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Four heroes chosen by the Sisters of Danab to escort them to Salmanda and back were instructed to meet the nuns at the Harbor by the magical ship Flouncy Phoenix. They could hear the gaggle of Sisters prattling and laughing excitedly from a distance.



"Have any of you ever been to Salmanda? The warm ocean breeze is said to do wonders to your skin!"


"Try as you might, Nessa, but you will grow old and wrinkly like the rest of us."


"Watch your words, Zarissa! I am younger than her!"


"But certainly more experienced, if you get what I mean."


"You are downright shameless, Hymnessamine!"


"Ahem! Calm down, sisters. Our champions have arrived."

The white-haired Sister nodded to the heroes.


"Mother's blessings to you, heroes of Heroica. I am Revered Aunt Ovelia, leader of this herd. I wish to thank you gentlemen for taking on this endeavor. I know escorting a bunch of old women..."


"Excuse me?!"


"...My apologies, aging women, is nothing compared to fighting demonic hordes and forgotten gods, but in these troublesome times one cannot be careful enough. Despite the peaceful nature of our order, we have our adversaries. Sisters, please introduce yourselves."


"As Mister Brutenhal here knows well, I am Aunt Hymnessamine, a teacher of religions and music at the Academy of Enlightenment. I shall provide entertainment for you so you won't get bored on the long voyage." She winked at Heckz.


"Entertainment, sure... I am Aunt Zarissa, and if you know the history of your organization, then yes, I am the legendary sage that once graced Heroica Hall with her presence."


"My name is Aunt Theresa, and I am here to ensure you keep your hands off of my colleagues."


"She is one of the Merry Women of Eubric Forest, so you better take her word for it, hehehe."


"And I am Aunt Esther, one of the eldest members of the Eubric Sisterhood. You must excuse if I am not the most sociable person on the trip to Salmanda, but I get queasy on the seas."


"We are waiting for one more member to join the entourage, but in the meanwhile, if you have any questions about our little quest, feel free to ask them now."


eric_5_av_zps64ee0fc1.jpgEric (Khorne)

30 year old norseman Raider

Level 26 2/3 *Natural Respite* *Evasion* *Immune to Fragile, Weakened, Asleep, Water and Earth*

Power: 46 (26+18+2)

Defense: 5

Health: 50/50 (8+7+26+4+5)

Gold: 223

Equipment: Conspirator (WP: 18, causes Blinded; longsword), Pugilist's Gloves (Power +2, protects from Weakened; handwear), Heavy Armor (SP:5, protects from Fragile; bodywear), Boots of Evasion (Wearer takes half damage in front row + Immunity to Water, Earth and Asleep; footwear)


Weapons: Godricsleif (WP: 22; Ice-, Lightning-, Darkness-elemental; greatsword), Drengazuli Grom'az (WP:6; Dual Strike; axe), 6 Silverfish Wings (WP:8, retrievable, throwing dagger), 2 Diseased Silverfish Wings (WP:8, causes cursed-effect, retrievable, throwing weapon)

Spell Items: Garnet (Earth)

Consumables: Potion, 10 Grand Potions, Health Core, 3 Elixirs, 3 Remedies, Neutralizer, 1 Phoenix Essence, 8 Meads, 7 Smelling Salts, 4 Nostrum, 5 Mulled Wine, Ambrosia, Dragon Scale, Venom, Deadly Venom, 2 Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy.), Fire Bomb, Lightning Bomb, Aeolus Bomb, Bone

10632256334_a9ff1c7529_o.jpgJohn 'Heckz' Brutenhal, the Ghostbuster, the Super Sleuth and the School Inspector (Cutcobra)

32 year old male human Sorcerer

Level 25 1/3 *Immune to Sealed* *Jinxed Spells*

Power: 37 (25+12) (Spellpower: 47 (25+12+10))

Defense: 3

Health: 33/33 (5+24+4)

Ether: 36/36 (5+24+1+5+1)

Gold: 730

Equipment: Solemn Scythe (WP: 12, darkness-elemental scythe, 1/2 chance of causing sealed), Magician's Gloves (Spellpower +10; suitable for mages; handwear), Robe Of The Archmagi (SP:3, Max. Ether + 5, immune to sealed; bodywear), Bad Luck Charm (Makes the sorcerer’s spells - including Razzmatazz and Sleight of Hand - cause an additional jinxed-effect, increasing their ether cost by 1; suitable for sorcerers; accessory)[/font][/color]

