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Index updated.

64 Sets has been added to the index (16 alternative, 5 duplicate, 0 incomplete).

Check your sets and report errors or inaccuracies in the index, if any!

No irregular sets this time!

Check the irregular sets list below to see if any of your entries need to be fixed.

2 new Themes added

Topic's Rules.

No updates this time, but don't forget to take a look at the summary to avoid to forget them.

New contributors

Akeyzerr - 1 sets

JC75 - 2 sets

Top contributors

Gnac - 26 sets

vean - 19 sets

PeabodySam - 13 sets

marco9999 - 2 sets

JC75 - 2 sets

mzoli - 1 sets

Akeyzerr - 1 sets

List of Irregular Sets:

Reveal hidden contents

Edited by Calabar

  On 12/4/2014 at 10:51 PM, mzoli said:

42032 - Compact Tracked Loader - Theme: Technic

Year: 2015


Link treads are not connected


I connect link treads using precise move trick.

LXF: http://www.brickshel...cked_loader.lxf

This model is very good for animation play. :thumbup:

YouTube video: http://www.eurobrick...50#entry2071420


Reply to mzoli's post below:

You are welcome, your model was built accurately so it is possible animate well in LDD. :wink:

Edited by bbqqq

Attention, secret agents! While we previously closed the case of Mission: Indexing Agents, the case has been reopened as sources have spotted Dollar Bill and Dyna-Mite sneaking around in a Covert Spy Tank that is about as covert as an elephant driving a bulldozer. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to capture the tank and index it to finish this mission for good. In addition, we have located secret Mini-Build instructions for our successors, the Ultra Agents. Therefore, you will also be assigned to take down Tremor with the aid of fellow agents Max Burns and Solomon Blaze who should have totally been named "Curtis Bolt" instead. This message will self-destruct in 3... 2... 1...

8968+8969 - Covert Spy Tank (Combination Model) - Theme: Agents
8968: [bricklink] [brickset]
8969: [bricklink] [brickset]


[8968+8969 LXF]

- Instructions are not included in 8968 4-Wheeling Pursuit or 8969 River Heist, but are available through LEGO Club.
- This model requires two yellow 50746 Roof Tile 1X1X2/3, PC bricks, which are not included in either set. Additionally, this model requires one more 32123 1/2 Bush and 4274 Connector Peg W. Knob than is used in either set, though this may be excused by extra parts being included in the sets.

- Incorrect minifigure torso decorations
- Warm Gold, Drum Lacq has been substituted with Warm Gold

70160 - Riverside Raid (B Model: "Mini-Build") - Theme: Ultra Agents
[bricklink] [brickset]


[70160 LXF]

- Instructions are not included in 70160 Riverside Raid, but are available through the LEGO Ultra Agents App (mirror on flickr).

- Missing/incorrect minifigure decorations
- 18226 Mini Wig No. 6 has been substituted with 87991 Mini Wig No. 6

70161 - Tremor Track Infiltration (B Model: "Mini-Build") - Theme: Ultra Agents
[bricklink] [brickset]


[70161 LXF]

- Instructions are not included in 70161 Tremor Track Infiltration, but are available through the LEGO Ultra Agents App (mirror on flickr).

- Missing/incorrect decorations

70162 - Infearno Interception (B Model: "Mini-Build") - Theme: Ultra Agents
[bricklink] [brickset]


[70162 LXF]

- Instructions are not included in 70162 Infearno Interception, but are available through the LEGO Ultra Agents App (mirror on flickr).

- Missing/incorrect decorations

Mission accomplished! Dollar Bill, Dyna-Mite, and Infearno have been brought to justice for good! Unfortunately, we have only been able to track down three of the six Mini-Builds instructions that are available in the Ultra Agents app. Until the remaining three are available on the internet because I do not have the app, the mission to fully index the Ultra Agents theme will have to remain on standby.

Edited by PeabodySam
Replaced LEGO.com link with Wayback Machine mirror.

42032 - Compact Tracked Loader (Model B - Snow Groomer) - Theme: Technic

Year: 2015



LXF File v4.3.8/1564.2

Errors: None

Missing prints: None

Missing stickers: None

8370 - Nitro Stunt Bike - Theme: Racers LDD 4.3.8 .LXF file



-Missing stickers

-Pullback Motor 10 x 5 x 4 (Motor 8) replaced with a brick-built assembly. This one's a bit more accurate in shape compared to the one in my Exo Force Bike, though it still has the floating piece and a wrong type of hole in the rearmost bottom hole.

-43558 Bionicle Chest Armor, Toa Nuva is unavailable in LDD, replaced with a (floating) brick-built assembly

-Rubber band from the front omitted

E: Since i'm a bit new here, would someone tell me what would be the most important aspect in recreating a piece unavailable in LDD? Functionality (e.g. studs and holes are the correct sort in correct places), realism (no floating pieces, stays together) or the best visual resemblance to the original piece?

