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The Race for Armament - Part 2

An Article and Review by Dragonator

Welcome back to the 2nd part of my article on BrickArms LLC and my review of some of its current and upcoming weapons. Today we are going to look at the bladed, Sci-Fi and miscellaneous weapons, as well as talking some more about colours and stuff like that. If you missed part 1 of this article, then make sure you read that first.

Before getting into the reviews, I think it is important to highlight that BrickArms has just come out with its first wave of new products for 2009, including 5 bladed weapons and a whole pile of new guns. Will also announced 7 new prototypes at BrickFest a few weeks ago, which can be viewed on the BrickArms forum. But enough about all that, let's take a look at what I've got to show you today.

Bladed Weapons

The Blades


In the above picture are all the bladed weapons that I received, including all five that are currently available on the site, as well as a few other prototypes. I really am a castle fan at heart, so I find these all very appealing indeed! Let's take a look at each one in turn.

The Dadao


Also known as the BrickArms Cleaver, this is a really neat weapon, with some very nicely defined edges and a great effect caused by the curve of the blade. I really like how this looks in transparent yellow, even if it is pretty hard to photograph; it would go well with a space pirate or something of that kind.


This really is stylish, with that neat curve in the cross-guard and the little ring in the bottom. While I'm on the topic of colours it should also be noted that all the BrickArms weapons from this most recent wave are available in four different colours, which are black, gunmetal, silver and dark grey. I would show you a picture of how well the dark grey and the gunmetal colours match the Lego equivalents, but I don't have any of them yet. I can tell you however that they match perfectly, from what I have seen.

The rapier


Now this is a really good weapon, and one that pirate fans will love. The classic rapier, with optimum balance for a good performance in any duel. The one shown in my photographs is not the same as the one that went to final production, as it is a slightly earlier version I am told. The actual version has more of an edge on the blade, rather than being round as this one is, and has a more open hilt, allowing a minifig hand to fit in better.


Despite all that, this version still demonstrates an excellent eye for scale, being in my opinion the perfect length. The detailing is just right, and I can't wait to get myself a few of the ones that are on sale now in the BrickArms store.

The Longsword


The longsword is probably my favourite of the whole line; it really is the classic type of blade. Before I go further, it should be noted that the above sword is Version 1 and did not go to mass-production. Version 2, aka the Damien blade, will be discussed in a moment. Back to this one though. If I could see both versions of the longsword in production it would be a dream come true for me, as I love both of them. They each have their good points, and both are excellent examples of BrickArms craftsmanship.


The best thing about this one I think is its added length. It is approximately 7mm longer than the Damien blade, and this adds a certain sense of intimidation and power. In terms of Lego weaponry, this blade is a couple of mm shorter than the large chrome-silver swords of Lego Castle. So in my opinion it is definitely not too big at all. I could just see a dark hallway lined by a whole lot of statues holding these swords... very intimidating indeed. I also really like the way the actual blade has been designed, with the flattened middle and the tapered edges. This is also seen on the Damien blade. If this blade were to see mass production, which it unfortunately is unlikely too, then the only improvement I can really see is perhaps having a ribbed hilt like the Damien blade, rather than a plain hilt. Other than that, this blade is very appealing to me, and I can see all sorts of uses for it.

The Damien Blade


Above you can see the final production version of the longsword, which was called the Damien blade as it was Damien's favourite, so I understand. After all my ranting about how much I love version 1 and wanted to see that produced, I would have been equally annoyed if BrickArms did not come out with this version, because it is really coo. The blade is much smaller than version 1, being just longer than a normal Lego short-sword, which is probably why this didn't end up being called a longsword. The blade is much thinner than the Lego versions, and is slightly thinner than the version 1 prototype. What I really like about this sword is the detail on the hilt, which although simple is really, really effective. It just shows that you don't need lots of fancy patterns to make something look awesome. The ribbed handle combined with the small spheres on the ends of the cross-guard all add up to make this an attractive weapon.


As you can see the shape of the blade is the same as that of version 1, only smaller. One other thing which is neat is that if you are careful a minifig can grip part of the blade, although excess pressure would probably snap it or cause damage to the hand, I didn't want to find out which.

All in all, these are two very similar yet unique weapons. While I really do love the Damien Blade as a great short sword for the everyday warrior, I think it would be neat if BrickArms produced version 1, or something similar, as a longsword for the strong warriors and heroes that just need that added bit of power and intimidation caused by a longer blade. Either way, I am glad I was able to get a closer look at version 1 and the Damien Blade, they are certainly some of the best blades I've seen at this scale.

The Machete


An important necessity for any jungle adventurer, the machete is what Johnny Thunder really wanted. One of the earlier prototypes of this lacked the nob at the end of the handle, and didn't have such a tapered blade, so I'm glad those were added to the final version above, because it looks great! Simple, yet effective. I can just see Johnny or Indy hacking through the jungle vines with this.


