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Posted (edited)


It is on this day, September the tirteenth of the year 616, that we, Román Esteban Fontonajo and Elysabeth of Drondil, mayors of respectively Nova Terelli and Elysabethtown, declare the following:

-From now, the ties between our two cities will be tighted using a variety of deals and mutual agreements, as explained below

-To encourage the Eslandolan fleet, a certain number of ship-builders from each city will teach a certain number of shipwrighters from the other

-Considering the trading rights on the island...


-... To further encourage shipbuilding, and thus trade and wealth, a bonus will be offered to all ships build for the Eslandolan fleet

-As part of the previous agreement, we will offer a bonus of 120DBs to any ship build before October the First, 616, that is offered to the Eslandolan Crown. (Up to a maximum of three, and a minimum of class 4.)

For King and Country!


Edited by TitusV

Interesting development that will surely be watched closely by your neighbours.

Aaaand, you really have my interest piqued... what was in those now missing lines... pirate_look.gif


Interesting development that will surely be watched closely by your neighbours.

Aaaand, you really have my interest piqued... what was in those now missing lines... pirate_look.gif

Something that is only meant for green ears. I'm sorry, my friend


I am sorry to have to inform you, but any changes made in the Royal Eslandolan Navy are the prerogative of only the King and council, and as neither the ETWC nor the MCTC have heard anything of this treaty beforehand (except for the offer made by you and Elostirion - whom, by the way, I at least hope that you consulted before taking the liberty of posting his offer for him - and which, as made by private individuals of Eslandola, did not require the consent of any of the trade companies), those trade companies can in no way be said to have agreed to anything herein stated - except, of course, with their loyalty to the crown and Eslandola, which have been attested to long before, and which this treaty may not be held to establish in any way not already held to previously.

In short, before doing anything of this sort, you really must seek an actual agreement between the parties supposed to be bound by it, and must consult the leadership and crown. Please amend the treaty to reflect only what you have previously agreed with said parties. Thank you.

As for whatever was previously posted there and removed, we (the rest of Eslandola, and the leadership) neither know nor can be bound by whatever it happened to assert.


Something that is only meant for green ears. I'm sorry, my friend

Hmm, not very nice of MAESTRO Eslandola to keep their Corrington branch out of future endeavours it seems.

Posted (edited)

Seriously, this really destroys the fun of the game...

Why is everyone always so negative and paranoid???

The moment someone says something, everyone thinks a war will result...

If you want to know what was misposted, it was Titus asking Elostirion the permisson to post this here in an act of friendship between MCTC and MAESTRO as there are some struggles. Nothing more nothing less.

And Garmadon, I don't see the problem of this (I was surprised as well, that's true). It's not like Titus is saying something the crown didn't confirm in the past. All he wanted is to make Eslandola strong again.

Thank you for ruining this act of unity and publicly denouncing Titus. Great job! Congratz...

Edited by Maxim I

I am sorry to have to inform you, but any changes made in the Royal Eslandolan Navy are the prerogative of only the King and council, and as neither the ETWC nor the MCTC have heard anything of this treaty beforehand (except for the offer made by you and Elostirion - whom, by the way, I at least hope that you consulted before taking the liberty of posting his offer for him - and which, as made by private individuals of Eslandola, did not require the consent of any of the trade companies), those trade companies can in no way be said to have agreed to anything herein stated - except, of course, with their loyalty to the crown and Eslandola, which have been attested to long before, and which this treaty may not be held to establish in any way not already held to previously.

In short, before doing anything of this sort, you really must seek an actual agreement between the parties supposed to be bound by it, and must consult the leadership and crown. Please amend the treaty to reflect only what you have previously agreed with said parties. Thank you.

As for whatever was previously posted there and removed, we (the rest of Eslandola, and the leadership) neither know nor can be bound by whatever it happened to assert.

I'll answer your remarks and than totally forget this, for the fun of the game.

1. Yes, I did have Elostirion's permission for this.

2. The part of the Royal Navy was considered to be a bit of RPG context withouth any in-game effects by me. If that was wrong, I apologize.

A good day to you sir


Well. I saw the title and thought "Food!" and now I feel like I'm tiptoeing around shards of broken glass...


Anyway, nice little scene and good collection of minifigs, although the bald head and rag hat look slightly out of place to my Red eyes. But what does a Red know about Green-eared affairs anyway...


Well. I saw the title and thought "Food!" and now I feel like I'm tiptoeing around shards of broken glass...


Anyway, nice little scene and good collection of minifigs, although the bald head and rag hat look slightly out of place to my Red eyes. But what does a Red know about Green-eared affairs anyway...

thank you captain! You're right about the bald head!

