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Posted (edited)

Location: G10 - Onix

Tags: Exploration, Land Vehicle

In the last episode:


In this episode, our heroes are still on Onix....

20229736269_a60d4633bb_t.jpg Alright! Now that we each have a fish, it's time to move on.

20221722261_457552f3d0_t.jpg KlIk YEs, sIr!

20228334630_34387e20db_t.jpg So we're heading back to the ship to cook the fish for the crew?

20229736269_a60d4633bb_t.jpg You still have much to learn, Eshey. Getting the fish is just the first step in the process.

19793749204_610b75bfb7_t.jpg Process? I thought we were just getting food.

20229736269_a60d4633bb_t.jpg We're not just getting food. We are collecting ingredients for the perfect sausages.

19793749204_610b75bfb7_t.jpg I...what? I....

20221722261_457552f3d0_t.jpg HONey klIK IT'S oKAY. YOu wiLL KLIk unDERsTANd.

19793749204_610b75bfb7_t.jpg I'm not your honey!

20229736269_a60d4633bb_t.jpg What we need to find now is an animal tree.

19793749204_610b75bfb7_t.jpg A WHAT?!

20229736269_a60d4633bb_t.jpg Here's one!


19793749204_610b75bfb7_t.jpg I...I think...my...brain just broke. Animals aren't supposed to grow on trees!!!

20229736269_a60d4633bb_t.jpg I'm disappointed with you, Eshey. What do you have against sustainable agriculture?

19793749204_610b75bfb7_t.jpg I have nothing against sustainable agriculture! I have everything against things that don't make sense!

20221722261_457552f3d0_t.jpg SIr kLIk, mY HoNEy KLik dOEsn'T gET It.

20229736269_a60d4633bb_t.jpg Well, not everyone can be a superstar like you, Normal Guy.


20229736269_a60d4633bb_t.jpg Not only will the fish be part of the sausages, but we needed the fish to chop down this tree.

19793749204_610b75bfb7_t.jpg I THOUGHT YOU WERE TRYING TO BE SUSTAINABLE!!! And how do you chop down a tree with a fish?!?!?!

20229736269_a60d4633bb_t.jpg Time for me to demonstrate my family's fish technique for chopping down trees. Watch and learn.

20221722261_457552f3d0_t.jpg KLik yEs, SIr!



Meanwhile, on the conflict planet of Guinevere, M.A.N.T.I.S. agents have discovered the whereabouts of a Kawashita mobile HQ...


21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg No wonder the Kawashitas have been so coordinated lately even though we couldn't find a base nearby. This also explains where the unexplained artillery strikes originated from, given the auto-loading heavy mortar on the back.

21342213546_ce07f926ca_t.jpg Hee hee hee hee! Kill?

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Not yet, Neko-chan. I want that HQ in one piece and their commander alive. Simon, commandeer the HQ and take care of that hardsuit.

21181566589_e8e67a221b_t.jpg My name's not Simon.

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Fine fine fine. Mephistopheles, lord of the 1337 H4XX0Rs, commandeer the HQ and take care of the hardsuit.

21181566589_e8e67a221b_t.jpg Yes, sir. Uploading trojan now. There, the HQ is ours. Targetting the hardsuit.


21180373380_9d660566cf_t.jpg HQ? My sensors show that your weapons have locked onto me. Is something wrong?

21180371720_5e1cc55cd1_t.jpg I've been locked out of the controls!

21368480215_6b51fb1edf_t.jpg We've been hacked!

21180371720_5e1cc55cd1_t.jpg SAYA! MOVE!!!

21180373380_9d660566cf_t.jpg HQ?


21180371720_5e1cc55cd1_t.jpg SAYA NOOOOOOOO!!!

21368480215_6b51fb1edf_t.jpg Red alert! Everyone, we are under attack! Search the perimeter!

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Cassandra.

21357683662_2ef53d34d9_t.jpg Yes, mistress?

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Neko-chan.

21342213546_ce07f926ca_t.jpg Hee hee hee hee?

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Go.


21180599328_f6f4532b88_t.jpg There's one!

21368482305_be5ddbabb8_t.jpg I see her. She's...unarmed?

21181561099_8e2aa8f8fd_t.jpg There's another one! Wait. What? Is that who I think it is?

21357679242_8db46ab7d8_t.jpg Nevermind that! She's charging us! Hikaru, get over here!

21368482895_59b033f9ec_t.jpg On my way!


21180599328_f6f4532b88_t.jpg I...I can't control my body!

21368482305_be5ddbabb8_t.jpg Me...me neither!

21357683662_2ef53d34d9_t.jpg Die.

21180599328_f6f4532b88_t.jpg Ichiko...I've...I've always love you.

21368482305_be5ddbabb8_t.jpg Oh...this is awkward. I've always found you annoying.


21181561099_8e2aa8f8fd_t.jpg What? Where did she get that hammer from?!

21357679242_8db46ab7d8_t.jpg Shoot her! Shoot her!

21368482895_59b033f9ec_t.jpg She's too fast, I can't hit her!

21342213546_ce07f926ca_t.jpg HEE HEE HEE HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! FUN FUN FUN!!!

