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Chief Brody Bulldog had been putting in a lot of overtime trying to rid Fabuland of the awful scum that threatened to take over their happy and innocent town. He had lost a best friend, an ex-boyfriend who he still loved and several friends who were as close as family. He was very tired as he locked up the Police Station for the night.


He was the last remaining Police Officer in Fabuland. The others had all fled to avoid the danger and crime. Maybe he should have done the same thing, he thought. He loved Fabuland too much to leave it behind to the crime. He would give his life to help find the scum that plagued them...


...and as he started his motorcylce he gave just that. A huge explosion broke the silence of the peaceful night and the dark sky was temporarily lit up with the blast from the ignition bomb.


After the smoke settled, all that was left of Chief Brody Bulldog was a few charred body parts and his Police Chief hat.


In the morning the four remaining citizens of Fabuland gathered to see if Doctor Candace Cow was a member of The Town or The Mafia.


"Ladies and Gentlemen," Mayor Langston Lion announced, "After a thorough interrogation of both suspects, I have determined that Doctor Candace Cow (Masked Builder) was a member of The Town. Additionally, I have found that Lily Lamb (Sirius Black) was also a member of The Town. Due to their confirmed innocence, they are being kept in a secure location, yadda yadda yadda. That is all."


"Wait!" Someone cried, "If they're still alive, why did you say they 'were' members of The Town?"

"Silence minions!" Mayor Langston Lion shouted. And then he added hastily, "Oh yes, and your Police Chief Brody Bulldog had an unfortunate motorcycle malfunction last night and was killed. Chief Brody Bulldog (Waterbrick Down) was also a member of The Town. Vote off another one or pay the consequences. Good day."


The remaining citizens looked at one another. Their numbers had nearly been reduced by half overnight! How much longer could they survive until The Mafia took over their entire town? And where was their friend, Shadows? Had he forsaken them?

Day Five has begun. Voting is not allowed in the first 24 hours.


The Rules:

  1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Mafia. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Mafia, while the Mafia needs to outnumber the Town.
  2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player.
  3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage.
  4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.
  5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game host via PM. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.
  6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.
  7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.
  8. You may not edit your posts.
  9. You must post in every day thread.
  10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM or the hosting intern badboytje88.
  11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty against you on your first offence, and the death of your character on your second offense.



Bianca Lamb - married to Evan Elephant - played by fuzzylegobricks


Evan Elephant - married to Bianca Lamb - played by MacK


Hunter Horse - married to Piper Poodle - played by Ro87n


Piper Poodle - married to Hunter Horse - played by Donut

Game Over


Marcus Mouse - married to Lily Lamb - played by Bricks2000 - convicted on Day One - The Mafia


Gavin Gorilla - boyfriend of Gregor Goat - played by Dannylonglegs - murdered on Night One - The Town


Holly Hippo - married to Franklin Fox - played by KingoftheZempk - murdered on Night One - The Town


Randy Rabbit - married to Betsy Bunny - played by Alex the Great - convicted on Day Two - The Town


Franklin Fox - married to Helen Hippo - played by Alopex - murdered on Night Two - The Mafia Blocker


Payton Pig - ex-boyfriend of Brody Bulldog - played by Pandora - murdered on Night Two - The Town Vigilante


Gregor Goat - boyfriend of Gavin Gorilla - played by Rumble Strike - died from grief on Night Two - The Town Doctor


Gertrude Goat - mother of Marcus and Payton - played by Scorpiox - convicted on Day Three - The Mafia


Betsy Bunny - married to Randy Rabbit - played by MetroiD - murdered on Night Three - The Town


Doctor Candace Cow - played by Masked Builder - convicted on Day Four - The Town


Lily Lamb - married to Marcus Mouse - played by Sirius Black - removed by penalty vote on Day Four - The Town


Chief Brody Bulldog - ex-boyfriend of Payton Pig - played by Waterbrick Down - murdered on Night Four - The Town

Non-playing Characters


Mayor Langston Lion - The Fabuland Mayor


Bruno Bear - a mafia goon


Pauly Pig - a mafia goon


Lucas Lion - a police officer...with a gun - played by Shadows


I am truly saddened, never before have we lost 3 townies in one night. My friends, your deaths will be avenged!


No way not my dear friend Chief Brody too! That makes (16 dived by 4 minus 1 equals) 3 Townies killed/dead!

My pencil is ready to write my vote down soon...


Bloody hell there's still a mafia member left, and I also think that this will be our last chance to rid ourselves of the mafia once and for all!