Inventory: Rawr (WP:9, dagger), Rat Scepter (WP:3, 4x damage to enemies named “rat”; wand), Pitchfork of Abomination (WP:1, pierces all defenses including SP but breaks after one use; suitable to all classes), Bone Whip (WP:9, damages undead, whip), Harlot's Outfit (SP: 2, immune to poisoned; suitable for Witches, Sorcerers and Harlots; bodywear/footwear), Buffoon's Hat (Prevents anyone from taking the wearer seriously; protects from Free Hits unless the wearer is the last hero standing; headwear),Watt's Artifact (Makes the user’s attacks and spells three times more effective against demons; accessory), Opal (Ice), Garnet (Earth), Amethyst (Darkness), Aquamarine (Water), Ether Core, Elixir, Neutralizer, Phoenix Essence, 3x Mead, 3x Smelling Salts, Nostrum, Smoke Bomb, 2x Deadly Venom, 7 Bones, Skeleton Decoy, Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, Magic Compass, Blue Jelly

IMG_1583-1.jpgLord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher)

48 years old human Paladin

Level 33 2/4 *Immune to Darkness, Fire, Fragile, Stunned, Sleep, Weakened, and Blindness*

Power: 55 (33+17+4+1)

Defense: 11 (7+4)

Health: 56/56 (10+32+11+2+1)

Ether: 33/33 (33)

Gold: 1335

Equipment: Scupperer (WP: 17; darkness-, fire- and earth-elemental; inflicts bleeding and poisoned by 10; great sword) Round Metal Shield (SP:7), Tome of Affluence (+10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle; grants immunity to fragile, asleep, weakened, blindness, darkness and fire; accessory), Counterstrike Gloves (If the wearer is damaged by a Free Hit, they counter with strength equal to their level; handwear.), Scarlet Hood (SP:4, grants immunity to stunned)


Weapons: Lullaby Wand (WP:6, inflicts asleep), Silver Sword (WP: 18, Longsword), Frozen Saber (WP: 14; light-, ice- and wind-elemental; inflicts stunned; great sword)

Artifacts: Hood of Belthazar Bluehood (Power +4; Ether -6; headwear), Cloak of Blood Magic (+5 ether, attacks made with darkness magic cause weakened; suitable for mages, necromancers and chi monks; bodywear), Chains of the Pongcanis Chief (Hero Pierces SP if fighting from Front, Enemies ignore SP if hero fights from the back row, cannot be removed in battle), Amulet of Optimism (Adds the confused-effect to all attacks; accessory, suitable to Erdathcath only)

Spell Items: Amethyst (Darkness), Scroll of Recklessness (Encouraged and Fragile; costs 5 Ether; 50/50 chance), Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Fragility, Scroll of Sealing, Emerald Lamp of Summoning (0/3)

Consumables: Potion, Health Core, x2 Remedy, Elixir, Phoenix Essence, x6 Mead, x3 Nostrum, Ambrosia, x2 Smelling Salts, Fire Brandy (Encouraged, Immune to Ice), Fireball Whiskey (Immunity to Fire One Battle OR 20 Fire Damage All Enemies), Hamantasch (Lucky, Blessed), Jinxy Juice, Hair of the Dog, x2 Grating Stone, Oculoid Miasma, Oculoid Fireworks, Saber Teeth, Mythril Shard

Tools: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe

img_6932.pngSgt. Jon McEncy (Pyrovisionary)

54 year old male human Black Knight

Level 23 *Immune to Blinded and Stunned* *Poisonous Defense* *Permanently Hastened*

Power: 48 (23+21+2+2)

Defense: 20 (16+4)

Health: 47/47 (7+22+9+3+3+3)

Gold: 400

Equipment: Demonic Scissors (WP:21, dual strike, Light and Darkness elemental, Hollow [Potion], dagger), Serpenthead Shield (SP:16, causes poisoned by 2-effect to anyone physically attacking the user, shield), Pegleg of Hastening (Permanent Hastened effect to the user; Immune to Blinded, suitable to Sarge only; footwear), Black Knight's Armour (SP:4, protects from stunned-effect; suitable for black knights; bodywear), Swift boots (Changes HIDE into STEAL & HIDE, allowing the wearer to steal gold equal to the target’s level if it carries gold in addition to hiding)


Weapons Wooden Spear (WP:4, wood-elemental spear)

Artifacts Monkey Armor (SP:4, immune to earth and bound; suitable to knights, beast warriors, dragoons, skirmishers and winged warriors; bodywear), Ranger’s Quiver (WP +1 to bows and crossbows, suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators and winged warriors; backwear)

Spell Items: Garnet (Earth)

Consumables: 3 Potions, 2 Grand potions, Health Core, 4 Remedies, 2 Phoenix Essences, 4 Venoms, Deadly Venom, 3 Smoke Bombs, Sleep Bomb, Gold Ring (worth 15 gold; can be given to someone to make them enamored with the giver), 2 Bones, Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy.)

Tools: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, Business Card

Boomingham grins at Esther as he strolls forward on the dock. "Don't handle the sea too well myself." Boomingham bows to the women. "Lord Lawrence Boomingham, King of the Lost Kingdom, King of the Desert, Slayer of the Bluehood, Steerpike the Poisoner and the Eternal Reaper, and a Hero who's actually worth his weight in gold... or something like that... I swear that's the title Patricia gave me." He bows again, unsure if he has already bows and deciding to play it on the safe side. "It will be my honor to accompany you."

