August 9, 201014 yr Again very true 'Brickdoctor' the V-wing was the first fighter used by the new Galatic Empire, I read that even some of these had a basic and small hyperdrive on them too. I'm a conformist! !
August 9, 201014 yr some of these had a basic and small hyperdrive on them too. Really? I'll have to look into that.
August 9, 201014 yr Well here's a quote from - 'Experimental V-wings, rumored to belong to an elite crimson-clad pilot brigade reporting directly to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, have been known to feature compact hyperdrives of limited capacity.' Crimson-clad pilot....sounds interesting ! I'm a conformist! !
August 9, 201014 yr Well here's a quote from - 'Experimental V-wings, rumored to belong to an elite crimson-clad pilot brigade reporting directly to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, have been known to feature compact hyperdrives of limited capacity.' Crimson-clad pilot....sounds interesting ! I'm a conformist! ! I'm thinking that would be the squadron that escorted Palpatine's Theta-class Shuttle to and from Mustafar.
August 9, 201014 yr Yes I did mean this year so thanks That was my suspicion too, but which jedi do you think they will give us this year, if you had to guess? The thing is Mace Windu and Obi where seen with cad bane in that craft in S02EP3 so I am really worried they may just give us those 3 figs and nothing else. Thanks for reading, Batman1± I'm positive the shuttle set is based on the season 2 finale Lethal Trackdown. Boba Fett's name was tied to the set and thats the only episode the two appeared together. If thats the case it would mean the Jedi included will be Ahsoka and Plo Koon since they're the heroes of the episode and already exist as minifigures. And judging by Palpatine's Shuttle and the ARC Fighter which go for the same price that leaves one more minifigure. Aurra Sing seems the most likely candidate because she was the main villain of the episode. Plus it follows the pattern of getting a new CW villain as a minifigure each year: 2008 - Asajj Ventress 2009 - Count Dooku and Nute Gunray 2010 - General Grievous and Cad Bane 2011 - Aurra Sing in the T6 Shuttle and Pre Vizsla in the Mando BP? The only alternatives are another Hondo or Bossk minifigure. But will people be as interested in this set if its just recycled minifigures aside from Boba? Another thing to wonder is will we also be getting a speeder bike included for Aurra or Ahsoka? And the V-wings at the end of RotS were Imperial, so the name really doesn't mean anything. I just hope (a) it doesn't use stacked plates like the original and (b) it doesn't use curved roof tile bricks like the newer Sith Infiltrator. Something with angled plates on hinges would be nice. I think the long angled slope piece would look fine as the nose of the ship. They worked well on the A-Wing and Jedi Starfighters.
August 9, 201014 yr It's highly unlikely it'd be the Pirate's UFO saucer ship. Like what Oky said, they're Pirates and not bounty hunters. So The Bounty Hunter Gunship is a toss up between Sugi's Halo and Bane's Slight of Hand. Yeah, that and the saucer ship was very bland, had very little details, and would make a poor set.
August 9, 201014 yr There seems to be a two year cycle with PT/TCW and OT Battlepacks. 07 = Phase 2 Clones / Battledroids 08 = Stormies / Tantive rebels 09 = Phase 1 Clones / IG-86s 10 = Hoth Rebels / Snowtrooper 11 = Phase 1 Clones / Death Watch 12 = Scouttrooper, Navys, officers / Endor rebels, Ewoks Your theory is based on the broken one that the TESB packs were out for TESB anniversary but the ANH packs were a year too late for ANH anniversary. This is a good theory and TLG is still following this patten. However over the years they often break their structure and head in a completely new direction. Anyway I hope you're right. I can't wait for the Death Watch battle pack, but more phase 1 cones, lets hope they tweek them a bit.
