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From Jan Beyer:

LEGO User Group Bulk Order Program

The “LEGO User Group Bulk Order Program” (LUGBULK) will be offered to LEGO User Groups as a pilot/test program from August 2009 and possibly going into 2010. Due to new legislation in the USA, we will unfortunately not be able to offer the program to USA based LEGO User Groups until we implement some additional processes. We expect to open up the program to US LEGO User Groups at a later date.

This document explains to you how to get access to and use the program to order smaller amounts of LEGO bricks from the whole LEGO assortment directly at the LEGO Group.

Please notice again that this is a pilot project and it may be terminated on short notice at any time.

Sounds interesting :wink:? Read more and discuss here!

Update from Jan B:

  • 200 DKK is the amount per registered member - if 50 members submit their data then the LUG can order for 10.000 DKK max, but if only 20 out of the 50 order they can still order up to 10.000 DKK.
  • The focus right now is to help people who are doing shows get bricks to build more and thus help them build new stuff for their shows.
  • A 2x4 brick in white is 0,45 DKK without VAT.

Update 16/8 from Tormod on why this is not upon for the US:

Explanation from our Quality Department:

We are awaiting clarification on the testing and certification demands for elements that are not sold as part of a finished good. The complexity of the US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) has left many unanswered questions and until we are certain that we can meet the requirements of the law, we must withhold sales of loose elements, outside of the PAB assortment, in the US market. Be assured that the elements themselves are fully compliant and safe; we simply need to have clarity as to what process we must use to ensure the elements meet the test and certification demands.

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