  On 3/27/2015 at 4:14 PM, Sandy said:


"As Mister Brutenhal here knows well, I am Aunt Hymnessamine, a teacher of religions and music at the Academy of Enlightenment. I shall provide entertainment for you so you won't get bored on the long voyage." She winked at Heckz.

Heckz winked back and grins.

  On 3/27/2015 at 4:14 PM, Sandy said:


"My name is Aunt Theresa, and I am here to ensure you keep your hands off of my colleagues."

Heckz stops grinning.

  On 3/27/2015 at 4:14 PM, Sandy said:


"She is one of the Merry Women of Eubric Forest, so you better take her word for it, hehehe."

"She doesn't seem so merry..."

Responds Heckz.

  On 3/27/2015 at 4:14 PM, Sandy said:


"And I am Aunt Esther, one of the eldest members of the Eubric Sisterhood. You must excuse if I am not the most sociable person on the trip to Salmanda, but I get queasy on the seas."

Heckz backs away from Aunt Esther at the mention of queasiness.

"You are completely excused as long as that queasiness doesn't come out of you and magically stains my shoe."

  On 3/27/2015 at 4:14 PM, Sandy said:


"We are waiting for one more member to join the entourage, but in the meanwhile, if you have any questions about our little quest, feel free to ask them now."

"Greetings. I am Heckz Brutenhal, Ghostbuster, Super Sleuth and School Inspector and-"

  On 3/27/2015 at 4:39 PM, Zepher said:

Boomingham grins at Esther as he strolls forward on the dock. "Don't handle the sea too well myself." Boomingham bows to the women. "Lord Lawrence Boomingham, King of the Lost Kingdom, King of the Desert, Slayer of the Bluehood, Steerpike the Poisoner and the Eternal Reaper, and a Hero who's actually worth his weight in gold... or something like that... I swear that's the title Patricia gave me." He bows again, unsure if he has already bows and deciding to play it on the safe side. "It will be my honor to accompany you."

Heckz notices the old man from before saying all types of titles. The sorcerer's look turns angry.

"-and I can make up titles too. I am Heckz Brutenhal, Ghostbuster, Buster of Ghosts, Super Sleuth, A Sleuth that is Super, School Inspector and Inspector of Schools. I am at your service, Aunt Oboolia, as long as I get this 'Danab's Banana' at the end. And I do have some questions. First, who are we waiting for because she, or maybe he, is making me quite the inpatient. Secondly, Aunt Zarassa mentions that she is a sage but I know that Hymnessaboo is a Ministrel. Do all of you have different abilities? And lastly, does the warm ocean breeze really do wonders for my skin?"

"Show some respect, boy-o." Boomingham jabs his pudgy fore-finger into Heckz's chest. "If the ladies say we're waiting, we're waiting. Don't think I forgot how you treated our lovely old ugly green-skin back in the Hall. And those titles aren't made up. Accomplish enough and maybe you'll earn some as well. 'School-slueth.' Pft."

  On 3/27/2015 at 5:04 PM, Zepher said:

"Show some respect, boy-o." Boomingham jabs his pudgy fore-finger into Heckz's chest. "If the ladies say we're waiting, we're waiting. Don't think I forgot how you treated our lovely old ugly green-skin back in the Hall. And those titles aren't made up. Accomplish enough and maybe you'll earn some as well. 'School-slueth.' Pft."

Heckz too jabs a finger into Boomingham's chest, but instead regrets it and feels like his finger is dirty now.

"Say, old-o, how exactly did I monstrously abuse whatever she's called, hmm? You know, since you are a witness of the criminal act I did on criticizing the horrendous woman's clothes."

"And if you think my titles aren't made up then you can just ask Auntie here... well, Auntie Hymnessamine."

He then turns to Aunt Hymnessamine.

"Aren't I the genius mastermind who single-handedly lead us into victory against those massive amounts of demons?"

He then turns to Boomingham.

"I had high hopes for you due to the fact that I like your name but apparently all those hopes have been killed by bad breath and bad titles."

Boomingham chuckles at the puny jabs. "I've dealt with your type before, boy-o, those young heroes who were too big for their breeches. One of them is an a-okay fellow today who could probably slice me up easy enough if he wanted to - don't tell him I said that - and the other is still a chatty thorn in the side of many heroes. We'll see how you shape up." Boomingham looks over his shoulder at the approaching Eric. "Is this the young chappo that you said you knew? Is he always like this, or just trying to put on a show for the ladies?"

Eric strolled casually into the Eubric harbor, his hand resting on the mighty sword Conspiracy. He looked around and took in every scent and sight of the place. The view of majestic cogs and boats and the salty smell of the sea, even the smell of rotting fish. He loved the harbor district, it always brought back memories of his time as a roamer of the great seas.

