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Tony liked to spend a little time at the docks feeding the ducks, before turning in.


Unfortunately, this night, someone was waiting for him. Ratatatatatatatatat!


Iris found his body in the early morning hours and didn't find a wire. Before meeting the rest of her crew, she went off to Tony's house to determine where his loyalties had been.


Boyd had stayed late cleaning up. Those mob guys sure could make a mess. He could remember during the last game...of life when a young man named Thomas had been gunned down in his bar. And one of those crazy ladies shot someone right outside on the street earlier. Perhaps he had made a mistake entering a deal with the Baritone crew. Maybe he was doing the right thing in trying to fix that... Too bad for Boyd that he was so lost in thought, he didn't realize he was being watched.




The assailant ducked quickly down the alley and Agent Sky and Agent Nelson were unable to catch him. One of their informants lay dead in the street.

"It's too bad," Agent Sky said before calling for an ambulance. "I was going to ask him to do an important job for me tonight..."


While the FBI cleaned up the mess Iris met with her crew in the basement of the Theater.

"I have good news and bad news I'm afraid." She started, but was interrupted by a latecomer.


"Sorry I'm late..." Zabrina said.


"It turns out a few of you were on track suspecting Boyd. Someone killed him this morning and he turned out to be a rat!"

Murmurs erupted from the group only to be interrupted by another latecomer.


It was Adalaide. She looked awful with fresh bruises and cuts. She was using a cane and had a cast on her right leg...


"I went to meet Adalaide in the ER this morning and deliver the bad news. Tony was also killed last night. It turns out, after a careful and thorough investigation of their house, Tony was loyal to the mafia..."

A mournful silence hangs in the air for a few moments.

"We have important matters to attend to today." Iris said, "I will meet with the wives for lunch in the park and then we must start moving some of our stashes in case any rats have compromised them. After lunch I will assign the first run. Johnny Blue, Dragonatieri, Piav, Quarrioni and Ian-the five of you please meet me here after lunch for further instructions.

That is all..."


  • There are two sides: Mafia Goons and FBI Informants
  • FBI Informants win if they outnumber all of the Mafia Goons
  • Mafia Goons win if the kill all of the FBI Informants
  • Voting will not be done in the thread as in the past!
  • PM your vote to me during each day thread
  • You cannot change your vote. Once you've voted, it sticks.
  • You can discuss who you would like to vote, but can vote whoever you like by PM.
  • A player must have a majority of votes to be convicted.
  • You may not edit your posts. Three post edits and you will suffer!
  • Three OOC posts and you will definitely suffer!!
  • Please change your avatar to the one below or post it in your sig, and add your character name to your sig as well.

The Cast and Players

The Made Men


Dragonatieri played by Dragonator


Tony played by Atoll Dweller Dead. Shot to death on Night 1


Richie played by ricecracker


Johnny Blue played by Jlblue


Quarrioni played by Quarryman


Trexxisanti played by Trexxen

The Wives


Alicia played by Alice


Adalaide played by Adam


LeAnn played by lego12


Pavarti played by ptdapen


Zabrina played by Zepher


Wynona played by wouwie13

The Captains


Perry Blockioli played by Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard


Piav Blockioli played by TinyPiesRUs


Willie Fangolie played by WhiteFang


Dickie played by Sir Dillon


Inertiatieri played by Inertia

The "Fronts"


Stanton played by stash2sixx


Boyd played by Bob the construction man- Dead. Stabbed to death on Night 1 Rat


Ian played by ImperialShadows


Pedro played by Pencoin- Dead. Killed by Adalaide on Day 1

Dead Rats


Loyal, yet deceased



Last but not least,

The Reserves

In case of quitters...

Kill will

Darth Legois


Jim Butcher

Tim Bit

Da Death Star!

Reveal hidden contents
  Hinckley said:
"Sorry I'm late..." Zabrina said.

Morning Zabrina. Late night?

  Hinckley said:
"It turns out a few of you were on track suspecting Boyd. Someone killed him this morning and he turned out to be a rat!"

Excellent news! Shame we couldn't have had a chance to beat some other names out of him. :devil:

  Hinckley said:
It was Adelaide. She looked awful with fresh bruises and cuts. She was using a cane and had a cast on her right leg...

Uh... what happened Adelaide? *pulls up a chair for Adelaide to rest in*

  Hinckley said:
"I went to meet Adelaide in the ER this morning and deliver the bad news. Tony was also killed last night. It turns out, after a careful and thorough investigation of their house, Tony was loyal to the mafia..."