Edited by JC75

  • Author
  On 12/8/2014 at 6:11 AM, JC75 said:
would someone tell me what would be the most important aspect in recreating a piece unavailable in LDD? Functionality (e.g. studs and holes are the correct sort in correct places), realism (no floating pieces, stays together) or the best visual resemblance to the original piece?

In my opinion, in order of importance: appearance, functionality and realism.

But the choice depends on the situation, the best brick build part is the one that balance in the best way all those things.

Just as a side note, a quick "thank you" to Calabar for fixing that link. I do my best to be careful, but every so often I'll slip up and make a silly error (especially when posting multiple sets at once), and it's good that you caught that mistake and were able to fix it for me.

4940 - Granite Grinder (B Model: "Cavern Crusher") - Theme: Rock Raiders
[bricklink] [brickset]


[4940 LXF]

- Instructions are not included in 4940 Granite Grinder, but have been provided in the November-December 1999 issue of LEGO Mania magazine.

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- 30299 Cockpit 10 x 14 x 2 & 2/3 has been substituted with a custom assembly by Daedalus304
- 30298 Windscreen 10 x 14 x 2 & 2/3 Roll Cage has been substituted with a custom assembly by Daedalus304
- 71612cx1 Cone Spiral - Rock Raiders Drill has been substituted with a custom assembly by Daedalus304
- The two yellow 32065 Technic 7M Half Beam bricks cannot connect to 2460 Plate 2X2 W. Vertical Snap and 2476 Plate 2X2 Inverted W. Snap bricks at the same time and would require illegal building techniques to do so due to the elevations at which those bricks are placed. Similarly, while the instructions show the third 2476 Plate 2X2 Inverted W. Snap connected to 3298 Roof Tile 2X3/25°, this is not possible in LEGO Digital Designer again due to the bricks' elevations

5909 - Treasure Raiders (B Model: "Mummy's Transport") - Theme: Adventurers / Egypt
[bricklink] [brickset]


[5909 LXF]

- 5909 Treasure Raiders was also released as 2879 Desert Expedition and 5948 Desert Expedition. This index entry uses the 5909 set number since that is the one referenced in the instructions below.
- Instructions are not included in 5909 Treasure Raiders (or its related sets), but have been provided in the September-October 1998 issue of LEGO Mania magazine.

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- 6069 Wedge 4 x 4 Triple without Stud Notches has been substituted with 48933 Roof Tile 4x2/18 W/Cor.

5936 - Spider's Secret (B Model: "Jungle Explorer") - Theme: Adventurers / Amazon
[bricklink] [brickset]


[5936 LXF]

- Instructions are not included in 5936 Spider's Secret, but have been provided in the March-April 1999 issue of LEGO Mania magazine.

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- x276 Minifig, Utensil Sun Disk has been substituted with 88049 Triangle W. 3.2 Shaft

And with that, I'd say that the Adventurers and Rock Raiders themes have been indexed to the full extent that we are able to at this current time. However, they are still not yet complete. Somewhere out there, the instructions for the rest of the Kabaya Rock Raiders combiners can be found, but whoever has access to them has yet to scan them and upload them to the internet. As for the Adventurers, instructions exist(ed?) for an alternate model for 5956 Expedition Balloon, but LEGO has long since taken them off their website and the Wayback Machine's archive consists of broken images. If these instructions can be recovered, then we can complete the index for these themes for once and for all... but until then, we'll have to be satisfied with what we have.

Edited by PeabodySam
Fixing post-update post formatting.

8371 - Extreme Power Bike - Theme: Racers LDD 4.3.8 .LXF file



-Missing stickers

-Pullback Motor 10 x 5 x 4 (Motor 8) replaced with a brick-built assembly.

The black 32184 couldn't be attached, replaced with a brick-built assembly

32551 Bionicle Claw Hook with Axle unavailable in LDD, replaced with 57565 Bionicle Weapon Barraki Mantax Pincer. The gears and Bionicle eyes have to be moved a little for them to fit, but no parts are removed

8370+8371 - Twin Powered Buggy (Combination Model) - Theme: Racers LDD 4.3.8 .LXF file



-Missing stickers

-Pullback Motor 10 x 5 x 4 (Motor 8) replaced with a brick-built assembly.

-The 4M Technic Levers refused to go between the two axles, replaced with 3M levers and half-bushings

-Rollcage isn't mounted all the way in the holes

EDIT: Thanks to Superkalle for fixing the yellow into the right color as well as the technic levers :wink:

Edited by JC75

Here's an upcoming promotional set for Lufthansa. It's quite a nice little thing, and the included stand (as well as the fact that the MINI Mini Cooper is already there) makes me believe that this fits into the "Sculptures" theme.


40146 - Aircraft [Promo] - theme: Sculptures



  • No stickers - Used a suitable print for the Captain's torso

LXF (LDD 4.3.8)

And with this, we'll finish off Dino and Dino Attack for good.

5884+5887 - Mobile Command Center (Combination Model) - Theme: Dino
5884: [bricklink] [brickset]
5887: [bricklink] [brickset]


[5884+5887 LXF]

- Instructions are not included in 5884 Raptor Chase or 5887 Dino Defense HQ, but have been provided on LEGO.com.