Lesson 6: Delayed voting

The 24 hour delay in voting is designed so a bandwagon doesn't form against someone without them being able to defend themselves. With a game where the day ends when the conviction is reached, a player may log in to find themselves lynched before they even get to post or answer for accusations. That is what the first 24 hours is for. This is the time when you should be making accusations. Waiting for the voting to start to reveal information or make accusations is poor sportsmanship, in my opinion. If players are just going to wait to pounce on another player when the voting starts, there may as well not be a 24 hour delay. Have respect for your fellow players and use this first 24 hours as part of the game. If you wait until voting starts, make a conviction against someone before they can answer, and you've made a wrong choice, you could be doomed...


Bloody hell there's still a mafia member left, and I also think that this will be our last chance to rid ourselves of the mafia once and for all!

No surprise right? Don't you find it a little coincidental that Chief Brody was taken out the night after he lead the charge to convict you?

The Chief had made some valid points - mainly how your voting pattern had drawn his initial suspicions and how you were the second member to sprung the trap we set up. I sided with you yesterday not because I truly believed you, but because your vote was essential in convicting Candace (who was the most suspicious at the time :wacko:). You wavered during the voting - was this your plan to make yourself look less suspicious?

Furthermore, from my private correspondence with the chief before he passed away, he told me you were actively asking questions about a certain special person in the town. Why are you so curious about who it is?


No surprise right? Don't you find it a little coincidental that Chief Brody was taken out the night after he lead the charge to convict you?

The Chief had made some valid points - mainly how your voting pattern had drawn his initial suspicions and how you were the second member to sprung the trap we set up. I sided with you yesterday not because I truly believed you, but because your vote was essential in convicting Candace (who was the most suspicious at the time :wacko:). You wavered during the voting - was this your plan to make yourself look less suspicious?

Furthermore, from my private correspondence with the chief before he passed away, he told me you were actively asking questions about a certain special person in the town. Why are you so curious about who it is?

I would say there is a kink in the trunk...


No surprise right? Don't you find it a little coincidental that Chief Brody was taken out the night after he lead the charge to convict you?

The Chief had made some valid points - mainly how your voting pattern had drawn his initial suspicions and how you were the second member to sprung the trap we set up. I sided with you yesterday not because I truly believed you, but because your vote was essential in convicting Candace (who was the most suspicious at the time :wacko:). You wavered during the voting - was this your plan to make yourself look less suspicious?

Furthermore, from my private correspondence with the chief before he passed away, he told me you were actively asking questions about a certain special person in the town. Why are you so curious about who it is?

The Chief has been a very active member from the very start of this game. With the doctor dead I assume the mafia took the initiative to rob us of our most valuable players, which could apply to Betsy's death as well. You'd have to be blind not to notice that.

I also fail to see how I "wavered" during the vote yesterday I just gave Candace a little bit of time to make a last minute defense for herself, but believe me I wasn't going to leave until a conviction was reached. In fact to add to that point where was Randy during voting time. You accuse me of "wavering" while voting, yet you seem to ignore the fact that Randy was no where to be seen during the vote.

As for your last point I have made some inquiries about a certain horse who has been acting quite odd from the beginning. In fact as I recall I did ask about Hunter Horse right after he voted for himself. Which strikes me as odd that when Hunter Horse casts a vote for himself instead of Gertrude Goat (who as it turns out was revealed later to be Mafia), you don't find it suspicious, but when I wait a little bit to place my vote you hound me about it. If you must I have been asking Chief Brody about Randy, because I find him suspicious. Being that Brody had assumed a leadership role in our town it only made sense for me to place my concerns before him.

Randy I'd like to hear a bit more from you regarding your actions over the last few days.


Oh my, the stress of this whole ordeal is really getting to me. I meant to reference Hunter not Randy throughout my last post.



Word of Chief Brody Bulldog's death traveled quickly. His number one officer Lucas Lion regretted leaving Fabuland in the first place. He should've stayed to support his town and his Chief. Now that the Chief had been murdered, Lucas Lion (Shadows) has returned with his expert policing skills...and a gun.

You may now vote. You have 48 hours to make a conviction. With 4 players left, it takes 3 votes to convict. Best of luck to everyone. :thumbup:

Day Four grades

Masked Builder - Pass

Sirius Black - Pass

Waterbrick Down - Pass


Oh my, the stress of this whole ordeal is really getting to me. I meant to reference Hunter not Randy throughout my last post.

It's OK, it's very easy to confuse townies with one another. :wink:

While your defense for holding off on your vote against Candace is understandable, it is not consistent with your voting history in the past. During the previous convictions, you were rather quick to jump aboard the voting against Randy and the Chief. Unfortunately, this is not enough evidence to incriminate you, but it does make you look very suspicious.

I agree with you that Hunter is acting in a bizarre manner during the voting of Gertrude. However, in his defense, there's a consistency to his odd behavior. There has been times when he could have been convicted for his antics, but no one brought out his name during the conviction. Why? It is apparent from the first day that Hunter is a townie because of the mistakes (mainly role-playing) he made. Specifically, Hunter has acknowledged that he did not understand the game mechanics. Furthermore, it doesn't make sense for him to draw attention to himself, let alone on the first day.