Dammit. So someone did us a favour and snuffed out a rat, and one of them took out poor Tony. He will be avenged!

  Hinckley said:
"We have important matters to attend to today." Iris said, "I will meet with the wives for lunch in the park and then we must start moving some of our stashes in case any rats have compromised them. After lunch I will assign the first run. Johnny Blue, Dragonatieri, Piav, Quarrioni and Ian-the five of you please meet me here after lunch for further instructions.

I'll be here, first round is on me, we'll drink in memory of Tony, then we've got a score to settle. :angry:

What a night full of mixed reactions.

Poor Tony. Did we kill one of our own? Or did a rat get to one of us...

I am not liking how those two agents jumped out so quickly... We should be careful of who we target at night and who we condemn during the day. Surely they can not protect the rats from our hitman!

So we were right about Boyd. Good thing somebody got him. Adalaide, mind my asking how you got that cast on your leg. Its beautiful, how did you get those diamonds in the cast!

Regards, Cpt PB

  Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard said:
Adalaide, mind my asking how you got that cast on your leg. Its beautiful, how did you get those diamonds in the cast!

Seems pretty obvious that someone beat the $#!* out of her, and in the process, they beat the second 'a' out of her name and changed it to an 'e'. At least it's an 'e' the way Iris says it. :wacko:

Do we have a particularly brutal investigator around here, and do they have some important news for us?

This is one unexpected night of actions. It's a celebration that we should call for, that flithy Boyd is dead and done for. However, Tony was unfortunate to be ambush by the mystery character. I wonder if this mystery character ever knew he is loyal or not, or a shot in the dark. I supposed it was misfortunate to our side.

  Hinckley said:

"Sorry I'm late..." Zabrina said.

Welcome back Zabrina, Well, Adelaide, what happened to your leg? :look:

Well, a ver unexpected night, it looks like LeAnn was right in her suspicions, Boyd was a Rat, but two loyalists are already dead, a high price for one rat. :sadnew:

Well, we still don't have much more to work with, we must find out who killed poor Tony! :sadnew:

Joy mixed with sorrow, how bloody typical. Great that someone took out that stinking rat Boyd, not so great about poor Tony. May he rest in peace. :cry_sad:

  Hinckley said:
"We have important matters to attend to today." Iris said, "I will meet with the wives for lunch in the park and then we must start moving some of our stashes in case any rats have compromised them. After lunch I will assign the first run. Johnny Blue, Dragonatieri, Piav, Quarrioni and Ian-the five of you please meet me here after lunch for further instructions.

I'll be here.

  ImperialShadows said:
Do we have a particularly brutal investigator around here, and do they have some important news for us?

I certainly hope they do, if not poor Adelaide has been beaten up for no reason at all, which would be a waste of effort.

What a bittersweet morning!!! Leann is an absolute doll for identifying Boyd as a rat. Leann, dear, I apologize for ever doubting you.

Adalaide, what the hell happened to you? What a shame!!!? Perhaps you could tell us. The lovely men are so kind to get you a chair and such. I'll go get you a glass of liquor. Red wine for me please.

Iris, love, I'll be here for our lunch meeting. I look forward to it very much. I think it will calm some of our nerves.

RIP Tony. :cry_sad:

Sigh...always has to be bittersweet, doesn't it? Oh well - one rat down, and from the looks of that picture, two or so to go. Still a shame about Tony, though...


D-d-don' w-worry, y-y'all, I-I'll pu-pull through... :cry_sad::sing:

*sniff* Y-yes, I w-was t-tortured las' n-night, an' I couldn't s-see his o-or her face. :cry_sad: E-excuse me, f-for a momen'. :sing: :sing:

Well, I 'spose this is a bit bittersweet, isn't it? We might have a vigilante on our side... Or it could just be the rats offing one of their own to avoid suspicion. Poor Tony. Good man, he was. *Raises glass* To Tony! *Gulps down* Way to go, Tone. You did good all these years.

Oh, god. Why does it always have to be such a high price? Well, I guess it's better than three loyals down. Also, I would be very interested as to why you were late Zabrina, and as to how you got that cast Adelaide?

Oh dear, it looks like someone had it in for the 'Tony' family last night. Poor Tony, you will be dearly missed my friend. :cry_sad:

At least there is some good news though. The filthy rat Boyd is dead - and from what the FBI said, it seems he had an important night action.

