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"Okay ladies, pipe down in there. Your final meals will be here shortly. Heh heh heh..."


"I can't believe that of all of the women in the world, I get stuck with you on the day of my execution." Iris said.

"I'm not happy about it either," said Darlene.

"How the hell did a goody-two-shoes like you get the death penalty anyway?" Iris asked.


"Oh, I killed this stupid Pete guy." Darlene explained. "I really did think he was a Baritone. But he wasn't and the State wasn't too cool with me killing him. And also since that old Carter guy had only been a mafia goon for a couple of days and we killed all the other goons, we couldn't really prove that he was involved in the mafia. So it kind of looked like I just beat an old harmless man to death with a rifle. But that's all... How'd they catch you?"


"They didn't really." Iris explained, "I caught myself. I crashed that damn cement truck into a bus full of female convicts headed for the county prison. Damn the luck I was dressed in this prison garb. I passed out on the side of the road and woke up in the prison hospital. They couldn't figure out how I ended up there, but they knew who I was and it wasn't long until I was pinned for all the crimes I committed over the years...I mean framed for crimes I didn't commit."

"If it makes you feel any better, that construction worker really loved the outfit you traded him for." Darlene offered.


"It's just unfortunate I have to share a great gift with you, the woman who killed my family." Iris explained as she removed the bars from the window. "But I suppose we could work together to get out of here. Some of my men came out here and loosened these bars last night. They've cleared a path to the storm drain and should be taking out the guards as we speak. Why don't you look this way? Aren't you interested."

"I'm very interested" Darlene said, "but unfortunately, because of this hairpiece, I can't turn my head..."


Iris and Darlene snuck out into the night avoiding their dates with Capital Punishment.

"Why is it bright white outside tonight?" Darlene wondered out loud.


"Hurry up you awful female canine" Iris cursed as she dragged Darlene along, then stopped. "Wait! Is that a boulder across from a small pine tree? My men left something there for me to make our trip back to Moonlight a little easier."


"Oh boy!" Darlene said, "I wonder what it could be!"




"Wahoo!" Iris celebrated, "I've murdered my greatest enemy: the woman who killed my family!"


"Oh crap, and I'm handcuffed to her dead body. This is going to be a long walk home..."


Iris Baritone returned to Moonlight and was immediately greeted again as the mafia's godfather. The mafia that had been resurgent there was still loyal to the Baritone name and had known Iris for years. They were very happy to see her as their reign of terror was coming to a close since the FBI had recently been inexplicably closing in on all of their operations. Iris gathered all the major players together in the basement of the theater and addressed them with her new plan...


"My fellow goons, there are rats among us! That is the only way to explain the FBI's ease in interrupting our operations. We must find these rats and rid ourselves of them. I need you all to investigate everyone in the organization. I have secretly given you all roles in this operation and need everyone to work together to bring these informant pigs out in the open. Every day I want you to vote for the person among us who you think is the most likely suspect to be an FBI rat informant. I have assigned one of you the role of Hit Man. Every night I will tell this Hit Man who received the most votes and he will "take care" of that person for us... Voting will be done anonymously, so vote the person you truly think could be a rat and not just because everyone else is voting. That is all..."


  • There are two sides: Mafia Goons and FBI Informants
  • FBI Informants win if they outnumber all of the Mafia Goons
  • Mafia Goons win if the kill all of the FBI Informants
  • Voting will not be done in the thread as in the past!
  • PM your vote to me during each day thread
  • You cannot change your vote. Once you've voted, it sticks.
  • You can discuss who you would like to vote, but can vote whoever you like by PM.
  • A player must have a majority of votes to be convicted.
  • You may not edit your posts. Three post edits and you will suffer!
  • Three OOC posts and you will definitely suffer!!
  • Please change your avatar to the one below or post it in your sig, and add your character name to your sig as well.

The Cast and Players

The Made Men


Dragonatieri played by Dragonator


Tony played by Atoll Dweller


Richie played by ricecracker


Johnny Blue played by Jlblue


Quarrioni played by Quarryman


Trexxisanti played by Trexxen

The Wives


Alicia played by Alice


Adalaide played by Adam


LeAnn played by lego12


Pavarti played by ptdapen


Zabrina played by Zepher


Wynona played by wouwie13

The Captains


Perry Blockioli played by Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard


Piav Blockioli played by TinyPiesRUs


Willie Fangolie played by WhiteFang


Dickie played by Sir Dillon


Inertiatieri played by Inertia

The "Fronts"


Stanton played by stash2sixx


Boyd played by Bob the construction man


Ian played by ImperialShadows


Pedro played by Pencoin- Dead. Killed by Adalaide on Day 1

Last but not least,

The Reserves

In case of quitters...