21180599328_f6f4532b88_t.jpg H...hurk...

21368482305_be5ddbabb8_t.jpg Ooeouehhes...


21181561099_8e2aa8f8fd_t.jpg ooooooosuusu...

21357679242_8db46ab7d8_t.jpg too...fast...

21368482895_59b033f9ec_t.jpg eeaaaaaaaass...



21180371720_5e1cc55cd1_t.jpg You! Stop right there!

21342213546_ce07f926ca_t.jpg Hee hee hee hee play?


21368480215_6b51fb1edf_t.jpg You'll pay for that!

21357683662_2ef53d34d9_t.jpg Sleep.

21368480215_6b51fb1edf_t.jpg What? So...drowsy...what...zzzzzzz...


21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Excellent work, team. Check the perimeter, I'll foward our coordinates to the recovery team. I'm sure the intel from the commander and the mobile HQ will help us push the Kawas off this planet. And we've put an end to those artillery strikes.

[beeping sounds]

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Hold on, team, I'm getting a priority transmission from the chief accountant.

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Chief accountant? Pombie here. How may I serve you?

[Female voice] Commander Pombie, sorry to interrupt you during an assignment.

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg No worries, sir. We were just cleaning up.

[Female voice] Your brother, Pombe, has become...a nuisance.

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg I see. He has always been bothersome.

[Female voice] I need you to take care of him.

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Consider it done, sir.

[Female voice] Good. I need you to clean up this mess.

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Yes, sir.

[Female voice] Talk to you later then.


21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg Scooter.

21376777101_836ae12609_t.jpg Yes, sir?

21368940215_ac381c17cc_t.jpg We need an immediate evac and dust off for a new assignment.

21376777101_836ae12609_t.jpg On my way.

21181565659_c8c1bcb642_t.jpg Don't you worry, brother. Sister is coming to take good care of you.

















More pics under the spoiler tag.

Edited by pombe
Posted (edited)

Well that was...something.

As far as the build, I quite like the techniques. I am especially fond of the fig who just got smashed by a hammer (the last one)!

As for story, I'm hooked. I can't make heads or tails of what the heck it is, but I can't wait for next week's to see what happens! :wacko:

Edited by rodiziorobs

I'm glad they found that animal tree and all, but if they really want to support sustainable agriculture why didn't they just go right for a sausage bush?? :laugh:

Nice builds, fun story as usual. :sweet:


I did wonder why we got to see Guinevere but that got explained. Pombe's (bearded) MANTIS sister (who uses her power of crazy for evil) is to stop her Octan brother (who uses his power of crazy for ohm, personal gain?)

Wonder if MANTIS hire evil clones/siblings of Octan employees or if they use good clones/siblings to infiltrate Octan :look::wacko:

The battle (or rather the MANTIS warriors) made about as much sense as the animal tree but still more sense than cutting it down with (lava) fish. Pombe is definitely out of control :laugh:

Oh yeah, the build is really good too


What the actual Frackin are you smoking, dud? :look::laugh: once again, you succeed to build the most Deranged plot points imaginable. Way to warp reality, there! :laugh: also, I love your "evil" bearded sister. :laugh:

~Insectoid Aristocrat

Posted (edited)

Didn't Pombe used to wear shirts at some point? I just feel we've seen his fat belly for quite a few weeks now!

Great HQ, and quite the bizarro storyline. You'd better have an explanation for what was going on here!

Edit: looking through your earlier builds, it seems most of them can't be seen as the Flickr images don't display.

Edited by Commander Turtle
Posted (edited)

The mobile HQ is awesome! That animal tree is... Interesting. I've never taken acid before, but I imagine this is what it would be like.

Oh and love bearded sister and the line about a always finding her annoying.

Edited by Kodan Black

Edit: looking through your earlier builds, it seems most of them can't be seen as the Flickr images don't display.

Hmm...strange. I don't know why the older pics aren't displaying properly. I've gone ahead and made all the photos in my AG album public, but that didn't solve the problem. Any experienced Flickr users know of how to resolve this without re-linking all the pics?


I think changing the pictures from public to private and vice versa changes the URL each time. Can't help with a fix though.

I've really liked the stories for your builds. The one before this was funny but this one is really bizzare.


I think changing the pictures from public to private and vice versa changes the URL each time. Can't help with a fix though.

Thats good to know (I might just keep my pictures private now, or at least try one first)

Didn't Pombe used to wear shirts at some point? I just feel we've seen his fat belly for quite a few weeks now!

Yes he did, until he met some "Kawashita sales agent" minidolls. I think the minidolls are the source to all the crazy. LEAVE THEM OUT OF AG!!! or the universe might collapse :laugh:


Thats good to know (I might just keep my pictures private now, or at least try one first)

Yeah...I'm slowly going back and re-editing the links so that people can go back and look at Pombe's earlier adventures.. Now I know to not mess with the privacy settings of the photos once posted. Please bear with me...this may take a while.


There...I've finished re-linking all the older posts so the images should be fine now. I've taken the liberty of including updated pics of the Kawashita mobile armor and Ava Gato's personal starfighter in their respective posts.

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