Characteristics: Gomoria’s fertile fields provide vast knowledge of efficient agriculture techniques. Knowledge of sturdy defenses to fend of attack of Giants is also known, though knowledge of extensive castle construction is limited.

Color Scheme: Gomoria’s colors are Gold and Black. Gold representing the Gomoria’s humble history of farming and a symbol of the harvest. Black represents the harsh nature and the long shadows of the horrid Giants that roam the realm of Gomoria.



Gomoria is a land of large things. It’s a large island; there are large open plains, large farms, and notably large monsters. For Gomoria is known best as the home of the world’s Giants—they hail from the mountains, snow tops, and fire pits—all coming to strike terror in the hearts of the humble farmers who call this island home.

While the rest of Heroica fight each other over land and titles, the simple farmers of Gomoria continue their tradition of agriculture as they have done for hundreds of years—as well as fend of the clubs and teeth of giants. While below the surface Goblins dig for gold—while humans above, under the leadership of Olaf Muninn of Fern, intend to finally put down the their pitchforks and pick up spears to drive the life from the Giants once and for all!


Humans—The largest type of inhabitants in Gomoria. The majority are farmers, and they live under regional lordships. The humans of Gomoria know little of castle building and live primarily in small wood and brick homes. They have no national military, though some regional Lords have great strength, and been known to create wooden fortresses with strong defenses.

Goblins—Races of Goblins live beneath the small mountains of Gomoria. They have a truce with the humans, but have been known to come to the surface to steal livestock. Ruled by a singular king, they focus on their gold mines and easily scare at the site of Giants.

The Giants:

Above all (Literally) the most notable residents of Gomoria are the Giants—for which the country is named. There are three types, though some inhabitants claim they’ve seen more.


Mountain Giants—The majority of the giants on Gomoria are of this type. They are dim, brutish, and scantily dressed. Known to scoop up sheep and pigs that stray too far from the human farms, Mountain Giants also like to brandish large wooden clubs and loin cloths. While they normally avoid attacking human dwellings, they have been known to decimate towns for food—in search of man flesh—which they’ve grown a taste for.

Snowy Giants—Blue in skin, and cold at heart, the Snowy Giants are few and far between. They only dwell in the highest and coldest of mountains on Gomoria and won’t normally attack unless provoked; but they are mischievous and like cause avalanches from time to time. Being the smartest of giants, myths claim they once had an alliance with humans. These giants can freeze things with their breath—though they flee from large fires.

Fire Giants—More common than Snowy Giants, those giants of Fire are the most trouble for the human peoples on Gomoria. They in particular they love to light up towns and farms, and are by far the most savage of giants. They’ve also grown a fancy for human women, and have been known to raid villages just to carry of their virgins. Sometimes they also form small forces of Fire Giants to take down larger towns. Fire Giants are immune to heat and lava; though they must carry large torches as they cannot naturally create their own fire.



Build: 14x18 studs

Gomoria is a large island roughly 100 miles off the Eastern Dark lands of Nocturnus. Being around 500 miles across, its large landscape is only surpassed by the massive Giants who roam the island.

The majority of Gomoria is open plains which are mostly flat with forests only growing near the mountains or streams. These plains have very fertile soil which yields strong crops often. Small rivers also irrigate the land, and are home to various forms of freshwater fish.

Short, thick mountains flank the majority of the plains, and they divide up the island into isolated regions each with their own governments and citizens, though with a common occupation of agriculture. The largest mountains are clustered in the center of Gomoria; both blanketed by snow, and patrolled by the illusive Snowy Giants.

Beneath the mountain ranges live the Goblin folk, who mine gold deep within the surface. The destructive Fire Giants also reside there and escape to the surface through cracks in the peaks to cause mayhem. Surrounding almost all of the mountains are misty forests, whose tree’s height is tall enough to hide Mountain Giants.

Heavy winds are known to coat the plains and have been said to even throw small livestock across the fields. Rain falls almost daily, but for short periods. The weather changes fast in Gomoria, though she has four seasons.

Lord Olaf Muninn, Leader of the Humans and "King" of Gomoria:

His father was crushed by a Mountain Giant, brother frozen by a Snowy, and mother burned by a Fire Giant, Lord Olaf Muninn has a personal vendetta against all things tall in Gomoria. Leader of the region known as Fern, and unofficial leader of all Gomoria, Olaf Muninn has been training his famer folk in the ways of war against the Giants. He intends to either destroy all the monsters or die trying, and he’s willing to sacrifice his own life, his land, or the lives of his people to complete his vengeance.


That's it! Hope you liked it!

Good evening, citizens of Historica. Let me tell you a little story:

High in the air atop the world lies the celestial realm of Solia, a magic place where the Sun and the Elements are worshipped. The people there are the descendants of a demigod, who errected big halls plated with gold and huge pillars made of finest marble up in the skies. Far away from the earth the people of Solia have lived in peace until now. Evil forces are spreading over Historica and no Guild is able to outrun them. The once so strong pillars are breaking, the gold is no longer shiny but matt and ugly. In this times of great conflict the elder priests have elected a new Guild Leader: Alcot IV. He has turned the peaceful worshippers in mighty warriors, who he sends down on the corrupted earth to fight the evil that is spreading across it.

Guild name: Solia

Guild Location: High up in the clouds atop Historica

Capital: Sankturia, the city in the clouds

Leader: Alcot IV.

Unique characteristics: worship Sun + Elements, love peace, descendants of a demigod

Color Scheme: Green and Gold


Solia Warriors of the Wind and an Assassin. Each warrior has to choose an Element to fight for. The bird stands for the wind, which they hope to grant them great speed in battle. Once peaceful the Solians were turned to machines, programmed to kill. Their divine blood makes them stronger than humans and hard to kill.


Alcot IV: He is young but nobody of the Solians has seen pain greater than he has. He wants to protect Solia at any cost. Even the elder priests, who elected him are scared of his temper. They know he is the path to victory against the evil, but they fear the cost he will demand. Their whole moral concept is in danger.


