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Post your entries for the Harry Potter Original Wizard Contest here!

This thread is for entries only. Read the rules, ask questions and comment on the entries here.

Meet Jade Rip-Snorter Travelling flu to flu sales man , this is one salesman wizards don't mind dropping in, as the top rep for Rip-Snorter Inc. he's always carrying the latest in witchcraft innovations and is more than happy to give demonstrations and free samples, so if you see a bright flash coming from the general direction of your fire place and you weren't expecting guests there is every chance it's Jade coming to show off his latest products.






Edited by TazManiac



The Daily Prophet is sad to report the death of the Ex-Daily Prophet Editor, Fredericus Nuntius.


January 1996, Daily Prophet hits a marketing record. The Mass Breakout from Azkaban was highly discussed news for more than two months

Fredericus Nuntius, was born in 1928 in a Little Village in the North of Ireland. Though Beeing from Pure Blood, Nuntius never accorded any importance to Blood Status.

He Attented Hogwarts in 1939 and was sorted in Ravenklaw. Ater succesfully Graduating with 12 N.E.W.T.'s, Nuntius went living in London and quickely became a Witch Weekly reporter

After several years of boring work, Nuntius decided to change his ways and turned himself to the art of interviewing. In 1953 he invented the now famous : Quick-Quotes Quill. Nuntius ideas of a magic quill making personnal quotes while interviewing were only based on his need of a self writing quill. The Project did however soon turn into one of the most usefull tools for Gossiping reporters and it now posses an extremly bad reputation. after many false accusations, threats and insults about his invention, Nuntius got asked to become a reporter at the Evening Prophet. 5 years passed when Nuntius finally reached the head office of the Wizarding Newspaper : The Daily Prophet.

His Succesfull articles, professional interviews, and most interresting ways of working, soon made him the best reporter the Daily Prophet ever had. In 1963, he was crowned head editor of the News Paper and it soon became the most succesfull and best-selling News Paper in the Wizarding Community. In 1990, he earned the Order of Merlin that was given to him by the recently chosen Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

Pictures of the event available HERE

You-Know-who's return in 1995 was Nuntius most difficult time of his career.

Working with Albus Dumbledore and aware of the Order fo the Phoenix, Nuntius wanted to publish an article about it but Cornelius Fudge strictly prohibited it. Nuntius got in a personnal fight with the Minister and the Order of Merlin was retracted by Cornelius Fudge Himself. Cornelius Fudge, openly misusing his power, fully controlled the Newspaper and oftenly used censure. In 1996, when You-Know-who's return was openly claimed and Fudge had been dismissed, Nuntius posted many impressive and confidential work and openly admitted the ministry had been controlling and threatening him. The New Prime Minister Rufus Scrimgeour, gave the Order of Merlin back too Nuntius. Because of his many articles against You-know-who in which he openly called him " Voldemort", the Death Eaters Kidnapped him, and later killed him in Summer 1996.

The Current Editor of the Daily Prophet, Barnabas Cuffe made sure a statue of Nuntius would be put in the Ministry.

For Pictures of the Statue click HERE

By M. Amerinus,

Daily Prophet Reporter

Edited by Geertos13

Cyril Craven

Apparition Instructor


Apparition: is a magical method of transportation, and is basically magical teleportation, having the user focus on a desired location in his mind, then disappear from his current location and instantly reappear at his desired location. It is by far the fastest way to get to one's desired destination, but is tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched up.

Cyril Salem Craven is the son of Claus and Cantara Craven. He is of German and Jamaican and Egyptian decent of his father’s side and of Russian, Syrian, Arabic and English on his mothers. His parents are Wizards, his Father was a Beater on the German National Quidditch Team and his mother was working for the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Köln Branch, when they met.

Cyril grew up all over Europe (traveling because of his parents respective jobs) so he attended a Term here and a Term there at many different schools, including the famous schools of Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons and The Durmstrang Institute. After finishing school he worked at the Ministry of Magic as an Apparition Instructor. This was a subject he excelled at, as soon as he was old enough to try. Most likely from accompanying one of his parents in Side-Along Apparition every time they needed to move.

