RepublicForces Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 (edited) {1 hour later} finnaly a gunship came.. Storm:the gunship finnaly! Storm: troops come on plant the last of those bombs and lets go back to base clone: sir I see enemy movements oky:tanks? clone:yes a lot of tanks and anti aircarft stuff!! Pr0:we need to get the hell out of here oky:start those engines pilot:sir do we need to get back to base? storm:Yes fast!! pilot: ROCKET INCOMING!! oky:Brace your self!!! pilot: WE ARE HIT!!! {100 miles before the base} CRASH!!! all:AAAAAAH {10 minutes later} oky:do we have any speeders here?? Storm: yes 2 swamp speerders for 4 people Pr0:lets get gowing!! clone:sir the pilots died ad the carsh storm: no time for that the CIS army is coming!! clone: sir try to contact the other gunships storm: will do, any body there other gunship pilots:we are safely ad the base, sir oky:COME ON LETS GO!! Edited February 7, 2009 by repubilcFORCES
pr0visorak Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 A burst of flame filled the horizon as the mines and detonators killed the droids... Storm:"Why are we running? Arent they all dead." pr0:"Most of them but we still have a way to go." Oky:"I think we have bigger problems!" The explosion was too big that a forest fire had started. pr0:"Looks like my plan back fired! We have to get out of here now!" Credit given to some random people who took pics on forest fires.
jifel Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 Jifel scanned the forest as he sprinted, looking for a way out. Then he saw it, a rocky crevice untouched by the flames. If they ran, they could reach the area and the forest after it before it ignited. "call the gunships, get them here now, but we need to make that clearing before its engulfed! and so, the desperate race began. jifel
Wouwie Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 Wouwie: ''We need to get out of here!'' Jim: ''Wouwie! Can you call for an immediate evac?!'' Wouwie: ''I'll call the 1st Gunship Div., they should be close to us! Wouwie to 1st ShipDiv, Wouwie to 1st ShipDiv, do you copy?!'' Clone: ''Commander Wouwie, we hear you. What's your request?'' Wouwie: ''We need an immediate evac at Trexxon! And with immediate, I really mean immediate! Get your ships here ASAP! And don't be afraid for the barbecue we're holding here, we had some spare droids we're cooking!'' Clone: ''We're coming to save your behind! Over and out.'' Wouwie: ''Jim! Gunships are coming!''
pr0visorak Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 pr0:"The gunships are coming but we need to send them a flare!" Oky:"What?!?" The sound of screaming droids and exploding tanks filled the air till nothing else could be heard. pr0:"We need to send them a flare!" Oky:"What? You want a bear?" pr0:"Flare!" Oky:"Right!" They ran for their life as the fire spread towards them, it was truly a test of strength and luck...
Wouwie Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 (edited) Wouwie: ''Wait! Do you really think they will see the difference between a flare and a forest fire?!'' Oky: ''Now you mention it...No...'' Clone Pilot: ''This is Gold Leader, Commander Wouwie, do you hear me?'' Wouwie: ''I hear you loud and clear!'' Clone Pilot: ''We're entering the planet's atmosphere now! Holy crap! Are you guys in that large fire?!'' Wouwie: ''Yes, that's the reason you need to save our behinds!'' Clone Pilot: ''Do you see us?'' Wouwie: ''Not yet. Just make sure you get here ASAP!'' Clone Pilot: ''You make sure that we see you! Wait...Dou you see that hill?'' Wouwie: ''Yes! We meet you on the top, or else we launch a flare if the fire isn't close to us!'' Clone Pilot: ''Copy that. Gold Leader out.'' Not my MOC, found on Google, just like the pic of the fire. I only edited it. Edited February 7, 2009 by Wouwie
jifel Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 Jifel and Oky led the group as they charged, bounding over the crevice and through the woods, until they reached the hill. Jifel scanned the sky as the fires closed in. Nothing. "oky, use the flare." What?" "The flare. Now!" "They might not see..." "JUST DO IT!!" A mile away, a gunship orinted on an empty hill, with fires closing in fast. Then the co-pilot looked out the bubble canopy, and saw a stream of sparks shoot up over the flames for several seconds. "Um, sir, we have a problem." jifel
Tim Bit Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 Then out of the massive cloud of smoke two droid artillery shells hit a gunship, then another. Wouwie: Gunships fly low to the ground it'll be hard for them to aim with the smoke. Pilot: Roger- *Explosion and static* The other gunships were knocked out of the sky. As they reached the top of the hill they saw the fireless valley on the other side. Tee-Bee: Oh No! JIm: What is it? The others had just reached the top of the hill to gaze upon the valley that was the home to a massive cannon protected by sheilds. Tee-Bee: That was the thing that shot down my Venator! They looked back the fire was getting closer. Oky: We have two options. A stay here and let the fire cook us. B sneak into that base and let clankers cook us. Jim: We might actually survive in the base if we can stay low in some of the shrubbery. Tee-Bee: let's get going then. Tee-Bee jumped down the embankment followed by Jifel, Storm and other troops. The others were hesitant but all they needed was a lick of fire to get them going.