- Missing decorations

7475+7476 - High Voltage Half-Track (Combination Model) - Theme: Dino Attack
7475: [bricklink] [brickset]
7476: [bricklink] [brickset]


[7475+7476 LXF]

- Instructions are not included in 7475 Fire Hammer vs. Mutant Lizards or 7476 Iron Predator vs. T-Rex, but have been provided in the September/October 2005 issue of LEGO Brickmaster magazine (Brickshelf mirror).

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- 76100 Release Housing has been substituted with 57796 Release Housing 6X2X2, Assembled
- 76110 Arrow 8M W./Upper Part has been substituted with 57028 Arrow 8M W/Soft Upper P.
- 6221 Bush Ø7.84 has been substituted with 42610 Hub 11,2 X 7,84
- 53992 Caterpillar Track cannot be properly placed on the model

Edited by PeabodySam
I've finally scanned the instructions for the High Voltage Half-Track and uploaded them on Brickshelf. Please enjoy!

  On 12/9/2014 at 6:01 AM, JC75 said:

8370+8371 - Twin Powered Buggy (Combination Model) - Theme: Racers LDD 4.3.8 .LXF file


-The 4M Technic Levers refused to go between the two axles, replaced with 3M levers and half-bushings

I managed to fix this. see attached file (also fixed the color of the yellow wings (which was supposed to be tan, see here :classic:)

You can take my fixed file and update your post if you want.


Edited by Calabar
: quote fixed.

6732 - Brickster's Trike - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6732 LXF]

- Incorrect minifigure decorations

6733 - Snap's Cruiser - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6733 LXF]

- Incorrect minifigure decorations

6734 - Beach Cruisers - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6734 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- 30219 Bar 16L with Hollow Stud, Towball, and Slit [aka Windsurfer Mast] has been substituted with 6076 Mast 10M W/Ball
- x772px1 Plastic Triangle 9 x 15 Sail with Island Xtreme Stunts Logo Print [6734] is not included

6735 - Air Chase - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6735 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- 6211 Spiral Tube W. Flange is not flexible and cannot be attached on both ends

6736 - Beach Lookout (B Model) - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6736 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- Due to collision errors, 3004 Brick 1X2 and 3701 Technic Brick 1X4, Ø4,9 cannot be properly placed on the model

6737 - Wake Rider (A Model) - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6737 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- 56823 String Poly 0,5Mm On Spool is not included
- 30640 Vehicle Steering Wheel Holder 2 x 2 has been substituted with a custom assembly

6737 - Wake Rider (B Model) - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6737 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- 56823 String Poly 0,5Mm On Spool is not included
- 30640 Vehicle Steering Wheel Holder 2 x 2 has been substituted with a custom assembly

6738 - Skateboard Challenge (A Model) - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6738 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- 4876 Fabuland Slide has been substituted with a custom assembly

6738 - Skateboard Challenge (B Model) - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6738 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations

6739 - Truck & Stunt Trikes (A Model) - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6739 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- 4033 Frame/Train Window 1X4X3 has been substituted with 60594 Frame 1X4X3
- 30620 Vehicle, Trailer Base 8 x 30 x 3 1/3 has been substituted with a custom assembly

6739 - Truck & Stunt Trikes (B Model) - Theme: Island Xtreme Stunts
[bricklink] [brickset]


[6739 LXF]

- Incorrect minifigure decorations

EDIT 1/26/15: Corrected minor error in 6734.

Edited by PeabodySam
Fixing post-update post formatting.

  On 12/9/2014 at 6:29 PM, Superkalle said:

I managed to fix this. see attached file (also fixed the color of the yellow wings (which was supposed to be tan, see here :classic:)

You can take my fixed file and update your post if you want.

Thanks a bunch, I updated my post with the correct builds~

I was having a bit of trouble choosing the yellow because LDD uses alternative names for the colors, and i decided to go with Light Yellow because it was a legacy color like the Old Gray that's used a lot in the bikes

  On 12/9/2014 at 3:51 PM, Gnac said:

40146 - Aircraft [Promo] - theme: Sculptures


Blimey! I was just about to do that set.

I think the stickers would vary per airline, though it'd depend on what airline has an Airbus A380, which is what the model is based.

Edited by Calabar
: Image removed from quote and quote size reduced. Please read the rules in the first page before posting.

  On 12/10/2014 at 1:23 AM, JC75 said:

I was having a bit of trouble choosing the yellow because LDD uses alternative names for the colors, and i decided to go with Light Yellow because it was a legacy color like the Old Gray that's used a lot in the bikes

LEGO Digital Designer uses the same color names (as well as brick names and IDs) as LEGO Customer Services replacement parts. When available, Brickset uses a set's inventory from Customer Services, so if you're ever unsure about what color to use, the Brickset inventory would be a good place to check first. Just make sure that the inventory listed on Brickset is the one from Customer Services; some older sets, such as 6270 Forbidden Island, do not have an inventory listed there and so Brickset instead uses the Rebrickable inventory, which does not use the same names as LDD. Since the Customer Services inventories are typically incomplete and may be missing a crucial brick you're looking for, the Peeron Color Chart is a handy resource if you want to refer to the inventories of Rebrickable, Bricklink, or Peeron; the names listed under "LEGOName" are the ones used by Customer Services and LDD.