Cyril decided to "settle down" in one place and try to get a job in England. While staying at the Leaky Cauldron, he made friends with Hannah Longbottom (nee Abbott). She had words with her husband Neville Longbottom (the current Herbology Teacher at Hogwarts) and helped him acquire a job as the Apparition Instructor to the Sixth and Seventh Years. Funnily enough the Apparition Course he teaches only run for 12 weeks a year. Cyril uses the rest of the year to travel and if needed he is on call as an Instructor at several other Magical Academies around the globe.


Cyril has been likened to a Wizard version of the Muggle actor Wentworth Miller (with hair), so on the advice of Hannah, he has tried to disguise his disgustingly good looks by growing a Goatee (so the students can concentrate in class). Everyone remembers how hard it was for Professor Lockhart before he lost his marbles. :laugh:


As all Apparition classes take place in the great hall, I made a Vig of Professor Craven in his small office space.


It is filled with maps, photos and curios from his travels all over the world. It is a very inspiration place for his students to come and explore. It seems as though every inch of the small space he has been given is filled with something that has an interesting story behind it. Although Apparition becomes increasingly difficult with the distance to be traveled. Many of his students long to be as skilled as Cyril and his inter-continental Apparition.

More pictures on Flickr

Edited by Cutlass Iz

Cecil Saneworth

Muggle Studies Teacher


Ah, Cecil Saneworth. Given the job shortly after the Battle of Hogwarts, the Muggle Studies teacher has always been obsessed with Muggle inventions and how they work.

Here's a photo of him in his classroom, teaching about an Ice Pick (Taken off of a strange Muggle lady named Amy Leeds... Cookie to Shadows! :wink: ).

His classroom is decorated with many Muggle inventions, such as a "Jackhammer'' and a ''Buzzsaw''. He also has two of his most prized possessions hanging on the wall next to his Hogwarts Crest; two unpaid Muggle speeding tickets.

Professor Saneworth also has an obsession with stripes, leading him to paint his walls with them and forced Headmistress McGonnigal to renovate his floor with alternating colored floor boards.

Cecil also has an obsession with the Muggle warriors known as ''Samurai". He wears a Samurai helmet to work, along with some Samurai Pants. He'd wear a Samurai shirt too, but the dress code calls for a shirt with the Hogwarts Crest to be worn at all times by teachers.

Professor Saneworth graduated from Hogwarts in 1990 a Gryffindor. His odd demeanor negated any potential employers from hiring him, and he lived as a sort of nomad until 1996, when he was hired to teach Muggle Studies after Voldemort had been destroyed. Professor Saneworth had a soft spot towards his old house, and never let any students from Gryffindor get in trouble. When confronted about this by Horace Slughorn, the Slytherin Head of House, Professor Saneworth merely laughed it off, and promptly deducted 100 points from Slytherin, and in the same breath awarded 100 points to Gryffindor. Professor Slughorn didn't like that very much, and did the same thing in reverse. This viscous cycle continued for 6 hours straight, until Headmistress McGonnigal was forced to put an end to it. This duel of House Points continued covertly until Professor Slughorn's death in 2005. The new Slytherin Head of House wasn't quite as cheeky as Professor Saneworth's old friend/enemy Horace was, so this quiet duel was sadly put to rest.

Cecil was married to Luna Lovegood in 2000, despite being about 6 years older than her. Their own unique quirkiness brought them together, and they've had a happy marriage so far, ten years into it.

