Posted June 13, 200816 yr Hello EB! Yes, I'm cranking out the reviews! The other day I picked up this gem for an okay sales price at Devonport, Tas, while searching for the new Batsets. I informed iamded of this as he is a Spidey-suckup ( ) and he informed me this was the only set he didn't have of the Wave 2 of this theme. So I ask you great EB members to please remind him of this when commenting! Here we go with the review of Doctopus' lair: Anyway, unlike other reviews, this stars more people, the Batbrick-iamded-dragonator-Daisy review! (Daisy is the mouse that came in the set) First up re the figs, and I must say they are great. I love fleshies and these are excellent to expand my Batman world, plus having a Spiderman to beat up is good too Doctopus is great, though his tentacles are annoying to keep in order. Peter Parker is a nice addition, I love that torso. Eve though Harry Osborn was totally absent from this scene, I welcome him as he is a good fig also. Best of all is Mary Jane, fleshie females are hard to come by and I love that hair, my very first one! Oh, and even better is bley Daisy on the far right: Another fantastic thing is that by mixing MJ with Doctopus you get a far more deadly and real villain than anyone could've forseen - The Hippy! Oh c'mon, tell me that ain't cool? Anyhoo, here is a pic of Doctopus showing his might: Random fact: Did you know I influence both dragonator and iamded in their sigfigs? dragonator adapts his from my IA series while iamded added Mutt hair when I had him like that in a pic I posted. Now onto the box, sorry about the lighting. The art is good and the cartoon spidey in the corner may have beenthe inspiration for a similar style in the new Batsets: Back of the box. Again, sorry about the lighting and blur, it was gtting late and these were the last pics: Finally we get to the first part of the set: The catapult. Is that movie accurate or what? I love the part in SM2 when he uses his homemade genetic spider powered catapult to launch himself to the scene! Oh well, it does comes with a cool spider web an trans blue spider, so it gets some points: And it is really fun! I launched spidey several metres once, I don't think he ever recovered. Infact, he almost certainly webbed himself Slightly cooler extras are these two. This awesome little boat is great for city, as is the simple but nice bouy, Daisy approves: Naturally dragonator ruins everything when he found out the "dragon" that would be riding with him was our nickname for Daisy Now finally, the main attraction - Coctopus' Dock. iamded and I threw dragonator in the water to see if he could swim. He er, couldn't One Sweeney todd later, we continue! The overall construction of the building is very good. I know a lot of people hated stickers and i hated applying these, but they do look spectacular and perfect for any City setting, like a bank, a Gotham Bank As iamded has already noted below me the black lifesavers a very cool as are the web piece and log pieces: The inside contains the neutron copperplate triple bypass humdrum holy hum 5000, which does does, see movie. Anyhoo, it is very cool, and includes a little control thingy on the yellow brick next to it. Unfortunately, the inside is plain but for that: The other side has no wall too which is a bit of a letdown really, but atleast it allows Daisy easy access. one gripe is those yellow 1x1 bricks, they serve no purpose and break up the colour scheme: Better shot of the thingy thing. I quite like it, the use of technic parts actually works, and the whole set is worth it for those purple flames and dishes alone It closes up pretty well too, unable to hit the dish which is a nice feature: Me and iamded liked it so much we threw a revived dragonator into it. Unfortunately it disagreed with him, but it was fun: Another shot of the dock. I like how they have gaps in the jetty, I know the movie version was pretty wack, and although the set isn't very faithful to it (looks more like a seaside library to be frank) it still is very nice. This is my first large blue baseplate too which is wonderful, though funny how the set only uses about half of it: The roof is a well designed and fun feature, it uses some technic connections to render it flexible of any degree, as you can see here by my opening of it: Better shot of the roof design, it can lie flat or at any angle. I might use the design myself in the future: As much as I love the building this feature bugs me, for in order for it to work this wall has to stick out, which not only looks ugly but makes you be able to see through the corners. Still, easily modded, and log pieces are fantastic for mocing. It also means that there are 7 windows all up for a good, sizeable building: By pulling out the piece in the center the walls both collapss sideways outwards, which is actually pretty fun and works everytime: Overall view of the set including characters: Now for the story that makes no all: Spiderman is dead after falling down the wall mechanism (see above): Only Daisy can save the day! For dragonator is being held by the evil Doctopus! And iamded and dragonator are too busy not caring! And Brainbox is too busy complaining that this goes against all Marvel continuity! Unfortunately Daisy is on a lunchbreak so tough luck dragonator: And Daisy goes on a search for fortune and glory: Okay, this is what I think of the set: Build: 3/5 - Fun, but those stickers ruin the experience somewhat, and if you don't apply them the instructions are a bit hard to follow. Playability: 4/5 - Great little gizmos and bits, not the kind that keep you going like with the 2007 Aquabase, but good fun still. Design: 4/5 - Not very movie faithful no, but still a great little building and a smart design for certain aspects. Minifigs: 5/5 - Great figs with all different faces and very useful bits. Price: 2/5 Far, FAR overpriced even on sale sadly Total: 18/25 - A good set that could've been better with a few minor changes. Nothing wrong with it, but it doesn't really cross the line to greatness. That said, it has a lot going for it and definitely worth buying or atleast a look! Thanks for reading Batbrick Away! Edited June 13, 200816 yr by Batbrick
June 13, 200816 yr Lookin' good so far! Though I must say it's Doc Ock, not Dok Ock... The catapult is, well, ridiculous, but the boat is very spiffy, and the buoy is a nice addition! I actually like the stickers on the window pieces, perfect for this building, and great for post-Apoc scenes. Black life-saver rings are a nice addition too.Anyway, hurry up dragonator and Batbrick! And Daisy! I want to see the rest of the review! ~iamded away!
