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Artisan community, home of the famed Atelier Ruadh, with an exceptional artisan marketplace and beautiful Contemplative Gardens. A sort of resort for those looking to spend a bit of gold in a more bohemian, laissez-faire location.



Ruadh is located west of Petraea on the Oil Road, just past the Crossroad Tower of Petraea. (map by NiceMarmot)






Some years ago, Siedna Ruadh, Historica's most acclaimed portraitist, decided to retire from active commissions and start an artist's commune with her husband, Mateus. After some discussion, they decided to settle outside of Petraea.

In addition to the glorious warm weather, Siedna and Mateus were attracted to the more permissive government and society of Kaliphlin, and the proximity to higher education in Petraea. By staying near to the capital city, they could avoid the problems with raiders and bandits found further out in the wilderness. In short, it seemed an ideal location for the founding of an Atelier.

The settlement of Ruadh was founded with three specific goals in mind:

  • provide a home community for the traveling artists throughout the kingdom, where they could rest, relax, and engage with like-minded folk, in between working for patrons throughout the lands.
  • establish a formal workshop, in which fledgling artists could hone their craft, and trade secrets could be passed on to future generations.
  • offer a centralized location for travelers with distinguished tastes to buy a variety of the finest artisan goods available.


Mateus and Siedna's first small homestead. It now serves as one of the Visiting Artist's Quarters.

Over time, Ruadh has become renowned for its spirited community and exceptional artisan marketplace. The reputation and quality of the fine arts education at Atelier Ruadh ensures that graduating journeymen are sought after, even in the farthest reaches of our explored world. Despite the Kaliphlin heat, Ruadh has even built a bit of a reputation as a resort town for wealthy Historicans.

Etymology and Usage

Ruadh means Red in Gaelic. The family was named for their characteristic red hair.

The settlement is Ruadh, named after its founders.

"I picked up the most lovely illuminated manuscript from the market in Ruadh while I was on my way to Petraea."

Ruadh is also a last name, and a matriarchal clan. (Some of the Ruath family are traveling artists, and some live in Ruadh full-time, engaged in other occupations.)

"Hello, my name is Siedna Ruadh."

People are called Ruadhi. This refers both to residents, and to graduates of the Atelier.

"Can you believe that table of Ruadhi in the corner just bought a round of drinks for the whole tavern?"

Both Ruadhi and Ruadhic are acceptable as adjectives.

For the linguists: if the modified noun begins with a consonant, use Ruadhi. If the modified noun begins with a vowel, use Ruadhic.

"I hired the kid across town to paint a portrait of my sheep, but it turned out to be a mistake -- his work isn’t nearly as good as the Ruadhi paintings I’ve seen."

"No one expected the Ruadhic artist to be so impressive in the brawl last night!"

Geography and Environment

Topography and Climate

Ruadh is a dry, dusty place, dotted with small springs. There is little natural vegetation, aside from scraggly weeds and shrubs. A few trees are scattered across the desert, including palms, juniper, and Joshua trees. On the north side of town, there are lots of rocky outcrops, which provide stone for construction.

It rarely rains in Ruadh, and the seasons are most often described as “hot” and “less hot”.

City Planning and Architecture

Ruadh is a somewhat planned settlement, with a semi-structured town center, and room to expand outward as the population needs. There is a two-story limit on residential buildings, and a three-story limit on public buildings. This is to preserve the view of the desert landscape. Watchtowers are exempt from this rule.

Most of the buildings are from native stone, though some builders prefer to whitewash or paint their structures. There is no distinct architectural style, as our residents come from across Historica and bring their own visions of Kaliphlinite architecture. They often incorporate details and materials from their homelands into their builds.

Within the settlement, there are lots of fountains and raised flower beds.



The arid climate and sandy soils are not particularly fertile. However, there are a few crop fields to the west of the settlement.




Here, the famed Belville mastiffs are bred and trained to serve as companions and protectors to Ruadhic artists.

