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Village of the Bloody Damned

The old town bell rang suddenly as a pair of red armoured guards appeared on a balcony high above the courtyard.


The crowded courtyard came to a dead stop, everyone staring, waiting ...


A darkly dressed figure appeared.


The dashingly handsome yet eerily scary figure stood at the rail. The crowd gasped. It was Count Von Shadows, the

founder and overseer of the town. His appearances were rare, and always terrifying, even by local standards.

He spoke.

Hey everyone.

The crowd shuddered.

Seriously people, get a grip. :hmpf:

The crowd looked around, not quite sure what they were supposed to grip.

So... I'm sure that those of you who have two brain cells to rub together are wondering just why I am appearing before you. Those of you with more than two can probably guess. The rest, well... wipe that drool off your collective chin.

As you may or may not know, our former head of local entertainment invited a popular band here for your amusement. He was led to believe that "The Screaming Zombies" as they misleadingly call themselves, were, in fact, Zombies. They aren't. I'm sure you can imagine my disappointment in his lack of adequate research. But he did put up a decent struggle in the pit fight with my pet mutant iguana. You win some, you lose some. In his case, he won't be winning anymore.

Whatever the case, the band has arrived, and apparently someone has convinced them that we intend to harm them. Naturally, this couldn't be further from the truth. Still, they have reacted harshly, killing 5 members of our town and taking their places. Yes, that's right, as you look around you, 5 of your fiends and neighbours are *shudder* rock and roll musicians. Scary, isn't it?

As a result, I call upon you, the villagers of our lovely town, to find and deal with them as the criminals they now are. To do this, I will empower you with actions that you may take in an attempt to identify and stop these horrible monsters.


Touchy, touchy. :hmpf:

You will each be receiving a phantasmic message from me shortly, detailing your allowed actions. Take time to discuss matters here, then feel free to send me your chosen actions at any time during this day or night, which will last 20 real time hours. At that point, I will take 4 hours to review those actions and then report to you before the beginning of the next day. This pattern will continue until this plague has been wiped out!

You have all heard from me by now. You may begin your dissections discussions right here in this topic.

Do well and you will be rewarded. Do poorly and you'll be iguana chow.


Each day will last 24 real hours. For 20 hours, you may discuss things in the daily discussion topic and send in your night actions. At the end of that time, I'll calculate just what you've done and post the results in time for the start of the next day. This will be occurring in real time and failing to use your actions might be very bad for your health.

The players (In order of sign-up):

Rick ~ Ricky Brickardo ~ Chief of the Fire Brigade and fan of pitchforks and hot nights.

Professor Flitwick ~ The Witch Professor ~ Medical failure who stopped to think of the children.

ADHO15 ~ Ada Holland ~ Village apothecary and midwife. Puts the lotion on your skin.

Burman ~ Bur Manny ~ Hits all kinds of bottles. Sort of looks like it, too.

Admiral Ron ~ Father Ronald ~ Banished by his former church for odd things done in the night.

Sandy ~ Cassandra ~ Big fan of hedgehog haggis.

Walter Kovacs ~ The Master ~ Has a big MANOS crush.

brickme ~ John MacTavish ~ Feared, diabolic, pasty white Scottish alien.

Quarryman ~ Quinn Dexter ~ Has a damn fine wiener to offer.

def ~ Tommy Da Feckin Idiot ~ Resident idiot and ruiner.

CorneliusMurdock ~ Folio Dewey ~ Recently booked librarian.

The crazy one ~ John Hex ~ Cop, body collector, pet lover.

fred67 ~ Eyegore ~ Fills 'em up and empties 'em out.

wmanidi ~ Tim Burnest ~ Retired doctor who eats cake in the back of a bookstore.

JimButcher ~ Jigsaw ~ Clockwork killer and cycling enthusiast.

cralegoboy ~ Amy Leeds ~ Always willing to share her ice pick with those in need.

Rufus ~ Ruth Fussington ~ A quaint little lady with five, six, and seven o'clock shadow.

badboytje88 ~ Kathy McKrezea ~ Crazy cat lady and accomplished road kill conniseur.

Captain Becker ~ Charles Becker ~ Professor with a knack for experimental failures.

KingoftheZempk ~ Kevin Ozempk ~ Famous not-necessarily-a-cannibal Actor.

Capt.JohnPaul ~ Alexander ~ One creature SWAT team.

CallMePie ~ Dexter ~ Deranged mime and post overquoter. At least that's what's carved in the ground.

Emperor Claudius Rome ~ Lt Col Claude Von Rome ~ Likes 'em hairy. And drunk.

Dragonator ~ Dragina Fellatio Whippy ~ Local escort and binding expert with unique talents.

Fugazi ~ Michael Jackson ~ The King of Zombie Pop.

Dannylonglegs ~ Lord Vampire Compte Byron ~ Overstuffed band hunter.

Lord Arjay ~ Dr. Begaterd ~ Plays with robot dolls and frequently goes out on a limb.

Zepher ~ Morris ~ Mostly a failure at evil, he works long nights (they seem to take forever) and has some screws loose.