The Nord saw that half of the party had already arrived and was chatting with the Sisters. He quickly scanned the pious group and was disappointed that they al seemed quite old. Not wanting to give away too much of himself, the Nord decided it was probably best not to stir up things at once and lay low for the time being.

As he approached he nodded a kind greeting towards Boomingham. Towards the sisters he put on a sheepish, cheeky grin and eyed them playfully. He raised an eyebrow and looked at the Sisters one at a time greeting them in a friendly voice.

"Greetings dear Sisters of Danab. I'm Eric. Of the North. I have no fancy titles, I let my actions speak for me."

  On 3/27/2015 at 4:14 PM, Sandy said:


"Mother's blessings to you, heroes of Heroica. I am Revered Aunt Ovelia, leader of this herd. I wish to thank you gentlemen for taking on this endeavor. I know escorting a bunch of old women..."

With an inquisitive, but still quite friendly and above all playful look, the Nord queried: "Forgive me if I am rude, but how old is 'old'? Is your order exclusively for those who are ... experienced in life?

  On 3/27/2015 at 4:14 PM, Sandy said:


"She is one of the Merry Women of Eubric Forest, so you better take her word for it, hehehe."

Eric eyed the Merry Woman, but said nothing of it. She could use some more merriment, though. He grinned softly.

  On 3/27/2015 at 4:14 PM, Sandy said:


"And I am Aunt Esther, one of the eldest members of the Eubric Sisterhood. You must excuse if I am not the most sociable person on the trip to Salmanda, but I get queasy on the seas."

"Queasy on the seas? But, my dear Sister: the seas are freedom! I enjoy little more than spending my time at sea."

  On 3/27/2015 at 4:14 PM, Sandy said:


"We are waiting for one more member to join the entourage, but in the meanwhile, if you have any questions about our little quest, feel free to ask them now."

"Who might that be, if I may ask?"

  On 3/27/2015 at 6:06 PM, Zepher said:

Boomingham looks over his shoulder at the approaching Eric. "Is this the young chappo that you said you knew? Is he always like this, or just trying to put on a show for the ladies?"

Eric nodded in acknowledgement. "Aye, I know the Sorceror. As I said, a bit quirky, but alright overall."

The Nord shrugged and then grinned widely. Softly he spoke to Boomingham, so only he could hear. "Lawrence, my friend. Don't we all put on a show for the ladies? They are one of the joys of life and worth putting up a show for." Eric winked.

OOC: Pyro said I could control Sarge for now, so this is me checking in for Pyro

Lastly, Sarge hobbled up to the party. As soon as he had reached his destination, the old-timer started coughing heavily. Despite that, he stubbornly decided to finish up his cigar before tossing its remnant on the ground. He tried blowing some smoke in the air, but started coughing again before fully having released all of the smoke.

He snorted and simply nodded as greeting, muttering a coarse, barely audible, welcome to all there.

  On 3/27/2015 at 6:06 PM, Zepher said:

Boomingham chuckles at the puny jabs. "I've dealt with your type before, boy-o, those young heroes who were too big for their breeches. One of them is an a-okay fellow today who could probably slice me up easy enough if he wanted to - don't tell him I said that - and the other is still a chatty thorn in the side of many heroes. We'll see how you shape up."

Heckz appreciates the fact that Boomingham called him young but he still doesn't enjoy the man's presence.

"How about I shape up a spell and blast it at your wrinkly face. Then we'll see who's too big for his breeches."

  On 3/27/2015 at 7:18 PM, Khorne said:

Eric nodded in acknowledgement. "Aye, I know the Sorceror. As I said, a bit quirky, but alright overall."

The Nord shrugged and then grinned widely. Softly he spoke to Boomingham, so only he could hear. "Lawrence, my friend. Don't we all put on a show for the ladies? They are one of the joys of life and worth putting up a show for." Eric winked.

"A show? What all these fine ladies are seeing is a hundred percent Heckz Brutenhal. Unless they don't like it, in which case it's a show."

  On 3/27/2015 at 7:18 PM, Khorne acting as Pyrovisionary said:

OOC: Pyro said I could control Sarge for now, so this is me checking in for Pyro

Lastly, Sarge hobbled up to the party. As soon as he had reached his destination, the old-timer started coughing heavily. Despite that, he stubbornly decided to finish up his cigar before tossing its remnant on the ground. He tried blowing some smoke in the air, but started coughing again before fully having released all of the smoke.

He snorted and simply nodded as greeting, muttering a coarse, barely audible, welcome to all there.

Heckz waved at Sarge.

  • Author
  On 3/27/2015 at 4:53 PM, Cutcobra said:

"First, who are we waiting for because she, or maybe he, is making me quite the inpatient. Secondly, Aunt Zarassa mentions that she is a sage but I know that Hymnessaboo is a Ministrel. Do all of you have different abilities? And lastly, does the warm ocean breeze really do wonders for my skin?"


