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2505 - Garmadon's Dark Fortress - Theme: NinjaGo UPDATED to LDD 4.3.8


LXF File


Skull (for spider) cannot attach to the leg assembly

Most decorations and stickers are incorrect or missing

3852 - Sunblock - Theme: Games


LXF File


Collision error: 43898 cannot attach to 3957b with 4037 on top,

All decorations are missing

3854 - Frog Rush - Theme: Games (duplicate) UPDATED to LDD 4.3.8


LXF File


All decorations are missing

3855 - Ramses Return - Theme: Games


LXF File


All decorations are missing

3856 - NinjaGo - Theme: Games


LXF File


All decorations are missing

4795 - Ogel Underwater Base and AT Sub - Theme: Alpha Team UPDATED to LDD 4.3.8


LXF File


Missing x353px1sheet, 40253 and 40249 (replaced with brick-built solution), 30397 (replaced with 32316), 32074c01 (replaced with 57029c01), 32133ac01 (replaced with 57028c01)

Most decorations and stickers are incorrect or missing

6776 - Ogel Command Center - Theme: Alpha Team UPDATED to LDD 4.3.8


LXF File


Missing part 6092pb02 (replaced with brick-built solution)

Most decorations and stickers are incorrect or missing

8107 - Fight for the Golden Tower - Theme: Exo-Force UPDATED to LDD 4.3.8


LXF File


Collision error between 6553 and 3045 (illegal connection)

53983pb01 should have a pearl light gray center,

All decorations and stickers are incorrect or missing

8780 - Citadel of Orlan - Theme: Knight's Kingdom II UPDATED to LDD 4.3.8


LXF File


Missing 30645 (replaced with brick-built solution), 40344c01 (replaced with brick-built solution)

Most decorations are incorrect or missing

8876 - Scorpion Prison Cave - Theme: Knight's Kingdom II UPDATED to LDD 4.3.8


LXF File


Missing 2607, bb181set

Most decorations are incorrect or missing

8877 - Vladek's Dark Fortress - Theme: Knight's Kingdom II UPDATED to LDD 4.3.8


LXF File


Missing 50602, x1554, 47461, 32133ac04, (replaced with 57028c02) bb181set, 40253 and 40249 (replaced with brick-built solution)

Most decorations are incorrect or missing

7417 - Temple of Mount Everest - Orient Expedition UPDATED to LDD 4.3.8


LXF File


Cannot place rubber band, 30284 cannot be placed in part 4589,

Most decorations are incorrect or missing

EDIT: Colors corrected

EDIT: All models updated

EDIT: All necessary models updated to LDD 4.3.8

Edited by penguinz

Again one quick LDD set wich i made last night before i went to sleep. And i really hope no one hasnt done this yet, fingers crossed.

Theme: Architecture

Set: Rocketfeller Center

Set number: 21007




Errors: Missing two 1x6 printed tiles and i am not sure if the colour of the buildings is right, Aanchir please check!

Captain Becker

Edited by Captain Becker

  On 4/28/2011 at 8:09 PM, Captain Becker said:

Again one quick LDD set wich i made last night before i went to sleep. And i really hope no one hasnt done this yet, fingers crossed.

You should check the index in the first post to be sure. Two of us have made it already, not that that stops you from building it too, of course.

Great job with all these recent sets everybody! Mostly good work. :thumbup:

Edited by ADHO15

  On 4/28/2011 at 8:22 PM, ADHO15 said:

You should check the index in the first post to be sure. Two of us have made it already

Doh, i must have missed it then, oh well, it was fun to build anyways :laugh:

Captain Becker

My first LDD project :laugh:

8053 - Mobile Crane - Theme: Technic


Download LXF


  • No decals.
  • No string. Hook placed separately.
  • Missing part 4540613. Replaced with custom made by Zblj. Thanks.
  • Due to lack of proper position of parts 4203493 there is no space for part 4514558. Placed separately.
  • Not enough space for 4 cogwheels (4514559) in the crane legs. Placed separately.

Edited by Larzs

  On 4/28/2011 at 7:52 PM, penguinz said:

2505 - Garmadon's Dark Fortress - Theme: NinjaGo

LXF File

Errors: missing part 64712, skull (for spider) cannot attach to the leg assembly, no decorations or stickers are available

One color error: the lightning bolt piece 59233 should be either 143 Transparent Fluorescent Blue or 126 Transparent Bright Bluish-Violet. The actual part is co-injected with the two colors, so there's no way to get it exact.

