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It was a risk, he knew that, but Akan had lived a long time by knowing when to be bold and when to be cautious. The humans had mostly forgotten why the bird gods held sway in the Nestlands, but he remembered too well the way to the old places. He just hoped time had mellowed Her...


"Worshipper of cats!" She screeched. "You defile this place with your unclean presence! Your stink awoke me! Begone before I strip your flesh from your bones"

"My Lady, it has been too long. I bring a gift and crave your patience for my tale"

Akan could hear the talons scratching. He swallowed and continued.

"The water folk have come to drown your valleys in their unbelief and the blood of your followers. I serve only my master. You know he respects the Old Ways. We have no claim here. But we cannot allow the water folk to destroy the Old Gods. The water folk know no gods and they have taken the cat men into slavery. This wretch knows only chains and hatred. Please take this pitiful sacrifice and know, the time to use your powers is upon us."

The captured Leander snarled weakly and She spoke.

"Hold your sword, defiler! You come with a brave and true heart, and you uphold the Old Ways. We shall spare you this one time, As for this bedraggled slave thing, it is not worthy to be sacrificed. You, cat man, shall return to your people unharmed. And you shall tell them this: The Old Ones walk this land. We soar on the breeze. Our wrath is to be feared, for it is worth than death. The water folk are too far from the sea here. I shall glut on their blood, feast from their flesh, and their bones shall be scattered from this high peaks. Slavery is no state for your people, who were gods before men. Now GO

As She spoke, a great glowing ball of pulsating magic grew in the skies. The Leander loped away at full haste, crashing through the jungle yet graceful in his terror. One who would be a despised, ridiculed, and hailed a as prophet ere long.

Akan bowed. "My Lady," and he was gone. His master would be pleased.


Nice story and good use of the china bird. That's one of the things I love about Historica, never enough ancient races, powers to get bored with.

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