Unlike grey, purple, or brown, LEGO has been very consistent with use of the color tan, known internally as "Brick Yellow", since its introduction back in 1998. For the most part, "Brick Yellow" the color you'll want to use. On the other hand, "Light Yellow" is a much more obscure color, very rarely used outside the Island Xtreme Stunts theme. And now you know, and knowing is half the battle!

6602-2 Scorpion Buggy - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




2 X x88 rubber missing

Missing prints:

1 X 30363pb003 Red Slope 18 4 x 2 with Black and Yellow Scorpion Pattern

4 X 6636px2 White Tile 1 x 6 with Octan Logo Pattern

for minifig see here

Missing sticker: None

6604-1 Formula 1 Racer - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: None

Missing prints: 1 X 3298p54 White Slope 33 3 x 2 with Number 1 Pattern

Missing sticker: None

6605-1 Road Racer - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: None

Missing prints:

1 X 3039pb007 Blue Slope 45 2 x 2 with White Number 3 Pattern

1 X 973p02c01 White Torso Vertical Striped Blue/Red Pattern / White Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: None

6616-1 Rocket Dragster - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




2 X 2681 Black Support 6 x 6 x 10 Stanchion replaced

1 X 32283c01 Dark Gray Pullback Motor 9 x 4 x 2 1/3 with Black Base, White Axle Holes, No Studs on Front Top Surface replaced

1 X 3829c01 White Vehicle, Steering Stand 1 x 2 with Black Steering Wheel not correctly placed (collision)

2 X 30219 White Bar 16L with Hollow Stud, Towball, and Slit (Windsurfer Mast) replaced

Missing prints:

2 X 2335p03 White Flag 2 x 2 Square with Checkered Pattern (Printed)

2 X 2335px13 White Flag 2 x 2 Square with Octan Logo Pattern

for minifig see here

Missing stickers: 6616stk01

6714-1 Speed Dragster - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>


[Brickset][Bricklink] Dragster Render


1 X x169 Black Minifig, Utensil Stretcher Holder Flexible not placed

1 X 32283c01 Dark Gray Pullback Motor 9 x 4 x 2 1/3 with Black Base, White Axle Holes, No Studs on Front Top Surface replaced

Missing prints:

1 X 30363pb004 Blue Slope 18 4 x 2 with Two Eye Pattern

for minifig see here

Missing sticker: None

6628-1 Shell Tow Truck - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error:1 X 3135c01 Yellow Hook, Slope 45 2 x 3 x 1 1/3 Double with Arm and Black Tow Hook replaced

Missing prints:

1 X 3822pb04 + 1 X 3821pb04 White Door 1 x 3 x 1 with Shell Logo Pattern

Missing sticker: None

6631-1 Steam Shovel - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: 1 X 4626 Yellow Hinge Bucket 2 x 3 Curved Bottom, Hollow, with 2 Fingers replaced

Missing prints:

1 X 3010p06 White Brick 1 x 4 with Red Danger Stripes on Un-Printed Background Pattern

1 X 3039p05 Yellow Slope 45 2 x 2 with Black Grille Pattern

1 X 973pb0202c01 White Torso Overalls Black Pattern (Dungarees) / White Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: None

6644-1 Road Rebel - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




1 X x81c02 Black motorcycle + 3 3070bp03 replaced

1 X 2513 Red Vehicle, Mudguard 3 x 4 Slope replaced

Missing prints:

1 X 973p14c01 White Torso Town 'S' Logo Red / Black Pattern / White Arms / Yellow Hands

3 X 3070bp03 White Tile 1 x 1 with Number 3 Pattern

Missing sticker: None

6656-1 Tow Truck - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: 1 X 3135c02 Red Hook, Slope 45 2 x 3 x 1 1/3 Double with Arm and Light Gray Tow Hook replaced

Missing prints: 1 X 973pb0201c01 White Torso Overalls Blue Pattern (Dungarees) / White Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: None

6657-1 Fire Patrol Copter - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




1 X 3480 + 1 X 3481 Helicopter Tail Rotor replaced

1 X 3461 + 1 X 3462 Helicopter Tail Rotor replaced

Missing prints:

2 X 4346p01 White Container, Box 2 x 2 x 2 Door with Slot and Classic Fire Logo Pattern

1 X 973p21c01 Black Torso Fire Uniform Five Button Pattern / Black Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: None

6660-1 Hook & Haul Wrecker - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