August 9, 201014 yr ...but more phase 1 cones, lets hope they tweek them a bit. I hope like this one we saw in Landing at Point Rain, a minor design tweak at the side and different color scheme. But I kinda doubt it, if we are getting new helmet molds for the ARF trooper and new prints for the Bomb Squad trooper, it would be too much to ask for a modified clone trooper. But it would be a nice surprise if ever we do get this one. Edited August 9, 201014 yr by KielDaMan
August 9, 201014 yr I don't think so. Lucas Licensing has said over and over that they have a valuable partnership with TLG, and don't plan to end the license. Wait, is that true? Then Star Wars isn't ending next year? I'm quite relieved to hear that, but that means maybe I've gone a little too far with my obsessive set hoarding... I have caught wind of the fact that Aussie Lego reps will be seeing the first half 2011 releases this week. So what about the rest of the world eh ? Already? Hmm... And the V-wings at the end of RotS were Imperial, so the name really doesn't mean anything. True, but you've sort of just contradicted yourself there. If the name didn't mean anything in particular as after the end the V-Wings were Imperial, then why would the name contain that? I'm almost certain that the new V-Wing will be different from the other V-wing. Whether it be colour scheme or complete new look, if they bothered to include Imperial in the name then it should have some sort of importance. Edit: I'm a bit hypocritical there, I think. The "Echo Base" released last year clearly wasn't actually Echo Base. Then again, people might get confused by the addition of Imperial to the name if it looked exactly the same as it used to... Edited August 9, 201014 yr by Delta 38
August 9, 201014 yr ARF trooper? Sounds cool, but if we don't get four clones in the battle pack i'm gonna BARF trooper!
August 9, 201014 yr Coming to think of it - didn't the Star Wars license originally expire around 2005 or 2006? If they renewed it back once surely they'll do it again.
August 9, 201014 yr I have caught wind of the fact that Aussie Lego reps will be seeing the first half 2011 releases this week. How do you mean? Like "leaked" images? Or a press release with info on them? Or actual sets coming out? Its a bit vage but I guess we have to wait. This is killing me!
August 9, 201014 yr I'm positive the shuttle set is based on the season 2 finale Lethal Trackdown. Boba Fett's name was tied to the set and thats the only episode the two appeared together. If thats the case it would mean the Jedi included will be Ahsoka and Plo Koon since they're the heroes of the episode and already exist as minifigures. And judging by Palpatine's Shuttle and the ARC Fighter which go for the same price that leaves one more minifigure. Aurra Sing seems the most likely candidate because she was the main villain of the episode. Plus it follows the pattern of getting a new CW villain as a minifigure each year: 2008 - Asajj Ventress 2009 - Count Dooku and Nute Gunray 2010 - General Grievous and Cad Bane 2011 - Aurra Sing in the T6 Shuttle and Pre Vizsla in the Mando BP? The only alternatives are another Hondo or Bossk minifigure. But will people be as interested in this set if its just recycled minifigures aside from Boba? Another thing to wonder is will we also be getting a speeder bike included for Aurra or Ahsoka? I think your theory is most probably correct. T-6 Shuttle + Ahsoka + Plo + Aurra + young Boba (exclusive figs) = US$80 seems to be plausible. An additional speeder bike (the pirate version) would also be great if it were included. If this will be true, this is gonna be the second straight set based on the season finale of TCW, Cad Bane's Speeder being the first from Season 1.
August 9, 201014 yr How do you mean? Like "leaked" images? Or a press release with info on them? Or actual sets coming out? Its a bit vage but I guess we have to wait. This is killing me! I heard along the way that the reps were meeting this week at the Aussie HQ to view first half releases....., but I can not say where I heard it and who told me. I'm a conformist! !