Commerce and Hospitality

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  • Al's Ales (by MiloNelsiano), a tavern catering mostly to men
  • Blue Dolphin Inn, offering a variety of lodging, refreshments, bathing rooms, and companionship
  • Floka's Fine Fabrics (by mccoyed), offering lush Mitgardian textiles and warm cloaks
  • Daeran's Githril Shop (by Lord Vladivus) -- finely crafted trinkets, weapons, and armor, made of enchanted Githril

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  • A Mitgardian Pottery in Ruadh (by kabel)
  • Petraea General Trading Company Gallery (by robuko) -- If you want to let your rich friends know your exquisite sensibilities, come to Mme. Franck, curator of the PGTC Gallery. She has just the thing to highlight your witty, charming, elegant personality. And it's expensive enough to show you care.
  • Mme. Celeste’s – tarot readings
  • (Not pictured) A MAESTRO Shop in Ruadh (by Maxim I) – offering heraldry painting by Miss Cleo, and In the shop itself, a Maestro trader sells various items being made in Stedor like golden cups, golden weapons, golden windows, cloths, hats, swords, etc.




Arts and Culture

Atelier Ruadh


Siedna and her Belville mastiff, Calder, during construction of the Atelier

A fine arts workshop. Aspiring artists come from all over the kingdom to train at Atelier Ruadh, and after training, they leave to seek their fortune.

Traditionally, artists of this time period often lead a somewhat nomadic existence: They'll be hired by a wealthy family to create one or more pieces of art. When the commission(s) are complete, the artist will leave to seek a new patron. One might work for a family (or city, religious leader, or anyone else looking to hire them) for as little as one month, or be kept on retainer for several years. Many Ruadhic artists will return to Ruadh between patrons, to catch up on kingdom-wide gossip, share and learn new techniques, and stock up on materials, as well spend a bit of time teaching at the Atelier.

All our artists wear the red Atelier apron and dark blue trousers or skirts. Traveling artists and Atelier instructors wear tan or dark tan shirts, and are often accompanied by their Belleville mastiff. Students wear tan or dark tan robe-style (Jedi-style) tunics. Here is a printable image of the apron:





The Contemplative Gardens

A collection of gardens and religious structures located in the southeast corner of Ruadh. Popular with locals, students, and tourists alike as a quiet, calm location, perfect for meditation and inspiration.

Ruadh has no official religion. Any faith is welcome to establish a chapel, monastery, temple, shrine, hermitage, etc., in the Contemplative Gardens, so long as they practice religious tolerance and do not proselytize.

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The Ruadh Forum (by mccoyed)


One of the common spaces in Ruadh, this Amphitheater (also known as the Ruadh Forum) hosts scholars, orators, philosophers, and teachers from all around Historica. Many come to hear the debate and learn, others to have a bit of wine and victuals in attractive company.





Ruadh is a peaceful/lazy settlement, generally more interested in drinking ale and making art than war. However, all students and residents are trained in hand-to-hand combat and self-defense, and are known for holding their own in the occasional tavern brawl.

The Ruadhi Brute Squad takes care of our defensive and police needs. Most of the Brute Squad are Tauri from the nearby Alikos tribe. They are noted for their sense of humor -- rumor has it they took their name from the ancient epic of the Princess Bride.

Occasionally, some members of the Brute Squad will join in Historica’s conflicts as mercenaries.

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Left: a few members of the Brute Squad. Right: the bell tower, a part of the Brute Squad complex (by mccoyed)


Ruadh is governed by a city council, consisting of the two founders, two Tauri elders of the Alikos tribe, a Brute Squad representative, an Atelier representative, and a merchant representative.


Ruadhi city council members, left to right: Captain Corydon, Brute Squad representative; Matteus Ruadh, founder; Siedna Ruadh, founder; Seamus Gallach, Atelier representative; Euphemios, Alikos Elder; Themis, Alikos Elder; Kristin Eriksdottir, merchant representative.


With the exception of supporting staff (innkeepers, shopkeepers, a core of art masters, etc), most of the population of Ruadh is somewhat transient. Students will stay here a few years and then move on. Some visiting artists might only stay a week or two, while others might stay on and teach for years. Some tourists stop by for an afternoon, while others decide to build vacation homes and spend several months of the year here.


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  • Siedna Ruadh, acclaimed artist and founder of both the settlement of Ruadh, and Atelier Ruadh, Historica's most reputable artists' workshop. Married to Mateus Ruadh. (Appears here.)
    Hair: 59363 in Dark Orange
    Head: This head or similar
    Torso: Painter's Smock, from CMF Artist
    Skirt: red 1x2 plate, two dark blue jumper plates, dark blue 2x2 slope
  • Mateus Ruadh. Former soldier. Skilled huntsman and carpenter. Married to Siedna Ruadh. (Appears here and here.)