1 X 3135c02 Red Hook, Slope 45 2 x 3 x 1 1/3 Double with Arm and Light Gray Tow Hook replaced

2 X 2484c01 Red Vehicle, Spring Wheels Holder 2 x 2 replaced

Missing prints: 1 X 973pb0006c01 White Torso Town Trucker Logo Pattern / Yellow Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: None

6663-1 Wave Rebel - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: None

Missing prints: 1 X 973px130c01 White Torso Octan Logo Pattern / White Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: 6663stk01

6674-1 Crane Truck - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




1 X 3127 Red hook replaced

1 X x77 Black cord missing

1 X 4504 Yellow Hinge Plate 1 x 6 with 2 and 3 Fingers On Ends replaced

Missing prints:

1 X 4209p05 Red String Reel 2 x 4 x 2 Holder with Highway Pattern

1 X 973p27c01 Blue Torso Highway Pattern / Blue Arms / Yellow Hand

Missing sticker: None

6677-1 Motocross Racing - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




1 X x81c01 Blue Motorcycle + 3 3070bp03replaced

Missing prints:

3 X 3070bp03 White Tile 1 x 1 with Number 3 Pattern

1 X 973p14c01 White Torso Town 'S' Logo Red / Black Pattern / White Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: None

6679-1 Dark Shark - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: None

Missing print: None

Missing stickers: 6679.1stk01

6679-2 Exxon Tow Truck - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: 1 X 3135c02 Red Hook, Slope 45 2 x 3 x 1 1/3 Double with Arm and Light Gray Tow Hook replaced

Missing print: 1 X 973pb0034c01 Red Torso Exxon Logo Pattern / Red Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing stickers: 6679.2stk01

6684-1 Police Patrol Squad - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Errors: 1 X x81c01 + 1 X bb57pb01 Light Gray Police Motorcycle Old with Red Wheels - Complete Assembly replaced

Missing prints:

2 X 3069bpb001 White Tile 1 x 2 with 'POLICE' Pattern

2 X 4215ap18 Trans-Clear Panel 1 x 4 x 3 - Solid Studs with Black 'POLICE' Bar and White Stripes Pattern

1 X 973pb0091c01 Black Torso Police Suit with White Badge and Pocket Pattern / Black Arms / Yellow Hands

1 X 973pb0079c01 Black Torso Police Leather Jacket, White Badge, Zipper Curved Pattern / Black Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: None

6686-1 Backhoe - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




1 X 4626 Yellow Hinge Bucket 2 x 3 Curved Bottom, Hollow, with 2 Fingers replaced

1 X ( 3317 + 3314 + 3433 ) Digger Bucket system replaced

1 X 251c01 Black Turntable 2 x 2 Plate with Hinge, Complete Assembly with Light Gray Top replaced

Missing prints:

1 X 3010p06 White Brick 1 x 4 with Red Danger Stripes on Un-Printed Background Pattern

1 X 3068bp50 White Tile 2 x 2 with Arrow in Blue Circle Pattern

1 X 3068bp06 White Tile 2 x 2 with Red Warning Triangle Pattern

1 X 973p26c01 Blue Torso Patch Pocket Shirt Pattern / Blue Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: None

6696-1 Exxon Fuel Tanker - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>


[Brickset][Bricklink] Render

Error: 1 X 194cx2 Black cord missing

Missing print: 1 X 973pb0034c01 Red Torso Exxon Logo Pattern / Red Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing stickers: 6696stk01

Edited by vean

  On 12/13/2014 at 1:34 PM, vean said:

6616-1 Rocket Dragster - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>


1 X 3829c01 White Vehicle, Steering Stand 1 x 2 with Black Steering Wheel missing (collisions)

Yupp, there seems to be a collision error in 6152.

Tip: Make sure to put in all parts in the LXF, and just place them on the side if they don't fit. Then at least the part is in the file.

  On 12/13/2014 at 4:18 PM, Superkalle said:

Yupp, there seems to be a collision error in 6152.

Tip: Make sure to put in all parts in the LXF, and just place them on the side if they don't fit. Then at least the part is in the file.

The post has been modified! Thank you :thumbup:

Now that Island Xtreme Stunts has been taken care of, let's look for another theme which is sorely under-represented in this index... ah, yes, the VIkings, also known as the winners of "LEGO sets with the most ridiculously long names" awards.

Is it just me, or do my brick-built substitutions for the dragons' heads end up making these fearsome beasts look... adorable?