August 9, 201014 yr The V-Wing is probably part of the OT and/or Expanded Universe line, which LEGO maintains from time to time (Rogue Shadow, TIE Crawler). They maybe base it around the ROTS Empire and we get one of the closed helmets ROTS Clone pilots like from Palpatines Shuttle this year (which by the way isn´t that usefull for TCW either). Battle of Naboo could be, depending on which part of the battle in TPM it is based, also interesting for TCW children, as it probably is the only set containing Jar Jar Binks (Gras field battle) or Padmé (City battle) and probably includes some battledroids, which also seem to be rare at this times. It is a good idea to maybe turn this set in some kind of secondary Battlepack or double-Battlepack for the kids that came to late and first joined when TCW began to air, because LEGO pulled the old Battledroid packs just around the summer of 08, when TCW started to air. If they do something like tan city walls, Flash Speeder, Naboo Guard, Padme and a bunch of droids or Kaadus, boomer wagon, Jar Jar, random Gungan warrior and a bunch of droids and maybe a Droideka I see kids buying that, too. Yes, but the point I was making about these two sets was why release them when they are no where near as popular as the clone wars to kids at the moment. They may be a demand from fans for these two sets but not from kids. I'm positive the shuttle set is based on the season 2 finale Lethal Trackdown. Boba Fett's name was tied to the set and thats the only episode the two appeared together. If thats the case it would mean the Jedi included will be Ahsoka and Plo Koon since they're the heroes of the episode and already exist as minifigures. And judging by Palpatine's Shuttle and the ARC Fighter which go for the same price that leaves one more minifigure. Aurra Sing seems the most likely candidate because she was the main villain of the episode. Plus it follows the pattern of getting a new CW villain as a minifigure each year: 2008 - Asajj Ventress 2009 - Count Dooku and Nute Gunray 2010 - General Grievous and Cad Bane 2011 - Aurra Sing in the T6 Shuttle and Pre Vizsla in the Mando BP? The only alternatives are another Hondo or Bossk minifigure. But will people be as interested in this set if its just recycled minifigures aside from Boba? Another thing to wonder is will we also be getting a speeder bike included for Aurra or Ahsoka? I dont think TLG will base it on any particular episode on second thought, as Oky said, they will probably just throw in a random Jedi because it is a jedi shuttle. Although we would get the best figs: Plo, Ahsoka, Boba and Aurra (they wouldn't give us Hondo but maybe Bossk) from episode 22 it did not feature as prominently as it did in episodes 3 or 17 which is why I think it would be the latter. However whatever they do with that set, im pretty positive they will throw in a completely unrelated fig like Ki-Adi or Shaak Ti . . . . . or Darth Maul Thanks for reading, Batman1± Edited August 9, 201014 yr by Batman1
August 9, 201014 yr Well back on to the V-wing, according to it was Ep.III and Expanded Universe fighter, so it could be either EU or I said....patience....we'll soon find out in time ! I'm a conformist! ! True, but you've sort of just contradicted yourself there. If the name didn't mean anything in particular as after the end the V-Wings were Imperial, then why would the name contain that? I'm almost certain that the new V-Wing will be different from the other V-wing. Whether it be colour scheme or complete new look, if they bothered to include Imperial in the name then it should have some sort of importance. I guess the imperial V-Wing is based around the grey V-Wings from the Dark Times comic series / ending of ROTS. The empire colored the republic red V-Wings just completely grey and reused them until the first TIE fighters were developed. The set could include something from the comic like the Jedi Dass Jennir and a ROTS Clone Pilot with closed helmet (like from Palpatines Shuttle this year) or they go the easy way and the fighter is based around the two that flew on the screen in the last scene of ROTS with the full-grey Venator cruisers and Vader and Palpatine overseeing the construction of the Death Star. Coming to think of it - didn't the Star Wars license originally expire around 2005 or 2006? If they renewed it back once surely they'll do it again. TCW is surely going on longer than just 3 seasons with 66 episodes. Lucas himself stated that he wants to do around 100 episodes, wether CN airs them or not. If not he just publishes DVD boxes or sells it to another channel. The show goes on until 2013 minimum. Merchandise will probably last longer. Anyone remember 2006/07? LEGO went through supply bottlenecks for SW sets. Directly the year after ROTS, when anyone thought SW would be dead without a new movie. Yes, but the point I was making about these two sets was why release them when they are no where near as popular as the clone wars to kids at the moment. They may be a demand from fans for these two sets but not from kids. And I made the point that if the sets are based around TPM things like Jar Jar Binks, Padmé Amidala and additional battle droids, Naboo guards would also be something for TCW-only kids, as all of this was in the episode "Blue-Shadow virus". If it is based directly around the Virus episode (also it is unlikely from the name BATTLE when it only was poisoning of the water supply) it obviously includes something TCW-ish for them. It is a win-win situation.