Oops, I didnt see to wait before we posted, sorry sir, wont happen again :blush:

Edited by Admiral Ron


Good morning everyone. My name is Ricky Brickardo and I'm the Chief of your local Fire Department. I'm going to devote the next few days to getting rid of the unexpected 'pleasure' that invaded our town recently. Now, let's get to work and make sure we make these 'Screaming Zombies' live up to their name when they're executed. Now go gather some dry wood, we got some zombie burning to do.

Woop woop woop! :thumbup:

Yeah, we'll burn the intruders alive while hanging them from a tree falling in a dirty pit of rusty blades teeming with poisonous snakes. :angry:

But in the meantime, let me sing a song for the children of the Earth.

:sing: So this one’s for all the lost children...

We will get rid of these 'Iron Musicians' or is it 'Heavy Steel Musicians'? Whatever it is we will get rid if them. The Zombies will scream once again at their deaths!!

Good morning, * cough * as I first point, I would like the bodies of the dead...most appreciated. *loud violent cough*

Secondly, let's kill the intruders!


Mmmm, I love a good whipping in the morning. :sweet: Don't you worry mayor, we'll massacre the population until we massacre all these impostors. And then we'll probably massacre a bit more just for the hell of it. Do not fear, the situation will not intrude on our nightly shenanigans. :wink:

ooh, some performers... too bad they don't like us. They could be the orchestra for my next play!

Curse these musicians, taking me away from my beloved books. If I find them, I'll show them what happens to those who disturb my peace or don't return books. I'll fine them an arm and a leg... or a head. Shhhhh!

Lets us kill the Screaming Zombies! Shame their not zombies, I find their kind so very intuitive.

Good morning, * cough * as I first point, I would like the bodies of the dead...most appreciated. *loud violent cough*

Secondly, let's kill the intruders!

Hey, if anyone should get the bodies it's me! I need then to create the most powerful potion in the world! And to make soup too.

Wait, the Screaming Zombies aren't zombies? And I was so looking forward to their dulcet, moaning chants.

At any rate, this works out better. Their sacrifice should be pleasing to MANOS. Torgo, go find me a screaming zombie to scarifice.


Oh no! I will protect you citizens! *Takes out tazer and shoots pig* Woops, that's not a rocker.

Me be but stupid only thinking be tough. Me am loyals to this here town so me does be doing investigating tonight. Much how we's is loving to kill, killing outers be the way, no? Tonight, me be detectivising, and so's be you who be with us, the town here, you know? :angry::sceptic::classic:

Lt. Col. Claude Von Rome, reporting for de-teenagerifaction of ze town! Ze's punk-rocking not-zombies are going to be dealt with worse zen ze hellhound I killed on vacation last winter! To bad zey weren't zombies, I can kill a zombie at least 78 different vays. Oh, and Dragina, I'll be seeing you tonight. :devil:

Edited by Emperor Claudius Rome

Hey, if anyone should get the bodies it's me! I need then to create the most powerful potion in the world! And to make soup too.

Half them down the middle? * cough *

Half them down the middle? * cough *

Do you mean <ahem> Do you mean lengthways or widthways? I'll help chop them up!

And I'll help spice 'em. I took lessons at ze Hannibal Lecter school of culinary arts. :wink:

Edited by Emperor Claudius Rome

If you guys chop and spice `em, i can eat `em then.. im pretty hungry..,.

Captain Becker/Charles Becker

Do you mean <ahem> Do you mean lengthways or widthways? I'll help chop them up!

And I'll help spice 'em. I took lessons at the Hannibal Lecter school of culinary arts. :wink:

* cough cough cough* length *cough cough* ways, * eh hem * please. *cough* God damn it, Ermentrude get me some feckin water! * cough * Ermentrude! Urgh, lazy b...*cough*

So, there are some filthy breathers in our village, eh? We must take 'em down before kill any more of our kin - or worse yet, bring in some 'edge'ogs! Dressed as our fam'ly and neighbours, eh...?

*looks at her pumpkin of a cousin*

Wilbur! I can't believe it of ye! Me own cousin replaced by a breather! No way, not on my watch!

*throws the pumpkin to the ground, squashing it*

Oh Wilbur, it was ye after all... :cry_sad:

So, there are some filthy breathers in our village, eh? We must take 'em down before kill any more of our kin - or worse yet, bring in some 'edge'ogs! Dressed as our fam'ly and neighbours, eh...?

*looks at her pumpkin of a cousin*

Wilbur! I can't believe it of ye! Me own cousin replaced by a breather! No way, not on my watch!

*throws the pumpkin to the ground, squashing it*

Oh Wilbur, it was ye after all... :cry_sad:

It's okay, your real brother is now in the great pumpkin patch in the sky.

Ahh, the professor's famous intruder soup. My mouth waters at teh thought of tasting it again.

When was the last time we had a batch? Was it the summer of '03?

Remember the stew the professor made with the Johnson family, when they got lost on vacation and came here? The flesh of the children was so tender!

ALl this talk of food is making me hungry. Someone find a Screaming Zombie so we can eat.

I'm thinking about eating zeir livers in a nice Cajun spread vith a side of parsley. *licks lips* Vhat? Just because I'm normal doesn't mean I don't eat people.

Edited by Emperor Claudius Rome

What?! Punk Rockers? Hmph. My ice pick's gotten a little rusty over the years, but it'll still work :devil: .

Rocker soup? Yum. I could go for some of that. I remember the Johnson Family. Nice people... BLEH! They made better soup.

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