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Part 3: Something Fishy

As the Sea Ghost drifts along the blackness of the sea, the nervous crew follow the Captain to the Steering Room. Outside the large observation window, the mysterious fog still shrouds the vast ocean. The threat of a saboteur among the crew or something more vile from the depths of the deep raise suspicious and apprehension among all. What evil is plaguing the Sea Ghost?

Manny states, "I do not know how you say it in English... Animal of Deep Waters... I think me amigos also called it Hombre de Agalla... Man with the Fish Lungs... We are cursed"!

Edited by Bonaparte

*Clanga bang klong klang whack thump thump thump thump ping! Jim and Jack are hard at work (for once!) and engine parts are neatly arrayed over the whole deck as the two of them disassemble the engine in the hope of finding the source of the mysterious breakdown. Both men prefer not to even think of the rumoured "creature", their only thoughts being on repairing the engine as quickly as possible and getting the hell out of here!*

I think I've found something. I don't think it's what caused the engine to stop, but it was wedged pretty tight in the tappets. Or are those the grubnuts. Nevermind.

*Jack takes a closer look at the object he has found. It's a small leather bound oil stained notebook, on the cover of which he can just make out the letters that spell the words "Captain Maxwell P.J. Shickelgruber MacLeod: 5 year diary"*

Oooooooh! X-O

*Jack takes a closer look at the object he has found. It's a small leather bound oil stained notebook, on the cover of which he can just make out the letters that spell the words "Captain Maxwell P.J. Shickelgruber MacLeod: 5 year diary"*

Madre de dios, and I thought we mexicans had long names...


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Jack takes a closer look at the object he has found. It's a small leather bound oil stained notebook, on the cover of which he can just make out the letters that spell the words "Captain Maxwell P.J. Shickelgruber MacLeod: 5 year diary"*

Unfortunately; however, the pages are black with oil, and unreadable. Perhaps there may be a ship's log in the Steering Room. The captain may shed some light.

Oooooooh! X-O

What has he been doing in my engine room. Perhaps it is time to wake up the good Capt'n. >:-(

*Scotty pokes Cap'n with wrench*

Huh? What? Is it time for dinner?

Huh? What? Is it time for dinner?

I wish Capt'n. I was wondering if you might tell us what your diary was doing in my engine?

I wish Capt'n. I was wondering if you might tell us what your diary was doing in my engine?

:'-( I like to sleep here. I feel comfortable curled up behind the engine... :'-(

...Who let me drink so much. I feel a little...trashed out of my mind still.

Wait. My diary? I never take my diary out of my cabin! Where did you find it?

Ohh, I really have to pee. I'll be back...in about an hour.

Ohh, I really have to pee. I'll be back...in about an hour.

Hmm, perhaps now is a good time to take a peek at the ships log.... >:-)

What's a ship log? Is it like a Yule log?

Now, while we wait for the engine to get repaired or the Creature from the Deep to carry us screaming to a watery grave why don't we watch some DVDs? I turned the Muster Station into a little home theater and I have a lot of DVDs. Love Boat season 1, Facts of Life season 1-it has Molly Ringwald and the girl from Diff'rent Strokes who robbed my dry cleaner, Fantasy Island seasons 1 and 2 and Miami Vice season 3!

Scotty, either continue to fix the engine or get me another bottle of whiskey or both. I imagine we'll run out soon, perhaps we should radio the mainland and have them bring us some more. They have choppers for that sort of eme...

What the hell???!!! 8-

What the hell???!!! 8-

*whispers* Scotty, did you hear that "slosh" noise? I'm afraid I may have "sloshed" my pants. Can you pick me up a spare pair on your way back with more whiskey??

Oh! And don't tell the others but I had to move the liferafts out when I re-designed the Muster Station. They were in the way of the surround sound system. You should hear Short Circuit through those speakers!

"Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too?"

"Disassemble Johnny 5??!!"

Is there any better movie anywhere Scotty?

*whispers* Scotty, did you hear that "slosh" noise? I'm afraid I may have "sloshed" my pants. Can you pick me up a spare pair on your way back with more whiskey??

OK. Here's the one I wore last port. Those small stains are only mayonnaise.

Oh! And don't tell the others but I had to move the liferafts out when I re-designed the Muster Station. They were in the way of the surround sound system. You should hear Short Circuit through those speakers!

What!!! Why did I pick this ship? Why?

Is there any better movie anywhere Scotty?

I have a copy of "The Commitments" in my cabin.

OK. Here's the one I wore last port. Those small stains are only mayonnaise.

Yes, I remember that particular sandwich.

What!!! Why did I pick this ship? Why?

I have a copy of "The Commitments" in my cabin.

Good one. Thanks for keeping this between us about the lifeboats and me peeing myself. It's a good thing I'm not a loud drunk whisperer like most drunks. Do you think anyone else heard us?

Pah, monsters. As a legendary man once said, "Legends...are the spice of the universe, Mr. Data, because they have a way of sometimes coming true". And this man fought his fair share of monsters, and did he ever quit? Almost but that doesn't count! Are we? So someone smashed out com system, we need to find out who did it!