Professor Saneworth was made Gryffindor's Head of House in 2010, when Professor Longbottom was unfortunately killed in a greenhouse explosion. Gryffindor mourned their lost Herbology professor, but welcomed Professor Saneworth with open arms. Lovingly referred to as "The Nutty Professor" by his Muggle born students, and "Professor (In)Saneworth" by his half-blood and pure blooded ones, Cecil Saneworth has become a Fixture of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Flickr Set

Edited by cralegoboy

Kadir Nassar


Meet Kadir Nassar, the Minister of Magic for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kadir was born in the small village of Tayma, in the near center of Saudi Arabia. Kadir was a pure-blood, and thus was sympathetic to the cause of Lord Voldemort. He remembers often the witch/wizard burnings of the Crusades and from his own people. He lost his father to these attacks against the wizarding community. He went to school at Al-Mujheed School of Magic, and graduated near the top of his class. After he left school, he received a job at the Arabic Ministry as a clerk for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He advanced his way through the ranks until he became the Head of the Department. This allowed him to become eligable to be elected Minister of Magic. He was elected in a landslide due to his lack of mercy upon criminals. This lack of mercy gave him a very stern personality. During Lord Voldemort's reign, Kadir offered the Dark Lord Saudi Arabia as a base while he was in exile. This has caused the people of the Kingdom to revolt against him, sending him into exile. His last whereabouts have been rumoured to have been somewhere in the jungles of Brazil.



This is a work in progress, so any help with the character will be much appreciated!

Edited by Admiral Ron


Katharine Zoeker

Flanders' most famous Quidditch player


In 1473 the Wizard Council organised the first ever Quidditch World Cup. The final match was an intense game between Transylvania and Flanders. During the match all 700 fouls occurred, most of them invented in that game. Katharine Zoeker, Seeker of the Flanders' team, scored the winning point by catching the Golden Snitch. She also set the record for flying the highest in a game of Quidditch.

But is not well-known that her accomplishments were actually made by accident. Katharine was under influence of the Confundus charm, performed by the trainer of Transylvania, Peter Peterscu. He made her fly really high and away from the Quidditch field while Katharine thought she was going after the Golden Snitch. When she entered the mesosphere, Katarine started falling down and the Confundus charm had gone away. During her fall she amazingly managed to capture the Golden Snitch, delivering victory for Flanders. Various sightings of a woman flying on a broom were made amongst Muggles that day.

Source: HP-Lexicon's Quidditch Timeline



Brickshelf gallery Flickr page



One of the few supporters of Firenze when he befriended the humans.

Flickr Page

Edited by The Lanterne Rouge


The librarian


He is got problem with angry book.

"Er, hi. I'm Heather Blackthorn-Hunter, and I'm an, uh, 24 year-old sales, eh, assistant at, er, Flourish and, um, Blotts."


"Some people say I'm a little, em, clumsy..."


"...and a bit of a, um, scaredy-cat..."


"I'm a half-blood, and I went to, um, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and, er, Wizardry. I was sorted into, uh, Hufflepuff house. My favourite subject was, um, Herbology, but I sometimes got a little scared of the, em, plants. That's, em, all I have to, er, say about me."

Well, that's my entry. I hope you like it! Good luck to all the other entrants!

(Sorry about the poor quality pictures, I don't own a proper camera. :cry_sad: )

Edited by Gregorovich

Meet Dr. soenny flouwer.

This Famouse little Doctor invented the laughing potion for when people just need a quick laugh to sunny up there sad days. Daily Checking her Maoukay sunflowers to make sure they are happy. She has to be very carefull not to make them angry or sad because the potion will have bad effect on the wizards. although she is very small all the great wizards know here.


(Sorry for the spelling errors)

Edited by kevin1990


Mundock Bilius

Mundock Bilius was a ruthless Wizard leader in mainland Europe during the fourteenth century c.e. A man who loved both fine extravagance at home and pitting himself against nature's brutal elements abroad, Bilius traversed all regions of Europe cunningly slaughtering innumerable Goblin, Giant, and Troll communities. Though he never used the killing curse on another human, Bilius was rumored to be as evil as any dark wizard when it came to murdering inhuman magical creatures. While the hunting of magical creatures was rampant during this era, Bilius stood out from all of the other famous hunters as the most brutal and devastating by far. Wizards today are taught to be disgusted at Bilius and his mindless killing, but at his heyday and for many centuries afterward Bilius was revered as a great and powerful leader.