Kill will

Darth Legois


Jim Butcher

Tim Bit

Da Death Star!

Reveal hidden contents

Well first of all, what a pleasure it is that Iris has been returned to us, and not only has she returned, but she killed that dreadful Darlene woman. I had a lot of trouble with her in LA, she kept taking my operatives to court, the old female canine. :hmpf_bad:

Anyway, it seems we have some rats amongst us. I hate rats. They disgust me. So lets get rid of them as quick as possible and go back to our normal criminal lives.

As can be expected, we do not yet have any evidence to go off, so if anyone has anything to share, go for it.

Boss, I am glad that you have made it out alive. This means serious business... Hate those smelly little dirt rats sniffing around us for clues. For a start, did any of our cover up operations got screwed by those stinky FBI? This is getting my blood boil.

*turns around*

Oh my darling Wynona, are you startled by the sickening sewage rats hiding among us?

Yah I got something to say. I am Captain Perry Blockioli, call me Cpt. PB

Piav and I are twins, I am the older one by a whole ten minutes, and I have recently been promoted to Capt.

If we have a rat infestation best to get the rat poison out. Lead these suckers into a trap. how do we set a trap?

Regards Cpt. PB

My fellow brothers, shall we check those goons whom was recently admitted to Baritones. We need to ensure that their background are dirty enough, to be certify as clean... Perhaps, that is where we can start. Why don't our shopowners tell us more about the daily operations as well. I am sure boss will like to know how are our money laundering coming along..

Welcome back Iris, but can we be sure they are rats? The FBI could be getting us anyway. I thank-you Iris for killing that awful women, she murdered my brother Petey. :cry_sad: He wasn't even one of us Barrytons...

  Pencoin said:
Welcome back Iris, but can we be sure they are rats? The FBI could be getting us anyway. I thank-you Iris for killing that awful women, she murdered my brother Petey. :cry_sad: He wasn't even one of us Barrytons...

I find it interesting that you have a brother who is not from The Family, Pedro. What exactly is your connection to our family? I understand you are one of our "Fronts"?

Yes I am a front, but this does not make me any less loyal to the Barrytons.

  Pencoin said:
Yes I am a front, but this does not make me any less loyal to the Barrytons.

Um, who are the Barrytons? I don't suppose they're FBI or something? :grin:

One interesting thing to note is that three of our Captains have different last names, indicating that they are not born of the family. I assume that everyone else is a born Baritone, or at least are claiming to be?

You know what I mean, the Bari- the Bari-. I just can't say it, whenever I try it just comes out as Barrytons...

Wha? Youse guys up and startin' widout me? Noive.

So yeah, I'm Ian and I'm an alkiehaulic. Haha. Youse get it guys? It's like one of dem AAA meetin's. :laugh:

*a voice from the back of the room calls out* Don't you mean AA? AAA is the automotive people.

*Ian pulls out a pistol and parts the hair of the guy in the back* Maybe I was meanin' da NRA? :laugh:

*everyone laughs*

So yeah, back ta bidness. You know I'm runnin' the 'Waste Management' side of tings 'round here, keepin' Moonlight clean and tidy so's we can keep up da behind da scenes action without attracting da five oh.

*someone walks in the room and places a fish in everyone's ear*

Right, what was that about? Well, I've lost that annoying accent, I hope no one minds. It was getting on my nerves already. :blush:

Where was I? Ah yes, the business. As some of you may recall, when certain members of the family were a little reckless a few months ago and starting killing people in the streets, it was my company that didn't pick up the bodies for disposal, leaving them as a gentle reminder to the pathetic citizens of town that they might want to shut their faces. There was one particular resident I've been looking to get revenge upon, but it seems he's disappeared. I'll find him.

What more do you want to know? Clearly, the family knows what I'm doing and where my loyalties stand, and I fully intend to keep things running smoothly despite the dirty rats who seem to have infested our fine organization. In my line of work, we know how to deal with rats. *stomps foot*

And Iris, let me be the first to say, you look as lovely as ever, it's truly a pleasure to have you back. Thursday nights haven't been the same without you... :wink:

  ImperialShadows said:
As some of you may recall, when certain members of the family were a little reckless a few months ago and starting killing people in the streets, it was my company...

Yes, those reckless relatives were a disgrace to the family name. Well they're gone now; the weak whittled out from the rest of us. We shall handle this little problem in a much more professional way. *cracks knuckles* We of the family also know how to deal with rats.

  Dragonator said:
Yes, those reckless relatives were a disgrace to the family name. Well they're gone now; the weak whittled out from the rest of us. We shall handle this little problem in a much more professional way. *cracks knuckles* We of the family also know how to deal with rats.

So who are Rats to you? Traitors? Or us, the Mafia?