7016 - Viking Boat against the Wyvern Dragon - Theme: Vikings
[bricklink] [brickset]


[7016 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- Co.Silver DiF has been substituted with Cool silver, drum lacq
- 30153 Diamond With Stick cannot be placed on the model due to collision errors
- 56823 String Poly 0,5Mm On Spool is not included
- 54255pb02 Plastic Triangle 6 x 12 Scalloped Wing with Wyvern Dragon Wing Print is not included

7017 - Viking Catapult versus Nidhogg Dragon - Theme: Vikings
[bricklink] [brickset]


[7017 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- Co.Silver DiF has been substituted with Cool silver, drum lacq
- 51342 Wing W. Holes Ø 4,84 cannot be dually-colored New Dark Red and Tr. Bright Orange
- 6019 Plate 1X1 W/Holder Vertical cannot be placed on the model due to collision errors
- 50898 Ball Cup Double, 7M has been substituted with 61054 Ball Cup Double Ø10.2, 7M
- 47296 Ball Cup Double, 5M has been substituted with 89650 Ball Cup Double Ø10.2, 5M
- 41670 Bion. Leg, Shell has been substituted with a custom assembly
- 47326 Ball Cup Ø10.2 W. Friction has been substituted with a custom assembly
- 43557 Leg Ii has been substituted with a custom assembly
- 53456 Drage has been substituted with a custom assembly

7020 - Army of Vikings with Heavy Artillery Wagon - Theme: Vikings
[bricklink] [brickset]


[7020 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- Co.Silver DiF has been substituted with Cool silver, drum lacq

7021 - Viking Double Catapult versus the Armored Ofnir Dragon - Theme: Vikings
[bricklink] [brickset]


[7021 LXF]

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- Co.Silver DiF has been substituted with Cool silver, drum lacq
- 55706 Wing 8x10 Ø 4,85 and 51342 Wing W. Holes Ø 4,84 cannot be dually-colored Earth Blue and Flame Yellowish Orange
- 32558 Voodoo Flame cannot be dually-colored Bright Red and Flame Yellowish Orange
- 30294 Rock 4X4X1 2/3 Lower Part and 30293 Rock 4X4X1 1/3 Upper Part cannot be dually-colored Dark Stone Grey and Tr. Fluore.Redd. Orange
- 47296 Ball Cup Double, 5M has been substituted with 89650 Ball Cup Double Ø10.2, 5M
- 50602 Design Shell Ø4.85 No.2/Rivits has been substituted with a custom assembly
- 54273 Mask 15 has been substituted with a custom assembly
- 53456 Drage has been substituted with custom assemblies
- 47430 Brick W. Bows 3X5½, Ø4.85 has been substituted with a custom assembly
- 41670 Bion. Leg, Shell has been substituted with a custom assembly
- 54175 Shell ظ 4.85 "No. 3" has been substituted with a custom assembly
- 44136 Bion. Curved Beam has been substituted with a custom assembly by vmln8r

EDIT 12/13/14: Corrected a minor error in 7021. How come I never notice these until immediately after I post?
EDIT 12/15/16: Updated 7017 and 7021 to LDD 4.3.10.

Edited by PeabodySam
Updated LXF.

8000 - Pit Droid (B-Model) - Star Wars / Technic



Rubber belts are not flexible

32165 replaced by 32475

32307 replaced by a brick-built solution

The "legs" rotation works perfectly though it involves three different pivots. That may be interesting for the automation topic.

8001 - Battle Droid (B-Model) - Star Wars / Technic



Rubber belts are not flexible

32165 replaced by 32475

32307, 32172 replaced by a brick-built solution

Edited by Calabar
: Set ID for battle droid fixed.

8355 - H.O.T. Blaster Bike - Theme: Racers LDD 4.3.8 .LXF file



Missing stickers

Pullback Motor 10 x 5 x 4 (Motor 8) replaced with a brick-built assembly.

Wheel 44293c0144293c01 isn't available on LDD, so i used the same wheel as in the rear. I had to move around some of the beams to make it fit, but no pieces were removed

x345 Bionicle Shoulder Armor isn't available on LDD, replaced with 87788 Bionicle Mask Hau

Rubber band omitted

If anyone tries to fit the 3M Cross Blocks inside the Head, Craze's like this set has on the sides, you gotta make a hinge and swing them inside, for some reason LDD doesn't let you place them straight in there x3

Also yay, i did proper flexes!

E: Since nobody had posted after me, i decided to save space and throw this on the same post...

8354+8355 - Twin Powered Street Racer (Combination Model) - Theme: Racers LDD 4.3.8 .LXF file



Missing stickers

Pullback Motor 10 x 5 x 4 (Motor 8) replaced with a brick-built assembly.

Wheel 44293c0144293c01 isn't available on LDD, so i used the same wheels as in the rear.

The flex tube assembly next to the model is supposed to be fitted between the exposed half-pins in the red Technic pieces... however, this kind of flexing was out of my reach :wacko: If anyone's up to trying to make it fit, go ahead. Instructions page

Don't be afraid to remove some of the tiles on the pullback motors or otherwise modify them... technically they're a stud too high >.<

As an unrelated question... where does the driver of this thing sit? The engine seems way too close to whatever resembles the driver's area...