The shrine of Wind in Sankturia. It's were the high priests worship the wind and were the best warriors pray to get the Gift of the Wind, which grants incredible speed in battle. The pillars are broken, the faces grim, just the blue flame burns like it has for centuries.(I'm sorry but these clear 1x2 are almost impossible to photoshop)

Does this challenge have an effect on challenge 5?

Ok, here is my entry of this mini challenge:

Guild name: Gascar – The beginning of Nocturnus, where the evil starts.

Lord Ssilyrrlith was a renegade from Gascar, who settle to the borders of Historica and serves now under the high King of Historica. Gascar is independent from the other Guilds. The Drow wants to do the same with Nocturnus, but it seems that this will not happened.

Guild location: Behind the Eastern Darklands, far away from Historica.

Capitol: Muracar is the capitol of Gascar and is made with hundreds of bones and is built in the higher Mountains.


picture from World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King

Unique characteristics: The undead inhabitants of Gascar, resists the four Elements (Water, Fire, Air and Earth).

Color Scheme: Black and Blue

Leader: Lich King Xeron



picture from World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King

20x20 vignette showing the desolation of Gascar.






"Hersbrucker" you used those lava/rock monster arms! I always loved those on minifigs! :laugh:

Is it perfectly fine to give our guild it's own topic, or better not to? (Of course, I understand it must be posted here regardless).

  • Author

If you have questions, please read the first post in the thread. All the details are laid out there. :thumbup:




A great war long ago split mitgardia. The losing rebels were sent to live high in the mountain peaks. Instead of death they thrived and there numbers increased.

It is said if one mitgardian could make it to the highest mountain peaks, that there leader Glenton and his men would fight for mitgardia in there hour of need.But some still say his blood runs bitter cold for revenge!

Guild name: Belley

Guild Location: Mitgardia mountain peaks.

Capital and Ruler: Hority, Glenton

Unique characteristics: The people of Belley's heart beats twice as fast as any normal man, this means they can live in the coldest conditions. Although not the strongest of men they have twice the speed.


Color scheme:


Belley Army by NunoRast, on Flickr


Guild Leader


Glento leader of Belley. by NunoRast, on Flickr




Belley mountain stronghold. by NunoRast, on Flickr

great celestial green and gold combination, I love those minifigs ;)

And those hands out of rock monster, I tried to do that, but I could not take the monster hands out the sockets ( at the end I was afraid that I would brake the whole figure). How did you do it? Great entry, btw ;) And, the same could be said for all :)

  On 9/11/2012 at 5:54 PM, Angeli said:

And those hands out of rock monster, I tried to do that, but I could not take the monster hands out the sockets ( at the end I was afraid that I would brake the whole figure). How did you do it? Great entry, btw ;)

Maybe my Rockmonster was more in use as yours :laugh: so it goes easier.

Thanks for your pleasant words :wink:

My created new guild is ready

See here:


After all long time of fighting between the settler and the army of the colonial ruler, the settler won the independent and declared the former old colony to a new Land called "Down Under"

They open there doors for all people and race who want to start new life in a unknown land. There are still no maps because there are only a handful of settlement on the coast of the new land and it's hard to find real guys who don't dodder the legs by the though of going upside of the small and few roads into the unknown land with the rainforrest,the large flat, the everglades and the hills and mountains ...

See and read more here

Edited by hellboy



Guild name:


The song of the hills tells the story of a land of mountain and valley, of desert and forest, lake and river, city and country. It is the story of the island known as home to the greatest riches in the world, the island called home by a valiant race of people who dared everything to reach its shores. It is the story of long wars, devastating clashes for power, the deadlock of nobles clamoring for control. It is the story of The Isle of Soflos.

[All information in brackets is not really supposed to be known by the characters of the guild. In other words, it is background information I found useful or interesting.]

Guild Location:

Below Kaliphlin and slightly to the east. See map below (note The Great Southern Ocean):


[This was my first attempt at a map, so please excuse its unprofessional layout. In fact, I did it all with only Paint and Word. Don't worry if you can't read the names; a description of each follows.]

Locations within Soflos:


Soflos - The entire isle is called by this name to symbolize the wisdom (especially in trading) of its inhabitants. In fact, there is really no reason to call it an isle, but it is more of a small continent. [sophos means wisdom in ancient Greek.]

Kalosege - The island that is located near the Ocean of Terror, to the Southeast of the rest of Soflos. Kalosege grows much of the fruit produced in the Kingdom. [in Greek, Kalos means beautiful and ge means land.]


Navenga - The Capital of Soflos, although it has not always been the center of the Kingdom as it is now. When settlement of Soflos was first made, the explorers landed in what is now Celsium, and then retreated inland to Kriton, which they used as their stronghold against all evil. As more people began spreading to the west, Navenga was founded, as well as many other cities, for the ground in that area is very fertile. With an increasing number of people moving farther away from Kriton, King Axo I declared the new Capital to be Navenga.

Kingside - A favorite resort of both the king and his nobility. Located near the sea, it also trades extensively.

Mantulas - Much of the produce grown in the immediate area is sent here, and then shipped by the river to Kingside to avoid the tedious passage of the King's Highway. Many of the nobles travel through here on their way to Kingside as well. However, at certain seasons of the year the river is impassible, which is the reason the King's Highway exists at all.

Kepla - At once a port and an agricultural center. A great deal of the Kingdom's food is grown in this area.

Agathope - A flourishing woodland town, founded in modern times by Agathadous (a famous explorer). Grapes are produced here in great quantity, as well as other fruits. [Agathos means good in Greek.]

Thalassa - A beautiful seaside town (even if it does border the Ocean of Terror). Produce from the neighboring countryside is gathered and generally shipped to Kingside, or sometimes overland to Navenga. Also the location of a grand palace first constructed by King Athagamar and afterwards kept up by his successors. [Greek for Sea.]

