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Okay, so I was already pretty behind schedule on this, but I was done with the pictures, and right when I'm about to start rendering, my computer crashes, and the huge file that has the record of every TSC picture on it is corrupted. So...no fancy pictures, just the default ones I took on my camera. Just try and use your imagination for some of them - trust me, they looked great. You might be wondering "why don't you just reuse it?" Well, the file had every asset I'd used over the two/three months of doing it, plus the five hours of editing the pictures with those assets. So to both recreate those assets and totally recreate the pictures would take...maybe a week at least. Not preferable. Sorry bout this. - JJP

¬ In the Final Days, a First-Hand Account of the Braeriach Incident Compiled by Jack Jones, Dougal Logan, and Others, Final Chapter, Titled “The Last Leg”


“Stay together!” Seamus shouted over the roaring wind and the whispering shadows. “If you get separated from someone, you’re lost!” He grabbed a burning stick from the dimming campfire and swung it around loosely, trying to get a feel for the crude weapon compared to his sleek blaster. “Everybody get a partner! Jack, you and Joshua, can you carry Julia and Dougal?” Joshua looked at Jack, who nodded, and he imitated the same motion. “On it!” Joshua yelled. Everyone paired up: Elijah with Ray, Seamus with Doctor Wynn, Ewan with Montgomery, Molly with Pudding-Head. One of the partners picked up a torch, the other held the weapon.


“Seamus!” Jack yelled at the auburn-haired warrior. “How can we kill shadows?! They’re.... Shadows! Made of nothing!” Seamus turned to Jack. “We’re not killin’ ‘em, I don’t think we can! But we ’ave fire! Light drives them back!” Jack widened his eyes and he spoke his thoughts out loud - “We’re not fighting...we’re escaping…”


“Right...you...bloody...are, Jackie!” Seamus roared, swinging the torch with each word. He pointed in what seemed like a random direction. “This way...to Pudding-Head’s mad staircase! Whoever has the torch, keep swinging! The other person, lead the way! Don’t lose sight of each other, whatever you do!” He grabbed Doctor Wynn and threw him in front of him and pushed him. “Let’s go, Doc!” They took off, with the other four groups right after him.


Jack and Joshua picked up Julia and Dougal, respectively, and a torch each, and slowly began to follow the others. “Joshua! Do you know where we’re going? I can’t see the others!” Joshua swallowed and looked at Jack. “I think I know well enough, Jack. We just have to keep moving. Come on!”


Each step was painstaking, and they were totally surrounded by Shadows. Jack felt the air around him grow cold, and could soon see his own breath misting in front of him. He kept his eyes locked on Joshua and Dougal, who were directly in front of him. He was afraid to even blink, afraid that in that instant, the Shadows would separate them, and it would be him and his unconscious wife to the mercy of darkness itself. The wind was flying around them even faster now, and he could barely keep his stinging eyes open enough to see the light from Joshua’s swinging torch.


A sound from up ahead pierced the wind - a scream, it sounded like. Joshua turned back to look at Jack’s scared face, then put his head down and tried his best to walk faster, despite have a two hundred pound man on his back. Another scream - this time to the left - followed soon by yet another. Joshua and Jack were running at the best sprint they could, and Joshua screamed at Jack, “Just a little more! Don’t stop!” Jack replied back with a loud grunt. - it was the best he could manage.


Gloriously, thankfully, miraculously, they saw the beginning of the stairs, and Seamus at the bottom, waving two torches now, back in forth in a circular motion, screaming loudly at nothing and everything. Behind him, also waving torches, were Doctor Wynn, Elijah, and Ray - where were the rest? Molly, Ewan, Pudding-Head, and Montgomery?!


Seamus saw Jack and Joshua sprinting at him, and motioned with the torch - “Come on!” he shouted. To Jack’s left, he saw light - it was Pudding-Head and Molly, also running, with Pudding-Head lagging behind, thanks to his older age. Molly turned and pulled on Pudding-Head’s arm, basically dragging him closer to the Stairs. The Shadows grabbed at Pudding-Head, somehow making physical contact and dragging him backwards. Molly whipped around, still holding onto his arm, but Pudding-Head pushed her away. “Get to safety, girl! Live your life!” he screamed, fear very evident in his eyes.


Now at the Stairs, Jack dropped Julia behind Seamus and sprinted towards Pudding-Head, being dragged backwards, his dropped torch clearing the path between them. He passed Molly, who turned, but he shot her a look that told her to keep running. He dived down and grabbed Pudding-Head’s wrist and pulled with all his might.


