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Posted (edited)

Pencoin, that yeilds a google error for me...


Edit: works now

Stinks that we can't have Mat Nui now...


Edited by iLego94
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I think that´s a legend. :look:

1. These pics´re from a retailer catalogue, one out of plenty out there... and any knock-off factory´ll be more than able to get them on their

own, if they want so. And since blank copies of other companies´ products´re only working in countries without a proper enforcement of

international rights, they´re able to do what they want anyways.

To fix that problem is a question of international trade relations and it needs the work of governments and international commissions to do so.

2. Serious competitors´re also well able to get them on their own, but they´re not allowed to simply copy them due to said copyrights. So, to

develop at least something similar would cost them much time... I guess they would by far prefer pics and infos straight from the beginning of

the design process... :devil:

The only real danger of sales loss for TLC that I´m able to see and that´s related to the hype for such preliminary stuff´s that kids stop to buy

this year´s sets in order to save money for the cool sets of the future... but hey, as if they really could live without LEGO for so long... :tongue:

That's what I wanted to say... if I were able to write it earlier. Also, I can add, if any company (say, Megabloks, as usual...) wanted to made these knock-offs, it still takes a lot of time to create and produce new toys (a year, maybe?). So, I suggest, any new Bionicle clones will appear LATER than actual LEGO sets. That, I think, won't hurt sales that much.

And, also, interesting psychological effect... if other companies use LEGO designs, that just means that LEGO designs are the best, yeah?


Yea, I'm new here, but I've been snooping for months now. Just thought I should make an account and put in my two cents.

Although some seem evil and some seem good, I don't think they have any actual side that they are on.

If you look at the set numbers, the "Matoran" go straight, and lead directly to the "Toa" who have no order. Usually the good guys and bad guys would be grouped. This year the three Winter Toa had 8685, 6 and 7. Then there were three blanks for the summer's good guys (8688, 89, 90). Then the 3 winter Makuta and the summer makuta.

This year, the three canister sets are all in a row, all 6 numbers after another. Then there's a space for the next six before 8990 (Fero and Skirmix), which I have no doubt, are the summer's canisters.

Now these canisters are grouped...so either the winter is one team and the summer is one team, like previous years.

But looking at the sheer difference in looks of Tarix and Vorox, I'd say they are all different, with no teams.

Like Gladiators.

Of course, this doesn't mean that some don't have evil/cheating intentions or actual "moral" sides, but I don't think all the "evil" people are a team in the beginning, they may make alliances though...

They could also be all evil, but Tarix and its gold, seems to say otherwise...

I don't know where these Matoran come in, but we'll find that out soon, I suppose.

Now for my reviews of the sets themselves:

8972-Atakus: These Matoran, are what the Av-Matoran should have been, different, loads of exclusive recolors, and more. Atakus is one of the best, in my opinion. I love the new sword pieces, and his mask is pretty cool. And of course, we have a nice close up of the new hands, you can even see the joints! Anyway, depending on the cost, I just might get this guy. Oh and the Latin names...finally. I absolutely love Latin. And it's quite pronounced here with the -us male ending. But wait, doesn't Skrall look evil? Meh, whatever, I'll get back to that.

8973- Raanu: Orange and Metru Red, finally, something that was in Vakama Hordika's little weapons, and no where else... This guy has a great mask, and more Orange Mata feet. But the weapons aren't new, seen on the Exo-force Combat Crawler and Vakama Hordika. I like the mask though.

8974- Tarduk: Love the mask, but nothing else to say. He's blah. There might be a Red Av-toran head, looking at him and Raanu...Or a new face.

8975- Berix: I can't tell if that Green thing is an Av-toran head, a new head, or part of the mask...It's ugly though. Love that new Tahu-sword, and the Mata Feet...are they Metru Blue? Anyway, I'm happy for this nice return of all blues. Gold Chronicler blades come from Brutaka, so whatever.

8976- Metus: Like the mask, but how is it fit on? The top? If this is a new head and mask style, I hope it fits on other heads. >_> Nice exclusive blade and shield.