Sorry for the mess


Are you in need of an independant mediator? pirate_blush.gif

***snip***...everyone thinks a war will result...***snip***

WAR?!? pirate_oh.gifpirate_oh3.gifpirate_cry4.gif

At any threat, have no doubt Corrington will respond swiftly and decisively!

*takes things out of context and rattles sabres* pirate_laugh2.gif




Green-eared affairs

Dang, CD is right, no food here...

Why are your green-eared affairs so blue? I find this offensive default_laugh2.gif

Chilläx, dudes and dudettes, no one is interested in a war at this point. Even if that's only 'cause we don't know how to 'play' one default_innocent.gif

Just please don't forget that a big part of ESL's appeal as a faction is that constant power struggle between the central power and the TCs.

Nice vignette, Titus, love the texture and the stand default_classic.gifthumbup.gif

Oh, and one last thing: One more MCRA and Bregir will surely be able to buy all of ESL. Capitalism is peace! default_laugh2.gif


...Just please don't forget that a big part of ESL's appeal as a faction is that constant power struggle between the central power and the TCs...

Good point. I bet all your faction discussions are boooring! pir_laugh2.gif

...Oh, and one last thing: One more MCRA and Bregir will surely be able to buy all of ESL. Capitalism is peace! default_laugh2.gif

Oh please! What am I, 18 DBs behind him and he's gonna buy us all out? Let's get our math straight! default_poke.gifpirate_laugh2.gif

Posted (edited)

WAR?!? pirate_oh.gifpirate_oh3.gifpirate_cry4.gif

At any threat, have no doubt Corrington will respond swiftly and decisively!

*takes things out of context and rattles sabres* pirate_laugh2.gif

Well that escalated far more quickly than I excpected. default_look.gif Great scene Titus! I like the way you made the table, looks well used.

Yours Truly:

Captain Charles J. Becker

Edited by Captain Becker

Dang, CD is right, no food here...

Why are your green-eared affairs so blue? I find this offensive default_laugh2.gif

Chilläx, dudes and dudettes, no one is interested in a war at this point. Even if that's only 'cause we don't know how to 'play' one default_innocent.gif

Blue and yellow make green, si? So if you remove ze yellow (ie ze color of gold) you are left with - voila blue!

Ooooh. Zat is a strange shade of blue if I ever zaw one...

:grin: :grin:

But what are these "DBs" everyone keeps talking about? Doughnut boxes? Dark bananas? Deep-fried bacon? Deli barbecue? Dubble Bubble gum? D...


Actually, don't answer that. I'm well aware of the fact that "DBs" means "Delicious bagels."


Great little scene with a good choice of faces. :thumbup:

The white-haired individual's torso is a little plain, but looks fine with the wig covering most of it.

WAR?!? pirate_oh.gifpirate_oh3.gifpirate_cry4.gif

At any threat, have no doubt Corrington will respond swiftly and decisively!

*takes things out of context and rattles sabres* pirate_laugh2.gif

Hold on while I grab the popcorn. :pir-laugh:


Thanks Titus, and excellent idea and initiative (both you and Elostirion)! I'm glad to see that Eslandolans are still loyal to their country and are working for its strength and glory! pirate_wink.gif:thumbup: About the build itself (which, sorry, I probably should have commented on first of all! pirate_laugh2.gifpir_laugh2.gif), I really like your border, and the podium and flag look quite nice as well - good job!

...Chilläx, dudes and dudettes, no one is interested in a war at this point. Even if that's only 'cause we don't know how to 'play' one default_innocent.gif...

Yes, I doubt anyone has to worry about war too much at least until we have some idea about how to fight one! pirate_laugh_new.gifdefault_laugh2.gif


Nice little build. I like the effort put into the frame. Too often it is simply the default black, and this ones blends in well and appeals to me.

The ESL internal issue seems resolved, which I am glad to see.


The ESL internal issue seems resolved, which I am glad to see.

Only a small conflict of interest, if even that. Nothing to see here. Eslandola provides traders freedom to provide their citizens with the best goods DBs can buy. Freedom of religion. Freedom from monarchic and military oppression. Freedom from opportunistic raiders that don't respect the rules of a civilized society. Have no doubt about the unified Eslandola. It is strong, and will only become stronger. The basis of our great nation is respect for every man (woman included), support for every mans ideas that can progress trade relations, and the belief and support of basic minifig rights. Our King is not demented in any way, from what I have heard...

Nice little build. It is interesting he brought along armed guards to deliver news of the treaty. Is it for anyone who don't agree will be shot? pirate_laugh2.gif

Yup. Live in Eslandola :wink:

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