“No!” Pudding-Head shouted. “Let me go, Jack!” Jack glared at the old Norse warrior. “I’m not going to let you die, man!” Pudding-Head sighed and shook his head, oddly calm despite being dragged backwards by darkness itself. “I have...nothing left! I don’t want to live!” Jack screamed in anger at the old man’s stubbornness as his grip slipped, inch by inch. “I...won’t...let...you die!!” Pudding-Head just laughed and bowed his head. “I’m afraid I’ve been dead for a few hundred years already…” Jack growled and turned that into a scream as Pudding-Head slipped from his grasp into the mass of Shadows.


Jack turned and sprinted back to the Stairs and yelled to Seamus - “What about Ewan? And Montgomery?!” Seamus roared back at him, “If they don’t show their arses soon, we’re gonna have bigger problems.” Joshua was slowly dragging Julia and Dougal further up the Stairs as Seamus took a step backward, never turning away from the Shadows. Jack turned to the moving darkness and called out quietly - “Ewan...come on, man.”


But eventually he had to move, too, and grabbed his wife and began to drag her up behind Joshua and Dougal. The noise was getting quiet, and he realized that his head was feeling empty without the roar of the Shadows anymore. He shook his head and continued dragging. “Elijah,” he asked the gardener, “How far away are we from your garden?” Elijah sighed, “If we went at full sprint, make two days...at this pace, it’ll be a week before we make it…” Seamus grunted as he continued to swing the torches. “I can’t keep this up for a bloody week, I can tell ye that. Jack, Joshua, get you bloody lovers up and movin’ so we can get bloody movin’!” Joshua shook his head, “They’re in comas, Seamus, I can’t think of any way to get them up and awake.”


Doctor Wynn turned and aimed his green device at Julia and pressed a button, causing a buzzing noise to stir around them. It stopped almost immediately as it began, and he shook his head like Joshua. “They’re in comas.”

“But...your device?” Ray asked, pointing at it.

“It’s not a deus ex machina, you simple ape!” The Doctor shouted, a bit flustered. “Apologies... but I can’t just magically fix everything.”

Seamus groaned. “Everyone better get their torch swingin’ arms ready, because we’ve got a long-big behind week ahead of us.”


And so, for a week, that’s what they did. They made aching progress, and after each shift was over, the post-torchbearer would immediately pass out and also have to be carried through the Stairs. But, at least, they were still alive. Seamus grew increasingly pissed, occasionally just screaming out for no reason. The others, however, just grew impatient and weary. But they knew that there was light at the end of the tunnel, and that’s what they focused on.


And eventually, they found that light - Elijah’s Garden, the plants withered and dying, as it had been over a month since Elijah had last tended to it. He sighed at seeing his old home, and looked around. “This place wasn’t my home, my English home, but for two years, this place was where I came every day, where I...lived...so this...I guess this mountain became my home…” Ray patted him on the back. “Well, let’s get ye back to your real home, yar?” Elijah chuckled at his friend. “Why are you doing a pirate voice, Ray?” Ray shook his head. “It’s not important,” he replied, dropping the accent entirely and speaking in his actual, silky smooth voice, something that no one present had ever heard. Doctor Wynn walked up behind the two. “Well boys, shall we spend one more night here before we leave forever?” Ray and Elijah nodded in agreement.


Seamus pushed past them, breaking their moment. “If I ‘ave to spend one more bloody night on this goddamn mountain I’ll kill meself. Keep moving and shaddup.”


Only a few hours later they reached the Hall, dusty and unkempt, but it was the Hall. Where everything had began. They saw Greg’s ashes on the floor, saw the skid marks from the carts they had rolled out, some strange machine was sitting there, no one knew what that was for. It was here that they rested, every shirt sticking with the sweat of a week of hard, stressful work. Jack came and sat next to Molly - the only member of his choir who was still alive, and he leaned back on the floor. “Why did we go on this mad quest in the first place, Molly?” Molly sighed and leaned back next to him. “Down there...I went insane. I killed people, Jack, and I mean I killed them, all to stop those poor people possessed by Shadows. Innocent people died because of me...I don’t know if there was a point.”

“Do you think there was ever even a Sanctum?”

She shook her head. “Once past the Steaming Caverns was just endless darkness. There was no Sanctum down there, no nothing.”

Jack breathed loudly out of his nose. “Maybe Dougal just thought it all up so we would actually do something...instead of just sitting around moping…”

Molly laughed, a tinkling laugh, full of happiness. “I don’t know if he’s even that smart.”