8977- Zesk: It has tan, and I love that, but for a small set, it doesn't seem worth it...I see a red head, but all it is, is a few tan Av-toran limbs, some of those claws and a blade. Like the Scorpion-like mask.

8978- Skrall: Like the color combo, good to see Mata Red coming back...a bit, but it makes a good combo with black. Love the sword. once again. The shield's design is neat. He uses a Horizontal Piraka torso, so that's new, but I can't tell what's under it... good thing it's thicker than Mantax. >_< The shoulder armor is unique, but putting some suitable bulky armor and having extra limbs to hold the Swords would have been better, I think. Great to see some vibrant colors, like the old days, instead of a bunch of grey everywhere.

8979-Maium/Majum: I think it's Maium, but, whatever. Color scheme is finally here, and I raelly like the flames on the mask. I want to see the weapons, but overall, it's boring. But it seems though he has shorter upper arms than legs...yes! Can't tell if the feet are new... overall, pretty mediocre. I'm noticing the "-um" ending. =D

8980- Gresh: Mmm, he has some good recolors, especially since I love lime. Inika armor, Nuparu claws, Gorast claws, Inika feet...the latter three being the important ones... I like the blades and mask. I might get him...

8981- Tarix: Finally...gold Inika armor... I wish there was old gold though. Anyway, the armor is ugly. Just putting Jaller Inika's armor would be better, IMO. Those are some really neat weapons, that for some reason, remind me of Protoss Zealots. Mask is ugly, and overall, a pretty bad looking set, but I think I might have to get him for all the gold and weapons.

8982- Strakk: Upper half is just wonderful, it really goes back to the elements and their importance back in '01. The mask, the armor, and weapons...so good. An Ice cleaver, that's awesome. the body is unique, but easy to build, even with the pieces you have now. You have a Inika body attached to this piece. attached to a Metru hip. The Inika armor is connected to one of the holes using a 3 axle, so it'll wobble a bit...it's blocked by the Metru hip. I'm going to build this now and see what I get. I don't understand the Metru Blue arms though. And the legs need some buffing up. Notice the game piece on the back.

8983- Vorox: Beautiful, just beautiful. Tan claws, Tan Metru Limbs, Tan Metru Hip (I don't think it's new though), tan Av-toran limb (not that important), and finally: Tan Mata foot, on the back. He has a covered back. With a recolor. The mask is amazing, remove the eyes and the body, and the mask, by itself, looks like a Visorak, or scorpion without the tail. Very menacing. Then there's the new armor! Anyway, this set is a must-get. The tan. It's beautiful. Wish he had better weapons though.

8990- Fero and Skirmix: Fero? A connection with Iron perhaps? Skirmix? A belligerent Dragon, in skirmishes? Anyway, check out the differences with the box. XD I like Fero's mask, it looks like the movie Kraahkan. The sword is once, again great. The dinosaur is pretty awesome. It has short arms, like a 2 legged T-rex, has a nice mouth, and the gray is pretty nicely covered up with red "armor" A good set.

8991- Tuma: I hope it's pronounced "TOO-may" or "TEEU-ma". Looks like a nice build, but the gap in the upper arm armor is ugly. I like the swords as some kind of wings, or back decoration. The mask is so cool. Looks like its the Skeleton Knight's armor color. Sweet. I hope that Brutaka blade is that sparkly metally gunemtal color, but it looks black. That's okay too. He also has the lime recolors, that's nice.

That took forever, >_>

[-The Alchemyst-]


Hey guys, a little tibit of info just came out. Nuhrii the Metruan, who has influenced Bionicle somewhat (the Toa Mangai, Toa Naho, and Nektann the Skakdi warlord were all his ideas), sent several PM's to Greg on BZP. The answers lead him to this conclusion: that Mata Nui may actually leave the surface of the Bionicle Planet and go somewhere else, taking the ENTIRE Matoran universe with him.