"One of our novices insisted to go with us. It is not surprising she is late, though - she has a habit of fumbling about."


"What comes to our skills, most of our Sisterhood consists of clerics, but some of us have specialized in other areas of expertise. Sister Zarissa is indeed proficient with spellcasting as well as healing, and Sister Hymnessamine prevails with her singing. I have a personal fondness towards poisons in addition to healing, so you might call me a witch of sorts."


"What comes to the effects of the warm ocean breeze, my dear boy, we are about to find out, aren't we?"

  On 3/27/2015 at 5:37 PM, Cutcobra said:

He then turns to Aunt Hymnessamine.

"Aren't I the genius mastermind who single-handedly lead us into victory against those massive amounts of demons?"


"I don't quite remember it going like that..."

  On 3/27/2015 at 7:18 PM, Khorne said:
"Forgive me if I am rude, but how old is 'old'? Is your order exclusively for those who are ... experienced in life?


"Joining the Sisters of Danab requires dedication, concentration and an insurmountable will to help others, for it means spending your days with gushing wounds, crying infants and leaking rectums. We get many blue-eyed girls as novices, but most of them do not stick around long enough to be promoted to full sisterhood. Speaking of novices, I am done waiting. Captain Squidraken, please prepare the ship for departure."

The Krakkan captain waved his tentacles to the party.


"*spud* Welcome aboard the Flouncy Phoenix, ladies and gents! *spit* I see you have some *gulp* familiar faces among you." The captain nodded to Eric and Sarge. "Aye, it is about time *gurgle* *spit* we head off. The trip to Salmanda is *splud* long and troublesome, so the sooner we get there the better. *glup*"

The Sisters boarded the ship via a plank with the help of the ship's only crew member, Jaws.


"Watch yer step, ladies! Never had this many of the wimmenfolk aboard before... Neredice is goin' ta be mighty pissed, that's fer sure. She's a jealous one, she is."

Just as Aunt Ovelia was about to step into the ship, someone shouted from the other end of the pier.



The young novice ran to them carrying heavy bags spilling with trinkets.



"Phew! Just made it! You didn't think you could leave me again, did you Eric-boo?"

  On 3/27/2015 at 9:07 PM, Sandy said:


"I don't quite remember it going like that..."

Normally, Heckz would be furious at someone denying what he says but he made a special exception for Hymnessamine.

"Oh, come now. Don't go Hymnes-sassy with me. How exactly do you remember it, then?"

  On 3/27/2015 at 9:07 PM, Sandy said:


"*spud* Welcome aboard the Flouncy Phoenix, ladies and gents! *spit* I see you have some *gulp* familiar faces among you." The captain nodded to Eric and Sarge. "Aye, it is about time *gurgle* *spit* we head off. The trip to Salmanda is *splud* long and troublesome, so the sooner we get there the better. *glup*"

"Please don't get any of your slime near my cape."

He says with disgust.

  On 3/27/2015 at 9:07 PM, Sandy said:




"Phew! Just made it! You didn't think you could leave me again, did you Eric-boo?"

At first, Heckz liked the sight of the young cleric. That didn't last long, though. His smile turned into a frown as soon as she said 'boo'. Not because he was jealous of Eric but because someone was doing what he already did. No one does what Heckz already does. At least in his mind.

Maybe this one will accidentally fall of the deck.

He then enters the ship.

"So, are we ready to part?"

  On 3/27/2015 at 7:18 PM, Khorne said:

Eric nodded in acknowledgement. "Aye, I know the Sorceror. As I said, a bit quirky, but alright overall."

The Nord shrugged and then grinned widely. Softly he spoke to Boomingham, so only he could hear. "Lawrence, my friend. Don't we all put on a show for the ladies? They are one of the joys of life and worth putting up a show for." Eric winked.

"I'll take your word for it," says Boomingham, grinning wolfishly at the young sorcerer.

"Ah, of course we all put on a show for the ladies. Why else are we on this quest?" chuckle Boomingham. "I just don't like young chaps who are cheeky enough to make me look bad." Boomingham smiles at the newest addition to the group. "You know her?" he says to Eric before bowing to the novice. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss. I'm Lord Boomingham, King of the Desert, Slayer... ah, the rest of the sisters can tell you the rest."

  On 3/27/2015 at 8:58 PM, Cutcobra said:

Heckz appreciates the fact that Boomingham called him young but he still doesn't enjoy the man's presence.

"How about I shape up a spell and blast it at your wrinkly face. Then we'll see who's too big for his breeches."

"We'll see if you can manage it."

  On 3/27/2015 at 11:43 PM, Zepher said:

"I'll take your word for it," says Boomingham, grinning wolfishly at the young sorcerer.

Heckz sees the paladin grin at him.

"Sorry, I don't swing that way."

Boomingham laughs at the young man.