Jack chuckled next to her, then he turned to look at her, and she to him. “You know that everything that happened down there isn’t going to leave our minds, right? Everything you did, everything I did...I mean I shot you with a laser, for God’s sake...we’re going to have to live with that for the rest of our lives.”


Molly nodded. “But...we’re alive, and that’s what I’m happy about. All that brutal violence, all those deaths...we still won...Elijah, Ray, Doctor Wynn, and me. We won this cruel game…”

Jack nodded. “That you did. Once everyone’s ready, we’re leaving this place. Going back home, to...a normal life.”

Molly smiled. “I think I’m ready for that life again.”


A few hours later, after everyone as well rested, the seven, plus two comatose bodies, set out of the doors of the Hall and into the snow. They walked past the wreckage of the Second Crash, and then the much more weathered wreckage of the First Crash. Seamus and Joshua were amazed at the simple beauty of Braeriach - they hadn’t seen a natural landscape in so long. “This planet...looks untouched by Blacktron,” Joshua noted. “Maybe we can find peace, here…”

Many portions of the island of Scotland had been quarantined after the numerous disappearances that happened all along it, but the nine hiked right through it - through abandoned villages, farmhouses, even a city or two. After being in the darkness for so long...the world was more beautiful than anyone had ever experienced it. And then...they reached civilization. Almost 90 kilometers from the summit of Braeriach lay a small town called Bogston. From there they took a train to Glaslow, and then managed to begin their integration back into the work. It wasn’t easy, but all of them, even Seamus and Joshua, managed to do it. After all the hell they’d experienced...they finally got the happy ending they all wanted.

- The End -

¬ Excerpt From the Journal of Wolfgang Auttenburg

“That’s where writing this book came in. Jack, Ray and I decided to compiled a collection of journals and notes from the experience, as well as their own written conclusion, as no one was writing journals at that point, and called it The Final Hours.” His voice was coarse, likely due to the sand in the rough environment. But it somehow added to the dramatic nature of the story - after all, it’s not every day you get to hear from someone who actually was in the mountain. He looked rough, from what I could see of him out of my own goggles, and his eye...with his eyepatch, like in the story, was true, too...anyway, his eye looks weary and angry, as if he wanted this whole ordeal to leave...and I didn’t blame him - I did, too…He looked behind me at the sun, shining hotly and brightly - always too bright, and we could all tell that the day was almost over. He stood up. “They should be back soon. I hope they found Jack...gods, it’d be good to see ‘im once again.” The rest of us stood up, now that the story seemed to be over, but my little Madga piped up at the old man with her always-persistent questions - “What happened after the end?” He turned around and looked down at my little girl, squinting harshly, then around to the five others of us, who also wanted to know the answer, but wouldn’t dare say anything to the rather intense-looking man. “What happened?” He asked sarcastically, almost mimicking my daughter’s voice. “What happened to us after ‘The End’?” He growled softly, then looked directly at us. “You know what happened,” Dougal Logan said, his face glaring in the bright sunlight.

“Things got a lot worse.”

¬ End Journal Excerpt

-To Be Continued -


Congratulations, winners! Lady K, Tariq j, def, and Dragonfire, loyal townies, you won!

Host’s Notes: Holy Hell, hosting a Mafia is stressful! But I loved it so much. Thank you! Thank you every single person for playing, or reading, or enjoying the semi-okay-looking pictures. Especially the players. I know this wasn’t the usual Mafia game, especially with some of the mechanics and roles I put in the game, but I think it worked out generally okay.

Now, I’m not one for the whole “every person gets an analysis”, but I will leave a few comments on a few particular players.

To Lady K (Molly Tolbert) - For the first Town Block you lead, it was pretty good. Despite losing many townies along the way, you managed to recover and get rid of the rest of the Shadows, and for that you should definitely get commended. It did get a bit dictator-y at some points, but, all’s well that ends well, as they say.

To CallMePie (Julia Jones) - Once again, you prove that you are excellent at being scum. That is all. Keep doing what you’re doing.

To def (Elijah) - We were talking about this in the dead board, usually you’re the town block leader, so it probably was a bit hard to give up that usual position to a someone new at it, like Lady K. But even though you went off and did your own thing, you both still came to the same conclusions, and won the game!

To Tariq j (Doctor Wynn) - I actually have no idea who was in the Town Block, but I would assume that you are, based on how you always tracked for Lady K. You and her were the only town PRs for quite a while there, so nice job holding up, and assisting the Town Block.