Since we're still here, it is quite obvious that there is 1 mafia scum remaining.

Bianca has demonstrated that she is loyal to this town during the first day as well. When things got hot and testy against Randy, Bianca turned the attention to Marcus. As we all discovered, Marcus was working for the mafia. It wouldn't make sense for Bianca to divert attention from Randy to Marcus, unless she is a member of the town.

As for me, I have been the chief's primary correspondent. We made an agreement that if he was to be gunned down, I would gather all his findings and resume the conviction. I may not be as eloquent as you or him, but I'll drive my points through. :sadnew:

And by process of elimination I turn to you Evan. Lily and Candaces' death is a blessing in disguise because it took the guesswork out of figuring out your affiliation.

I didn't see that the voting period has started so I'll

Vote: Evan Elephant (MacK)


I fully agree with my lovely wedded wife and I will cast my vote this time. I lost my fishing rod pencil to cast with.

Now where did I left my maracas pencil? It must be in my black kooking pot drawers... Let me see, ah there it is. My bold/thick black marker to Vote: Evan Elephant (MacK).


But that's just it. There's consistency to his odd behavior there is method to his madness. I'd like to think that he's just a confused townie, but that would be assuming the obvious path in a game of deception.

Really is this situation that hard to understand? You talk to others, and then you decide who to lynch. You don't go off telling people that you've been tied up in the back room, then go off to argue with God, all the while not contributing anything to the town's hunt for the mafia. There has to be something more to his actions than meets the eye.

I've already defended my voting habits yesterday, but I will reiterate them. I voted for Randy after seeing that he failed to show up to contribute to the town for two days in a row. As I've said before, a townie who doesn't show up is a useless townie, therefore there's little risk in associated in voting him off. Besides was there anyone else you had in mind for a day two conviction?

As for my vote towards Chief Brody I only decided to vote for him after he came to me asking for help in convicting Betsy Bunny. Whom was one of the most important members of our town. I also made it clear that I didn't want anyone to vote for him simply on my behalf.

I'd like to know what Hunter had been doing during this time when Brody and betsy where fighting it out. It appeared to me that he was sitting aside contently before deciding to vote for himself in order to draw some of the heat away from his fellow associate Gertrude Goat perhaps causing no conviction. I did raise these points in my private conversations with Chief Brody, but that apparently labels me as scummy :hmpf:

I can't for the life of me figure out why you deem someone who sits around doing nothing productive for the town to be innocent, whereas you condemn someone who actually made an attempt to help the town. This is our final stand against the mafia menance, yet you waste it defending a mad man?

Vote: Hunter Horse (Ro87n)


I can't for the life of me figure out why you deem someone who sits around doing nothing productive for the town to be innocent, whereas you condemn someone who actually made an attempt to help the town. This is our final stand against the mafia menance, yet you waste it defending a mad man?

Perhaps I am insane too, but this madman has indirectly proven to me his allegiance.

I want to mention that Ro87n action is suicidal in the sense that when he voted for himself it would have backfired. Had everyone reversed their votes and placed it on him, he would have been convicted. From a mafia standpoint, voting for yourself is seen as a last resort. There was no reason to vote for himself in that situation given that Gertrude was going to be convicted. Furthermore, the mafia doesn't benefit from loosing Ro87n instead of Gertrude. They lose a mafia member either way. So his defense, Ro87n is innocent, but just a :wacko: town member.


But that's just it. There's consistency to his odd behavior there is method to his madness. I'd like to think that he's just a confused townie, but that would be assuming the obvious path in a game of deception.

Really is this situation that hard to understand? You talk to others, and then you decide who to lynch. You don't go off telling people that you've been tied up in the back room, then go off to argue with God, all the while not contributing anything to the town's hunt for the mafia. There has to be something more to his actions than meets the eye.

I've already defended my voting habits yesterday, but I will reiterate them. I voted for Randy after seeing that he failed to show up to contribute to the town for two days in a row. As I've said before, a townie who doesn't show up is a useless townie, therefore there's little risk in associated in voting him off. Besides was there anyone else you had in mind for a day two conviction?

As for my vote towards Chief Brody I only decided to vote for him after he came to me asking for help in convicting Betsy Bunny. Whom was one of the most important members of our town. I also made it clear that I didn't want anyone to vote for him simply on my behalf.

I'd like to know what Hunter had been doing during this time when Brody and betsy where fighting it out. It appeared to me that he was sitting aside contently before deciding to vote for himself in order to draw some of the heat away from his fellow associate Gertrude Goat perhaps causing no conviction. I did raise these points in my private conversations with Chief Brody, but that apparently labels me as scummy :hmpf:

I can't for the life of me figure out why you deem someone who sits around doing nothing productive for the town to be innocent, whereas you condemn someone who actually made an attempt to help the town. This is our final stand against the mafia menance, yet you waste it defending a mad man?