Basically, this means that if the Mata Nui set is the size of a Titan or Toa, all the sets next year are around the size of the Matoran universe as well, and the entire new universe is in a totally different scale than the original bionicle universe. :sweet:

Hey guys, a little tibit of info just came out. Nuhrii the Metruan, who has influenced Bionicle somewhat (the Toa Mangai, Toa Naho, and Nektann the Skakdi warlord were all his ideas), sent several PM's to Greg on BZP. The answers lead him to this conclusion: that Mata Nui may actually leave the surface of the Bionicle Planet and go somewhere else, taking the ENTIRE Matoran universe with him.

Basically, this means that if the Mata Nui set is the size of a Titan or Toa, all the sets next year are around the size of the Matoran universe as well, and the entire new universe is in a totally different scale than the original bionicle universe. :sweet:

I was thinking that, thanks for confirming it.

Hey guys, a little tibit of info just came out. Nuhrii the Metruan, who has influenced Bionicle somewhat (the Toa Mangai, Toa Naho, and Nektann the Skakdi warlord were all his ideas), sent several PM's to Greg on BZP. The answers lead him to this conclusion: that Mata Nui may actually leave the surface of the Bionicle Planet and go somewhere else, taking the ENTIRE Matoran universe with him.

Basically, this means that if the Mata Nui set is the size of a Titan or Toa, all the sets next year are around the size of the Matoran universe as well, and the entire new universe is in a totally different scale than the original bionicle universe. :sweet:

Or, the more likely solution -- Makuta Teridax will replace Mata Nui's spirit, becoming the universe himself, and Mata Nui will end up in another body. :wink: Would explain how he could be in a biomechanical form and regular size.



The 2009 sets are pretty cool actually. I expected worse.

Skrall looks awesome. Pretty nice design too.

Gresh (Whats with the name?) is pretty cool too. Nice colours and pieces.

Tarix has some cool peices and an okay design.

Strakk IS AWESOME. Best canister ice set. Spikes are good.

Vorox is a symbol of hope. I'm so glad at least tan is returning. However, the scorpian style is a little lame... still an awesome set though.

Malum is awesome and badass. That armour and design is amazing!

Atakus! :D He looks cool. But more Av-Matoran style Matoran? :-/

Raanu is awesome. Yellow Mata feet is great, and that mask, as ducked as it is, is awesome. Sheild is coo.

Tarduk is interesting to say the least. Mask is intense but he looks like a mutant...

Berix is ducked up. No head? Nice pieces though.

Metus has a small head. But he's pretty damn awesome. Half mask though?

Zesk... is awesome. I'm liking the stone (or whatever the Glatorians have) a lot. The scorpian look looks great on him. THUMBS UP?!


Anyways, Tuma (one letter off from tuna) is intense. Awesome mask, awesome design, awesome colours. I hope the lime green don't break though...

Fero is not so cool. But Skirmix megablocking rocks. That is one hell of a dragon. I love it. SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, nice to see hands on the sets, and some look great, and secondary colours are back, making next year look awesome, but now I have to kill my money even more. :(

Zamor launchers are overused though...

~Air Spirit


Hi Iggy, thanks for making my everyone stealing my thoughts :laugh:. I dont think Matanui will be giving the red carpet i think he could just be made like a normal character who doesnt know of anything thats happened to him.

Another thing i was think is this

Say there a more Great spirits like Mata-nui and the Great beings created them as troops or something? (thats no relevent) and that the Great beings reside in the red star which is actualy the center of the Bionicle universe (not matanui) and on the Bionicle planet there are more Great spirits with maybe there on troubles? Also Mutran said when he encountered Trem krom (a being that was definaltey not from mata nui) that he understood how the universe works which is supposed to be very important in Makutas plans (This universe could mean Matanui or Bionicle Universe) either which would make sense now. Makuta knows that if he can get into control of Mata-nui not only is he in control of The matoran universe but he can use this vessel to take over the Bionicle universe as well.

Im going to say Makuta Does this and takes over his body, wakes up then procedes to the Redstar or where ever the great beings are, so he can kill them and then proceed to take over the rest of the world.