To Dragonfire (Ray Christiansen) - RP-ing man, you nail it as always. Never stop.

To Everyone Else - Okay, so things got a bit crazy, especially with the whole SK thing, which I apologize for doing, as there was A. no SK, and B. I wanted to have a little red-herring fun. I just couldn’t resist poking some people. This was also a kinda long game. Not Ragnarok long, but still up there, compared to Blacktron. And it was right in the middle of the holiday season. Right from the start, we were plagued with inactivity. So if you were inactive in the game...no hard feelings. Really, I get it. I wasn’t (am and still not) the perfect host, so I wouldn’t expect you to be a perfect player. I still vastly enjoyed my time hosting, despite the quite depressing lack of activity.

To Myself - Good job, JJP! You didn’t screw up hosting, probably!

Uh, if you have any questions, shoot ‘em at me. I put everyone’s PR’s down below, so that might help out some of the questions.


Roles and Night Actions Spreadsheets: https://docs.google....yxKg/edit#gid=0

Scumboard: http://123.writeboar...aiqtjd19v/login

Pass is: M4f14

Deadboard: http://123.writeboar...en3d45eqtj316k3

Pass is: Bobsucks

I'm out. - JJP.


Yay, I won... When the town block was always on the verge of killing me!

I was fine not being leader. There's few cases where a vanilla should be. Instead, I messaged Lady K night one and urged her to step up and pledged my support in PM and in thread. That was the best I could do as a vanilla townie. Share whatever experience I could, and push for logic to make it through.

Congrats to Lady K for winning and finally knowing the stress and paranoia of being the town leader. And too bad Pie, you fell into my trap!


Tariq was the tracker?? :facepalm:

We had Cutcobra rolecop him early on, but before he could report his results he vanished.


Thanks for hosting JJP, the story was fantastic, and I enjoyed the two days I got. :thumbup:

Lady K, you did a good job leading the town block and nabbed the victory, even if I didn't always agree with your methods. :laugh:

As for myself, I trusted too early and got set up. At least I wasn't a PR. Lesson learned. :shrug_oh_well:

What did the 'Tone Changer' role do? Any idea what happened to your cohost?


Just read the deadboard. MT, you have no idea how I think :laugh:

That day one comment about me being unlikely to be godfather was never meant to be empirical evidence of my innocence. And again, since you misquoted me both in thread and on the deadboard, I never said I "couldn't" be. You know what "unlikely" actually means, right? I thought we'd settled that in thread, but apparently not. Anyway, all of it was my day one fluff that isn't meant to be looked into seriously. In the same way, I often start with that Towniest of Towns thing and see which gullible player gets outraged by it.

My frustration at Lady K was in no way because I was jealous of her leadership, and frankly, that's a baffling conclusion to come to. I mostly supported her lynches, and never tore off and told the town not to listen to her. The only shade I threw was that the town block might be infiltrated. The frustration was days (that played out over weeks in real time) of her asking in private if I was scum, culminating with her proclaiming that she'll lynch me, the godfather, to win the game. I knew she was wrong, and putting me up for lynch was the best way to prove it. I also told her in PM that if fhomess was scum, his scum buddy would likely join in on my vote. Which he did. So, yeah, many reasons I put myself up for lynch. I played the way I think a vanilla town should: I play to win, not to survive. Capiche?

Now where are my special plants....


Congrats to the winners! and great game everyone, especially to the wonderful host(s). I'll give my full thoughts tomorrow when my brain is properly functioning.


Good job guys, I'm always happy when we have another round of Mafia run smoothly. Thanks to the host and all the players, hope we try again soon!

Posted (edited)

Congrats Jack and DLL for you game, the stories were excellent and very interesting to read.

Good job Lady K :thumbup: Its good to see that our work payed off!

And congrats to Dragonfire and Def, we really thought Dragonfire was SK at one point.

Edited by Tariq j

Nice to see we won! I was pretty sure CMP was the last scum. Didn't do much as I was (sort of) vanilla, but I tried to contribute as much as I could :classic:

What did the 'Tone Changer' role do? Any idea what happened to your cohost?

Read each day again and see if you can see any pattern in my posts :tongue:

I was forced to assume a different roleplaying "voice" every day - one of the days, I put 'aye' in every post; another, I put 'oh la la' in every post and yet another, I put 'ahem' in every post :blush: And on Day One I had to speak to my invisible friend in every post! So kind of a joke role.