Wouwie Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 Wouwie got his binocular out of his pocket and looked at the gun. Wouwie: ''They know we're here. They're sending out troops to this mountain.'' Oky: ''Well, then why won't we give them a warm welcome?!'' Clone Pilot: ''Commander Wouwie! Do you copy?!'' Wouwie: ''I hear you! What's up?'' Clone Pilot: ''I'm the pilot of Gold 2, we're shot down but the troops are still alive! Do you need some backup to take out that gun?'' Wouwie: ''Any help is welcome!''
Captain REX Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 Rex: Sir if you can distract those clankers me and a few troops might just be able to sneak through thier lines and take out that gun with a rocket launcher. Wouwie: thats a good plan Rex. Rex: ok sir we best get moving straight away though otherwise we'll be nothing but ashes. Wouwie: ok commander we'll give you the distraction you need. Storm and the other troops follow Rex stealthly to the droid base. Oky (over comlink): Gold 2 do you know our current position? Gold 2: yes sir Oky: Good because were on the move and we need to cause a distraction
jifel Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 Jifel and Tee-Bee went to meet the survivors of the shuttles, while Rex and storm took several troops to sabotage the gun, and Jim, Oky, and the rest spread out to ambush and distract the droid infantry. Jifel and Tee-Bee both sprinted over to Gold 2s last position, where they found the survivors. "Well, boys, we are going to destroy the cannon, but not if they are looking right at us." Tee-Bee spoke up, "me and jifel have aplan, so we need to go back to the shuttles with any engineers you have." "the rest of you will spread out as cover, and when I give the word, we are all going to run like every clanker in the galaxy is right behind us." jifel
Tim Bit Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 (edited) When Jifel spoke that line he didn't realize that it was literal. All of a sudden the troops went under blaster fire they quickly ducked behind the wreckage. Jifel: Wasn't expecting that! Tee-Bee: Okay there are seven of us left. Me and jifel will supply cover fire while a clone gets into the turret on the other side. Jifel: Captain you take one of your men into the gunship to search for droid poppers. Tee-Bee: Pilot, you and the remaining troop find commander Wouwie and tell them what happened go. Tee-Bee, Jifel, and a clone troop ran around the right side firing like mad. The clone crawled into the small turret and began taking out wave after wave of droids. The pilot and his clone ran towards were Jifel and Tee-Bee came from. The Captain and his clone got inside to find a rocket launcher some rifles and of course droid poppers. Jifel: You find any droid poppers. Clone: Yes. Edited February 7, 2009 by Tim Bit
Adam Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 (edited) Guys, simonjedi and I are still in the forest, on that little path Garviel found. Garviel and Adam proceeded upon the thin passage that bended its way through Trexxon's thick trees. "Where do you think this leads?" Garviel asked. "No idea," Adam replied, "but we don't seem to be getting anywhere; the forest, if anything, seems to be thickening." They continued for a bit longer until the stopped and began discussing Malcolm's information once more. "So, it's safe to assum that this Ren Luun isn't on our side? Malcolm implied that he was at least an impostor, maybe being controlled, but could he have really been a Sith all along?" Garviel wondered aloud. "No," Adam said after a pause, "I don't think he's a Sith - there's already Dooku, and to a degree, Grevious. I think he's definatley one of the first two possibilities." Garviel voiced another concern: "But what if Malcolm's information isn't valid? I wouldn't trust that sleezbag with Ashoka's wig." Adam chuckled, but his laughter was cut short when he heard a distant crackle. "What was that?" he asked, alarmed. The two of them looked up instantly, and their worst fears came true. Without pausing to think, Garviel and Adam ran at breakneck speeds in the direction that they hoped the forest's exit lay. "I think there's a fork up ahead!" Adam yelled, now ahead of Garviel. As they neared the fork, however, there came a giant crunch - - and Adam collapsed under the weight of a fallen log. Garviel attempted to raise the burning log off of Adam, but he could not lift the strange Trexxon wood. As Garviel stepped back, panting, more logs fell around him, forming a circle of fire enclosing them from the rest of the wood. Garviel quickly ran backwards, only to find more flames behind him, tickling his back. How would they ever get out if the forest was enfulged in flames or if Adam lay helpless on the ground? Cliffhanger! Somewhere deep in space, in the room of a 5-year-old beside a TV... "WOMG! Cool special effects!" Edited February 7, 2009 by Adam