3852 - Sunblock - Theme: Games

LXF File

Errors: part 43898 cannot attach to part 3957b with part 4037 on top, all decorations are unavailable

No errors on this one, but it's kinda bothering my obsessive sensibilities that the red radar dish pieces are at different heights on their handles. :tongue:

3855 - Ramses Return - Theme: Games

LXF File

Errors: all decorations are unavailable

  • The purple tiles should be 268 Medium Lilac (BL's Dark Purple) rather than 124 Bright Reddish Violet (BL's Magenta).
  • The gold pieces should all be 297 Warm Gold (BL's Pearl Gold), not 127 Gold (BL's Pearl Light Gold).
  • The mummy microfig should be 1 White, not 50 Phosphorescent White. This one error always surprises me, but I guess the word "phosphorescent" isn't as well-known as I tend to think it is.

3856 - NinjaGo - Theme: Games

LXF File

Errors: all decorations are unavailable

Again, dark purple parts should be 268 Medium Lilac rather than 124 Bright Reddish Violet, and gold parts should be 297 Pearl Gold rather than 127 Gold.

4795 - Ogel Underwater Base and AT Sub - Theme: Alpha Team

LXF File

Errors: part x353px1sheet is missing, part 40253 and part 40249 are missing (no replacement), part 30397 is missing, displaced parts are put off to side, part 32074 is missing- replaced with part 57029, part 32133ac01 is missing- replaced with part 57028c01, part 30091 cannot realistically be placed in sub, most decorations and all stickers are missing

Ogel's visor should be in the now-available 310 Metalized Gold rather than 127 Gold. Likewise, the chrome silver spears should be in 309 Metalized Silver. The reason these very-old colors have very-new material IDs is that it seems chrome parts didn't originally have material IDs at all-- there has never been a material ID for chrome green or chrome blue.

6776 - Ogel Command Center - Theme: Alpha Team

LXF File

Errors: missing part 6092pb02, missing part 4213- replaced with part 44570, missing part 4625- replaced with part 44822, missing part 2582- replaced with part 44572, most decorations, and all stickers are missing

Same chrome issue as above. But then, for all I know you might have originally built this in LDD 4.0, before Metalized Gold was available.

8107 - Fight for the Golden Tower - Theme: Exo-Force

LXF File

Errors: Boundary error between part 6553 and part 3045 (most likely an illegal connection),part 53983pb01 should have a pearl light gray center, all decorations and stickers are missing

The robot should be in 296 Cool Silver rather than 298 Cool Silver, Drum Lacquered, but other than that everything's fine. 296 Cool Silver is a weird color-- it was introduced in 2006 to replace 131 Silver. It obviously didn't do a very good job, because 131 Silver came back the very next year and 296 Cool Silver hasn't been seen since. Of course, in the BIONICLE fan community there were many very obvious complaints about 296 Cool Silver, which was significantly lighter than previous silver parts, although at that time none of us knew it was an entirely different color rather than just an inconsistency within silver parts.

8780 - Citadel of Orlan - Theme: Knight's Kingdom II

LXF File

Errors: parts 4032b, 3003, and 3022 cannot fit inside parts 30294 and 30293, part 30645 is missing- replaced with brick-built solution, part 2507pb04 cannot be placed on minifigures (new error), gems cannot be placed in treasure chest, all decorations are unavailable

  • The bluish-purple parts should be 195 Royal Blue rather than 112 Medium Bluish Violet.
  • The yellow jewel should be 49 Transparent Fluorescent Green rather than 44 Transparent Yellow.

8876 - Scorpion Prison Cave - Theme: Knight's Kingdom II

LXF File

Errors: part 2607 is missing, parts 2587pb10, 2587pb09, and 2587pb08 cannot be placed on minifigures, part bb181set is missing, most decorations are missing

  • All of Danju's purple parts should be 268 Medium Lilac rather than 124 Bright Reddish Violet.
  • All of the silver parts should be 131 Silver rather than 296 Cool Silver.

8877 - Vladek's Dark Fortress - Theme: Knight's Kingdom II

LXF File

Errors: Part 50602 is missing, part x1554 is missing, part 47641 is missing, part 32133ac04 is missing, part bb181set is missing, part 40253 and part 40249 are missing- replaced with brick-built solution, parts 2587pb10, 2587pb09, 2587pb08, 2587pb07, 2587pb06, and 2587 cannot be placed on minifigures, most decorations are missing

  • The bluish-purple parts should be 195 Royal Blue rather than 112 Medium Bluish Violet.
  • Part 33176 should be 143 Transparent Fluorescent Blue rather than 42 Transparent Light Blue.
  • All the parts you have colored 296 Cool Silver, 309 Metalized Silver, or 298 Cool Silver Drum Lacquered should be instead colored 131 Silver.
  • Rascus's gold sword should be 147 Metallic Sand Yellow rather than 139 Copper.
  • Danju's gold sword should be 189 Reddish Gold rather than 297 Warm Gold. This kind of surprises me because you got the color right in the other set... I suppose this one was built after LDD 4.1 came out and you were limiting yourself to LDD Extended Mode's color palette?
  • All the speckled Shadow Knight parts should be color 132, but this isn't available on LDD any way you slice it, so 316 Titanium Metallic is still OK as a replacement.

