Posted September 2, 200717 yr Part 2: Engine Trouble The crew of the Sea Ghost makes its way to the dim-lit engineering room noticing that many of the pipes, valves, and gauges are in a rusty worn condition. The sounds of slow dripping water and scraping metal pistons echo loudly through the ship as the electrical lights flicker along the hall. "How could the mechanic of the ship and/or Chief Engineer allow for such disrepair and neglect of the mechanics", many of the crew wonder? "Someone has a lot of explaining". Suddenly, a loud CLANK is heard riveting through the ship! The Sea Ghost slows down and comes to a complete hault. :'-( Engine Room by Starwars4J
September 2, 200717 yr Well it isn't my fault! Why, only yesterday I used brasso on the entire engine. It was so shiny that I needed sunglasses down here. Oh, I have the whiskey by the way, but oddly it is only half full now. :-$
September 2, 200717 yr Nummy nummy nummy. Whiskey! Gimmee please, gimme please. Hello whiskey. I missed you. What's that? You want me to put you in my mouth? Oh, you're so naughty... What's everyone looking at? 8-
September 2, 200717 yr Author Pete Falklin states, "I've always enjoyed the Hues Corporation", as he hums... "we're sailing with a cargo full of love and devotion"... He thinks to himself, "I wonder if these great 70s hits are all available on one single set of CDs, one available each month"??? *wub*
September 2, 200717 yr Someone hummed the next line. I get to sing more! That's the rule. "So I'd like to know where, you got the notion said I'd like to know where, you got the notion" Anybody else want some whiskey? *Puts his arm around Otto* This guy...this guy, he's a guy. I'll tell you. I love this guys, cuz he's a guy. *hic* Oh, I vomited a little. Did I tell you Otto's a guy. He's a guy... :-X
September 2, 200717 yr Scotty, the boat isn't moving. Do you know why that might be? Capt'n, I realise you pay me and all, but you don't pay me enough to keep calling me "Scotty". >:-( The name is Jim. Anyway, the ship isn't moving because the engine isn't. As for why the engine isn't working, that is for Jack to answer... but I suppose I should give it a good look myself. I will first go to the forward bilge to get some... tools. :-$
September 2, 200717 yr Capt'n, I realise you pay me and all, but you don't pay me enough to keep calling me "Scotty". >:-( The name is Jim. Anyway, the ship isn't moving because the engine isn't. As for why the engine isn't working, that is for Jack to answer... but I suppose I should give it a good look myself. I will first go to the forward bilge to get some... tools. :-$ Tools, yeah. You got tools. Oops! Did I say too much? I don't know. Who drank all the whiskey? Was it me? Oh right I guess it was. It was good. Got some more, Scotty? Scotty has tools. Oh I shouldn't say that. Right. SHHHHHHHHHHHH! Scotty. Scooooty. Scooooooooooooty. Scooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... Hey, did the ship stop moving? Scotty, the boat stopped moving. Why?! Why is that??!! Why? "Like a virgin...Heee! touched for the very first..." And I can do the whole dance like in the video...with her tittties and all... :-D I know it. THE WHOLE DANCE! *Puts arm around Otto* Did I tell you that this guy's the guy. He's a guy!..." X-D
September 2, 200717 yr Author Scotty finds his way to the front of the ship where he begins looking through his tool chest. Interestingly, he discovers that his trusty hammer seems to be missing... He returns to the Engineering deck to ask you if you've seen his hammer???
September 2, 200717 yr Literally? Oooh! I know. Who wants to play cards? Scotty, you gotz to fine more booze...k? Hey, that fog's creepy huh? Trying to get in and shit? Weird...
September 2, 200717 yr Capt'n, my hammer, it is not where I left it. You haven't "borrowed" it for nut cracking again? I did find some more whiskey though, but it seems that this one has a leak as it was full when I left, but it is half empty already.
September 2, 200717 yr Er...I'm not sure how to answer in mixed company... More whiskey, oh good. You should fix your leaky bottles. Your bottles are always leaky and I only always get half. Half now, half when you find them. Do you want me to help you look for your hammer? I bet I can find it. It's such a big hammer. How can you lose a hammer that big?...Never seen such a big hammer. Anyone seen this guy's hammer? his name. "Come on Eileen, I swear on my knees, at this moment you mean everything, With you in that dress my thoughts I confess verge on dirty Ah come on Eileen." That song has a great violin solo. What were you saying?
September 2, 200717 yr Capt'n! I think I know what's wrong with the engine; the main engine valve and the gauges have been sabataged. It looks like the work of a hammer... not that I have ever hit an engine with a hammer before it's just... oh stuff it. Yes I have hit one before, but this time it wasn't me! :-$ Now who has my hammer? >:-(
September 2, 200717 yr Capt'n! I think I know what's wrong with the engine; the main engine valve and the gauges have been sabataged. It looks like the work of a hammer... not that I have ever hit an engine with a hammer before it's just... oh stuff it. Yes I have hit one before, but this time it wasn't me! :-$ Now who has my hammer? >:-( The boat...she's dead Jim! And you say you've done this before, but this time it wasn't you? Someone as skilled in warp-drive sabotage clearly can't be trusted with a simple "it's not me" :-| In fact this exact same thing happened in episode 78 of Voyager! And you know who did it? The Engineer. I think we have all the information we need here! But I must know, what happened the last time? Who took your hammer, and how could you have left it gone? And more importantly what is your favorite 80's song? I mean there are so many choices but one of them has to stick out, right? And if not why not? Anyway, we're just getting nowhere at this rate, we need to split into two parties to investigate this matter. Everyone with a red shirt, follow me!