Here Mundock Bilius wears his spiked shoulder armor with small crimson cape, said to have been died by Bilius himself in the blood of a Giant horde that he had massacred. Denoting his wealth, Bilius wears gold-plated breast and forearm armor over his magically enhanced chain-male. He wears his custom-made troll-skin gloves made from an unfortunate victim of his dreaded wand. The wand features a special custom handle, and can double as a lit torch when held by the opposite end.

Icarus Diggle- great-nephew of Dedalus Diggle.


Having grown up hearing stories of the famous Harry Potter from his Uncle Dedalus, Icarus tries to emulate the Boy Who Lived every chance he gets. He has even gone so far as to copy his hero's boyhood haircut. This hero worship reached it's peak in the spring of 2008 when young Icarus decided he wanted to become a seeker just like Harry and "borrowed" his older brother's broom to practice. Unfortunately, Icarus did not have any talent with a broom and he quickly found himself on a wild uncontrollable ride. After flying all over Upper Flagley, he almost fell off the broom. He tried desperately to remount it but ended up backwards before plummeting into a nearby park. Somehow he managed to survive with only minor injuries.


Edited by CorneliusMurdock

Russki Westnik

"the best courier in the wizarding world"


Russki Westnik was the best courier in the wizarding world.

Born in 1877, he quickly became a very known Quidditch player. Because taking an independent line,

he became a courier and was the only one who brought news to the most remote places of the arctic circle.

His broom was perfectly equipped for long-haul flights. R. W. mastered routes that were to difficult for animals

like postal working owls.

On his arduous journeys to the lands of dragons and fjords, he lost his left eye during a fight with a

Swedish Short-Snout. On one of his flights he disappeared without a trace. His remain is still not clarified.

Today he would be 134 years old.


Gallery with non-offical content!

This is Professor Herbert Caulder Potius.


He was teaching Potions to Hogwarts students from 1889 to 1912. The person who made Wiggenweld Healing Potion.


Died when a he mixed Doxy Venom, Actomantula fur, Plimpy liver, and one of his best poisons. The explosion destroyed the whole classroom.

His classroom two days before that tragical event.


I hope you give respect to his memory and vote on his small memorial.

Full Gallery

Edited by Holko


Juan Pizarro, a Spanish conquistador, was born as a pure-blood in 1534, Spain. His parents were both wizards, and Juan was trained as both a wizard himself and as a Spanish soldier. Because of his "special skills", Pizarro rose quickly through the ranks. In 1560, he commanded a group of ships to sail to the New World, the Americas. This portrait portrays Pizarro stepping onto a beach of South America.

Pizarro would go on to conquer new lands, using his magic to defeat enemies. He eventually died of disease in 1587 in what is now southern Mexico.


Professor Edguard Bristlebrake

At the time of Bristlebrake's youth, it was common practice for a young wizard, upon graduating from school,

to tour the wizarding world, learning from foreign wizards and so he followed this tradition.

In Bangladesh he attracted Mother Ijndra's attention. She was the wise leader of a small clan of witches.

Young Edguard's clumsy and shy nature amused her and therefore she took him under her wing.

Mother Ijndra and her clan were famous for their magical elixirs and after a few years Edguard became a

brilliant potioneer.

Once back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Bristlebrake took on the position of Potions master.

Even if he still seems sometimes clumsy and has a funny haircut, you should not underestimate him.

He invented some of the finest potions Hogwarts has ever seen.

Every student knows the story of his flying carpet ride back when he lived in Bangladesh, not because it is so

spectacular but because he tells it over and over again. :laugh:

Here you can see Professor Bristlebrake during a very critical step of the brewing prozess:


Close-up of Professor Bristlebrake:


Flickr Album

Edited by Ingrimm



Order of Merlin, Second Class

Commonly known as:

Prof. Hercule Scamander

Famous Magizoologist and professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

(Born 1928)

The Scamander family is famous for its contribution to Magizoology of the Wizarding World. Hercule's grandmother having bred Hippogriffs, and being the son of famous Newton Scamander, author of "Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them" (Obscurus Books 1927), Hercule Scamander followed in their footsteps.