Now mutiple ideas could come off this but here is my favorite.

The Great beings make a new Great spirit and make a bunch of Bionicles (The Glatiorians) To fight each other and the winner gets to be the new Great spirit and go and kill Makuta. The only problem with this, is that how did Mata-nui wind up here? Well you know how I was saying before how there is likley to be more great spirits? Well what if they put all the best great spirits into bionicle bodies and let them choose one person out of them to help them in the fight and put them in a new body as well then make them fight each other and then the victor goes to kill makuta? Did that sound plausiable? bit of an essay wasn't it :wacko:.


He was asked by TLC to take em down, there all over brickshelf though so look around a bit and make sure you save em if you havent already, make sure to save them on your computer :wink:.

Posted (edited)
7: Is Mata-Nui in physical danger from other malevolant entities as large as he is?

ANSWER: There are no entities as large as he is

Should disprove the 2009 characters = huge theory.

And you're welcome, Pencoin. :tongue: Though you're not the only one with that 2008 ending theory... it's pretty easy to arrive at. :classic:


Edited by Ikki o' Moopyville

Hey, anyone ever see early Lego pics taken down from Flickr? That might be a place to rehost stuff without fear. Maybe?

(Better do it in a fresh new account if you choose to do it... you never know.)

Names and storylines aside, I'm getting a few of the black guy, for his black hands... the blue guy, for trans blue parts... the lime guy, for all that sweet lime...

...seriously, I really like what I'm seeing here.

There could be more waist articulation goin' on, but big deal, it can be moced in.

Some more new feet would be good to, but still... mocing fixes that.

I'm impressed. But they BETTER NOT change too much by the time we see the actual production models.

I'll be pissed if the things I like go away.


Oh Megablocks, the pics got removed. Jinzo's idea seems quite good- to those who saved the pics, try to upload'em on Flickr.


Posted (edited)
Yeah I'm not getting critical 'til i have 'em in my hands, but one thing I will be critical about is that people stop calling them Matoran, 'cause their not.

oh realy i didn't know they wern't matoran, i thought they were mutated matoran .OH and i wasn't aming the critical thing at you, i was making a genral comment.

I don't think there should be a mata nui set, it would ruin everything, some people would hate it and realy could destroy bionicle.

Edited by Omega
One more note. I think they’re following the “3 good guys and 3 bad guys” formula like this year. It’s clear that Gresh, Tarix and Badass Malum are more humanoid/Toa like than Skrall,, Strakk and Vorox who look downright monstrous (Tuma obliviously does too). So the situation will be inverted in summer. Since Mata Nui is most definitely good, that means his main colour will be one of the ones of the three bad guys: white, black, tan/orange/yellow/whatever.

2009 on!


I tend to doubt that. As I said earlier:

I translated what I could from Latin.

Malum is "evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage."

Skrall isn't Latin

Gresh is "pace, the ability to walk"

Tarix isn't Latin

Strakk is "massacre, bloodbath, carnage, debris"

Vorox is "to eat greedily, swallow up, consume, gorge oneself"

So there are three evil-related names. Skrall, however, looks pretty darn evil in my opinion, so I'd venture a guess that there are four strikingly evil characters. At this point, however, I doubt that they'd have four villains and two heroes in one line.

Assuming, however, that all the more benign-looking ones (Tarix, Gresh, Malum) are heroes, you still have to account for the fact that "Malum" is Latin for "evil." I doubt this would be a mistake or a coincidence.

So that leaves us with three possibilities:

-It's split with 4 villains and 2 heroes (Unlikely)

-They're all villains, but two look relatively benign (Not unlikely- If this is based on Greek/Roman Mythology, many of the evil figures look largely like any of the heroes)

-They're all morally ambiguous gladiators who fight just for their villages (I like this idea, and it fits fairly well with Greg's statement that we're starting out simple- There wouldn't be very high stakes, etc.)

Or, the more likely solution -- Makuta Teridax will replace Mata Nui's spirit, becoming the universe himself, and Mata Nui will end up in another body. :wink: Would explain how he could be in a biomechanical form and regular size.


