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Well here goes...

This is just the core part of my yellow flesh wood elf army. I've tried to think about unit roles and racial characteristics when determining army composition. My follow up videos will explain the design process and thinking behind each unit. More to follow (but C&C always welcome at any stage)

Much love


Edited by nine09nueve

That is a serious amount of elves! :wub:

And the horses, lots of riders!

An impressive army with many good choices. I like the head variation in the regiments for example. Also the battle trays seem to work well on that scale.

Looking forward to seeing more!

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March with us Wardancer... bring your Elf-kin into the heart of the greenskin lands and lay waste to both goblin and orc!!

I imagined there might be a wild horse or two in the forests for the Elves to use - but I felt that the majority should be on foor. And trust you to pick up on the head detail... I wanted to try and add a little variation to even the rank and file (not always possible with a limited amount of cheek lined yellow heads but I didn't want just all the same mini x1000!) plus I wanted to include a significant number of She-Elves too... nearly half of all the ranged troops are female (not including the scouts who are skirmishers so are melee fighters too).

The Battle Trays were very much designed in conjunction with army building (and more importantly fighting) in mind... look out BrickLink - I seriously need to buy more black elements - they sure go quick when there's a lot of minis!


P.S: Will try to get the rest of the parts up soon - just have to *cough* adjust some headpieces!

Edited by nine09nueve

Impressive army :classic: Congratulations.

The trays make me ask if you plan to do some wargaming with them :wink: They look very "Warhammer style" :classic:

Wow, that's really an impressive army! :classic:

Great work

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  On 1/26/2015 at 4:31 PM, Balbo said:

Wow, that's really an impressive army! :classic:

Great work

  On 1/26/2015 at 4:12 PM, BrickSev said:

Impressive army :classic: Congratulations.

The trays make me ask if you plan to do some wargaming with them :wink: They look very "Warhammer style" :classic:

Thank you - definitely a labour of love - and fun to do with my son!

And as for the gaming... Absolutely... The trays and the unit types are very much for gaming... I have a *little* bug bear when I see "armies" of 10,000+ minifigs all on huge baseplates - all looking the same and none having weapons. To me that's not an army - its a collection - impressive in its way but not really something you can get down and play with... the idea of this is for it to be used for battles. When we get those dice rolling I'll get some videos posted too!


Looks like you've had fun!

I want the red box! :wink:

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  On 1/26/2015 at 5:59 PM, Captain Braunsfeld said:

I want the red box! :wink:

Dude me too! Although it is very empty at the moment... :sad:

  On 1/26/2015 at 4:52 PM, nine09nueve said:

Thank you - definitely a labour of love - and fun to do with my son!

And as for the gaming... Absolutely... The trays and the unit types are very much for gaming... I have a *little* bug bear when I see "armies" of 10,000+ minifigs all on huge baseplates - all looking the same and none having weapons. To me that's not an army - its a collection - impressive in its way but not really something you can get down and play with... the idea of this is for it to be used for battles. When we get those dice rolling I'll get some videos posted too!


Do you plan to play with your own made rules or actually Warhammer ones ?

Just curious :wink:

I want to use dice rolling to determine the plot of the Brick Comics I make, to make things a little more interesting :classic:

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  On 1/26/2015 at 6:56 PM, BrickSev said:

Do you plan to play with your own made rules or actually Warhammer ones ?

Just curious :wink:

Definitely going for a homebrew on that one... although I can't deny that I've had, shall we say, certain influences in the past!

LEGOHammer <---- you heard it here first! :grin:

Edited by nine09nueve

Awesome! A truly impressive elf army.

  On 1/26/2015 at 7:46 PM, nine09nueve said:

Definitely going for a homebrew on that one... although I can't deny that I've had, shall we say, certain influences in the past!

LEGOHammerâ„¢ <---- you heard it here first! :grin:

Well I'm a Warhammer 40K veteran and with veteran I truly mean it :wink: but recent events made me going away from it. Mostly due "company policies", marketing choices etc.

Given the "company's" (not the CIA lol) attitude I wouldn't be surprised if they complain about LegoHammer too. After all they complain about everything lol but I'm wandering :wink:

If you plan to share your game mechanics or simply game experience with your own made "brick war-game" you'll have my attention for sure :classic:

  • Author


I can't give you any firm dates as to when mechanics/game experience will be available... but I'll keep you informed for sure!