  Pencoin said:
So who are Rats to you? Traitors? Or us, the Mafia?

Rats are the filthy vermin who claim to be of the family or claim loyalty to the family, and yet are truly informants of the FBI. We shall hunt them out, and we shall deal with them like we always have done. And that is not pleasantly. *flicks a knife out of his sleeve, casually twirls it and flicks it back up to wherever it was hidden* You've got a sharp tongue there Pedro, mind you don't cut yourself with it. :wink:

I've got a sharp mind as well, and that tells me who to trust and who not to. And it tells me not to trust you.

  Pencoin said:
I've got a sharp mind as well, and that tells me who to trust and who not to. And it tells me not to trust you.

Hey mate, I'm just making idle chatter. You know how we Baritones are, one minute cutting strips of skin off your back, the next sitting and drinking like old friends. If that's how you feel then fine, but it's a little early on really to start making judgements in my book. Unless you have some motive to start making accusations this early on? But I don't think so, we're all a little nervous to see how this whole deal roles out. :wink: Let's just drop it shall we and have a drink. Surely there is something good lying around down here.

*goes in search of a bottle of something strong*

I'll pass, It would better to be sober at this time (Then dead by your poisoning).

Best not trusting anybody yet... that sharp mind seams a little rusty...

and a sharp tongue you have will do nothing if it is too slow for bullets.

Now as for myself and my brother, we are the Blockiloi Brothers, we have street cred, from here to that other place...

Fab, Fabuland - we killed our fair share of bunnies and foxes, even a few walrus...

We got into the family back after that Darline came into town, all I can say is Johny blue eyes over there was nearly shot during a job. We showed up at the same gig saved his life from the pigs and legged. Proved our worth and have been with the family since. Also turns out the our mum was sisters with Alicia's cousin. Ever since we have been valuable members of the team. As prove'n by us both being Captains.

Can't wait to shoot some holes in some rats!

  Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard said:
Also turns out the our mum was sisters with Alicia's cousin.

Then you're family in my book. Good to have you with us. :sweet:

You bring up a fair point, at this point in time, we should trust nobody. Although I am always happy to trust someone until they prove themselves to be untrustworthy. We are family after all, so why don't we sort this out over a couple of bottles of this 20 year Malt Whiskey I found a crate of over there.

*Pours for Perry and himself*

Down she goes!

So what of your brother? Can you say he is loyal? If he isn't, you would lie though wouldn't you? Then you would both die wouldn't you, so tell the truth. But maybe he could be loyal? And maybe you aren't, Or maybe you are.

Tell us up front about your brother, and well see it that you live.

Welcome Back Boss!

I'm not overly surprised we had Rats in our midst, the FBI have always wanted to shut us down for good!

That pitiful Darline woman really made me mad, thanks for taking care of her, that's one Vigilante we don't have to worry about!

Dragonatieri! I'm up for some of that Vintage Whiskey, pass some down here would you?

I'm all about being cautious, but I trust LeAnn with my life! Although, there is the matter of those clothes you made me last week....

  Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard said:
We got into the family back after that Darline came into town, all I can say is Johny blue eyes over there was nearly shot during a job. We showed up at the same gig saved his life from the pigs and legged. Proved our worth and have been with the family since. Also turns out the our mum was sisters with Alicia's cousin. Ever since we have been valuable members of the team. As prove'n by us both being Captains.

Can't wait to shoot some holes in some rats!

Well, that makes you Family all right! You and your brother are welcome, although, you still need to prove you're trust worthy.

And agreed! We should get down to elimanating those Traitors!

Has no-one suspected their wives? :wink:

  Pencoin said:
Has no-one suspected their wives? :wink:

Are you accusing LeAnn of being a Rat!

How do we know you're not a Rat, all you've done today is evoke arguements and distrust, that's what the FBI want, to turn us against ourselves!

I'll have my eye on you. :angry:

I didn't mean your wife...

Also provoked, have I? You don't expect me to be friendly to my enemies do you? Sharp minds have different ways of doing things.

  Inertia said:
Dragonatieri! I'm up for some of that Vintage Whiskey, pass some down here would you?

Most certainly Inertiatieri, here you go. *Slides a whole bottle down the large table they are suddenly sitting at* Help yourself! :classic:

  Inertia said:
I'll have my eye on you. :angry:

Oh ignore him, he's just peeved he's missing out on the whiskey. Although you do make a good point, perhaps keeping a wary eye is a good idea...

  Pencoin said:
I didn't mean your wife...

Also provoked, have I? You don't expect me to be friendly to my enemies do you? Sharp minds have different ways of doing things.

Wait, so now we are your enemies? Who's side are you on? From everything you have said so far this morning, you sound every bit like an arrogant FBI agent to me. :hmpf_bad:

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