Here's a better look at the edge of the blade. Hopefully you can see that this, like all the other bladed weapons, has a nice sharp finish to the blade, unlike the rounded edges of the Lego blades, and this adds a certain sense of realism. They are of course not sharp enough to actually cut.

The bayonet


This is another accessory that pirate fans have been eager to get hold of. The bayonet is just what your imperial soldiers need to defeat the enemy on the battlefield, that an a little artillery help of course. The bayonet is simple yet effective, with a small handle allowing it to be held in the hand as well as being clipped onto a gun with a BrickArms U-Clip.


As you can see it is long enough to protrude far enough to stab past the end of the a Lego musket, and it doesn't look to shabby either. The U-Clip allows this to be attached to any minifig grip-able object (more on that later).


It is hard to see, but the bayonet has a roughly triangular shape, with a broad top which tapers down on either side to an edge along the opposite side. It also slopes up to a point, which for safety reasons I presume has been rounded off somewhat. There is a very small lip around the edge of the handle which stops it from slipping through the U-Clip or a hand. Simple yet also very effective, just what a well designed blade should be like.

The Combat Knife


The combat knife was previously availabe only in a couple of weapons packs, but it is now available as an individual item. The silver version in the above picture is an earlier prototype without the ribbed handle, while the black one is the production version. This is a very neat weapon, with a couple of great details such as the small groove in the blade, the sharp tapered edge with the little dip at the end of the blade, and the presence of a small cross-guard which fits the weapon. The picture below compares the two versions of the blade.


As you can see the two versions are pretty much the same other than the designs on the hilt. This is a small yet versatile weapon, excellent in close quarters where guns just wouldn't do the trick.

The U-Clip


I briefly mentioned the U-Clips in my description of the bayonet, but these nifty little things can be used to connect more than just bayonets. In fact, they can connect any two items together which a minifig can grip. Just think of all the crazy combos you could have! These are also now available in packs of 3.

Well that ends my review of the bladed weapons. I really like all of these weapons, and I can't wait to see if Will has anything more in store for us, because these are fantastic. Now it is time to move on to the final section, the Miscellaneous items, which includes all the Sci-Fi weapons and a few other things.

Miscellaneous Weapons

The assorted items


There is a fair bit to see here, so I'll begin with the two "other" items, and then move on the the Science-Fiction themed weaponry.

The Paintball Marker


Although hard to photograph in transparent yellow, in real life the details on this are quite clear. This sums up a paintball gun completely; simplicity for optimum performance. From the air-canister to the container for the paintballs on top of the gun, this has all the details needed to do some serious damage to anyone who wants to stand in your way.


The gun can also be gripped by the air cannister, the ball-bucket on top, and by the body of the gun. The only part that cannot be gripped is the nozzle at the end of the barrel, which I am fine with because if it was thick enough to be gripped then it would look a bit too big. It should also be noted that the final production version of this has a two-fingered trigger as well as a slightly different finish to the back end of the body.

The Baseball Bat


Great for hitting a ball around the park, or more importantly, whacking your enemies in the head. The baseball bat was also available as part of the zombie apocalypse pack. This makes a great edition to any gang of thugs, villains, or protective husbands. It also works well for your favourite baseball team.I really like the black one there, it looks very sinister indeed, does it not?

Sci-Fi Weapons

The Chief - Needler


The chief was a special custom minifig only available at BrickWorld 2008 I believe. I was lucky enough to pick one up one eBay, although at a price, I can tell you. The Chief came with the Needler gun, and I have also pictured him here with one of the Plasma Blades which are a part of this section. The Needler Gun is a great little weapon in my opinion, both in a solid colour and with over-moulded colours. It has been said that if this were to make mass production it would be done in solid colours, although a limited quantity of them are available currently as over-moulded weapons through the BrickArms Premium line as well as the Alien Energy Pistol. These are quite expensive, but with cause.

The over-moulded weapons are all made by Will himself at home, in a very time-consuming process. The Needler itself requires four steps of over-moulding, in which each piece is injected in its own mould, and then put into another one to be moulded together. The version shown above is the official version that was sold with the Chief, although a few other crazy-coloured ones have been seen around the place. Although it looks amazing with the over-moulding pieces, it is just too hard to do on a large scale.

The Chief - Alien Energy Pistol and Plasm Blade


Here you can see the other over-moulded prototype, the Alien Energy Pistol, as well as a solid colour Plasma Blade. The picture below shows these three items together.

The Three


Here you can see the Plasma Blade a little better, in silver, which is easier for me to photograph. The sword starts with a very wide handle which quickly tapers to two thin blades. Each side has an edge, for optimum alien carnage. Although it may look a little delicate I have actually found it to be quite durable, despite both sides only being held together at the handle.