After graduating from Hogwarts Hercule travelled across the globe to experience different kinds of magic, and to encounter unknown magical creatures. Having met no less than 13 different species on this first journey, one of them being the Antipodean Opaleye in New Zealand, Scamander decided to make this his profession.

In the following 20 years Scamander discovered another 117 magical creatures. In the '60s Scamander decided to stop travelling and became Proffssor Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts. He was known to be a strict teacher, but also very passionate about his profession. The school was very content with him as professor, but after less than a decade of service at Hogwarts Hercule Scamander made place for his successor, Silvanus Kettleburn.


Professor Hercule Scamander outside of Hogwarts castle, in front of a class. Next to him today's subject creature.


A close-up on prof. Scamander. His strict face shows no weakness.

"Today's creature, boys and girls, will be the Levitating Dog. Please all stand up."


"I shouldn't have said that. This dog obeys me somewhat too good..."


"End of class, students! See you tommorrow!



"Now, boys and girls. I lost my dog, but I want YOUR vote! Vote for Hercule Scamander!

Now I'll try to find my dog..."

Thanks for this comp!


Brom Kronos

3/4 Giant

This little guy (3.6m; ~12ft) is born from a Giant father and a 1/2 Giant- 1/2 Muggle mother in Kotyli, Greece.

Brom can easily be recognized by his pickaxe, what he got for his 11th birthday, before going to Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning and wearing since.

He is a kind Giant who likes to help other people with there issues. Brom helps them all; Giant, wizard or Muggle.

He especially like to help wizards and Muggles when they need some extra height. But when they offer his a glass of Firewhiskey inside as a gratitude, a offer he can't resist, he gets in trouble.

It's all so tiny inside!


Luckily, this house has a void, but I don't want to know how he got in, or how he is getting out again.


[just the vignette, without Brom in it]

Professor Talon

Arthur Talon, Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Born in 1964 as a pure blood he was not bothered by death eaters throughout most of his life, although he did protect all muggle-borns that he could. He went to Hogwarts at the age of 11, he was in Gryfindor and graduated the same year as Harry was born. After Voldermorts defeat once and for all and Hogwarts was once again short a defence against the dark arts teacher Arthur became a professor. He went on to teach students, including Harry Potters children, for many years and became head of Gryfindor House. He also was the first professor to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts for more then one year in a long time, and used a few charms so as to not look any older then he does in these photos (to explain the slight plastic look...)




(Sorry for the fuzzy photos. The cameras a few years old.)

Sir Hyperion Fairfax

Order of Merlin, First Class

World Famous Dragon Keeper (Born 1975)


Hyperion Fairfax was born in the Scottish Highlands, to father Dameron Fairfax, and veela mother Arielle Prideux. The veela blood flowing in his vains gave him dashing good looks, and the Fairfax family legacy in Gryffindor gave him the courage of a nemean lion.

At a young age, Hyperion enjoyed taking to the air on his Cleansweep 7; and in his second year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, he joined the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, and eventually became star Chaser. It was here that he met Charlie Weasley (three years his senior), who introduced him to the world of dragons; the two became quick friends.

After Hyperion graduated from Hogwarts, he was drafted into the British Quidditch Team Puddlemere United. However, his Quidditch days were short, as he found the career to be mundane and lackluster. Following his passion for flying and dangerous activity, Hyperion moved to Romania to work as a Dragon Keeper at the world famous dragon enclosure facility “Roaring Fires” with his old friend Charlie.

The duo garnered great fame due to their skills as a dragon keeper to deal with the most horrendous of dragons. On a visit back home to Scotland, Hyperion saved the life of the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge from a rogue dragon roaming in the region. For this act of bravery, Hyperion was awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class.

The dragon that Hyperion had subdued to save Minister Fudge’s life was, to everyone’s surprise, a new species native to Scotland that had never been discovered! Hyperion immediately moved his base back home to the Scottish Highlands and opened his own dragon facility “Dragonrage”, utilizing all his time and efforts to protect dragons, and begin studying the new pure-breed that he had discovered which he named the Scottish Shadowfax.