Hosts, was my role deliberate because of what I did in Blacktron?

Congrats Jack and DLL for you game, the stories were excellent and very interesting to read.

Good job Lady K :thumbup: Its good to see that our work payed off!

And congrats to Dragonfire and Def, we really thought Dragonfire was SK at one point.

That was probably because I joked to Lady K about being a third party :laugh: I knew you were in the town block for a while though, that's why I stopped suspecting you (and KotZ). I thought Def was the third party, but I thought he was a survivor rather than a SK.


Really good game, and congrats to the winners! It's very un-fantastic that I died though. :cry_sad:

It's rather interesting that Lieutenant Joshua shows up in this game. It was CallMePie's strange neutral-investigator role that looked good in theory, but in practice... Also, there just might be another entry into the Excalibur franchise rather soon... :wink:


Awesome game! Thanks Host JJP for great story and fantastic pictures! :sweet:

Yay, I won... When the town block was always on the verge of killing me!

I was fine not being leader. There's few cases where a vanilla should be. Instead, I messaged Lady K night one and urged her to step up and pledged my support in PM and in thread. That was the best I could do as a vanilla townie. Share whatever experience I could, and push for logic to make it through.

Congrats to Lady K for winning and finally knowing the stress and paranoia of being the town leader. And too bad Pie, you fell into my trap!

Thank you def, it means a lot coming from you! :sweet:

And I have to give special credit (and many, many Thank You's and You Were Right on almost all things said) here to def. Without him helping me with great advice and a very calm supporting manner, town may have lost due to how complex and frustrating it is to lead the block. He would have done much better than I did at being the town leader, but it was great he gave me the chance to experience it (with a lot of support from him). Any and all bad decisions were my own, and he tried to be the voice of reason (even when I didn't see it).

Def, sorry about the multiple times I was suspicious of you...I tried to keep in mind that you are always good enough to be the towniest of townies and scummiest of scum at the exact same time. :wink:

Tammo, sorry we lynched you. The time I blocked you (night 3?) and there was no scum kill, it seemed likely that you were the scum killer. :blush: As for the kills that happened when I continued to block you, that just gave credit to the whole SK thing.

The town block worked well, when time zones and RL permitted, and I really appreciate the others who messaged me as well.


Hosts, was my role deliberate because of what I did in Blacktron?

More or less. I was originally going to put Hinck as the role and you as Foorth or Woodcock, but when he didn't sign up we remembered your RP-ing in Blacktron and decided Ray would fit you well.


More or less. I was originally going to put Hinck as the role and you as Foorth or Woodcock, but when he didn't sign up we remembered your RP-ing in Blacktron and decided Ray would fit you well.

I enjoyed playing as him :tongue: Also, what was Tammo's flavour role?

Does anyone know where someone would 'sign up' to host a game and who they would contact?


Does anyone know where someone would 'sign up' to host a game and who they would contact?

If you are interested in hosting a Mafia game, then you will need to contact the Games Moderator (Dragonator) privately. Hosting a Mafia game is a big responsibility, and permission to host will not be granted lightly. If you want to seriously be considered as a future game host, you need to have displayed your competence at Mafia game playing in several games (at least 3 full games), have a clear understanding of the rules and the role a host plays in the game, and to have demonstrated your ability to show deep thinking and imagination in crafting a fun and exciting game to play. You then need to provide a game summary to the Games Moderator, outlining your idea in such a way that it does not give away any crucial plot details or prevents anyone who reads it from playing the game. You will also need to provide a banner for the game, the rules you intend to use and let me know your Mafia experience as well as why you think you would make a good host. You will be required to invest a lot of time and effort into creating character roles and building scenery and sets for the game. Lastly, the game will need to be produced in an aesthetically pleasing and professional manner. It must be carefully planned and well executed to make the game enjoyable for the players.

If you take a hosting slot and aren't ready when your time comes around you will be moved to the end of the list after discussion with the Games Moderator.

From the Mafia Games Index.


A really well hosted game, JJP. There were a few confusing bits, but overall it was excellent and the presentation was top notch. CMP is probably sick of me apologizing for lack of activity, but it was frustrating to me to be distracted with other things. When I had a family member enter the hospital the day after Christmas, things got hard. They were home for less than a week before going back, and have been there ever since. We're still not quite sure what's wrong.

As for this game, I think that aside from CMP, the scum team was our own worst enemy. Jluck attracted an investigative role night 1. Cutcobra's claim and vanishing act did him in. CMP was the one who made the right decisions time and again.