EDIT-- I forgot one:

7414 - Temple of Mount Everest - Orient Expedition

LXF File

Errors: Rubber band cannot be attached, part 2549 is missing, part 30284 cannot be placed in part 4589, most decorations are missing

  • First of all, you need to correct the set number. That set's 7417, not 7414.
  • According to Bricklink, the plane's windscreen should be 40 Transparent, not 111 Transparent Brown.
  • All the parts you have colored 106 Bright Orange should be 105 Bright Yellowish Orange.
  • The gold sword should be 310 Metalized Gold, not 127 Gold.
  • Ngan Pa (the guy in the black fur cap) should have his torso colored 25 Earth Orange, not 154 Dark Red. His legs should also be switched with the man in the dark orange shirt, if Bricklink is to be trusted. His arms are colored correctly, though.

  On 4/28/2011 at 8:09 PM, Captain Becker said:

Again one quick LDD set wich i made last night before i went to sleep. And i really hope no one hasnt done this yet, fingers crossed.

Theme: Architecture

Set: Rockefeller Center

Set number: 21007



Errors: Missing two 1x6 printed tiles and i am not sure if the colour of the buildings is right, Aanchir please check!

Captain Becker

Nope. The tan parts should be 5 Brick Yellow, not 283 Light Nougat (BL's Light Flesh). Though for some reason your screenshot looked to be the correct color, so I honestly wasn't expecting to find any errors here. Additionally, the 1x1 round plate in the center should be 297 Warm Gold (BL's Pearl Gold), not 182 Transparent Bright Orange (BL's Trans-Orange). All other parts are the correct colors.

4903 - Lion

Year - 2005

Theme - Make and Create - Designer Set

LXF File


4904 - Elephant

Year - 2005

Theme - Make and Create - Designer Set

LXF File


4905 - Giraffe

Year - 2005

Theme - Make and Create - Designer Set

LXF File


  On 4/28/2011 at 10:40 PM, Aanchir said:

Nope. The tan parts should be 5 Brick Yellow, not 283 Light Nougat (BL's Light Flesh). Though for some reason your screenshot looked to be the correct color, so I honestly wasn't expecting to find any errors here. Additionally, the 1x1 round plate in the center should be 297 Warm Gold (BL's Pearl Gold), not 182 Transparent Bright Orange (BL's Trans-Orange). All other parts are the correct colors.

Weird, i had fixed that colour error already when i made the set, but somehow it hasnt saved it. Maby my fault, i fixed it already.

Captain Becker

8070 - Supercar (Custom Chopper Alternate Model [Source PDF]) - Theme: TECHNIC


LXF File


  • I could not find the proper tires.
  • The 19L flexible axle cannot actually flex, so I used the 19L hose instead.
  • Two 3 x 5 liftarms cannot fit where they're supposed to--please see this post for more details.

-Toa Of Justice

Edited by Toa_Of_Justice

  • Author

Here is the PDF.

For next times, remember that a file with built instruction have to be provided, if not easily available on the web.

Small set again.

Theme: Town

Subtheme: City


Set number:1249

Name: Tri-motorbike



Errors: Missing printings and face printing has been replaced.

Captain Becker

Some City sets:

3366 - Satellite Launch Pad

Theme - City

Year - 2011


LXF File

-Missing decorations.

-Some wrong decorations used.

4641 - Speed Boat

Theme - City

Year - 2011


LXF File

-Without errors. :thumbup:

6661 - Mobile TV Studio

Theme - Town

Year - 1989


LXF File

-Missing decorations.

-Wrong decoration used on Minifig torso.

-Hinge bricks substituted.

-Brick 2349 substituted.

-Brick 2348b is missing.

Edited by Giovanne

  On 4/30/2011 at 2:25 PM, Captain Becker said:

Small set again.

Theme: Town

Subtheme: City


Set number:1249

Name: Tri-motorbike


Errors: Missing printings and face printing has been replaced.

