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It was the beginning of another day in Dragons Keep, and the people were restless, looking for someone to blame for the lack of evidence in finding the traitors. Nobody could figure out who was actually a traitor, and who was a loyalist, and with conflicting opinions from everyone, the people turned on their great and mighty Lord, for no righteous reason whatsoever. We chance now upon the scene of their hiding place...


What a mess! How did I end up here, in our storage room, with you of all people?

Obviously, it is because the people of this castle think you've been interfering with their voting, and are revolting, led by that Savvy fellow and the other dude...

But I haven't been meddling! Well not much anyway. I've just been spicing things up for everyone.

Yes, well now we're stuck here with a horde of angry castle-dwellers on our tails! You can't really blame them, I want a traitor too, and I've been here only a few days.

Don't you be getting any ideas.

I won't. :devil:


I can hear them coming, we should probably find something to defend ourselves with.

Right, I'm using this big axe-thingy!



You don't even know how to use that; you'll probably end up dropping it on your foot.

Yeah, I know! :sweet:

Well I'm going to use this big bad boy.



You can't use that, it doesn't fit the time period!

You just watch me. Come on Staudie, we have some but to kick.

No, I won't let you ruin historical accuracy!




Opps. Draggy are you all right?

Fine, no thanks to you.

Um, Draggy...


Your helmet came off.

And? I know I don't usually take it off, but what's your point?


Oh nothing, um, I just didn't know you had white... oh never mind...

Do you have something against my hair colour? :angry:

No, no, um, it's just a little... weird, that's all.

There's nothing weird about it. I was born with this. I'm sure plenty of people are born with white hair.

Not really...

Shut it Staudie! This conversation is not only pointless, but is starting to annoy me. Really, to think you

Edited by Dragonator

I must preserve histroicall acurracy! *This is Stauder to the 313th Mechanized infanty brigade, request reinfocements Over*

What did you just call in?

Just some troops... And tanks... And a helicopter gunship...

Where'd you get Dr.Sinister's number?

Actually I called in my own troops...

How many?

Two... or three...


Single digits! We have a low budget... But a good training course... A elite one even, we have the soldier's mother hold the target they use for target practice, very accurate.

GROM anyone?

Well, I got my investigation on Rotty today...

Vote ImperialShadows/Rotrigous

Anyone care to hazard a guess at what I found on his alignment? ^.~


Damn it. I thought that was the case. I wish we could've come to that conclusion before you investigated. That's why he keeps protecting Mary at night. They're probably both traitors. That's why blocking her did nothing...

Vote ImperialShadows/Rotrigous

While I'm not quite ready to call the traitor card on Mary just yet, yes, it is suspicious - then again, I also would enjoy protecting Mary nightly, so... ^.~

Also, a few notes:

1. No, I didn't get any other information other than "traitor", so don't ask me for what he ate for breakfast three nights ago. =P

2. I support you Lord Dragonator! <3 (Can I borrow one of those crystal swords? They look magnificent!)


I had a feeling it would be him. Rotrigous, I'm sorry but vote: Rotrigous/Imperial Shadows. As for Mary, would you like to tell us anything? Anything suspicious about Rotrigous that could strengthen (or weaken) Kyle's claims against him. Still, I guess this is why he didn't want to be investigated then - he was afraid of being found out. I should have realized this sooner. :hmpf:

I wonder... What if he is not a traitor? What is you are just putty in the traitors hands? What if he is just going to get you all killed then walk away?

  Stauder said:
I wonder... What if he is not a traitor? What is you are just putty in the traitors hands? What if he is just going to get you all killed then walk away?

Kyle spoke the truth about me two days ago, that's good enough for me.

Vote: ImperialShadows / Rotrigous

  Hinckley said:
Damn it. I thought that was the case. I wish we could've come to that conclusion before you investigated. That's why he keeps protecting Mary at night. They're probably both traitors. That's why blocking her did nothing...

Vote ImperialShadows/Rotrigous

Mary: The reason that blocking me did nothing was I have no night actions...

  Trexxen said:
While I'm not quite ready to call the traitor card on Mary just yet, yes, it is suspicious - then again, I also would enjoy protecting Mary nightly, so... ^.~

Also, a few notes:

1. No, I didn't get any other information other than "traitor", so don't ask me for what he ate for breakfast three nights ago. =P

2. I support you Lord Dragonator! <3 (Can I borrow one of those crystal swords? They look magnificent!)


Mary: I would enjoy protecting myself everynight too... what? Who said that?

  commanderbly42 said:
I had a feeling it would be him. Rotrigous, I'm sorry but vote: Rotrigous/Imperial Shadows. As for Mary, would you like to tell us anything? Anything suspicious about Rotrigous that could strengthen (or weaken) Kyle's claims against him. Still, I guess this is why he didn't want to be investigated then - he was afraid of being found out. I should have realized this sooner. :hmpf:

Mary: As I do not want to give any misinformtion, no ,I have nothing. Dargonator has sent me no information on Rits. Maybe he would of if you hadn't locked him in storage he could of informed me!

Mary: i do not want to vote for Rits yet... for obvious reasons I'm sure. I'd like to hear him out first.