Rubidium - One of the Trividiums, located in the upper left peninsula, and a rich trading city that knows how to get its money's worth!

Celsium - The landing place of the explorers that founded the country, as well as one of the Trividiums. [so called because there are three and they all end with "um".]

Millium - The last of the Trividiums. About two-thirds of all the wealth of the kingdom passes through these three cities every year. Much of Kepla's produce goes by sea to Celsium, while many other valuable articles are gathered through the Trividium Road. Gold and other precious metals are gathered near Le Grand Chasm, and they also contribute to make the Trividium Merchants the richest in the world.

Terseca - Little is known about this out-of-the-way city. When the first explorers came, a group of almost 15 went east (and, of necessity, a little ways south as well). It was supposed that they died, especially when the Chasm and the Dryland beyond were discovered. However, in the days of King Athagamar, they were re-discovered by a handful of intrepid explorers. No one really knows how they got there, but apparently there were in fact natives living in the area upon their arrival and they soon mixed in. Likewise, know one really knows what they produce or how they live. They have shown a tendency to stick to themselves. [Terseca is a combination of the Spanish for

Land (Tierra) and Dry (Seca).]

Kriton - Originally the Capital of the Kingdom, the town is located on the Kriton Lake - and no one knows if it was named for the lake or if the lake was named for it! An extremely rich and powerful city, bested only by Navenga in recent times, and still considered by many to be the real stronghold of Soflos.

Borlitas - Fruits grown on the west of Kalosege are collected here (the ones not used, that is) and shipped to Thalassa, or, should you be daring, straight to Kingside. A rapidly growing city that produces much more than it consumes.

Oceana - The outermost city of Soflos. Many people have fear of being here since it is so close to the Ocean of Terror. But the residents are used to it, and their ships have been known to travel (always in sight of land) all the way to Terseca with produce. Most often however, they travel to Thalassa.

Thousands of citizens live in small cottages all across the Kingdom. It is difficult to travel for a day without seeing ten. But they are sufficiently spread about to warrant them not being called cites [besides the fact that they have no names]. And it must not be supposed that the areas in green are the only fertile places; they merely signify the forested areas. Although the northeast is not suitable for farming, much of the other land is excellent, and the citizens work hard to produce many agricultural goods.

Bodies of Water

Rimar - The river that provides the main water route from Navenga to Kingside. Impassible at certain seasons.

Zofero - Waters the fertile area of Agathope. A beautiful, crystal-clear river. [A combination of two Greek words Zoe (life) and Fero (bring). Literally the Life-Bringer.]

Snake River - So named because it snakes along the ground. Brings water to a region that would likely be desert otherwise.

Kriton Lake - The only sizable lake of Soflos. It is as crystal-clear as Zofero.

The Ocean of Terror - No one knows what this Ocean is really like. Most believe it to be filled with giant monsters, dangerous whirlpools, and 50-foot waves ready to swallow a ship at any moment. Whether it is a myth or not, this body of water has gained a name as the Ocean of Terror!

The Great Southern Ocean - The sea route to Historica, used for ages to amass wealth. Comparatively easy to sail and with few storms.

Naturally, there are many more streams and rivulets, but they are so small as to defy drawing on a map!


King's Highway - So named by King Axo I, after his first overland visit to Kingside "along a road that reminds me terribly of my palace cleaners," referring, no doubt, to their tendency to leave dust in undesirable areas. Why he named it "King's Highway" after that is no less than a mystery.

Trividium Road - The road that goes from Kriton to the three Trividiums. A few points are home to robber bands, but the entire country is generally fairly safe. Be warned though, don't travel alone!

Many other paths exist (especially through the mountains), but most other extensive travel is done by water.


Le Grand Chasm - The biggest natural landmark of Soflos. Many consider it easier to sail around than travel over. How the founders of Terseca passed it is unknown.

Dryland Sea - The only desert area on the island, home to many amazing creatures.

The Heights - Not the biggest mountain range, but the closest to the capital, and therefore the one that achieved its own name.

There are other iconic figures of Soflos, for it is a land of great diversity. There are many caves in the mountains, for example. But these are the main natural figures, and are often used to help understand direction.

Capital and Ruler:


Navenga, the capital of Soflos, is the richest city in the Kingdom. It boasts amazing architecture, grand palaces for the king and his nobles, and even the poorest commoner here has a marble floor. Doubtless one of the reasons for that is its requirement by law, however.

Axo Navarrus III

Axo III was born in the palace of Thalassa, the only son of King Fenedar Navarrus, who died when Axo was 24, only 20 years ago. Axo immediately showed those who wished to take control of the country for their own gain that he would not tolerate such a thing. Instead, he rules with a firm hand, constantly looking to the good of Soflos. He is loved by all the citizens and is striving to establish Soflos as a major player in the world of Historica. It is said that, while still a child growing up on the banks of the Snake River, he swum from Thalassa to Borlitas without stopping. Only the explorer Agathadous had ever been known to accomplish such a feat. The Navarrus family symbol is the eagle, and Axo's family color is black. [Axo means "I will lead" in Greek, an appropriate name for this ambitious ruler.]


[i figured that at least one picture should have both guild flags:]


Guild Element:

Light (Yellow Crystal)


[Edited Historica timeline with Soflos incorporated.]

More than 6000 years ago:

· The powerful race of the Druids lived in the regions of nowadays Avalonia. They are the first signs of life on this continent. Only remnants of their temples and shrines can be found with drawings of their rituals.

4000 years ago:

· The last of the Druids died. The Spell Of Peace And Protection is cast and buried in a mysterious shrine, still not found.

3500 years ago:

· Being banned from the surfaces of other continents, the Drow start construction of its first mayor city inside the Rakath Mountains. They live under the surface for the next 1200 years.

· All kinds of mysterious creatures are living on the surface of the continent.

3400 years ago:

· Elves arriving at the continent in their crusade against the Drow, starting a tribe in the forests.