In the meantime, I suggest a nice friendly game of cards. Five card stud, nothing wild. And the sky's the limit! ;-) But afterwards I'll want a full list of everyone as to what they were doing at the time of the crime! Holorecordings of your actions would be most sufficient :-|

Do you think anyone else heard us?

Well Jack is here but he is working.

But afterwards I'll want a full list of everyone as to what they were doing at the time of the crime! Holorecordings of your actions would be most sufficient :-|

What is your defect? I've got a hammer right here that will solve all your mental problems in a second. In the mean time I will be in the engine room.

Yeah Gene-o, you really are a nerd. :-/

  • Eurobricks Emperor

Herren, does anyone mind eating raw fish? Because of those engine problems, there is no power anymore to cook anything. We just have to imagine we are eating some kind of Japanese specialty. Ich also have some lobsters, but since Ich couldn't cook them to death Ich shot them with my Luger. Hope that's OK for you Herren.

So when will you scientists have this engine fixed? It's getting very cold in diesen ship. There's no heat anymore. Brrrrrr... chilly...

Edited by Bonaparte


I'm going to take a little nap behind the main propulsion shafting. Gentle whirring will put me to sleep. See you in about 7 hours... *sad* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Herren, does anyone mind eating raw fish? Because of those engine problems, there is no power anymore to cook anything.

When I was in the R(A)N ;-) we used to keep gas bottles on board for that exact reason, but I suppose that is asking too much for this i'll prepared ship. >:-( I hate raw fish. Why do you have a Luger on board anyway? Have you been watching too much of "Under Siege"?

I'm going to take a little nap behind the main propulsion shafting. Gentle whirring will put me to sleep. See you in about 7 hours... *sad* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Night Capt'n. Not sure where this whirring is though; the engine is dead. Ahh well, back to work!

Because of those engine problems, there is no power anymore to cook anything. We just have to imagine we are eating some kind of Japanese specialty. Ich also have some lobsters, but since Ich couldn't cook them to death Ich shot them with my Luger. Hope that's OK for you Herren.
Raw lobster for supper? Gee, has nobody round here heard of a gas burning stove?

*Sits down for a break to examine the Captain's 5 year diary that he found. All the pages are oil stained and stuck together. He gently peels apart the first two pages, and can just make out the following:*

"August 15th 2001: I've decided to keep a diary of my heroic and dashing exploits. Umm. Can't think of anything today, I'll write some more tomorrow."

"September 1st 2006: Well I meant to keep a diary, but I forgot for the last five years. This thing is useless. I think I'll go and throw it in the engine or something. The End."

Well that was about as much good a chocolate teapot. Hey Chief, didn't you mention something about checking the Ship's log? Has anybody been to check it yet? Let me know. I'll just be here putting this engine back together. It's smells a little fishy to me, because I can't find anything wrong with it. Or is it just your bucket I can smell Chief? Chief?

Hey Chief, didn't you mention something about checking the Ship's log? Has anybody been to check it yet? Let me know. I'll just be here putting this engine back together. It's smells a little fishy to me, because I can't find anything wrong with it. Or is it just your bucket I can smell Chief? Chief?

I will be checking that out now as the Capt'n is asleep. >:-) As for the bucket, I threw it overboard. :-X

As for the bucket, I threw it overboard. :-X
That's a shame Chief as I've just come up with an idea to keep us warm, and I needed a bucket. Ah, this nice red fire bucket will do instead.

*Plants the diary in the sand inside the bucket, strikes a match and holds it to the diary. Another small explosion.*

Whooops! No worries Chief, I can get along fine without my eyebrows. I'll try and find something else to burn, and you can sneak up and look at that log. I'm starting to get really creeped out around here, and it's not just down to the thought of raw lobster for supper!

*Waits till Mr. Doohan has gone on his way, then sneaks up on to the main deck for a cigarette. The wind gently blows between the containers, making the metal vibrate with a low moaning sound. Nothing can be seen through the dense fog. Spooky! Jack decides this is going to be a very quick cigarette.*

Ah, it makes much more sense for me to have a cigarette up here, away from any flammable material.

*Strikes a match...*

Edited by PaulC

:-( I can't fall asleep. There's no whirring. Scotty, can you turn the shafting with a rope until I fall asleep?

Hey Jacked Up, I mean Jack Tupp, why are you burning my diary and exploding things? What's the matter with you anyway? You crazy! *wacko*

"Oh, no Let's Go!

Let's go crazy

Let's get nuts

Let's look 4 the purple banana

'Til they put us in the truck, let's go!

We're all excited

But we don't know why

Maybe it's cuz

We're all gonna die"

I thought that song was appropriate. Especially the purple banana part. Where'd Jack go anyway. Was he even here when I was talking to him? And what bucket are you talking about? Did you find the clam crap bucket? Sorry :-$

Scotty, we look for the log later. Now we find more booze or try to fix the radio or try to fix the engine or all four...

Scotty, we look for the log later. Now we find more booze or try to fix the radio or try to fix the engine or all four...

Ok, Capt'n. You're the boss.... Here is a almost full bottle, that should keep you happy for an hour or so. :-P Well, I'll take a quick look at the radio, and if I have no luck there I will be back at the engine. Don't expect to hear from me for at least 7 hours, you know how noise it gets down there while I am working....

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