  On 1/26/2015 at 9:56 PM, Zilcho said:

Awesome! A truly impressive elf army.

Thank you - funnily enough its only been a couple of weeks but I've developed some of the core units even more since the vid was taken. Once I post the support / command troops I'll have to finally declare the army "finished" (at least for a while!) otherwise I'll endlessly tinker...

  On 1/27/2015 at 12:18 AM, nine09nueve said:

LEGOHammerâ„¢ FTW!

I can't give you any firm dates as to when mechanics/game experience will be available... but I'll keep you informed for sure!

Indeed :classic:

Do you have already an idea on the "dice system" (d6, d20 etc)? :classic:

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  On 1/27/2015 at 2:39 PM, BrickSev said:

Indeed :classic:

Do you have already an idea on the "dice system" (d6, d20 etc)? :classic:

Well since my son's only 5 I've found that d6 mechanics work best for the time being - he can cope with d6 probabilities (particularly if I've scribbled out some examples in chalk on his blackboard!) but I'm all up for thrashing out some systems with you if you're up for that?

Shall we take this to a PM and then set up a new forum post when we have something concrete to share?

  On 1/27/2015 at 4:10 PM, nine09nueve said:

Well since my son's only 5 I've found that d6 mechanics work best for the time being - he can cope with d6 probabilities (particularly if I've scribbled out some examples in chalk on his blackboard!) but I'm all up for thrashing out some systems with you if you're up for that?

Shall we take this to a PM and then set up a new forum post when we have something concrete to share?

Feel free to PM, I always reply as soon as I have the chance. :classic:

I'm quite busy with projects right now but I can find few moments for some brainstorming :classic:

This reminds me - there really should be a Lego RTS.

  • Author

The only RTS with this army is when my son launches some boulders into them with a lego catapult from the King's Castle 70404 set!

  On 1/27/2015 at 5:55 PM, BrickSev said:

Feel free to PM, I always reply as soon as I have the chance. :classic:

I'm quite busy with projects right now but I can find few moments for some brainstorming :classic:

Sure will do!

Edited by nine09nueve

Now I finally had the time to take a deeper look at the army. Many discuss the failures of the LOTR line, but one advantage is that at armys like this could be built. All the brown makes it look very coherent. My own army is based on the CMF elf, so it is very interesting to see a more "wooden" army with the elves being more leathery than silver. Your riders for example use the wooden spears instead of silver ones and I think this works well. The beserkerlike punk elf group sticks out, but that is what they are supposed to. I am looking forward to seeing the special units and creatures.

  On 1/26/2015 at 4:52 PM, nine09nueve said:

Thank you - definitely a labour of love - and fun to do with my son!

And as for the gaming... Absolutely... The trays and the unit types are very much for gaming... I have a *little* bug bear when I see "armies" of 10,000+ minifigs all on huge baseplates - all looking the same and none having weapons. To me that's not an army - its a collection - impressive in its way but not really something you can get down and play with... the idea of this is for it to be used for battles. When we get those dice rolling I'll get some videos posted too!


I see you already answered the question, but I was going to ask what system you were using.

My brother and I have written a system, but it is based more around units having abilities than mass battles... although we did recently do a mass battle to see how the rules held up, We fight a lot of these battles with Historica as the background. We will probably be releasing the rules to the world in the summer, after about 10 years of making them. I think the d6 system you were talking about is good for young learners, and a good way to get kids into wargames. Good luck!

Nice combos

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  On 2/6/2015 at 4:49 AM, Durins Bane said:

Nice combos

Thanks - it took a whole to design / think them up and then test them on my mood board...

  On 2/4/2015 at 6:02 PM, Wardancer said:

Now I finally had the time to take a deeper look at the army. Many discuss the failures of the LOTR line, but one advantage is that at armys like this could be built. All the brown makes it look very coherent. My own army is based on the CMF elf, so it is very interesting to see a more "wooden" army with the elves being more leathery than silver. Your riders for example use the wooden spears instead of silver ones and I think this works well. The beserkerlike punk elf group sticks out, but that is what they are supposed to. I am looking forward to seeing the special units and creatures.