Vote: Hunter Horse (Ro87n)

I was 'tangled' when I triped over some robes I forgot the put away. And by 2nd accident I pulled the cord for the light switch, just to keep me from falling, but it had no use beside turing off the light. I'm rather clumsy than a mafia goon or what ever is is suppose to be called. And you just vote for me because a mafia wont ever vote for himself unless it's a townie saving others (sacrifice). And you are out of options it's either me or Piper and you wont just vote for your own wife.


I was 'tangled' when I triped over some robes I forgot the put away. And by 2nd accident I pulled the cord for the light switch, just to keep me from falling, but it had no use beside turing off the light. I'm rather clumsy than a mafia goon or what ever is is suppose to be called. And you just vote for me because a mafia wont ever vote for himself unless it's a townie saving others (sacrifice). And you are out of options it's either me or Piper and you wont just vote for your own wife.

Yet my points against you still stand, you've yet to actually do anything worth while for the town, and now you're voting for me for no reason. It looks really scummy to me that you'd just go and vote for me without first laying some reasons down, it certainly looks like you're trying to get a bandwagon rolling against me so that you can knock me out then finish off the other townies.

What do you have against my wife? Are you still upset that she got Marcus voted off?


What do you have against my wife? Are you still upset that she got Marcus voted off?

I find this comment to be inaccurate.

If the voting pattern is indicative of anything...

Marcus Mouse (Bricks2000): 9 votes (Fuzzylegobricks, R087n, Dannylonglegs, MetroiD, Alex the Great, Masked Builder, Donut, MacK, Alopex)

Hunter Horse was the second person to cast a vote, suggesting that he was on board with the conviction. If he had a problem with voting for Marcus, he would have either voted late or not voted at all.

Now, I find you to be more suspicious now that you have stopped communicating with me through our cellular device.


I find this comment to be inaccurate.

If the voting pattern is indicative of anything...

Marcus Mouse (Bricks2000): 9 votes (Fuzzylegobricks, R087n, Dannylonglegs, MetroiD, Alex the Great, Masked Builder, Donut, MacK, Alopex)

Hunter Horse was the second person to cast a vote, suggesting that he was on board with the conviction. If he had a problem with voting for Marcus, he would have either voted late or not voted at all.

Now, I find you to be more suspicious now that you have stopped communicating with me through our cellular device.

Actually my point still stands, as Bianca was the first one to cast the vote. I can't recall Marcus' name coming up as a prominent suspect until after Bianca cast her vote, which soon snow balled and got Marcus convicted.

As for Hunter's vote doesn't that stay consistent with his other weird actions? With which you seem to clear Hunter's name with.


As for Hunter's vote doesn't that stay consistent with his other weird actions? With which you seem to clear Hunter's name with.

My entire defense around Hunter revolves around his inconsistency which almost lead to him committing suicide on day 3. Like I said earlier, had the votes been reversed, Gertrude would have lived and Hunter would have been died (by his own hand). There's no logic in what he had done, but it suggests to me that he is not a mafia scum. At that instance, a mafia scum would have either bandwagoned or held off on voting. Bringing attention to himself would be the last thing a mafia scum would want.


Evan, I have been watching this argument between you and Hunter, and I am not worried about Hunter anymore. I have asked

him some questions when we bumped into each other at the coffee shop. Dearest Evan, lately, I have not been seeing your good side and it is really showing me that you may be covering up something from me. What are you hiding? :look:

I have seen your actions previously and noticed that you were among the first to vote for our well trusted chief, why was that? It seemed like you

were onto something that night. I have also talked to Piper poodle about my concerns of the lack of emotion you displayed after the various incidents. You just wanted to talk about how you think

someone is guilty. I know we are meant to find out who is the remaining scum, but you never showed any grief when our friends died last night. When I told you that I was the Police assistant (cop), you never responded back to me. I have heard from Piper that she tested to see if you were going to fall for her being the cop and vote for her based on her false confessions. I have also asked the chief about why you were "out of it", and he replied that you were asking repeatedly about the cop. Why would a townie want to know so much about a cop when they have one already? Until you show you are a rightful townie I have to do this. :cry_sad:

Vote: Evan Elephant (MacK)


Mod note: Why must the votes always come in at my bed time? :hmpf:

vote tally

Evan Elephant (MacK): 3 votes (Donut, Ro87n, Fuzzylegobricks)

Hunter Horse (Ro87n): 1 vote (Mack)

A conviction has been reached. Evan Elephant (MacK) will be interrogated. Day Five has ended. Night had begun. Please get your night actions in ASAP. You have 24 hours to submit your night action. Late night actions will not be counted.

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