jifel Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 Jifel rammed a droid popper into a superbattle droid, and as it short circuited he held it against him, as lasers riddled the armoured machine. He stuck his commando pistols out from under the droids arms and blasted the droids away. Still, the droids numbers were low, as it was probably only a scouting party, and they broke quickly. "How do they do it?" Jifel commented. Tee-Bee looked at him "Do what?" "The Droids. How do they find us? I mean, its a big, smokey forest, how do they know where we are? They must be tracking us." jifel
Bob Posted February 8, 2009 Posted February 8, 2009 Bob jumped behind a tree with his captain. They could hear blaster fire and the clone's screams, but they kept on going to evade the fire. "Blast it, when are those gunships going to get here?" Bob said. "I don't know sir!" The captain ducked as to avoid getting hit. "Hopefully soon" He added. Bob looked back at the fire again, then at the shielded cannon that the others were hopefully taking out. He then launched some more shots off at the defending droids, and kept advancing foward. All of a sudden, Bob's shoulder was hit with a laser bolt. "Sir!" The Captain said. "It's okay, i'll be fine, just lay me down here, i'll provide some cover fire for you." "Yes Sir!" The Captain said.
Wouwie Posted February 8, 2009 Posted February 8, 2009 Wouwie: ''Guys..Here they come!'' As soon as the droids spotted the group, they opened fire. Wouwie: ''Does anyone has some grenades?!'' Clone: ''Sir, I've got some left!'' Wouwie: ''Give the clankers some presents and send them our best regards!'' Clone: ''Copy that, sir!'' Oky: ''Clone! WAIT!'' Clone: ''Why?!'' Oky: ''Do you want to make an forest fire here too?!'' Clone: ''Nope.'' Oky: ''Use EMP 'nades only! Does anyone has EMP 'nades?'' Then it went silent..No-one had EMP 'nades. Wouwie: ''Danm! Wait! I've got an sniper rifle! I'll go a bit higher and snipe those clankers! You three! You come with me! Good luck Oky! You may take over the command over the clones''
-JD- Posted February 8, 2009 Posted February 8, 2009 In all the action, JD had been separated from the group. He was running frantically in the direction he last saw them go. He reached a huge rock. "Dammit guys where are you?!" He clambered to the top of the rock and looked around. He could see a huge cannon and the forest fire rapidly sweeping across the valley. He got out his binoculars and looked for Oky and Jim. Then the binoculars were engulfed by a furry face. JD gasped and put down his binoculars. He was surrounded. "Ewoks?" "Yub yub. Notcha pala!" the what looked like leader replied. JD said, " Ummm. Noka patchot grinto?" The ewok signalled to the east, "Woka nooga, paamly krik!" "Nimbak. Thanks guys." JD ran into the forest. Hopefully they were right. He eventually was in the middle of the fire. Amidst all the crashes and cracks JD heard a familiar voice. "HELP! HELP, SOMEONE!" It's Garviel! thought JD and ran toward him. JD: Garviel? Garviel: JD! Help! Adam is trapped! He will die! Quick! JD jumped over the flames and helped Garviel lift the log off Adam. JD carried Adam on his shoulders. Garviel: There is no way out! JD: Use your saber to cut down that tree over there! It will clear a path for us! Garviel gave it a go and the tree fell on the flames creating a temporary path. They crossed it, but the tree was already on fire. Just as they gave up hope of escape, ewoks swung down from the larger trees which were not on fire. They picked up the three and climbed to the top of the tree, where there was a small city. The bridges from one set of buildings to the other linked to other huge trees which were all hundreds of metres from the ground. JD: Good work buddy! Ewok: Jub jub! Garviel: Lets stay here until the fire burns out and Adam wakes up.