3000 years ago:

· Some traders from another continent arrive at the Great Southern Grasslands (nowadays Kaliphlin). They are nomads so they come and go. Only a few of them stay here to start a new nomad life.

2700 years ago:

· Elves finally find a Drow city. Start of many Elves-Drows wars in our continent.

· Tired of warfare, a group of brave adventurers set out, planning to establish their own country. They find an island which they then name Arangon [soflos], living in an extremely primitive fashion.

2500 years ago:

· A few nomads decide to construct a city somewhere in the Great Southern Grasslands. They call it Kaligem and call themselves Kaliphlins.

2300 years ago:

· After 400 years of war, the resources of the Drow start emptying themselves. The current Drow-lord starts conquering nowadays Nocturnus, at the moment a green area with much vegetation.

2000 years ago:

· The first known civilization in Mitgardia with men fighting the dragons, apparently hopelessly out-powered, but finally managing to push most dragons out of the realm.

· The city of Kaligem gets more and more fame across the globe as wealth rains into the city and the Kaliphlins decide to make a second wall, defended by golden towers.

· Drow starts conquering rest of Historica.

1900 years ago:

· Drows conquered the last big Elf city. The surviving Elves live as outlaws in the forests, hiding from Drow-patrols.

1800 years ago:

· The Legendary Warrior who defeated the Drow as they attempted to take Mitgardia as their own home was given the title of Jarl, and becomes leader of the Northern Lands of Mitgardia.

· Failed siege of Kaligem by the Drows, who are banned to their cities under the Rakath Mountains again. Drow raids in every part of Historica start.

1500 years ago:

· The great decline of Mitgardia, a period of time when civilization became scarce as the Jarl at the time was corrupt and cared not for his people.

· Santani Bela'Sti Fi'Ru of the House of Santani is the new Lord of Kaliphlin. He starts spreading the wealth of Kaligem throughout the continent and starts conquering Historica.

· A few daring Arangonians [soflians] begin to trade with Kaliphlin.

1400 years ago:

· Kaliphlin conquers almost all of nowadays Historica. Cedrica is founded to create a more central capital.

· Arangon begins to have internal troubles. All trade is abruptly stopped. The rest of Historica nearly forgets of its existence.

1350 years ago:

· Kaliphlin starts the siege of the last holdout not yet conquered, the Darkland Bastion Everlast in the East.

1345 years ago:

· Everlast fell as the enemy disappeared. Kaliphlin controls now all of Historica. The capital now is Cedrica.

· Through magic Kaligem is destroyed. However, records of Arangon have been rediscovered.

1300 years ago:

· Due the fall of Kaligem, Kaliphlin was not able anymore to control Historica, new factions arose and they started fighting each other. A thousand years of war began.

· A handful of Kaliphlinians (about 50 in total), tired of war, emigrate to Arangon, landing in Celsium. Fifteen disappear on an exploration journey to the northwest and are supposed dead. Upon their arrival the new Kaliphlinians blend quickly with the old inhabitants and begin to rule with a firm hand. Kriton is chosen as the new kingdom's capital, and the island is renamed Soflos.

1000 years ago:

· Soflos becomes a prosperous Kingdom. Trade with Kaliphlin is carried on briskly, especially in precious metals. However, little else save the bargaining prices of Historica are known to the Soflians.

500 years ago:

· King Agathamar now rules in Soflos. He builds himself a palace in the new city of Thalassa.

· Terseca is discovered by Soflian explorers, who find that the fifteen men originally thought dead have created a city there [they themselves are long dead now, of course]. However, there seems nothing too spectacular about the region.

· Upon King Agathamar's death, the kingdom he had held together falls apart, as his sons each wish for control.

200 years ago:

· The rise of the New Mitgardian Dynasty, a period of time where a very popular and kind family took the Jarl's throne, and still rules today.

120 years ago:

· The Avalonia guild conquered the Western region of the continent. The tribe of Elves pledge their alliance to the house of Rex.

110 years ago:

· King Axo I unites all of Soflos under his banner. The isle begins to flourish under his control. He then moves the Capitol from Kriton to Navenga.

· Agathadous, a famous explorer, founds the city of Agathope in Soflos.

100 years ago:

· Origins of Historica. The bard’s song tells a tale of a world long forgotten, Race against race, clan against clan, shields clashed with swords; long ago when Men of the Lion fought Men of the Falcon, and human armies succumbed to Orcs and undead. Each group clashed with its neighbor for power, unleashing upon the world a great scourge, and the arcane land was thrown into chaos. When it all seemed but lost, a council of wise men and sages was summoned. From all the lands they came to convene in the old world’s great city; the fortress of Cedrica.

· To settle the grievance and end a millennium of bloodshed, the sages declined all the treaties of old and joined all the clans into one mighty Kingdom; Historica. They founded the Four Great Regions - each one a realm in itself; - Mitgardia in the North, Nocturnus in the East, Kaliphlin in the South and Avalonia in the West, so that trade routes would spring up and clans would meet in the markets and not in the theatre of war. The wise men chose a family of great honor, to uphold the truce and to keep the four guilds from dispute, and descendants of that mighty kin to this day rule the Central lands of Historica. So goes the legend. For ten decades the races of old have migrated and spread through the world, following the trade routes, establishing cultures and prospering towns.

· Soflos continues its own trading with Kaliphlin, as it becomes richer and richer, filling its coffers with wealth of all kinds. King Axo I's descendent still rule, but no concern is given to outside politics.

20 years ago:

· King Axo III of Soflos rules. He expands the scope of Soflos, and under his rule Soflians begin to consider themselves a "Fifth Guild" of Historica. Axo strives for outside recognition.


· Historica is a world of wonder and natural beauty; a realm where a man and a woman may find peace. But peace is short lived…

· Treacherous assassins have tried to murder the King! The capital is in shock and there will be repercussions; the Four Regions assemble their forces as the balance of power shifts, and blame is passed around. For the first time in a century, the guilds of Historica build up old defenses and prepare for the inevitable confrontation; everything hangs in the balance, and Historica is on the verge of chaos once more…

Unique characteristics:

Inhabitants love fruit and other naturally grown produce (a main export, along with precious metals). In general, livestock is not a big moneymaker, although most families own enough for their own needs. All Soflians love the tropical heat of the island and are not at all resistant to cold.