June 13, 200816 yr Great review as always, Batbrick! ) I always enjoy reading them because they really make my day! )))) I hope that we shall see more and more.... Good day, gentlemen! )
June 13, 200816 yr I got this set in 2006 in a 'Byrnes World of Wonder' toy shop. I dont remember how much, but it was a deal. The box was all battered but it had everything. Good review Batbrick.
June 13, 200816 yr Thanks for the review, even if it is a number of years late. I picked this up whn it came out, and thought it was a rather cool set (besides the catapult). Plenty of cool pieces, and the baseplate has found a use in the Batcave. Although I think my dad managed to spill some beer on it at one point. That was awful to clean off... And Brainbox is too busy complaining that this goes against all Marvel continuity! I wasn't expecting that! There I was, casually scrolling down, when I stumbled onto a picture of me.
June 13, 200816 yr WHERE IS MY SOAP????!!!! Haha, anyway, nice review as always, Batbrick! I too have the set and hate the wall jutting out, catapult, and missing wall. But hey, review.
June 13, 200816 yr Great review Batbrick, I was curious as to what the interior of the building looked like, I still think that there should have been a few random chains or something lying around as they may add to the abandoned feeling that the ware house had. Though I have to admit that I really like the roof dock and minifigs as some of them make good average civilians that are somewhat hard to come by in todays sets . Great comic as well it seemed to add a lot to your review, hope you can review another Spider man set soon . BTW as Adam mentioned I believe you owe me a bar of soap, for reading your review ... Edited June 13, 200816 yr by MacK
June 14, 200816 yr Great review. The hippy and the "story" at the end were hilarious. I think this was easily the best of the Spiderman 2 sets. You're right though - it wasn't movie acurate, as the actual movie dock was far shabbier and more trashed than this. Ah well, I guess TLC couldn't do everything.
June 14, 200816 yr For dragonator is being held by the evil Doctopus! And iamded and dragonator are too busy not caring! Wait... dragonator's not caring that he's being held by Doc Ock? What are you doing? A very nice finish to the interview, now I really want this set! The story at the end was neat (except for Spidey dieing! ) but my favourite part was the exploding dragonator. Nothing personal mate, it just looks cool when people are thrown into fusion reactors! ~Peace
June 16, 200816 yr Author Thanks for the review, even if it is a number of years late. I picked this up whn it came out, and thought it was a rather cool set (besides the catapult). Plenty of cool pieces, and the baseplate has found a use in the Batcave. Although I think my dad managed to spill some beer on it at one point. That was awful to clean off... Not late, just delayed Beer? And I though playdoh was bad.... I wasn't expecting that! There I was, casually scrolling down, when I stumbled onto a picture of me. Had to be done, and it fitted your character didn't it WHEREIS MY SOAP????!!!! Over there! BTW as Adam mentioned I believe you owe me a bar of soap, for reading your review ... See above. Great review. The hippy and the "story" at the end were hilarious. I think this was easily the best of the Spiderman 2 sets. You're right though - it wasn't movie acurate, as the actual movie dock was far shabbier and more trashed than this. Ah well, I guess TLC couldn't do everything. Thanks Grevious, it is a great set. The hippy is awesome, it was hard to take him apart. Wait... dragonator's not caring that he's being held by Doc Ock? What are you doing? A very nice finish to the interview, now I really want this set! The story at the end was neat (except for Spidey dieing! ) but my favourite part was the exploding dragonator. Nothing personal mate, it just looks cool when people are thrown into fusion reactors! Yes, I agree, exploding dragonators are always hilarious! Maybe I should pm him that pic... As for dragonator not caring, it was late and I was getting careless Batbrick Away!
June 16, 200816 yr Had to be done, and it fitted your character didn't it Well... yeah. You know me so well.
June 19, 200816 yr Hmmmm... It DOES go against all marvel continuity! Oh yeah, daisy found a job working for indiana jones as a stunt double in the Temple of Doom!!!
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