Captain Becker

For starters, the trike body piece 76040 is now able to be dual-colored. So the lower part of the body should be colored 27 Dark Grey. Also, the visor on the helmet should be 42 Transparent Light Blue rather than 43 Transparent Blue. Both are easy problems to fix.

  On 4/30/2011 at 4:25 PM, Giovanne said:

Some City sets:

3366 - Satellite Launch Pad

Theme - City

Year - 2011

LXF File

-Missing decorations.

-Some wrong decorations used.

Pretty much flawless. However, I'd like to point out that the computer screen decoration actually is available in LDD, even though it can't be applied with the decoration tool. It can be found in my LDD Decorations file, downloadable from this post.

4641 - Speed Boat

Theme - City

Year - 2011

LXF File

-Without errors. :thumbup:

I actually am not totally sure whether the 4x3 wedge plate 48183 is correct. LDD contains a newer version of this piece, 90194, which is slightly reinforced on the underside, and the part number would suggest that it is specifically new to this year. But since I don't have that set and nobody who does have it has pointed out any difference, I don't know for sure if it uses the newer or older version.

6661 - Mobile TV Studio

Theme - Town

Year - 1989

LXF File

-Missing decorations.

-Wrong decoration used on Minifig torso.

-Hinge bricks substituted.

-Brick 2349 substituted.

-Brick 2348b is missing.

All the glass pieces should actually be 42 Transparent Light Blue rather than 43 Transparent Blue. But that's a very minor error. Great job using all the correct versions of parts between these older and newer sets!

Aanchir - Thanks for the advice about the 3366 decoration, I will fix it soon. :thumbup:

Now, another Space set. :classic:

7050 - Alien Defender

Theme - Alien Conquest

Year - 2011


LXF File

-Alien's head is missing.

-The new dark grey Alien Conquest blaster is missing.

-The decorations were substituted.

Edited by Giovanne

  On 5/1/2011 at 2:40 PM, Giovanne said:

Aanchir - Thanks for the advice about the 3366 decoration, I will fix it soon. :thumbup:

Now, another Space set. :classic:

7050 - Alien Defender

Theme - Alien Conquest

Year - 2011

LXF File

-Alien's head is missing.

-The new dark grey Alien Conquest blaster is missing.

-The alien's blaster was substituted.

-The decorations were substituted.

-I'm not sure if the new Azure Blue is avaliable on LDD, so, I used the traditional Bright Blue.

  • Not sure why you substituted the alien blaster, since it is available in LDD Extended Mode. It's part 87993. When you do add it, it should be colored 315 Silver Metallic rather than 131 Silver.
  • The transparent pieces on the alien blaster and ship should be 49 Transparent Fluorescent Green, not 311 Transparent Bright Green.
  • The transparent pieces on the human vehicle should be 47 Transparent Fluorescent Orange rather than 182 Transparent Bright Orange.
  • The transparent cone pieces on both sets should be part 59900 rather than 4589. 59900 is the newer version with a ridge around the base of the top stud.
  • The windscreen of the human vehicle should be 42 Transparent Light Blue rather than 43 Transparent Blue. This is becoming possibly the most frequently-made error on LDD.
  • The clips on the human vehicle should be part 60897 rather than 4085. Although the current version of this piece is thicker than the thin version of 60897 shown on LDD, it is still a version of 60897 (check the underside of the part in real life to verify that this is the case).
  • All the blue parts on the human's uniform should be 321 Dark Azure, not 23 Bright Blue.
  • Some parts of the set (specifically, the human vehicle) are simply built wrong, to be blunt about it. The piece count is even too low, despite you having extra pieces on the model due to the alien's head being brick-built. Even though the set has been released, it's generally a good idea to wait and build the set once the instructions are actually available online (or at least until you have the set yourself and can use the physical instruction booklet). That way you can avoid leaving out parts or putting parts in the wrong places.

Overall, seems like you might have been a little bit too excited about building this brand-new set to pay close attention to getting colors, parts, and the overall build correct. Still, I have to admire the effort! Once the instructions do start showing up on the LEGO website I'm sure you'll be building a number of the larger sets from this theme!

Edited by Aanchir

  • Author
  On 5/1/2011 at 2:40 PM, Giovanne said:

7050 - Alien Defender

Theme - Alien Conquest

Year - 2011

Hi, are you sure the set has been released already?

On LEGO website, I can't see any track of it!

Can you provide a link for reference?

  On 5/1/2011 at 3:52 PM, Calabar said:

Hi, are you sure the set has been released already?

On LEGO website, I can't see any track of it!