Color Scheme:

Gold for the richness of the country and yellow for the sun.


The average citizen owns a plot of land and a one roomed cottage. Many are rich enough to afford a more commodious residence, but the people of Soflos are used to living simply.




The army of Soflos is composed mainly of the contingents of various noblemen. Axo's uncle, the Duke of Nau-Embery, here shown, is a typical example. Since he is of the same family but of a different line, his symbol is an eagle but his color is blue. A favorite weapon of all Soflians is the golden pike, although longbows are in vogue as well.


Elite Guard:

The King's own private regiment. Often used as escorts for him and his relatives. Dressed in black, they carry a golden pike with the yellow banner of Soflos hanging from the top.


Secret Agents:

Most people have no idea as to who these elusive characters really are. Only the King and a few of his chief advisors are in on the secret. They are his spies [the secret agents, not the chief advisors, of course], and he stations them all through the land to keep an eye out for anything amiss.



The isle of Soflos abounds with creatures of legend, some as terrifying as the thousand-teethed dragons told of by the story tellers and others as beautiful as its crystal-clear rivers. And there are many other animals that are only myths to the inhabitants, as elusive as the legendary pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The icon of Soflos is considered the eagle, the symbol of its rulers for generations.

The Terrandafrotlos, or Frotle:

One of the most unique creatures of Soflos, the frotle inhabits only the most damp and swampy of areas.


Unique Flavor:

One of those one roomed cottages we spoke of earlier. Today the Duke of Nau-Embery has come to pay a visit, escorted by two of the King's elite guard (and, although unknowingly, by two secret agents as well). Outside the peasant is ready to lead his horse to the stables, while his oldest son busies himself with catching dinner. In the meantime the youngest child (also a boy) gathers berries on the side of the house, and inside certain savory culinary achievements are going forward (in other words, the wife and daughter are making pies). Soflians in general are very proud of their gardens, thus the elaborate arch entrance.






More pictures of the cottage on my flickr

[i had a tough time getting everything in here without making it too crowded. It kind of felt like I was filling every stud of ground and then some! The roof is fairly easy to remove although it sticks on firmly with the black overhanging slants on top. This was my first attempt at the kind of foundation on the bottom, my second at SNOT flooring, and the first time I tried anything like the arch. Hopefully you have as much fun looking at this as I did building it! It may seem like there is no bedding but - lo and behold! - see that drawer under the bay window? That's where the bedding is stored during the daytime. Plus, the door opens!]

I hope you enjoyed reading about my guild, despite the length of my description (yes, it's over 3,500 words long). C&C are welcome! The entire story has also been posted here.

Edited by Kai NRG



Silmeria a lush jungle island that lies south of Avalonia. The island also has several volcanoes and is rich with minerals.

Mining is the biggest industry in Silmeria and most Silmerians live underground to escape the overwhelming heat of the island.

Traders thrive off of the abundance of valuable metals and stones.

Silmeria has been inhabited for centuries by adventurous miners and traders but until recently there hasn't been any form of government.

Now Silmeria is united under Diego Dandolo, and is quickly becoming prominent in Historica.

Guild name: Silmeria

Guild location: (relative to Historica) 5 days sailing south of Avalonia, or 8 days sailing West of Nocturnus

Capital and Ruler: Emraldon ruled by Diego Dandolo

Unique Characteristics: Silmerians usually do their business above ground at night when it is cooler. Also living underground has accustomed them to the dark and

they don't fear it.


Colorscheme: Dark blue and dark green






Diego Dandolo: Diego rose to power through shrewd planning and diplomacy while maintaining his popularity with the majority of Silmarians




More here: link

Edited by soccerkid6

Here is my entry:

Guild name: Skislandor – It is not known when sentient races first settled on the floating rock islands that are now known to collectively be called Skislandor. It is also not known what force holds the giant rocks up in the sky. However it must be noted that the rock islands only float over open water. The rocks themselves vary in size from a few cubic meters to several million cubic meters.

Guild location: Skislandor is a group of clustered islands in the sky over the sea south of Nocturnus and east of Kaliphlin.

MapofSkislandorEast.jpg(credit to Thrashq4g for map outline)

Capitol and Ruler: Qili is the capitol of Skislandor and is made up of a cluster of large floating rocks. It is located above a large group of islands off the western coast of Kaliphlin Skislandor is ruled by Asho Kalani who has only recently ascended to the throne after his father, Akos Kalani abdicated due to old age.

Unique characteristics: resilient at great heights, excellent at taming flying creatures.

Color Scheme: Blue and Yellow – blue representing the sky and yellow representing the sun which due to Skislandor's location, is usually unobstructed throughout the day.

(PHOTO: Skislandor soldiers displaying Skislandor's colors)


Leader: Asho Kalani leads the scattered colonies that make up the Skislander Guild. He is a new leader and hopes to end Skislandor's age old policy of isolation. However many of the leading houses oppose his plans to place Skislandor on the map. Kalani believes that Skislandor cannot remain in isolation forever and that now is the right time to begin incorporating itself in the affairs of the rest of Historica.

(PHOTO: Asho Kalani)


(PHOTO: Akos Kalani, Asho's father, former Lord of Skislandor)


20x20 vignette showing the “flavor” of Skislander. Civilians of Skislandor spend their lives flying from one sky island to another. Their main occupation is raising and taming flying creatures. Dragon breeding is one of the most popular vocations at the present time. Architecture is light as life in the Skislandor guild is mostly nomadic.