Our kill was dependent on the temperature indicated each day, so that's why there was no night 3 kill. With all of our roles being mirrored on the town side, I'm glad we mostly claimed vanilla and tried to whittle down the town from there. Lack of a traditional investigator or a protector were an interesting twist, although the town still had a good representation of investigative roles.

I'm curious why night 1 killing was banned. That seemed to come from out of nowhere.


The town block worked well, when time zones and RL permitted, and I really appreciate the others who messaged me as well.

Why did you have me silenced? Was it to verify the silencer? And did you ever think I was town, or did you always have me pegged as the SK?

As for this game, I think that aside from CMP, the scum team was our own worst enemy. Jluck attracted an investigative role night 1. Cutcobra's claim and vanishing act did him in. CMP was the one who made the right decisions time and again.

If Cutcobra had come back, you'd have seen that I was the 'Tone Changer' which would have puzzled you greatly :laugh: FYI, Cutcobra disappeared from Eurobricks altogether - hope he's OK.

Posted (edited)

A really well hosted game, JJP. There were a few confusing bits, but overall it was excellent and the presentation was top notch. CMP is probably sick of me apologizing for lack of activity, but it was frustrating to me to be distracted with other things. When I had a family member enter the hospital the day after Christmas, things got hard. They were home for less than a week before going back, and have been there ever since. We're still not quite sure what's wrong.

I'm curious why night 1 killing was banned. That seemed to come from out of nowhere.

There's nothing to apologize for, I do of course completely understand the situation. :thumbup: And truthfully, I'm not sure how much could've been done in the days anyway.

I was baffled by the Night One thing as well. Honestly, from the onset of the game I felt we were overpowered as a scum team, but between the pacifist Night One and as a result of deaths and how our kill worked, there really wasn't much room for recovery once things fell apart.

Edited by CallMePie

I was baffled by the Night One thing as well. Honestly, from the onset of the game I felt we were overpowered as a scum team, but between the pacifist Night One and as a result of deaths and how our kill worked, there really wasn't much room for recovery once things fell apart.

There wasn't much of a reason, other than to give everyone a free night without death to work through their suspicions after the disastrous Day 1 (where everyone voted for a new person, it seemed like). Not much validity in doing it, but I felt like it wouldn't mess anything up too badly and it would help everyone think through what had happened versus immediately killing whomever they wished.

To DF, Foorth didn't have a flavor role, I just told him to break the fourth wall as much as he wanted to.


There wasn't much of a reason, other than to give everyone a free night without death to work through their suspicions after the disastrous Day 1 (where everyone voted for a new person, it seemed like). Not much validity in doing it, but I felt like it wouldn't mess anything up too badly and it would help everyone think through what had happened versus immediately killing whomever they wished.

That's just how Day One works. It really hurt our team, seeing as how killing is our win condition. :def_shrug: One night can make a difference.


Why did you have me silenced? Was it to verify the silencer? And did you ever think I was town, or did you always have me pegged as the SK?

If Cutcobra had come back, you'd have seen that I was the 'Tone Changer' which would have puzzled you greatly :laugh: FYI, Cutcobra disappeared from Eurobricks altogether - hope he's OK.

Yes. I had to verify that TPRU was indeed the silencer. After he claimed to me, I had Bob rolecop TPRU and TPRU silence you to prove his role was legit. And I was hoping for someone to notice you missing and that would provide much needed discussion.

I hope Cutcobra is ok too, he never replied to my inquiries as to his night action results. He claimed tracker and Tariq J also claimed tracker and they both tracked Ranger night one with different results.

Only near the end did we feel you could be the SK from your posts. :laugh:


That's just how Day One works. It really hurt our team, seeing as how killing is our win condition. :def_shrug: One night can make a difference.

Yea, I was just hoping it would balance out the slightly overpowered scum for at least a night to balance things out. Didn't seem to work.


He would have done much better than I did at being the town leader,

I don't think I would've. I tend to get stressed and pissy, and that can make a little nasty in late game days. I was about as involved as I ever have playing vanilla, and didn't have the stress. Let someone else lead :sweet:

Yea, I was just hoping it would balance out the slightly overpowered scum for at least a night to balance things out. Didn't seem to work.

I think the balance was fine. Scum lost members on days two and three, thanks to erratic behavior on their part. If theyd played it a little cooler, scum would have been very strong.


I'd say for how quiet it was, it was easily one of my favorite games I've played on here. It was laid back, but not too much. Just right for my schedule and it was fun to play.

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