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On the muddy streets of Little Phatrong on the western fringes of Worldport, Ord Mantell, Black Sun Regent Asanu follows his well armed escort.


A local peasant kneels to honor the hero of the Kyuzo community. Bubbling tanks of fuel steadily hum and slowly leak into the barren soil. One guard distracts himself with the carnivorous wildlife feeding off the loose fuel.




As much as he despised getting up close, the Kyuzo fashion rendered his sniper rifle ineffective. Besides, with such a popular community figure, friendly rooftops for a perch would be hard to come by. The district would be on full lock-down soon and the bounty hunter has a long night ahead of him if he's going to escape.


I know it's not much of a MOC (really it's just some filler for a collab build) but I thought I'd try to get over 200 XP so my Clawdite build could be judged (since the Rebels ruined our extra XP for Ep. XI:). Next stop: Naboo


You have Passed. It was 2 for and 1 against. The comments are below:

1) pass: but just barely! I feel like he could have done a whole lot more based on his past builds. Judged by itself I would pass this if it was from another builder so I'm going to pass it here.

2) pass: we have seen better from him before, yet he did what he was supposed to do: terminate the target, and he gave a backstory to backup the failures of his build.

3) fail: Everything you have in this build is really nice. The tanks look great, and the leak is a nice thought and visual effect. The thing is that there just isn't enough substance in this build: it could have easily been smaller without loosing anything, but than it wouldn't qualify for the missions of course. So try to fill your build in a bit more. Maybe something of a pipeline going to the tanks, because they are so lonely now. Maybe something that has been completely corroded by the puddle of goo, to give the build that extra touch. Or maybe some traces in the soil for when the fuel gets collected... There are plenty of possibilities to give this scene more life.

This BH Mission is now being reviewed.


You have Passed. It was 2 for and 1 against. The comments are below:

1) pass: but just barely! I feel like he could have done a whole lot more based on his past builds. Judged by itself I would pass this if it was from another builder so I'm going to pass it here.

2) pass: we have seen better from him before, yet he did what he was supposed to do: terminate the target, and he gave a backstory to backup the failures of his build.

3) fail: Everything you have in this build is really nice. The tanks look great, and the leak is a nice thought and visual effect. The thing is that there just isn't enough substance in this build: it could have easily been smaller without loosing anything, but than it wouldn't qualify for the missions of course. So try to fill your build in a bit more. Maybe something of a pipeline going to the tanks, because they are so lonely now. Maybe something that has been completely corroded by the puddle of goo, to give the build that extra touch. Or maybe some traces in the soil for when the fuel gets collected... There are plenty of possibilities to give this scene more life.

This BH Mission is now being reviewed.

Ouch. I didn't know judging would be (somewhat) subjective to each builder's past builds so I didn't think much of posting this simpler build. I think I can spot BEAVeR's review ;) Thanks for the comments, I'll keep them in mind for any future BH builds

  • 2 weeks later...

It is a bit barren, definitely could use a little more detail such as rocks to break up the brown, but I like it. What you made you did very well, especially that lava pool!

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