The Alien Energy Pistol


As I said earlier, if this and the Needler Gun become available as mass-produced items, it will probably be as solid-colour weapons like those shown above. This weapon is well designed with some nice curves that give a very alien feel and are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I like the curve on the handle, as well as the bottom half of the weapon, both of which can be gripped, as demonstrated above.

The Photon Pistol


This is the last weapon I have in the line up for today, and it is a good one to finish with. It is highly detailed and accurate, and packs a lot into a small weapon. As shown below it can also be held by the top.


I understand that these will also be available sometime in the future in an assortment of colours, s keep on the look out.

Before finishing off I think it is important that we know that BrickArms weapons are not just aimed at minifigs. Many of them can also be used by Fabuland figures, such as the baseball bat and combat knife.


Isn't he cute? It should be noted that only weapons which have open handles/hilts can be used in this way, for example the Needler cannot be held by a Fabuland figure.

So on that note, that concludes my article and review of some current and upcoming BrickArms items. I don't know about you, but I sure am excited about their release, and I am looking forward to seeing what Will has in store for us in the future. It is rumoured that he is expanding into headgear, and he is always developing new weapons, so there is always something new to see from BrickArms.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and hearing my thoughts, it has been a pleasure writing this for you all. Please feel free to share your own thoughts on these great items.



Good review

Hey, well the second part was great the 'The Damien Blade' looks wonderful with your sigfig(though hinkley needs to get some real weapons :wink:). I'm not really fond of the Photon Gun or the Bayonet, but what do I know I guess someone will. :classic:

Great review Dragonator! Your photography is excellent. :classic:

Another great review, Dragonator! Thanks for sharing :thumbup:

But, why am I not there :sing: ? I love blades :cry_happy: !



  • Author
But, why am I not there :sing: ? I love blades :cry_happy: !

I don't think I have your sig-fig. :blush: Maybe next review, if I can find the parts. Will that make it up to you? :cry_happy:

Thanks for all the feedback guys, I appreciate it. :classic:

Another detailed article about some great products that I still don't own any of. :cry_sad:


The models are looking good, too. :sweet:

Well, one out of three isn't bad. :laugh:

Thanks for doing this review dragonator. Great job and good observations on what appear to be some excellent products. I can't wait until Brickworld when I'll stock up on these new items.

I have one BIG question: Is the bayonet for sale yet?


Awesome review :classic:

I love those swords! These swords can be added nicely to the soldiers. This is a very enjoyable review. :thumbup:

Another excellent review, Dragonator. Glad you're digging the new items.

As for the choice of medieval sword - Badg and I both agreed that there's a lot to be said for a true 'longsword-size' sword. The longsword and arming sword sizes each have their own pros and cons, so we're aware one size does not fit all. If the 'Damien blade' version does particularly well in sales, we'll have more footing to push for a larger sized medieval sword in a future mold. It's definitely something we'd both jump at the chance for. It's up to the fans to make that one happen, though.

I have already ordered some of these products, but some of these products are not available on brickarms yet like some sci-fi weapons. When do the energy sword and such available to the public?


When do the energy sword and such available to the public?

As soon as Will has them mass produced! Designing, testing, and mass producing custom accessories of the fine quality and detailing that BrickArms accessories feature takes time.

That said, as I've stated a few times before, there's a reason the latest batch of BrickArms accessories was called First Wave 2009 :wink:

That said, as I've stated a few times before, there's a reason the latest batch of BrickArms accessories was called First Wave 2009 :wink:

Sneaky Badger is sneaky.

Also, great review here, that bayonet looks great, hope Will will mass produce them.

And I was also waiting for the sci fi weapons :look: I was hoping they was one of the new items, but that doesn't matter, I got a gunmetal space assault rifle in me order!

And is that hinckley with a baseball bat :laugh:

  • Author

Thanks for all your comments guys, I appreciate them. :classic:

Another excellent review, Dragonator. Glad you're digging the new items.

As for the choice of medieval sword - Badg and I both agreed that there's a lot to be said for a true 'longsword-size' sword. The longsword and arming sword sizes each have their own pros and cons, so we're aware one size does not fit all. If the 'Damien blade' version does particularly well in sales, we'll have more footing to push for a larger sized medieval sword in a future mold. It's definitely something we'd both jump at the chance for. It's up to the fans to make that one happen, though.

Quick everyone, buy as many as you can afford. Then buy some more! :laugh:

I ordered a few to see how they will look with some statues I'm going to be including in an upcoming project; I'm looking forward to getting them. I do feel that the "longsword-size" blade would give the effect I'm going for better in this particular situation, but still, I'm happy the Damien Blade is available, it truly is a classy weapon, and I have already come up with a number of ways I want to use it. :sweet:

And is that hinckley with a baseball bat :laugh:

You betcha. :laugh:

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