(PHOTO: Floating Rock with civilian dragon breeders)


Edited by Mikel Kalores


The People of Fahrettin live high above the Frozen Wastes located one hundred eighty miles northwest of Mitgardia. Despite the harsh conditions, their scholars say that they have existed there for over a thousand years. They are a simple self-sustaining society, living off what the land and ocean provide. Dreya, The Capital, is perched on the southern cliffs of Fahrettin overlooking the ocean, and can be seen from miles out at sea. Sailors tell stories of the towering buildings of Dreya reaching over the horizon toward the heavens, but few venture far enough north the see their grandeur first hand.

Guild Name: Fahrettin

Location: 180 miles NW of Mitgardia

Capital : Dreya

Leader: Berk Ferhan

Unique Charicteristics: The people of Fahrettin are excellent fishermen as it is their main source of food. They can also quickly climb any surface as they live among the crags and cliffs above the Frozen Waste.

2)Color Scheme: Black and White





3)Berk Ferhan


Berk Ferhan has been the leader of Fahrettin for thirty three years. He was elected after their previous leader, his mother, died during the coldest winter in living memory. He has a unique relationship with his friend Rana, a golden eagle, and the two have never been defeated on the field of battle. Rana is the ultimate scout, allowing Berk to out maneuver all of their adversaries. They met forty years ago while Berk was hunting. He was attacked by three polar bears, Rana saved him, and the two have been friends ever since.


This is an example of the typical architecture found in Dreya, the Capital of Fahrettin.


More Pictures here: Fahrettin

  On 9/11/2012 at 12:13 PM, Sirens-of-Titan said:

If you have questions, please read the first post in the thread. All the details are laid out there. :thumbup:

sorry, what i meant to say was, how does it effect challenge 5?

As someone who hasn't participated in the Guilds of Historica Subforum before, I was wondering whether it would still be ok to enter the competition?

  On 9/17/2012 at 3:19 PM, Duke said:

As someone who hasn't participated in the Guilds of Historica Subforum before, I was wondering whether it would still be ok to enter the competition?

Definitely! GoH always likes new people to join :thumbup: Here is a topic giving the basic info about Guilds of Historica: My link

Drakrydar, Home of the Dragons:

Drakrydar is a Guild that lays between the continents of Historica and Eilandica.

It is famous for it's dragons and dragonriders.

Leader: Dragonius Drakrydar XXV


Capital: Otherworldar

Colours: Red & Green


Typical citizens of Drakrydar:


(note: even it is almost always peace in Drakrydar, the citizens are always fully equipped when walking around. This to show that they are real Dragonriders)



(The square with Red & Green is the capital, the darkgreen squares are major cities, the red squares are minor towns)

Climate: Even it is surrounded by ice and snow, the island of Drakrydar has a very moderate micro-climate. There is a lot of green grass and vegetation as there is a lot of rainfall. Neverthless it everyday warm due the huge amount of dragons flying around and the numerous vulcano's.


The first habitants of Drakrydar were colonists from nowadays Atlarka thousands and thousands years ago. Mostly raiders who set up small campments to survive upcomming storms and winters. Soon they discovered that these lands had something strange as there were a lot of green lands while it was located in the upper North. It didn't lasted long before they saw mystically things flying in the air, breathing fire. Curious about this, the settlers scouted the area and discovered the first dragon nests. Luckily for them, the dragons were as curious about these invaders as they were about the dragons and the first contacts were peaceful.

Further north, the scouts discovered another green valley with a big sweet lake in it and thousands dragons flying around it. They also discovered big amounts of cows, sheeps, horses, ... . So they decided to build a settlement the place they arrived at the lake. They called it Otherworldar as it was an other world in their eyes. A world they never dared to even dream of!

Soon word spread out allover the Baridi Islands and other raiders and farmers decided to try their luck here. Small campments were founded. It was in these period that the first brave northmen tried to ride the dragons. In the beginning, a lot of brave men died and only a few successed in "flying". But as ages passed by, the fathers learned it to their sons and after a few centuries, every adult had it's own dragon.



(The first steps of a Dragonrider, painted by Dralegon The Smart)

It was in the darkest hours of Islandica and Historica when the habitants decided to unite the different clans under one banner. At that moment there were 2 important families: the Dragorex and the Drakrydar. They fought a war for the power, which the Drakrydar won. The Guild of Drakrydar was a fact.

Some members of the Dragorex family could escape on their dragons and fled to Historica. Rumours says these were the ancestors of the current Lord of Avalonia: Artorius Rex.

After the unification of Drakrydar, times of peace began without many important things to notice.

But it was also in this time that the Big Catastrophe happened. A chain of vulcanoes in the Southern Islands erupted, vanishing all these islands from the map. Only a few could escape to the west.

Drakrydar & Historica

Almost all dragons in Historica have their origins in Drakrydar. As the distance between the 2 places is relatively short, the dragons can easily fly to Historica.

Not only the dragons are Drakrydars most famous export product, also these famous people:

  • Artorius Rex and his Dragons, Lord of Avalonia
  • Gabriel Dragonrydaar, an Alleenridder and Knight of Mpya Stedor
  • The Dragons from Dragonpeak in Nocturnus are related to those of Drakrydar.
  • Some do believe that the people from the Dragonpeak in Nocturnus are the descendants of those who could escape the Big Catastrophe of the Southern Island. This could explain how they could get so easily along with the Dragons.

Drakrydar was always a neutral Guild in the politics of Historica, but the current king, King Dragonius Drakrydar XXV broke with the past. He is preparing his army of Dragonriders to fly to Historica to help the 4 Guild in their war against Victor Revolword.