August 9, 201014 yr And I made the point that if the sets are based around TPM things like Jar Jar Binks, Padmé Amidala and additional battle droids, Naboo guards would also be something for TCW-only kids, as all of this was in the episode "Blue-Shadow virus". If it is based directly around the Virus episode (also it is unlikely from the name BATTLE when it only was poisoning of the water supply) it obviously includes something TCW-ish for them. It is a win-win situation. Ok, well I think that regardless of what clone wars like figs they had put in, I dont think it would sell as well as a clone wars set. Anyways hopefully KimT or Whung will appear with some more information or pictures soon! I really want to know if these are the sets we are getting! Thanks for reading, Batman1±
August 9, 201014 yr Today I had much luck - I was aible to have a look in the retailer's catalogue for the first half of 2011: NEWS: 1. The "Naboo Fight" will only be some sort of bigger Battle Droid Carrier, two Gungans with blue round bricks and minimum four Battle Droids. No Padme, no other minifigure, no landscape/scenery. 2. There was a BP with a lot of grey and blue in it. This might be a BP similar to the pictures already mentioned before. Please note: Since I'm not interested in all that CW stuff and so did wanted to keep my thoughts on the sets which take interest in me, I did only have a very short look at the new six sets. So please don't ask me any further questions since I won't be aible to answer them. Thanks. 3. I got the information that there won't be any OT set in the first half of 2011 (at least not in the regular toy shops). But there will be one or more OT sets in the second wave. Personally I'm really shocked that there won't be any OT sets in the whole first half of the year. Since it's very likely that - if we'll get a Cloud City - we'll get it next year, that it'll be not as big as 10188 but nevertheless minimum that expensive like AT-OT With Dropship. So this shall give us OT fans more chances to save money. What do you think? Klaus-Dieter
August 9, 201014 yr Today I had much luck - I was aible to have a look in the retailer's catalogue for the first half of 2011: NEWS: 1. The "Naboo Fight" will only be some sort of bigger Battle Droid Carrier, two Gungans with blue round bricks and minimum four Battle Droids. No Padme, no other minifigure, no landscape/scenery. 2. There was a BP with a lot of grey and blue in it. This might be a BP similar to the pictures already mentioned before. Please note: Since I'm not interested in all that CW stuff and so did wanted to keep my thoughts on the sets which take interest in me, I did only have a very short look at the new six sets. So please don't ask me any further questions since I won't be aible to answer them. Thanks. 3. I got the information that there won't be any OT set in the first half of 2011 (at least not in the regular toy shops). But there will be one or more OT sets in the second wave. Personally I'm really shocked that there won't be any OT sets in the whole first half of the year. Since it's very likely that - if we'll get a Cloud City - we'll get it next year, that it'll be not as big as 10188 but nevertheless minimum that expensive like AT-OT With Dropship. So this shall give us OT fans more chances to save money. What do you think? Klaus-Dieter I have to say I am very disappointed that there are no OT sets in the first wave. I might not be as apt to make the same amount of ridiculous purchases that I have so far in this wave. Edited August 9, 201014 yr by Smack
August 9, 201014 yr Personally I'm really shocked that there won't be any OT sets in the whole first half of the year. bad news But thanks for the infos about the new sets.
August 9, 201014 yr Too bad that you can't give us any information on any of the other sets, but at least we now know what the Naboo set is. A droid carrier and two gungans? Quite disappointing. I hope the Gungans are at least printed. I'm also surprised they used bricks instead of zamor spheres for the boomers. I assume it comes with a catapult of some sort? That BP you mention sounds a lot like the rumored Mando BP. Can you at least confirm that the BPs have four figs, or tell us what kind of vehicle the other BP came with?
August 9, 201014 yr Too bad that you can't give us any information on any of the other sets, but at least we now know what the Naboo set is. A droid carrier and two gungans? Quite disappointing. I hope the Gungans are at least printed. I'm also surprised they used bricks instead of zamor spheres for the boomers. I assume it comes with a catapult of some sort? That BP you mention sounds a lot like the rumored Mando BP. Can you at least confirm that the BPs have four figs, or tell us what kind of vehicle the other BP came with? You stole what I was going to say Yeh it would be good for any information you could give us. Too bad if you don't know, Thanks for reading, Batman1±
August 9, 201014 yr bad news But thanks for the infos about the new sets. You're welcome, Dr.Butcher. Can you at least confirm that the BPs have four figs, or tell us what kind of vehicle the other BP came with? Regrettably not - sorry Oky Wan Kenobi. The only additional things I remember are that there was a very big thin white "ufo" with red cockpit and a shuttle looking similar to the Republic Gunship but in dark-green. Klaus-Dieter
August 9, 201014 yr Did they look like these? If so, that would confirm the rumor of the T6 Shuttle and the Bounty Hunter Gunship as the "Halo". Did you see anythting like this? Edited August 9, 201014 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
August 9, 201014 yr The T-6 should be an excellent opportunity to get some new figs- at least I hope so. Does anyone know what episode this 'halo' comes from/ what figures might be included? Forgive me, I missed a few episodes of the last season And does anyone else think that the choices for the upcoming winter sets are very odd? Plus no OT!
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