When he heard the familiar voice Eric's eyes widened and for a split-second the Nord lost his cool and arrogant stature as his face went pale. He did his utmost best to hide this from the party and very quickly regained his usual aloof posture. Calmly, he greeted the young novice, after a slight cough.

"Ahum. Periwinkle, my dear. How are you doing? Seeing you here, it's...such a sight to behold... A true feast for my eyes", Eric slyly said.

  On 3/27/2015 at 11:43 PM, Zepher said:

"Ah, of course we all put on a show for the ladies. Why else are we on this quest?" chuckle Boomingham. "I just don't like young chaps who are cheeky enough to make me look bad." Boomingham smiles at the newest addition to the group. "You know her?" he says to Eric before bowing to the novice.

Eric moved somewhat closer to Boomingham and answered the old king's question in a hushed voice once more. "Remember in the Hall when I said I met someone in Babeleth? Boomingham, meet Periwinkle..."

  • Author
  On 3/27/2015 at 9:42 PM, Cutcobra said:

Normally, Heckz would be furious at someone denying what he says but he made a special exception for Hymnessamine.

"Oh, come now. Don't go Hymnes-sassy with me. How exactly do you remember it, then?"


"Oh please, Heckzie. You weren't the only capable person stuck in the Void, although I admit your contributions were... dramatic, to say the least."

  On 3/28/2015 at 7:09 PM, Khorne said:

"Ahum. Periwinkle, my dear. How are you doing? Seeing you here, it's...such a sight to behold... A true feast for my eyes", Eric slyly said.

Periwinkle poked Eric to the chest with a cheeky smile on her face.


"Don't you even try! I haven't heard a peep from you in months! You left me stranded in a big city to make-do however I could on my own. I almost had to resort to my old profession again, but then these wonderful women took me under their wings. I think I have found myself a new calling!"


"You should have found your calling a bit earlier, novice. We should already be on our way. Now get on board, everyone."


"I'm so sorry, Revered Aunt! I just couldn't get all my make-up fit in one bag..."


"There's a modest and chaste cleric for you..." Aunt Zarissa quipped from the deck.

The enchanted ship left Eubric Freeport behind quickly, and the sparkling Crystalline Sea soon opened in front of the party.


The heroes soon found out the six Sisters to be a lively bunch, not at all frigid like stereotypical nuns - even Aunt Theresa opened up to them as the journey progressed.


"Can anyone of you gentlemen hold your booze better than that lousy excuse for a fish?" Theresa asked, pointing to the ill-looking Jaws who was slowly scrubbing the deck. "I drank him under the table last night, but I have several bottles of wine left."


"Or you could play a round of Decamon with me. I can even borrow you some of my cards, just as long as the bets are good."


"By Mother, are drinking and gambling the only ways you know how to spend time? What's next, selling your bodies for these men's pleasure?" Aunt Ovelia gave a meaningful look at Periwinkle.


"Cross my heart and swear to die, that's all in my past now."

The heroes now had a chance to get to know their protégés better. Who would they approach?


After hearing about Periwinkle's previous profession, Heckz approaches the novice even though he doesn't want to. He produces a fake smile.

"Hello, poo, I mean, boo. Is there by any chance that you are carrying a pink book with you? It was related to your previous profession, and if you don't need it anymore maybe you could give it to me? I'll even be willing to buy it off you."

Sarge resists the urge to light a cigar, remembering what happened to the last ship where he had dropped a lit butt idly. He had been a terrible sailor... Sarge sits down on the steps of the ship and tries to entertain himself sans nicotine.

  On 3/28/2015 at 10:36 PM, Sandy said:


"Can anyone of you gentlemen hold your booze better than that lousy excuse for a fish?" Theresa asked, pointing to the ill-looking Jaws who was slowly scrubbing the deck. "I drank him under the table last night, but I have several bottles of wine left."

At the mention of alcohol, the old man quickly looks up from his attempt at thumb twiddling and splutters.

Edited by Pyrovisionary

  On 3/28/2015 at 10:36 PM, Sandy said:

Periwinkle poked Eric to the chest with a cheeky smile on her face.


"Don't you even try! I haven't heard a peep from you in months! You left me stranded in a big city to make-do however I could on my own. I almost had to resort to my old profession again, but then these wonderful women took me under their wings. I think I have found myself a new calling!"

The usually slick Nord was largely at a loss of words and uncertain how to handle this current predicament. Nevertheless, he never dropped the friendly, yet somewhat cool and aloof, image he was weaving in front of the Sisters.

"Peri, Peri, my sweet Peri...", Eric scratched his stubbly chin, "You managed fine in the end, didn't you? I did get you out of Babeleth and gave you a new change to start all over." The Nord grew cockier as he continued speaking, rekindling some of his usual arrogance. "One could say if it hadn't been for me, you wouldn't even be on this boat. You'd still be that pale she-male's doormat back in Vega. I gave you freedom."