Edited by DaMaximus


Few know of the continent that the Royal Geographers call "The Mist Continent." Few from Historica's courts have been to this far off western continent. Most stories about the Mistlands or Riverlands comes from some of the most skilled navigators of the great trading houses and companies such as the Petraea General Trading Company, The Avalonia Trading Company, or the Greater Eastgate Article and Resupply Company. Still, very few residents of the Mist Continent have actually visited Historica in the last 200 years - despite the Moon Princess's claim on the Throne of Historica.


mist continent1 by skaforhire, on Flickr

The Guild of Pennamore is territory often called "The Riverlands," because that is where the Guild originated from on the continent before their conquest. Today, the guild owns all the lands of the Mist Continent, thus has many different terrains. Still, the River People's culture is considered high culture in Pennamore, and the only accepted language at the Moon Princess's court is Pennamorish. The Pnnamorish people are highly honorable, and the greatest source of honor is building a legacy - almost always through architecture, and often by building bridges in the marshy deltas of the continent. The guild has had a policy of isolation for the last 700 years, since their failed attempt to take Historica. The only place that traders from other continents are allowed to dock is a large island off the west coast with a city called Trader's Port. The rest of the continent remains mostly a mystery to outsiders. Because of the deep and thick mists that often surround the mainland, it is easy to keep foreign navigators away.

Colors: Blue and Gold

Capital: Parwidth

Religious Capital: Olsbrent

Guild Leader: The Moon Princess Valdonna and Maenz of Parwidth

Races found on Pennamore: Human (80%), with sizable Elf, Orc, Troll, Half-man, and Wolfman populations.

Climate: Mostly wet, Jungle, rain forest, and large forest. Has a sizable mountain range with limited volcanic activity, and a fairly large desert region.

Architecture: A mix of East Asian / Tibetan/ and Norman with hints of Mongol. Common theme is the moon and tides, which leads to many curves in structures for builders who have the money.

The Birth of a Guild:

2000 years ago the Mist Continent was controlled by warlords. The Great War of the Tides, where the Sealord Vaskis was deposed, changed the layout of the continent for over 1500 years. (It is said that Vaskis took his exile to the continent of Historia and later conquered great swaths of land there.) Three guilds had risen to power. In the parched plateau there lived the Guild of Horrance. The Horrancians were mighty people of the bow and horse. It was said that most of these men and women lived, loved, and died on horseback. They were a fearsome lot, with a high Khan that ruled the smallest of the three guilds. The second guild, the coastal merchants of the Trader's League, lived between the Dawn Mountains and the western coast of the continent. They were a prosperous lot, with great ships that sailed the world over. The third and largest guild was the Riverlands. During the War of the Tides a King living in the center of the Riverlands, Parwidth Pennamore, consolidated not only his fellow Riverfolk, but the warriors of the Midlands and the Northwaters. This created a guild that was 2/3rds of the continent.

Origin of the Riverlands:

The Riverlands themselves, were a territory dominated by many mighty rivers that created a vast marshy plane also known as the Great Delta. Many islands sprung up in between the rivers, some miles long, some mere yards across. The land was extremely fertile, and the area soon became heavily inhabited. Men, as individuals and clans, took to claiming the islands of the Great Delta. At one time, there were a thousand kings in the delta, and the most powerful were those men who laid claim to the coastal finger islands, large tracts of land that were legitimate islands that could be held by naval forces. Still, the kings upriver did well for themselves, creating multi-marsh-island fiefdoms. In these lands bridges and barges became more important than horses and castles. Most of the Marsh kings lived in fortified bridges that connecter their small islands.

Then came the greatest bridge builder of them all: Parwidth. He created a central city in the middle of the great river Aristona at the head of the Great Delta. His bridges were magnificent, and many of the lesser marsh kings around him flocked to his banners. The city that would eventually bear his name would become center for learning, military drill, and watercraft building. However, the golden age was short-lived. Out of the Midlands came Vaskis the Conqueror. After Vaskis consolidated the Midlands, a semi-dryer environment between the Riverlands and the geographically-similar Northwaters, he moved north to take the lesser lords of the Northwaters. After this he swept into what is now called the Trade Coast, or the west coast of the continent, dominating the seafarers there. After that Vaskis moved south around the Dawn mountains and defeated the great Parched Plateau horsemen.

Vaskis soon turned his troops on the holy site of Olsbrent, where the King of the Moon lived. The King of the moon was a religious figure in those days, presiding over royal weddings, feast days, and sacrifice to the old and new gods. Olsebrent was under siege and a pigeon was sent to Parwidth. The builder was a good friend of the Moon King, but he also knew that it would not be long until Vaskis won his siege and rode east to the Riverlands. Parwidth called his small council, promoted them all to high Lords of the Realm, and put out a general call for the river kings to swear fealty to him. His offer: Any man or woman who claimed and held an island in the great delta could come to his court and become a lord in his kingdom. They would not have to pay taxes, just send men for defense of the realm. They would also be rewarded with riches from the upcoming campaign, land in the Midlands, and they would forever be friends of the great city that he had built. He then threatened to build a bridge, no matter the distance, to any king that held out and did not join his realm. Astonishingly, only one war was fought to consolidate the Kingdom of Riverlands - the battle for Fareach, the last of the finger kingdoms.

Upon consolidation, Parwidth marched his new legions west to liberate Olsbent. The campaign was long and brutal, but eventually Vaskis was defeated and sent into exile. King Pennamore was victorious and he granted independence to two guilds - the Horrance and the Traders league. He kept Pennamore as a kingdom, but when he died without an heir, Pennamore became a guild with an elected leader. For 1500 years the three guilds lived in relative peace. Pennamore, allied with the Trade League sailed an army to Historica in order to conquer the continent about 780 years ago. However, under the leadership of Bryan the Bold, the Cedrican forces were able to finally drive the Mistborne troops back into the sea. Many men from that army declined to sail home and settled on the out-setting islands of the Inland Sea in present day Kaliphlin.