Tim Bit Posted February 8, 2009 Posted February 8, 2009 Tee-Bee:Thank god clankers can't think they'd of called in reinforcements by now. Then something whizzed over the clones heads and destroyed the gunship. Jifel: What was that? Tee-Bee: Not sure. Captain: ROCKET DROID! As the droid approached firing round after round at the gunships fuel tanks. They finally went. The sky was filled with a mushroom cloud the turret was blown off. And to make it worse the forest fire had closed in from the north east and west. Tee-Bee: Retreat to the south! Retreat to the south! They all ran quickly as they watched the slow moving clankers get engulfed in flame. Jifel looked up for just a second to see Garviel, JD, and Adam. Tee-Bee and Jifel: Garviel, JD, Adam! They repeated until they caught Garviels eye. Garviel motioned towards them. Then a group of midgets snatched them up. They landed on a platform Tee-Bee yawned and while doing so lifted his arms. Garviel and JD came running over. JD: What's that? Tee-Bee: What? Garviel: This. Garviel pulled somthing out from Tee-Bee's armpit. Jifel: It looks like the tracking device you fire from a sniper. JD: They're comomly found with assassin droids. Tee-Bee: They must have hit me with it in the clearing. Garviel: Check over yourself Jifel you were in the clearing too. Sure enough there was a tracking device on him too. Tee-Bee: Wait, wheres Adam?
-JD- Posted February 8, 2009 Posted February 8, 2009 (edited) JD: No idea. Loo perhaps? Garviel: Very funny. I'll go look for him. Garviel walked away leaving the three clones on the balcony. JD: He is probably with the ewoks, no worries. Destroy the trackers. *Timbit picks up trackers and squashes them* Timbit: What are these furry things anyway? JD: They aint 'things'. They saved my life and I happen to know the language. Timbit: Well thats good. We could use their help. JD: No. They don't fight unless the enemy is a threat to them and them alone. Jifel: If the Seps find em, they will be used as slaves. JD: Well, we won't let that happen. Timbit: Dam right. These guys are kinda....cute. Jifel: Oh. *baby ewok walks up to him and gives him a toy* Thanks. JD: I think he wants you to play. Jifel: I have never played with an ewok before. Timbit: Go on. Don't upset him. Jifel walked away with the baby ewok. Timbit and JD continued to talk about what they had experienced, they had not had a chance to talk before now. Edited February 8, 2009 by Jammiedodger714
Adam Posted February 8, 2009 Posted February 8, 2009 Adam groaned. He had just regained consciousness. A dark area loomed before him, blurring in front of his weary eyes. He could make out the dim outline of a person staring at him, surrounded by indistinguishable figures. Adam blinked. "Who are you?" The figure had become clearer now, and Adam noticed Super Battle Droids surrounding them. He felt for his lightsaber, suddenly remembering that he had dropped it in the forest. His gun remained hidden in a concealed pouch on his left pant-leg, but he could find no way of reaching it without attracting attention. Any use of Force Powers would cause the droids and man to attack. He was trapped. It was a moment before Adam's question was answered; the man passed the time by smirking at him. "You know who I am; it is I you've been undoubtedly attempting to located." Adam's warning and paranoia senses soared - this was the impostor Ren Luun. "Well, you must know the conclusion I've come to, since you're droids know I questioned that idiot Malcolm," Adam said calmly, playing for time. Ren Luun smirked again. "You think that, by informing me that you know of some CIS conspiracy, that I will spill its secrets like some generic villain? Surely you aren't so foolish." Adam cursed under his breath - that plan had failed spectacularly. "So, I assume you'll dispose of me in some gruesome way?" Adam asked, taking another attempt to make Luun release some fraction of information. This time, luckily, Adam was rewarded: Ren Luun seemed to be anticipating this question. "Oh, we won't just be killing you - we'll finally have a spy in your meddling party! An exact, mechanical duplicate to know of your exact whereabouts and plans at any given moment." Adam frowned. "That's virtually the same concept as our clones." Duplicate Luun smirked again. "No, you're wrong - watch," he said, taking a blaster from one of the droids and proceeding to shoot his opposite arm off. He then picked up the arm and re-attached it. "You see? I cannot die." Adam glanced around again, this time noticing a figure identical to this Luun in what looked like a modified BACTA tank. "And why don't you just kill him?" Adam asked, jerking his head to the real Ren Luun. For the first time, the impostor looked displeased. "We must, quite unfortunately, keep the original selves intact for the duplicates to remain alive. It is a problem that is being solved. Now, for the procedures," he added, a grin breaking across his face once more.