  On 3/28/2015 at 10:36 PM, Sandy said:


"Can anyone of you gentlemen hold your booze better than that lousy excuse for a fish?" Theresa asked, pointing to the ill-looking Jaws who was slowly scrubbing the deck. "I drank him under the table last night, but I have several bottles of wine left."

Eric chuckled. He turned to the nun, his eyes blazing with intent. "Is that a challenge, I hear, nun?"

  On 3/28/2015 at 10:36 PM, Sandy said:


"By Mother, are drinking and gambling the only ways you know how to spend time? What's next, selling your bodies for these men's pleasure?" Aunt Ovelia gave a meaningful look at Periwinkle.


"Cross my heart and swear to die, that's all in my past now."

A short display of disappointment crossed Eric's face. He put on a mocking pout to show his "hurt", he liked Periwinkle more when she was a Harlot. Then a thought shot through his mind and unconsciously he raised an eyebrow: Did he even like Periwinkle in the first place? She never really did anything more than whine... She was good-looking, though.

  On 3/28/2015 at 10:36 PM, Sandy said:


"Can anyone of you gentlemen hold your booze better than that lousy excuse for a fish?" Theresa asked, pointing to the ill-looking Jaws who was slowly scrubbing the deck. "I drank him under the table last night, but I have several bottles of wine left."

"I think you're talking to the right men." Boomingham grins. "Snuck some wine aboard myself. It's cheap as all Hel in the Hall, and if you're friends with the bar keep or if she's not looking sometimes you can bring along a bottle or two." Boomingham produces two bottles of wine from his bag. "Shall we drink? Eric? Want to join this lovely lady and I?" Boomingham glances over at Sarge. "You hold your liquor well, chap?"

With a glance over his shoulder Boomingham calls out to Zarissa. "Sister! You say you were in Heroica once, right? Come have a drink with us and tell us a tale or two - you must be able to put a few away if you spent any time what-so-ever in that Hall."

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  On 3/29/2015 at 9:59 AM, Cutcobra said:

"Hello, poo, I mean, boo. Is there by any chance that you are carrying a pink book with you? It was related to your previous profession, and if you don't need it anymore maybe you could give it to me? I'll even be willing to buy it off you."


"Tehehe, are you talking about "Fifty Shades of Bley", perhaps? Honey, I learned that book by heart years ago, and haven't needed to carry it since. But why on earth do you want to become a... hustler might be the right word? You know you'll catch all sorts of icky diseases, right?"

Hymnessamine overheard the discussion and laughed heartily.


"Haha, you bet you will! They're nothing we couldn't treat, though. If you can handle the humiliation of stripping down in front of resentful aunties, that is."

  On 3/29/2015 at 1:08 PM, Khorne said:

"Peri, Peri, my sweet Peri...", Eric scratched his stubbly chin, "You managed fine in the end, didn't you? I did get you out of Babeleth and gave you a new change to start all over." The Nord grew cockier as he continued speaking, rekindling some of his usual arrogance. "One could say if it hadn't been for me, you wouldn't even be on this boat. You'd still be that pale she-male's doormat back in Vega. I gave you freedom."


"You led me on, that's what you did!", Periwinkle shouted, but not angrily or bitterly. There was a playful twinkle in the corner of her eye. "Just so you know, I'm not one of your swords you can just toss away after it gets dented. Although I bet you take better care of your swords than your women... But I've known a lot of men, and I know what you are like. Just for once I would like to be pleasantly surprised by a man, but that day will likely never come."

Eric chuckled. He turned to the nun, his eyes blazing with intent. "Is that a challenge, I hear, nun?"
  On 3/29/2015 at 4:47 PM, Zepher said:
"I think you're talking to the right men." Boomingham grins. "Snuck some wine aboard myself. It's cheap as all Hel in the Hall, and if you're friends with the bar keep or if she's not looking sometimes you can bring along a bottle or two." Boomingham produces two bottles of wine from his bag. "Shall we drink? Eric? Want to join this lovely lady and I?" Boomingham glances over at Sarge. "You hold your liquor well, chap?"

Aunt Theresa nudged Boomingham with her elbow.


"Smuggled wine is the best kind."


"Ah, yet another sin to add to the list! Good thing we are not Ennoc's worshippers, or you would have a lot to repent about."


"Don't go all preachy on me, Revered Sister. All of us have our vices. Like you with your..."



With a glance over his shoulder Boomingham calls out to Zarissa. "Sister! You say you were in Heroica once, right? Come have a drink with us and tell us a tale or two - you must be able to put a few away if you spent any time what-so-ever in that Hall."


"Yes, I was, but I do not like to dwell on the past. My departure from your organization did not happen in the happiest of circumstances, after all... But if you are offering, then I might just as well join you. Do you think I could have raised twelve children without taking a relaxing sip every now and then?"

Eric, Boomingham, Theresa and Zarissa moved to the cabin to pass the bottle around.