About 500 years ago, the Pennamore Guild elected another expansive rule - Kragen. Kragan was a military genius, quickly forcing the interior lands, commonly known as the Holy Reach, under his control. He made the Moon Queen Hildaria bow to him, crown him emperor of the continent, and finally she wed him. He took on the mantle of Moon Emperor and quickly brought the Trade League under sway. The Northwaters, which had been guildless for 1500 years, was his next target. They fell in three months, leaving only the Horrance peoples to oppose Kragen. The campaign for the parched plateau lasted ten years. The great horselords kept moving, and the great city in the middle of the desert, Kharstark, never fell to the Kragen. Eventually the Horrance guild and the Empire of Pennamore came to the negotiating table. The two smaller guilds and the Northwaters lords would submit to Pennamore rule, if and only if, the Moon prince (which was not Kragan's son, but a son of the moon queen from her previous husband) would be the successor to the Moon Throne and rule the whole empire. It was also decided that upon Kragen's death, the whole continent would become one unified guild under the Moon Prince as a symbolic ruler, with a noble council that would choose the new leader of the executive guild. The council of nobles would consist mainly of Riverlands nobles and a few representatives of each other region. Kragen could not object because he was dying of a campaign disease hundreds of miles away in Parwidth. With his death came the second great period of peace, and the current ruling structure of the guild.

The Guild Today:

There are five different divisions within the guild, although the Riverlanders, or the heirs of Pennamore, rule the guild . Each Area has a distinct culture, but Riverlander culture has bled into all of them. Honor is especially important on the continent of Pennamore. Except for on the trade coast, worth is determined most often by what one builds in life. This means that even the tiniest marsh-lord of the Riverlands or Northwaters can be considered to have great honor if he or she builds a magnificent bridge or castle on their tiny island. In the Parched Plateau, where the horselords live, it is about how many horses one has bred over their life - so again, the idea of building a great legacy plays deeply into the guild's culture. All Marshlords - those who claim to own an island in the Great Delta or in the Northwaters - are summoned to court each year. They are accompanied by 3 representatives from each of other regions: the Trade Coast, the Parched Plateau, and the Holy Cities. The Midlands is not and has never been represented. At the gathering of the Marshlords, each lord is required to list their deeds over the years past. It is here where honor is gained.


DSC_1834 by skaforhire, on Flickr

The current Guild leader is Maenz of Parwidth - The Marshlords (as the noble council has come to be called now) chose him seven years ago. Guild leaders rule for 40 years or until their death, whichever comes first, and then a new election is held. He was once a Warrior of the Moon - the official army of the Capital and the Holy Cities. These soldiers, like their princess, wear all white. Above Maenz proudly presents the banner of Pennamore with two Warriors of the Moon as escort. Because every man is expected to fight in combat, Riverlanders rarely have standard bearers - usually preferring to secure the unit's banner to the back of the bravest warrior (he becomes a target of course.) Maenz has always demanded that he wear the banner, and has the scars to prove it.


DSC_1838 by skaforhire, on Flickr

The other leader of the guild, at least ceremonially, is the Moon Princess Valdonna. Pictured above with her bodyguard and advisor, the D'jin Estea. He was trapped long ago by the royal family, and has been a guardian of the ruler ever since. It is rumored that the Princess has sent an envoy to Historica, in hopes to secure a marriage to the prince heir so that they combine their great realms together. Other rumors point to these envoys as spys, preparing a new invasion of Historica.


DSC_1841 by skaforhire, on Flickr

The architecture of the Guild is diverse, but dominated by moon and waves decoration when money allows. Additionally, peoples of the Riverlands, Midlands, and Northwaters tend to build their structures on stilts or elevated due to the flooding of the many rivers and deltas of those areas. Bridges are considered artwork, as most legacies are made by building such connections. The architecture of the Dawn Mountains / Holy Cities takes on a east Asian feel (Tibetan) whereas the Trade Coast seems more Mediterranean. The great trade city of Mar Kading sits on canals, and is strangely similar to coastal architecture of some Kaliphlin ports. The Parched Plateau has little permanent building, other than its central city of Khanstark. This city is plain, low to the ground, and mostly made of mud. Below you can see the vinette "The least of the Marshlords." This demonstrates one of the many proud Riverlanders and his entire holding.


DSC_1867 by skaforhire, on Flickr

Edited by SkaForHire


"...I haven't been atop the Plavetnyr Summit since I was but a boy, why did the Oracle summon me now?" - the Prince muttered to himself standing on a plateau accross the worned out Oracle Tower.


"Glad to see you made it to the Summit, your Highness" - the voice said. Prince wasn't sure if it was only in his head or it echoed all around him - "Make your way accross the bridge, we have much to discuss".


Many men saught the Oracle, but in order to find it, they had to climb the Plavetnyr mountain and actually locate the right peak, upon arriving the Oracle Tower would appear if the person would be dim worthy. The Prince came alone. He thought it to be the best. The tower seemed to have been cloaked by clouds and mist, after hearing the voice, a bridge which looked like it was made solely out of light, slowly appeared, connecting the plateau with the Tower.


"Now, there is a great danger looming over us, my Prince. A Change took place, which threatens to upset the very balance of the world... You have felt it yourself haven't you?"

Prince nodded in silence. The Oracle continued:


"The land of Historica is in perril, our aid is needed"

"Historica? But we severed all ties with them long ago, why should we care about them?"


"It is not only Historica that is at stake, my Prince... it's the whole World"...

Guild name: Arcanos

Guild Location: far south off the shores of Kaliphin

Flag: white and blue - representing magic and serenity; their tothem animal is The Great White Owl.

Ruler: Prince Verenex - leaders of Arcanos hold the heireditary title "prince" claiming connection to the bloodline of the High King of Historica


Capitol: The city of Manakruhm


Some of its people:


The Arcane Guard - Elite warriors of Arcanos, carrying magical shields able to absorb the damage dealt upon them and convert it against their foes, they wield enchanted weapons as well.

The one in the middle is Captain Yvex, their leader.


Magister Matrox, seneshal to the Prince.


People of Arcanos, are mostly made out of humans, elves and half-elves, but there may be others in the Wilderness:



Arcanians are naturaly adept in magic, it comes easy to them as lawnmowing does to Avalonians. Apart from that, they are very crafty in the art of stealth, whether it be camouflage, disguise, or simply being unseen. This enables them to easily infiltrate the ranks of Historians if the need arises...

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