Edited by JC75

1791-1 Windsurfer & Van - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: 1 X x66px7 Trans-Clear Plastic Triangle 6 x 12 Sail with Blue Lines and Red & Blue Triangle missing

Missing prints:

2 X 4864apx6 White Panel 1 x 2 x 2 with Palm Tree Pattern

1 X 3626bp03 Yellow Minifig, Head Moustache Pointed with Standard Grin Pattern

Missing sticker: None

1876-1 Soil Scooper - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>


[Brickset][Bricklink] Render

Errors: 1 X ( 3317 + 3314 + 3433 ) Digger Bucket system replaced

Missing prints:

1 X 73pb0202c01 White Torso Overalls Black Pattern (Dungarees) / White Arms / Yellow Hands

1 X 973p26c01 Blue Torso Patch Pocket Shirt Pattern / Blue Arms / Yellow Hands

1 X 2431p02 White Tile 1 x 4 with Red and White Danger Stripes Red Pattern

Missing sticker: None

1890-1 Octan Racer - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: None

Missing prints:

1 X 2440pb005 White Hinge Panel 6 x 3 with Red and Green Stripes and 'Octan' Pattern

1 X 973p0ac04 Red Torso Zipper Curved on Jacket and Pocket Pattern (white zipper) / Red Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: None

1896-1 Trauma Team - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>


[Brickset][Bricklink] Render


1 X x81c02 Black Motorcycle replaced

Missing prints:

1 X 3069bp52 White Tile 1 x 2 with Telemetry Panel Pattern

2 X (3070bp01 + 3070bp02 + 3070bp03) Yellow Tile 1 x 1 with Number Pattern

4 X 973p0bc01 White Torso Zipper Curved on Jacket and Pocket Pattern (black zipper) / White Arms / Yellow Hands

1 X 973px62c01 White Torso Horizontal Red Stripes Pattern / Red Arms / Yellow Hands

Missing sticker: None

1959-1 Ultra-Light - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: None

Missing prints:

1 X 3626bp04 Yellow Minifig, Head Glasses with Black Sunglasses and Standard Grin Pattern

Missing sticker: None

2149-1 Color Line Container Lorry - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>


[Brickset][Bricklink] Render

Errors: 1 X 3491 Black Plate, Modified 2 x 5 with Towball Socket + 1 X 2736 Light Gray Technic, Axle Towball replaced

Missing print: None

Missing stickers: 2149stk01

2535-1 Formula 1 Racing Car - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: None

Missing prints:

1 X 3298px9 Red Slope 33 3 x 2 with White Number 1 Pattern

1 X 973px124c01 White Torso Race Two Stars Jacket Pattern / White Arms / Yellow Hands

1 X 3626bp04 Yellow Minifig, Head Glasses with Black Sunglasses and Standard Grin Pattern

Missing sticker: 2535stk01

2536-1 Divers Jet Ski- Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: 2 X 2599 Yellow Minifig, Footgear Flipper replaced updated

Missing prints:

1 X 6153apx1 Red Wedge 6 x 4 Cutout without Stud Notches with Divers Blue Team Logo Pattern

1 X 9973px96c01 Blue Torso Divers Dolphin Logo, Yellow Triangles, and Gauges Pattern / Black Arms / Black Hands

1 X 3626bp02 Yellow Minifig, Head Female with Red Lips, Eyelashes (Standard Woman Pattern)

Missing sticker: 2536stk01

2537-1 Extreme Team Raft- Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: None

Missing prints:

2 X 3069bp03 Light Gray Tile 1 x 2 with Dynamite Pattern

1 X 973p8ac01 Black Torso Extreme Team Jacket with Red X Logo on Back Pattern / Green Arms / Black Hands

1 X 3626bp02 Yellow Minifig, Head Female with Red Lips, Eyelashes (Standard Woman Pattern)

Missing sticker: 2537stk01

2554-1 Formula 1 Pit Stop - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>


[Brickset][Bricklink] Render


1 X 30225px1 Baseplate replaced

1 X x127c21Black String with End Studs 21L Overall + 1 X 4319 Yellow Hinge Bar 8L with 3 Fingers and Open End Stud + 1 X 4276 Yellow Hinge Plate 1 x 2 with 2 Fingers replaced

1 X 4629c01 Blue Minifig, Utensil Jack - Complete Assembly replaced

1 X 194cx1 Black cord missing

Missing prints:

1 X 3298pb008 Blue Slope 33 3 x 2 with Red Number 5 and White Trim Pattern

1 X 30225px1 Green Baseplate, Road 16 x 16 with Driveway Gray and White Border Pattern

1 X 3298px9 Red Slope 33 3 x 2 with White Number 1 Pattern

1 X 2335p03 White Flag 2 x 2 Square with Checkered Pattern

1 X 3068px4 White Tile 2 x 2 with Gauges Pattern

1 X (3070bp01+ 3070bp03) Yellow Tile 1 x 1 with Number Pattern

For minigfigs see here

Missing stickers: 2554stk01

3439-1 Spy Runner - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>


[Brickset][Bricklink] Render

Error: None

Missing prints:

1 X 973pb0252c01 Light Gray Torso Fire Shirt with Gauge and Red Belt Pattern / Light Gray Arms / Black Hands

1 X 3626bp69 Yellow Minifig, Head Male Headset Over Smile, Red-Brown Hair & Eyebrows PatternX

1 X 3626bp05 Yellow Minifig, Head Male Standard Grin and Eyebrows Pattern

Missing stickers: 3439stk01

Edited by vean

2871-1 Diver & Shark - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>


[Brickset][Bricklink] Render

Error:2 X 2599 Yellow Minifig, Footgear Flipper replaced Thank you Stephan!