The Shadowfax is a much smaller dragon, and surprisingly, can be tamed (though not easily). After taming the Shadowfax, Hyperion rode on its back and had it lead the way back to its den. There he found many more of the species. As such, dragon keepers from around the world flocked to Scotland to study and tame the new species, and Hyperion Fairfax became a renown name worldwide.



Here's the link to the Flickr album: Harry Potter Original Wizard Contest



Maggum Numshoe

Wizard P.I


Maggum Numshoe is a wizard Private Investigator who uses his keen eyes, street smarts, and vast knowledge of magical forensics to solve mysteries.

His wand has been implemented with numerous gadgets; the one he uses the most often is his magical-magnifying glass, which allows him to see the slightest crack in a wand.

He wanted to become an Auror, but he didn't meet the requirements, so he settled on becoming a Private Investigator.

However, he has been questioned of his actions by the Ministry of Magic, and true Aurors often accuse him of being a vigilante. He doesn't intend to compete with the Aurors, but sometimes he catches magical criminals before they do, which sometimes upsets the Ministry of Magic.

He'll take on almost any case for the right price; sometimes he will investigate for free if he feels the case is serious enough.


His current case is a Polyjuice potion robbery, most likely related to a potion smuggling operation -- or is it?

View the picture set on my Flickr Photostream here.

Professor Tabitha Greenwood

Defense against the dark arts


Tabitha Greenwood was born in Ireland in 1958 to a muggle father Dimitri and a wizard mother Rose. Her parents and herself were ecstatic when she received her letter to Hogwarts at the age of 11. She completed 7 years at school and as soon as she was done, she went straight to Egypt and started her study as a dragon trainer. By her 20th birthday she was out capturing stray dragons and releasing them in a controlled area.

One day, when Tabitha was about 25 years old, she was out trying to capture two out of control baby dragons. She thought she had caught one when the other came up and bit her leg. The wound was so server that they had to amputate. Although she did go thought a lot of pain losing her leg, she did petrify the dragon that made her lose her leg.

She became a defense against the dark arts teacher at Hogwarts in 1985. Not knowing that she was one of the many that would only last a year. She brought many Egyptian artifacts with her and loves teaching her students about the ancient Egyptian wizards.

After only her first year of teaching at Hogwarts she received an owl stating that her father was very ill and would not live very much longer. Once the school year was over she went back home to spend a few more months with her father.

After his death, she felt that she could not leave her mother alone so she stayed close to home. She opened an Egyptian artifacts shop in her hometown.



Hello! Here's mine!

Kieth Dalstron AKA The Architect

Usually recognized as The Architect, Kieth Dalstron is considered one of the best architects of his time.

Built many fantastic buildings in the wizardry world, he is best known for restoring many historical building after their destruction: Gringotts, Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic to name a few. Also an adventurer, he likes to explore destroyed buildings to see how they were built and what would make the structure more stronger.

In one of his adventures, Kieth goes down to a ruins of an old manor with only his wand,coming out safely, with more knowledge.


For his contribution to the world of Wizardry, Kieth Dalstron is awarded the eternal flame that he puts on his hat that will brighten his way in future explorations.


Thanks alot!

Edited by ceroknight

Seregus Trevor Quinton


Seregus Quinton is an agile wizard and a highly skilled "Sharpcaster". Sharpcasters are wizards who can use wands to cast spells at long distances. They lurk at the tops of towers and building during battles to snipe the enemy. Sharpcasters also specialize in apparating right behind the enemy, taking them out, and apparating away before they get hit themselves.


Here Seregus has his wand with his specialized wand handle to allow for better aim. On his back he carries a pair of magical binoculars and an extra wand with a detachable barrel.


Seregus was a unnoticed, but important player in the Battle of Hogwarts. He took out many Death Eaters before they could enter Hogwarts, and then aided the wizards at the castle with his remarkable aiming skills. Seregus was a member of Gryffindor as a student and some think that after Professor Flitwick retires he should teach Charms.

Brickshelf Folder

Edited by Swiss Army Droid

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