September 2, 200717 yr :-| I call the search party with Scooby and Shaggy. They always live. And farbeit from me to deny the improv Geno, but I'm the driver-guy of the floaty-thing and I say we should all stick together! :-D No, I meant >:-( yeah >:-(
September 2, 200717 yr The boat...she's dead Jim! Give me a break. Let me assure you, I have heard all of the Star Trek jokes before, and none of them are funny. I have never even seen the show. TV just isn't my thing. I prefer fishing any day. I would change my name to avoid all the jokes but my mother would murder me. As for hammering engines, if you had a real job, you would know that sometimes the good love of a hammer is needed to keep an engine purring. If I had my hammer I would show you the wonders it could do for you.... Anyway, what is the point charging off to investigate when we don't know what we are supposed to be investigating? You tell me Mr Security, and then I will think about it.
September 2, 200717 yr Eurobricks Emperor Herrr Cap'n, you know I like you, but please stop vomiting on me. Dis situation reminds me of my grandfather at the battle of the Bulge. One day it was snowing and the enemy was everywhere. Suddenly his Tiger tanks stopped. It appeared there was something wrong with the engine. They were on a hill and from a distance he could see the town of Bastogne, covered in a mysterious fog. Much like the fog that is following our ship. Well, that's another story. What shall we do? Edited September 2, 200717 yr by Bonaparte
September 2, 200717 yr Herrr Cap'n, you know I like you, but please stop vomiting on me. Dis situation reminds me of my grandfather at the battle of the Bulge. One day it was snowing and the enemy was everywhere. Suddenly his Tiger tanks stopped. It appeared there was something wrong with the engine. They were on a hill and from a distance he could see the town of Bastogne, covered in a mysterious fog. Much like the fog that is following our ship. Well, that's another story. What shall we do? Is this really the same though? Someone has hammered my engine! That just sounds like the engine couldn't handle the humidity. What's for tea anyway?
September 2, 200717 yr Eurobricks Emperor What's for tea anyway? Tea? Are you really thinking of tea Herrr Doohan while your engine is sabotaged in the middle of the sea... For dinner I was planning to prepare Herr Stillman's fish. Mmmm... jamyyyy. Edited September 2, 200717 yr by Bonaparte
September 2, 200717 yr For dinner I was planning to prepare Herr Stillman's fish. I sure am, when I am stressed I find it helps! :-) However there are other solutions... off to the forward bilge for more tools!
September 2, 200717 yr I sure am, when I am stressed I find it helps! :-) However there are other solutions... off to the forward bilge for more tools! Scotty, stop your whimping and fix that engine! >:-( You don't get paid for talking about tea! :-|
September 2, 200717 yr Author Scotty takes a look at the damage. It seems that the rear left universal engine piston timing valve-o-meter has taken severe damage and will take a number of days to repair (if the crew is lucky). This is definately sabotage! 8-
September 2, 200717 yr And where is a good mechanic when you need one? >:-( Beats me. He does have a tendency of running off and looking at dirty magazines. Well, I better get to it. You may not hear from me for a while. ;-)
September 2, 200717 yr Scotty, stop your whimping and fix that engine! >:-( You don't get paid for talking about tea! :-|And you lad better stop barking orders to der Chief Engineer! That authority is reserved for only the captain and myself. And even then, that steaming toilet water does not even 'ave any merit for stress releavation, it be only a good mug 'o spiced rum that can set a man's mind strait and his spirits lifted. So Mr. Doohan be 'a missin 'is hammer, ehh? In the older days we not be usin' no hammer, only just a mallet. Back then one man would take pride in fixin up a hull with a bucket o' pine tar, one o' them trowels and a good mallet in jus' one hours time in order to be savin' the whole ship and crew from sinkin'. But now with these blasted iron colossuses, there be nothin' of that glorios sort but scrubbin' the rust off its infernal surface. It's an awful bloody shame, I remember the days when whether it be a sailin' ship from der 1815 or a more recenter vessel from der 1940s sorts 'o designs, seven hundred centuries er more o' maritime history pivot on the usage of pine tar to preserve and maintain ther wooden boats. Ahh, it be always so nice to be makin' ther tar, to be coating the interior sole of the boat wit' the mixture o' pine tar, gum turpentine an' boiled linseed oil..........this here would entail first making a thinner mixture by adding a greater volume o' de turpentine. Usin' a thinner first batch allows it to permeate deeper into the oakum, you see, and fibre of alaskan yellow cedar and both the old and fresh white oak blocks..........Another benefit o' doing der first batch thinner is bein' that it lets the tar seap into any pinholes an' larger gaps that might be down in the depths o' the planks. The tar would be weepin' out to the exterior and indicatin' where the boat be needin' the most attention. Then having the solution in ther place and havin them repairs complete, the vessel bein' a ready for der thicker standard mix to be settin' the put in. Der Pine tar also is a bein' an efficacious for havin' lead or standard oakum saturatin' properly so that yer got a is optimal endurance of der sealing capacity.......... Edited September 2, 200717 yr by oo7
September 2, 200717 yr Beats me. He does have a tendency of running off and looking at dirty magazines. Well, I better get to it. You may not hear from me for a while. ;-) I'll go and look for spare parts in the cargo room..
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