Missing prints:

1 X 973px51c01 Red Torso Divers Submarine Logo and Gauges Pattern / Red Arms / Black Hands

1 X 3626bpx26 Yellow Minifig, Head Male Brown Bangs and Line Stubble Pattern

Missing sticker: None

4304-1 or 6324-1 Chopper Cop - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error: None

Missing prints: For minifig see here

Missing sticker: None

6325-1 Package Pick-up - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error:1 X 30235 Black Vehicle, Base 4 x 10 x 1 2/3 replaced

Missing prints:

1 X 3004px4 White Brick 1 x 2 with TV Screen and 3 Buttons Pattern

1 X 3069bp80 White Tile 1 x 2 with Computer Keyboard Simple Pattern

2 X 3622pb008 Yellow Brick 1 x 3 with Cargo Pattern

1 X 3297px14 Yellow Slope 33 3 x 4 with Headlights Pattern

For minifig see here

Missing sticker: None

6327-1 Turbo Champs - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>



Error:1 X 30235 Black Vehicle, Base 4 x 10 x 1 2/3 replaced

Missing prints:

1 X 3010pb003 White Brick 1 x 4 with Car Taillights Red and Orange Pattern

2 X 3009pb024 White Brick 1 x 6 with Yellow 'TURBO' on Blue Background and Black Spots Pattern

1 X 3003px2 White Brick 2 x 2 with Gold 1st Place Cup and Laurels Pattern

1 X 2456px1 White Brick 2 x 6 with Numbers 2 and 3 in Green Laurels Pattern

1 X 3297px9 White Slope 33 3 x 4 with Headlights, Yellow Turbo, Blue Background and Black Spots Pattern

1 X 3068bpx22 White Tile 2 x 2 with Yellow 'TURBO', Black Spots, Blue Background Pattern

For minifigs: Link 1 Link 2

Missing sticker: None

6328-1 Helicopter Transport - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




1 X bb48 Light Gray Vehicle, Base 4 x 12 x 1 2/3 replaced

1 X 30184 Light Gray Vehicle, Trailer Base 6 x 26 x 2 2/3 replaced

1 X 30182 Black Slope 45 4 x 4 replaced

Missing prints:

2 X 3010pb030 Black Brick 1 x 4 with White 'POLICE' Red Line Pattern

1 X 3037px9 Black Slope 45 2 x 4 with Headlights 2 Pattern

2 X 3004pb008 Light Gray Brick 1 x 2 with Police Yellow Star Badge Pattern

1 X 30183px1 White Slope, Inverted 45 6 x 4 Double with Recessed Center, with 'POLICE' Red Line Pattern

1 X 3069bp52 White Tile 1 x 2 with Telemetry Panel Pattern

For minifigs: Link 1 Link 2

Missing sticker: None

6329-1 Truck Stop - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




1 X bb48 Red Vehicle, Base 4 x 12 x 1 2/3 replaced

1 X 30184 Red Vehicle, Trailer Base 6 x 26 x 2 2/3 replaced

1 X 30182 + 1 X 30182pb03 Black Slope 45 4 x 4 replaced

1 X 2352 Yellow Windscreen 2 x 4 x 3 Frame replaced

1 X 30277 Yellow Vehicle, Base 2 x 8 x 1 1/3 replaced

X ( 3317 + 3314 + 3433 ) Digger Bucket system replaced

Missing prints: See here

Missing sticker: None

6330-1 Cargo Center - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>




2 X 30225pb02 Baseplates replaced

1 X 4319 Black Hinge Bar 8L with 3 Fingers and Open End Stud replaced

1 X x127c11 Black cord missing

8 X 6230 Black Tire Smooth Small with White Hollow Fixed Center (Space Shuttle Wheel) replaced

1 X 30277 Black Vehicle, Base 2 x 8 x 1 1/3 replaced + 1 X 30277 Blue Vehicle, Base 2 x 8 x 1 1/3

1 X bb48 Light Gray Vehicle, Base 4 x 12 x 1 2/3 replaced

1 X 3430c01 Light Gray Vehicle, Forklift 2 x 2 Plate and Black Fork (Complete Assembly) replaced

1 X 30182 Yellow Slope 45 4 x 4 replaced

1 X 4867pb02 Yellow Tail Wedge with Cargo and Green/Blue Stripes Pattern replaced

Missing prints: See here

Missing sticker: None

Edited by vean

  On 12/22/2014 at 5:49 PM, vean said:

2871-1 Diver & Shark - Theme: Town - LXF file <LDD 4.3.8 brick version 1564.2>

[Brickset][Bricklink] Render

Error:2 X 2599 Yellow Minifig, Footgear Flipper replaced

The flippers are in LDD, search for 59275. They are -- strangely -- listed under the "body armor" category ;)

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