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  • Lady Akantha (appears here, here, and here)
  • Captain Corydon, Brute Squad representative on the City Council
  • Euphemios, Alikos Elder, representative on the City Council
  • Themis, Alikos Elder, representative on the City Council

Other Residents




List of MOCs




Historican Settlement Recognition

REQ - Agriculture - Grains & Produce: Farm: A Kaliphlin Farm?!?

Agriculture - Livestock: Kennel: Ruadhi Husbandry

REQ - Military: Fortification: Wall: Keep, Barracks, Gatehouse, Tower, Castle, Fort

REQ - Hospitality - Lodging: Inn: Dissent at the Blue Dolphin Inn

Hospitality: Food & Beverage: Bakery, Butcher, Winery, Brewery, Tavern

REQ - Laborers: Lumber Mill, Mine, Stone Cutter, Mason

REQ - Craftsmen - General Goods: Cooper, Wainwright, Tannery, Dyer, Glass Blower

Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Blacksmith, Bowyer, Fletcher, Armorer

Craftsmen/Merchant - Clothing: Mitgardian Textiles Shop in Ruadh (thanks mccoyed!)

Craftsmen/Merchant - Specialty: A Mitgardian Pottery in Ruadh (thanks kabel!)

Religious: Shrine: The Shrine of the All-Fathers,Temple: Aslanic Temple in Ruadh (thanks Mike S!)

Medical: Apothecary, Herbalist, Infirmary, Physician

Services: Heraldry: A MAESTRO Shop in Ruadh (thanks Maxim!)

Scholars: Philosopher: The Amphitheater of Ruadh (thanks mccoyed!)

Entertainers: Fortune Teller: Mme. Celeste Delivers Bad News

Administrative (Town or City only): Town Hall, Chancery, Forum, Courthouse

Want to build in Ruadh?

  • Take a look at the map and look for locations not marked “Reserved”
  • Re-read the Geography and Climate section above
  • Consider building size guidelines:
    1. Visiting Artists’ Quarters

      1. Example: 14880303176_075785d617_t.jpg
      2. Building: approximately 10x10 studs, one story high
      3. Base: minimum 16x16

    [*]Cart or Freestanding Stall


    1. Cart or stall must be smaller than 12x14 studs
    2. Must include some groundscaping
    3. Minifig activity around cart is encouraged
    4. Consult with Sarahjoy on your desired location

    • Market
      1. Examples: MAESTRO shop, 15529373682_0675298d3d_t.jpg 15328239300_b813f3d12c_t.jpg
      2. Attached building: approximately 16x16 studs, no more than 3 stories high
      3. North wall builds (see map) should include a city wall on the back side, like the MAESTRO shop
      4. East wall builds (see map) may be open to both the main square and the shops (front and back)
      5. Minifig activity inside, in front of and/or behind the shop is encouraged


      1. Examples: 15113625496_2ac857c803_t.jpg 14995783746_24eea7f5d9_t.jpg 15456294806_ed715b26a2_t.jpg
      2. Freestanding building any size; no more than 3 stories high
      3. Minifig activity inside and/or around the shop is encouraged

      [*]Chapel, monastery, temple, shrine, hermitage, etc

      1. Example: 14855421899_193a359352_t.jpg
      2. Building any size, no more than 3 stories high
      3. Landscaping strongly encouraged

      [*]Sculptures, Gardens, and Fountains

      1. Example: 15261786901_cc65a20fa4_t.jpg
      2. Build any size, manmade structures no more than 3 stories high
      3. Consult with SarahJoy on your desired location

      [*]Luxury homes

      1. Building width or depth at least 25 studs, no more than 2 stories high
      2. Landscaping encouraged
      3. Interiors encouraged

      [*]Want to build something not on this list? Ask me if there are any special building considerations

      [*]Make sure your build and story are related in some way to established Ruadhi culture (Not sure how to incorporate Ruadi flavor into your concept? PM SarahJoy and we'll figure out something that works for both of us.)

      [*]Make sure your Flickr settings "Allow others to share your stuff" so images of your build can be shared here.

      [*]Let SarahJoy know via PM what you would like to build. When when it’s done, give her a heads-up, so this guide can be updated!

      [*]In the event that SarahJoy is not active in GOH (more than three months), two previous Ruadhi builders can approve your build. If that's not possible, you need four GOH builders to approve your build, and if two GOH members say your build isn't Ruadhic enough, you should choose another location for your build.