  On 3/29/2015 at 4:47 PM, Zepher said:

Boomingham produces two bottles of wine from his bag. "Shall we drink? Eric? Want to join this lovely lady and I?" Boomingham glances over at Sarge. "You hold your liquor well, chap?"

The old man shakes his head and waves a hand out, murmuring a denial. "Save it for the celebrations mate, Salamanda don't have much in the way of Breweries." The old man smiles "Didnt know there were any other... Experienced mercs who liked booze like me. That a bottle of Duplovian red?"

  On 3/29/2015 at 7:39 PM, Sandy said:


"Haha, you bet you will! They're nothing we couldn't treat, though. If you can handle the humiliation of stripping down in front of resentful aunties, that is."

As the others move into the cabin, Sarge takes the chance to interrupt Heckzs conversation "Treat any disease?" The old man coughs violently, holding up a hand to show he was ok, after a second of regaining his breath, he continues. " You aint all able to cure some, right?" Sarge goes into a mutter, looking for confirmation "Things like the Grey curse" Sarge spits out the words bitterly

Edited by Pyrovisionary

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  On 3/29/2015 at 7:54 PM, Pyrovisionary said:

As the others move into the cabin, Sarge takes the chance to interrupt Heckzs conversation "Treat any disease?" The old man coughs violently, holding up a hand to show he was ok, after a second of regaining his breath, he continues. " You aint all able to cure some, right?" Sarge goes into a mutter, looking for confirmation "Things like the Grey curse" Sarge spits out the words bitterly


"The Grey Curse? Why does that sound familiar to me...? Can you tell me more about it? But no, we are merely 'sisters' of Danab, not the goddess herself. There are many diseases in the world we have yet to find a cure to, but it does not stop us from trying."

  On 3/29/2015 at 8:12 PM, Sandy said:


"The Grey Curse? Why does that sound familiar to me...? Can you tell me more about it? But no, we are merely 'sisters' of Danab, not the goddess herself. There are many diseases in the world we have yet to find a cure to, but it does not stop us from trying."

Sarge takes a deep breath, trying not to cough. "Starts with an.... infexshun. Yer leg or something goes grey and weak it does. Then it spreads to the rest of ya, don't matter; you can even cut the limb off, it'll spread to your head and you die." The old Sergeant disguises a cough as clearing his throat, then continues. "Them at the guild brewed a potion, for special customers, slows it from spreading. Makes it a damn slow death." He looks at his feet and murmurs a justification for his knowledge "Friend of mine had it, yeah that's right."

Ooc: infexshun being phonetic for infection, as Sarge was never properly educated :classic:

Edited by Pyrovisionary

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  On 3/29/2015 at 8:35 PM, Pyrovisionary said:

Sarge takes a deep breath, trying not to cough. "Starts with an.... infexshun. Yer leg or something goes grey and weak it does. Then it spreads to the rest of ya, don't matter; you can even cut the limb off, it'll spread to your head and you die." The old Sergeant disguises a cough as clearing his throat, then continues. "Them at the guild brewed a potion, for special customers, slows it from spreading. Makes it a damn slow death." He looks at his feet and murmurs a justification for his knowledge "Friend of mine had it, yeah that's right."

Aunt Ovelia listened intently.


"That sounds like a rapid cancer, if even amputation does not prevent the infection. Do you know how you... eh, I mean your friend acquired it?"

  On 3/29/2015 at 7:39 PM, Sandy said:

Aunt Theresa nudged Boomingham with her elbow.


"Smuggled wine is the best kind."


"Ah, yet another sin to add to the list! Good thing we are not Ennoc's worshippers, or you would have a lot to repent about."

Boomingham lowers his voice and whispers to Theresa. "Let me know what I got myself into. Are most of the sisters in your order more like you, or more like madam holier-than-thou?"

Barty pops into existance and hovers near Ovelia. "He does have a lot to repent about, sister. More than you would think possible for just one man, and somehow I'm supposed to fix him," quips the little angel.



"Yes, I was, but I do not like to dwell on the past. My departure from your organization did not happen in the happiest of circumstances, after all... But if you are offering, then I might just as well join you. Do you think I could have raised twelve children without taking a relaxing sip every now and then?"

Eric, Boomingham, Theresa and Zarissa moved to the cabin to pass the bottle around.

"Ah, a mother. Hardly shows. I had a son of my own, once. And I'm with you, m'lady. The past is past. Might as well enjoy this bottle now. Onwards and upwards!"

  On 3/29/2015 at 7:54 PM, Pyrovisionary said:

The old man shakes his head and waves a hand out, murmuring a denial. "Save it for the celebrations mate, Salamanda don't have much in the way of Breweries." The old man smiles "Didnt know there were any other... Experienced mercs who liked booze like me. That a bottle of Duplovian red?"

"It sure is, and if you don't hustle in soon it'll all be gone. Talk about your sickness and then get in here," calls Boomingham over his shoulder as he steps into the cabin, leaving Sarge to chat with Ovelia on the deck.

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