  Hinckley said:
"We have important matters to attend to today." Iris said, "I will meet with the wives for lunch in the park and then we must start moving some of our stashes in case any rats have compromised them. After lunch I will assign the first run. Johnny Blue, Dragonatieri, Piav, Quarrioni and Ian-the five of you please meet me here after lunch for further instructions.

You are our teacher, Iris, and we are your pupils (Geddit? Iris? Pupils? :laugh:... Oh, nevermind. :hmpf_bad: ).

*receives glass of liquor from Alice*

Th-thank ya, hun. :cry_sad: *sniff* Yes, a-as I said, I w-was tortured last night, an-and when the t-torturer was, he or sh-she broke my leg i-in the process... :cry_sad:

Wow a broken leg sure is harsh. Surely someone to do this would have to be a rat. Or is their people here that would go to that length against some one who is possibly completely innocent.

Thats not this groups style. Dang pigs are taking this to far! Damaging our beautiful women in such a manner. :angry:

Should I go get you a wheel chair or some crutches?

Oh no! Who could have done this?!

Adelaide, do you want a piece of apple pie with some whipped cream? Oh, others that would like a piece can have one to! I've made enough!

Adalaide, I do hope you're feeling better soon - I don't know who did this to you, but when I find the filthy pig I'll make sure they're dead; even if I have to do it myself...

I do suppose that Boyd's passing is a very good thing, the more that I look at it - not good as in we've killed a rat good, but very good as in we've killed a rat that seems to have a powerful ability at night. Perhaps tomorrow night we will be as lucky?

And LeAnn, do you have any more...suspicions? :tongue:


That we were able to kill off a rat so quickly is very promising, yet the loss of Tony and the attack on Adelaide is disturbing. :cry_sad:

Good job on your suspicions LeAnn! ... is there anything else you can tell us?

  wouwie13 said:
Oh, others that would like a piece can have one to! I've made enough!

Am I allowed to have it A La Mode?

I was right......Boyd was a rat.....thanks for listening to me, whoever killed Boyd. :classic:

  Adam said:
D-d-don' w-worry, y-y'all, I-I'll pu-pull through... :cry_sad::sing:

*sniff* Y-yes, I w-was t-tortured las' n-night, an' I couldn't s-see his o-or her face. :cry_sad: E-excuse me, f-for a momen'. :sing: :sing:

You in the $#%^ son of a female canine bastard did that to you? I am going to kick his megablocks! :angry: Nobody hurst MY friends!

  Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard said:
Wow a broken leg sure is harsh. Surely someone to do this would have to be a rat. Or is their people here that would go to that length against some one who is possibly completely innocent.

Thats not this groups style. Dang pigs are taking this to far! Damaging our beautiful women in such a manner. :angry:

Should I go get you a wheel chair or some crutches?

I-I think that y'all 're wr-wrong - it musta been someone loyal t-to the Mafia, I think. The t-torturer... he or she s-seemed - satisfied - that I w-was loyal to the Ma-mafia once he'd tortured m-me. :cry_sad:

N-nothing about all of th-this fits, does it? :cry_sad:

That's okay, h-hun - awfully nice o-of ya.

Oh... Adelaide, dearie, are you okay? What an awful night for you. Husband dead, you attacked. Damn.

I'm sorry for being late all. Trexxi and I had a late night, and it is always hard to drag myself out of bed in the morning. Trexxi's always full of energy, so he's alway up at the crack of dawn, but he's such a sweetie that he doesn't like to wake me.

It seems LeAnn was right. Now that we're past that, could you tell us your evidence?

  ricecracker said:
Am I allowed to have it A La Mode?

What does it have extra?

  Zepher said:
Oh... Adelaide, dearie, are you okay? What an awful night for you. Husband dead, you attacked. Damn.

I'm sorry for being late all. Trexxi and I had a late night, and it is always hard to drag myself out of bed in the morning. Trexxi's always full of energy, so he's alway up at the crack of dawn, but he's such a sweetie that he doesn't like to wake me.

It seems LeAnn was right. Now that we're past that, could you tell us your evidence?

Yes, I was right......jeez, I must be smart..... :blush:

I still can't tell you.....its still in effect...... :devil: Oh this is going to be fun....... :skull:

Thanks to whoever killed Boyd, told you I was right........ :wink:

  wouwie13 said:
What does it have extra?

It means it has ice cream on top :tongue:


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