Woah, woah - Mary, none of us locked Dragonator in the storage. He heard our mutinous comments (well, everyone else's... :hmpf: ) and locked himself in his weapons storage room until he found something suitable to defend himself with. Now he's walking around with a semi-automatic crossbow with a zoom scope, and Staudie has an axe...

(psst: don't look now, but I think Staudie will be Dragonator's first target with the crossbow - he's fallen with his axe on five statues already today!)


Blah blah blah, if you kill me, it will only make me stronger, blah blah.

Seriously, I'm shocked that with as poorly as some of this has been done, you didn't get the blatantly obvious clues earlier. For one of these to work, it needs to be more based on our own efforts and less on outside influences. Enough said there.

I am disappointed to be double-crossed by one of my own.

Vote: Lord Savril / Hinckley

Oh, and my ghost will haunt you all. :skull:

  Zepher said:
Mary: The reason that blocking me did nothing was I have no night actions...

No, I know. What I meant was it revealed nothing but suspicious activity was hinted at...and that's why he was with you, protecting you.

  ImperialShadows said:
Blah blah blah, if you kill me, it will only make me stronger, blah blah.

Seriously, I'm shocked that with as poorly as some of this has been done, you didn't get the blatantly obvious clues earlier. For one of these to work, it needs to be more based on our own efforts and less on outside influences. Enough said there.

I am disappointed to be double-crossed by one of my own.

Vote: Lord Savril / Hinckley

Oh, and my ghost will haunt you all. :skull:

Was that a confession? I can't tell. Is it a last ditch effort to bring down a loyalist? I can't tell that either. I don't speak moron. Let him hang. Can we get a fifth vote please?

I guess I should've known since he resisted every time I wanted to vote for a traitor and how defensive he got every time I said I was going to vote for him. Or the Traitor tattoo on his megablocks...

If I hadn't been so lazy I would've found some more proof and accused him a third time. Maybe people would've listened if I came back again with more evidence. Notice I'm always right? You should all always listen to me.

  Hinckley said:
I guess I should've known since he resisted every time I wanted to vote for a traitor and how defensive he got every time I said I was going to vote for him. Or the Traitor tattoo on his megablocks...

I brought down Lord Ash on my own and voted for every traitor that this pathetic bunch managed to catch. The only person that always resisted voting for traitors is someone you don't even suspect because of the double-dealing of a certain party who has declared them innocent. And stop looking at my megablocks. :blush:

  ImperialShadows said:
The only person that always resisted voting for traitors is someone you don't even suspect because of the double-dealing of a certain party who has declared them innocent.

I think we should analyze this statement very carefully. After Rotty is dead! :tongue: Wait, it would be more clever to say "After Rotty is rotting!" no no, the pun takes away from the insult of the moment...I'll keep it like it is. Hello? Mommy?

What the hay... Vote: ImperialShadows / Rotrigous.

Okay, I will bite, Vote rotrigous/ritz/IS/ImperialShadows

He has so many names he goes by... If your wrong though trexxen you will be next, deal?

Sai La Vi, (do not know how to spell) killing a friend who may be a traitor.

I will weep if it is true, I trusted him so blindly.

Now back to my Dynasty Warriors..

DIE DIE DIE, 1000 KO's

nice just unlocked Lu Bu

What just happened? :alien:

  TheBrickster said:
What the hay... Vote: ImperialShadows / Rotrigous.

Oh and so he cant change it again... as we have been seeing...

Cpt. PB

Kyle, in case you haven't already decided who to investigate this coming night (which suddenly seems awfully close :tongue:) I suggest that you investigate Lt. Byron.

Seems Kyle has dropped Roto in it. I vote Rotrigous/Imperial Shadow as well. Still doesn't make sense that he would want him dead, though he def would have had access or was able to give the King his food/wine that killed him!

  Quarryman said:
Kyle, in case you haven't already decided who to investigate this coming night (which suddenly seems awfully close :tongue:) I suggest that you investigate Lt. Byron.

I have no problem seconding that!

Mary: I guess I have no choice, though it pains me. Vote: Rits/IS I think that due to the evidence just discovered you should look into Savy, seeing as Rits, who brought down a traitor, was a traitor himself. Savy also brought down a traitor! It may benefit us to look into him, and if not, there can only be two or three more traitors!

Actually, I was considering looking at Savril tonight - but I think Byron would be the way to go. Consider this: If I look at him and he KNOWS I'm doing it, and he's a traitor, I'll get whacked. =P (Then again, that'd be a dead giveaway too.)


I feel a bit useless now. Anyone want me to block anyone's night actions? I think I shall just do nothing tonight. Everyone's head is safe. :grin:

  Hinckley HINCKLEY Hinckley #%&am said:
I feel a bit useless now. Anyone want me to block anyone's night actions? I think I shall just do nothing tonight. Everyone's head is safe. :grin:

But I enjoyed being bonked on the head... :blush:

  Quarryman said:
But I enjoyed being bonked on the head... :blush:


Does anyone else think we should stay away from Michael? :look:

Anyhow, now that we have three more days left, what should we do now? We can't just sit around for the rest of the day. :wacko:

Tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1399. :tongue:

So, now that he's basically confessed...do you all believe me now? After 5 or so days as the main suspect, do you all finally believe me? ...pwease? <3

~Kyle (I just want to be loved! <3 )

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