I missed out on collecting a big mess of CMF elves so I had little choice but to go with less metal and more leather / wood in the design phase... But I'm happy with that as a wood elf theme (although I love the Elves that you've done too!) if I return to Elves I may go for more armour and brighter colours and lean towards a more "high" elf faction...

  On 2/5/2015 at 11:08 PM, SkaForHire said:

I see you already answered the question, but I was going to ask what system you were using.

My brother and I have written a system, but it is based more around units having abilities than mass battles... although we did recently do a mass battle to see how the rules held up, We fight a lot of these battles with Historica as the background. We will probably be releasing the rules to the world in the summer, after about 10 years of making them. I think the d6 system you were talking about is good for young learners, and a good way to get kids into wargames. Good luck!

I will PM you with some thoughts if that is okay?

Much love


Beautiful armies! And very impressive at 220! The first squad (after the Mohawks) are my favorite with the Aztec (I think) heads. Those are perfect! I do like the commanders being unique, but I have skipped that with my Elves although I don't have them in the quantity that you do. 100+ troops are in more need of a visible commander than 20 troops. No capes? Those are adding a lot of cost to my figs, so I understand not using them. This was the only potential omission I saw.

  On 2/4/2015 at 6:02 PM, Wardancer said:

Now I finally had the time to take a deeper look at the army. Many discuss the failures of the LOTR line, but one advantage is that at armys like this could be built. All the brown makes it look very coherent. My own army is based on the CMF elf, so it is very interesting to see a more "wooden" army with the elves being more leathery than silver. Your riders for example use the wooden spears instead of silver ones and I think this works well. The beserkerlike punk elf group sticks out, but that is what they are supposed to. I am looking forward to seeing the special units and creatures.

I think wave 1 LotR sets were excellent, I think wave 2 had logical sets, but they weren't as pleasing as Wave 1. I think Unexpected Gathering and Mirkwood Elf Army are the only good Hobbit sets, the rest are mediocre to bad.

That being said, LotR/Hobbit is THE BEST thing to hit castle LEGO since the line's inception. After you get to a certain collection size, pieces stop mattering ,and figs are the primary reason you buy sets. LotR/Hobbit figures have provided about 20 utilitarian, detailed, factionless torsos, Elven, hobbit, Orc & Dwarven hairpieces, 5 or 6 new beards/facial hair pieces, 3 new helms, 4 new shields, 2 new weapons, 2 new hats, Orcs, Goblins, Eagles and a new Dragon. It has essentially doubled the variety of my troops, and provided Elves, Orcs and Goblins. Best. Theme. Ever.

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  On 2/7/2015 at 3:54 PM, Rogue Angel said:

Beautiful armies! And very impressive at 220! The first squad (after the Mohawks) are my favorite with the Aztec (I think) heads. Those are perfect! I do like the commanders being unique, but I have skipped that with my Elves although I don't have them in the quantity that you do. 100+ troops are in more need of a visible commander than 20 troops. No capes? Those are adding a lot of cost to my figs, so I understand not using them. This was the only potential omission I saw.

Thanks - The aztec heads were inspired by jFox's beautiful scouts... and everything else from you (and Wardancer) as I've said before on another page. Yeah capes would be nice... I had bought some from Cape Madness which are brilliant frankly - will used them again in a heartbeat... except that well if I'm buying them in those quantities it bumps the price up - I need to get in partnership with them... hang on there's a thought!


*rofl* A guy's gotta try!

  On 2/7/2015 at 3:54 PM, Rogue Angel said:

LotR/Hobbit figures have provided about 20 utilitarian, detailed, factionless torsos, Elven, hobbit, Orc & Dwarven hairpieces, 5 or 6 new beards/facial hair pieces, 3 new helms, 4 new shields, 2 new weapons, 2 new hats, Orcs, Goblins, Eagles and a new Dragon. It has essentially doubled the variety of my troops, and provided Elves, Orcs and Goblins. Best. Theme. Ever.

+1 agree 100% lots of options for creative army builders!

The kid is good :)

And you had to spend a fortune to get all this pieces to assemble this army.

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