jifel Posted February 9, 2009 Posted February 9, 2009 "Jub. jub!" "Um, right. You too." "Yub, Yub! yoobub! Jifel laughred and tossed the toy up in the air. The baby ewok jumped, and a hunting bird snatched the toy out of the air. The Ewoks screeched, and the baby sat down, dejected. Jifel smiled and led it to Tee-Bee, and he quickly snatched his helmet and handed it to the ewok, who ran off, screeching. Tee-Bee whirled, and then ran off after the furrball. jifel
Bob Posted February 9, 2009 Posted February 9, 2009 Bob was lying down in the tree's, opening fire on the droids. "Take that droids!" Bob yelled. The others were advancing and the shields were still up, the weapon still operational. "You!" A Droid Commander said, "Fire on sector 112!" "Where?" A droid said. "There!" He pointed. "Ohhh..., Fire!" He yelled to the tank operator. Bob looked at the tank, it looked like it was aiming at his direction. "This can't be good" Bob said. All of a sudden, a shot hit the tank operator, and he deactivated. A Nautolan stood infront of him with a gun. "You looked like you needed help!" He yelled. "You don't know how right you are..."Bob laughed. Okay Jlblue, is that you? I'm bringing you in!
jifel Posted February 9, 2009 Posted February 9, 2009 Jifel immedeately went to work setting up his plan. Fortunately, the engineers had managed to salvage a few engines that had not been touched, and now they were all lined up in a clearing, pointing over the ewok village towards the base. "So, what are you doing, exactly?" Teebee asked. "you'll see." At jifels command, the gunship engines all flew towards the base, where they exploded against the shield. TeeBee looked at him. "Effective." "Tell me, if a bunch of missles hit your base, and damaged your shield, what Would you do?" TeeBee frowned. "I would send my troops out to ... Oh, I get it, I get it." jifel
Wouwie Posted February 9, 2009 Posted February 9, 2009 Wouwie: ''Holy hell! What the hell was that?!'' Clone: ''I think it came from the RGS crash site! They're using the engines as some kind of missile!'' Wouwie: ''Smart clones! Wait..What's that? Are those droids moving?'' Clone: ''Now I get it! They're using the missiles as decoys!'' Wouwie: ''Let's snipe those clankers! Oky, do you copy?'' Oky: ''Yes! Tell me you've got something!'' Wouwie: ''Those missiles you just saw, that were RGS engines! They're using it to get the droid army out! Now they're coming towards us!'' Oky: ''Copy that! We'll be prepared for them!''
-JD- Posted February 9, 2009 Posted February 9, 2009 JD watched the droids march out of the command centre.Hmmm. Strange. They cannot fall for that. JD saw another wave of droids going the other way, circling around a certain area. JD: Crap! Tee-bee, Jifel look! Tee-bee: Oh dear! Jifel: They knew all along! Oky must be down there! JD: Get back to the Fortitude. We will blast 'em all to peices! Jifel: We will never get there in time! JD: Ewok? Ewok: Jub. JD: Welo yola nepassa? Ewok: Cricktok. JD: He says the quickest way is that way. Tee bee: We need transport. JD: There they are.*points at some STAPS on patrol* Jifel: Let go! JD: I'll ask some ewoks for help. You go ahead!
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