You do realize Reya nicked your idea :P

Posted (edited)

in the right down corner.Whats that withe nubers and a skull?

If you're wondering what piece it is, it's one of the small sprockets that goes with the new tread system.

Oh yeah, I remember Xevoz. Fun times. These guys really do remind me of them too... didn't really think of that... especially Zesk and Strakk.

@ the whole Skrall waist articulation: I sincerely hope he does not, but if he does it is pretty firm. because the only problem with Pridak's was the looseness, and that can probably be fixed prety easily. Or maybe he doesn't have it at all, and the slight tilt is just in the image, such is in a couple of pics of Pohatu.

Well, the new sockets are stronger than the others.

Yeah thats the one, man i wish they still made them.

I was just think judgeing by Whungs list either a hell of alot of titans are gonig to be realsed in the summer OR there is likely to be an oen of two exclusive sets coming out aswell :thumbup:.

Well, they made a ton of big sets this year... I dunno.


Hey, the pic of Tuma is missing. O_o

Aaand the pics are smaller. =/

Funny, I've never seen leaked pics vanish like this before...



EDIT: awesome.gif




Edited by Bundalings

I SO want that snowflake guy.

The 2-part flake is going to be so neat in mocs I think.

So much trans-blue this coming wave, isn't there?

I wonder if it's the trans light blue that glows under a blacklight a whole lot, or the poopier type.

Depending on it's glowiness, I'll either buy one or two or a freakin' shitload.


Ok, I'm alittle confused. When are these sets coming out? It should be this late winter, right? Don't we typically have much worse pics of the late winter sets? I mean, these shots look like they came DIRECTLY out of the magazine the stockers get. I've looked through the mags for my local stocker (she's awesome BTW) and these shots look exactly like something that would be in it. Sorry if this is old but is everyone sure we aren't getting more sets in like october? I just don't remember having this good of shots this early. I mean, we've gotten shots from a retailer mag before but not from something it looks like the stockers would have. Just a thought.

I don't think there should be a mata nui set, it would ruin everything, some people would hate it and realy could destroy bionicle.

Nah, LEGO's 'target audience' is a bit kiddy - if it shoots things, is colorful and mommy'll pay for it, they're okay with it. If you post on a forum, you're not target audience - Greg's said several times that BZP and EB and the like are a very small percentage of the BIONICLE-buying community. It'll destroy Bionicle for you and me, but not LEGO.

I tend to doubt that. As I said earlier:

So there are three evil-related names. Skrall, however, looks pretty darn evil in my opinion, so I'd venture a guess that there are four strikingly evil characters. At this point, however, I doubt that they'd have four villains and two heroes in one line.

Assuming, however, that all the more benign-looking ones (Tarix, Gresh, Malum) are heroes, you still have to account for the fact that "Malum" is Latin for "evil." I doubt this would be a mistake or a coincidence.

So that leaves us with three possibilities:

-It's split with 4 villains and 2 heroes (Unlikely)

-They're all villains, but two look relatively benign (Not unlikely- If this is based on Greek/Roman Mythology, many of the evil figures look largely like any of the heroes)

-They're all morally ambiguous gladiators who fight just for their villages (I like this idea, and it fits fairly well with Greg's statement that we're starting out simple- There wouldn't be very high stakes, etc.)

It looks as if it could be Maium... or Majum.

Let me check my Latin Dictionary and see if any of those come up...

But remember what I said...the set numbers...if they were 3 good/3 bad, there'd be a gap seperating the group of set numbers like how the numbers went from Phantoka Toa, Mistika Toa, Phantoka Makuta, Mistika Makuta.

But these Glatorians are all grouped up...

I'm going with Ambiguous, with Vorox and some others having different causes of fighting and slight evil/good natures.

So there aren't actual teams for once.

That's pretty sweet.

But why does Atakus looks good and Skrall evil?

And vice-versa for the lime guys?

[-The Alchemyst-]

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