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The crew of the Vif progressed through the jungle, following the priest's map. Their journey was slowed by the cannon and its heavy carriage, and despite the ship that had been lying on the beach, they found the isle to be deserted, apart from a multitude of creatures. These creatures filled the air with their calls and screams, ensuring that the journey was not a quiet one.

Private Collins pointed to the map 'Apparently the fountain is at the peak of a rock outcrop about here'

Erwin shrugged 'I guess that puts us near our destination, hopefully we'll be able to finish this search soon'

Their conversation was interrupted by a crack of a flintlock pistol, followed by shouts and the sounds of swords clashing. They ran towards the source of the sound, and as the forest thinned, they realised they had run straight into a battle. To their right a few groups fought amongst each other whilst simultaneous attempting to scale the outcrop with some rickety looking ladders. A pirate with a head of thick matted hair made it to the top but was quickly felled by accurate musket fire from a group of Corrington soldiers.


'Why does everyone around here use fighting to settle their differences?' said Erwin, 'it is indeed a miserable existence'

Private Collins replied 'Well it was your idea to bring the cannon...'

Suddenly they were charged by a tribe of islanders who had brought along a statue on a litter and what appeared to be a tame crocodile.

'I wonder where they got a copy of the priest's journal? ' pondered Collins.

'Interesting question, although they don't seem in the mood for an interview' replied Erwin 'Gunner load the cannon with grape shot just persuade them to withdraw we don't want to cause too much damage'

The gun roared and the shot lacerated the undergrowth, and the islanders broke off their charge. The fighting continued in this manner for the next half hour as more and more explorers turned up, with no-one seeming to gain the upper hand.

Then all at once the fighting died petered out, for someone had reached the summit and was waving a white flagged. Across the battlefield weapons were lowered and faces turned up to look at the man holding the flag.


'I found this note here at the top, it's from the priest' shouted down the man brandishing a scrap of paper 'it says You fell for my trick, there is no Fountain of Youth, although I hope you have had a most enjoyable search for it! I would like to thank you for allowing me to become the best selling printer ever!'

'And that's all it says ' finished the man with the flag.

There was a rumble of rage through the mass of gathered people, until a voice shouted

'Let's go and find this priest and teach him a lesson!'

There was a resounding cheer and people started gathering together to make their way back to the shore.

Erwin looked at his crew who were unscathed except for Collins who had been grazed by a pistol shot.

'I think we have all had enough wind goose chases for one month, let's go home'

Perhaps a slightly different take on the fountain of youth, as I wanted to try something slightly different to the more usual cave type interpretation. I had great fun posing all the figures around the base and adding greenery all around.





Very clever way to finish off your quest, I'm guessing that poor Tholeau is really going to get it now! pirate_laugh2.gifpir_laugh2.gif Great minifig posing, and excellent story! This part was especially hilarious (and private Collins' graze with the pistol shot pirate_laugh_new.gif)

...'Why does everyone around here use fighting to settle their differences?' said Erwin, 'it is indeed a miserable existence'

Private Collins replied 'Well it was your idea to bring the cannon...'


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