Edited by SarahJoy
Posted (edited)

This topic is a perpetual WIP, as Ruadh develops and grows. EVERYTHING is up for comments and constructive criticism -- content, sentence structure, layout, whatever. :classic:

Edited by SarahJoy

Looks good! Just wondering on the height rule, does that include spires/roof decorations/gables or just actual accessible floors?

Thanks Carson! Great question! Let's assume there's a bit of leeway, within reason. :classic: And if, say, a building plan was approved prior to the new zoning ordinances, then that building would be grandfathered in. :wink:

I really like this and after having foud my love for the desert too, I feel like doing something in Ruadh as well, if I'm allowed.

Thanks, and Ruadh would be delighted! Let me know what you have in mind. :classic:

This is a great idea! A fantastic way of showing us Ruadh!

Thank you!


Thanks Carson! Great question! Let's assume there's a bit of leeway, within reason. :classic: And if, say, a building plan was approved prior to the new zoning ordinances, then that building would be grandfathered in. :wimk:

There's nothing built yet, I was just wondering for clarity's sake.


There's nothing built yet, I was just wondering for clarity's sake.

It's good that you asked, though; forces me to solidify concepts. :classic: Mike S's build is probably a good example of stretching the rules within reason. (Though, his build predates the height limits, so he'd be exempt anyway.) Technically, the dome on top is higher than three stories, right? But the building wouldn't really tower over anything else. Spires, decorations, domes, etc., could stretch the rules a bit, so long as you're not slapping a 2-story "spire" on top of a 3-story building. :laugh: Let's say it's a "use good judgement" area.


Excellent settlement description! This makes me want to do something similar for Barqa :classic:

Anyway, I'll try to make a building for Ruadh some day, maybe a visiting artist.


Like I said of the preview you showed me: this is awesome and highly organized. Really inspiring too. Begs to be emulated or at least used as a template.


You set the bar high, Sarah! As others have said, this begs to be emulated - And I might consider doing just that for the Trifork!

Great work and cool settlement! :thumbup:

Posted (edited)

Excellent settlement description! This makes me want to do something similar for Barqa :classic:

Anyway, I'll try to make a building for Ruadh some day, maybe a visiting artist.

Thank you! It would be cool to see all the Barqa builds in one place, and you are most welcome in Ruadh. :classic:

You made a great work sarahjoy, very well detailed! :classic:

Thanks! :classic:

Like I said of the preview you showed me: this is awesome and highly organized. Really inspiring too. Begs to be emulated or at least used as a template.

Thank you so much! I'm afraid it's not a very original concept -- I was inspired by the Avalonian Task 3, and used good ole' Wikipedia as a sort of model.

Interesting story and layout, really. I guess the people of Ruadh would be like the Quakers of the early colonization of Pennsylvania?

Well aside from the religious thing. Ruadhi seem more like a pseudo-pacifist, pluralist, creative commune. A bit more hippy than quaker, I'd say. :P

Interesting question, Behemoth! Mccoyed's got the right general idea.

The Quakers were pacifists for religious reasons. Ruadh has no single religion, nor are we anti-violence -- we're trained in hand-to-hand combat, and never back down from a bar fight, for example. Ruadhic artists are tough by necessity -- can't just go traveling through the Badlands and across Historica with only the company of a large dog if you're not tough and capable.

We just don't much care about joining big-picture wars -- as a community, we're neutral, like the Swiss. Most Ruadhi would rather argue about which faction is right over a glass of ale than actually strap on some armor and do something about it.

Hippie is a closer description than Quaker, but we're neither naive nor anti-war, and we hate drum circles. We're probably closer to being annoying Swiss hipsters, if you wanted to generalize, but most Ruadhi would probably protest that label, too! :laugh:

The Brute Squad is another story, and they'll most likely be taking an active role in challenges. But all in good time -- I haven't gotten to those builds yet. :classic:

You set the bar high, Sarah! As others have said, this begs to be emulated - And I might consider doing just that for the Trifork!

Great work and cool settlement! :thumbup:

Thank you for the high praise! :blush: It would be cool to see a guide to the Trifork!

Edited by SarahJoy
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

Updated with the latest Brute Squad and Challenge builds. I'm going to need to expand the map soon!


15961121931_662b7ef9b4_m.jpg by mccoyed

Edited by SarahJoy

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