Can you provide a link for reference?

I don't see, but since there is review of the set here, I think that it was already released and that I could post it, so, it's better to delete the post, ok?

Later I will post it. :thumbup:

Sorry for the confusion. :classic:

Edited by Giovanne

  • Author
  On 5/1/2011 at 3:56 PM, DLuders said:

@ Calabar: Here is the 7050 Alien Defender set on Brickset.

Oh, I saw many images, but I need a link that shows me that the set has been officially released!

  On 5/1/2011 at 3:57 PM, Giovanne said:

I don't see, but since there is review of the set here, I think that it was already released and that I could post it, so, it's better to delete the post, ok?

I read the set should be released in May, so we can wait a bit before deleting it! :wink:

Remember that every set here have to be built using official instructions!

  On 5/1/2011 at 4:10 PM, Calabar said:
I read the set should be released in May, so we can wait a bit before deleting it! :wink:

Remember that every set here have to be built using official instructions!

Man, this set give me a headache :wacko:, now I will return to build sets, but sets from 80's or 90's now :laugh: , before the 2011 sets being officially released. :thumbup:

@ Calabar: The 7050 set has already been released, and is for sale and is "In Stock for Shipping" at Toys-R-Us.

Sidersdd also did this EB Review of the set.

Edited by DLuders

  On 4/28/2011 at 10:40 PM, Aanchir said:

  • Ngan Pa (the guy in the black fur cap) should have his torso colored 25 Earth Orange, not 154 Dark Red. His legs should also be switched with the man in the dark orange shirt, if Bricklink is to be trusted. His arms are colored correctly, though.

The instructions show the legs differently than Bricklink, but you are right about his torso. Most of my errors came from either a lack of knowledge of available color choices or from a discrepancy issue between LDD 4.0 and LDD 4.1. All of the remaining errors have been fixed! Thank you for catching them.

  On 5/1/2011 at 2:18 PM, Aanchir said:

I actually am not totally sure whether the 4x3 wedge plate 48183 is correct. LDD contains a newer version of this piece, 90194, which is slightly reinforced on the underside, and the part number would suggest that it is specifically new to this year. But since I don't have that set and nobody who does have it has pointed out any difference, I don't know for sure if it uses the newer or older version.

I have the 4641 Speedbpat set in front of me now, I reviewed it here yesterday, here is a link to review, click here, and I have just looked at the 4x3 wedge plate and I can confirm that it is indeed part 48183, not the new part 90194.

Hope I've helped. :classic:


Arr! It's time for some Pirates of the Caribbean sets, says I!

4181 Isla De Muerta (4.1)

LXF File



Replaced parts 52 with 30385, 87585 with 2542, 93554 with 30167, 95221pb01 with 40251, 95225 with 85974, 95348 with 61976 and 99563 with 3069

Replaced Metallic Gold with Metalized Gold

Incorrect/missing prints

4191 Captain's Cabin (4.1)

LXF File



Missing parts 61287pb001 and 61287pb002

Replaced parts 95221pb01 with 40251, 95228pb01 with 64644 and 95348 with 61976

Incorrect/missing prints

Edited by ADHO15

  On 5/2/2011 at 10:16 AM, ADHO15 said:

Arr! It's time for some Pirates of the Caribbean sets, says I!

4181 Isla De Muerta (4.1)

LXF File


Replaced parts 52 with 30385, 87585 with 2542, 93554 with 30167, 95221pb01 with 40251, 95225 with 85974, 95348 with 61976 and 99563 with 3069

Replaced Metallic Gold with Metalized Gold

Incorrect/missing prints

  • Skeleton Barbossa's shoulder accessory should be 26 Black rather than 140 Earth Blue.
  • Skeleton Barbossa's torso should be part 93060, not 60115.
  • The 1x1 plate with clip should probably be part 60897 (BL's 4085b and 4085d) rather than 4085-- I don't trust Bricklink on this, since 4085d is the current version and the one all my 2011 sets use. However, you're welcome to continue using 4085 if you prefer to go by Bricklink's assessment.

4191 Captain's Cabin (4.1)

LXF File


Missing parts 61287pb001 and 61287pb002

Replaced parts 95221pb01 with 40251, 95228pb01 with 64644 and 95348 with 61976

Probably didn't get the right skin colour for the Yeoman Zombie

Incorrect/missing prints

I'll add more to this post when completed.

In this case, you definitely ought to use 60897 instead of 4085. 60897 may not look correct, but it is the actual part number molded onto Bricklink's part 4085d. Other than that, no problems with this one. Great work!

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