ADHO15 Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 (edited) Hey everyone! I came up with this idea for my own LEGO collection a while ago, but realise I had no one to play the game with, or a space big enough to play it in. However, I have adapted it to be played here with all you Star Wars LEGO fans! The game itself is not particularly difficult to play. It requires some size of LEGO army and a good player to command it. I have written a rule book and statistics sheets for you to familiarise yourself with how to play and what strategy to use, as well as to consult while playing. You can play as either the Galactic Republic or the Confederacy of Independent Systems, so pick which faction you would prefer to play as. Instructions and Rules Aim Clone Conflict is a game in which two players use units and vehicles of the Clone Wars to win the game by domination of the map. One player fights as the Galactic Republic and the other as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The first player to eliminate all enemy units wins the game. Setting up Both players place all available units into/onto their vehicles ready to move them into battle. Any units that are unable to be brought onto the map are kept as reinforcements later on. The formation of the vehicles depends on the selection available. The map There are seven maps to play on. Geonosis, Kamino, Kashyyyk, Rhen Var and Utapau are large maps and Orto Plutonia and are small. A random player from each pair will be able to choose which map they wish to play on. Large maps consist of 1250 spaces and small maps consist of 625 spaces. You should think about what terrain would suit your units best and use the map to your advantage. The armies begin the game at either side of the map and can move around it as they wish. Desert/Grass/Snow/Metal These four are the standard terrain types. All units and vehicles can move about on them. Desert is dark orange or tan, grass is green, snow is white and metal is light grey. Raised areas Raised areas are represented as a light orange colour on the map. The only units that can cross are Geonosians, rocket battle droids and jet troopers. These units cannot be killed by units on other spaces and, in return, cannot kill them. Only units on the raised areas can kill or be killed by other units on the raised areas. Wooden platforms Only units can move across wooden platform spaces. They can be seen as brown spaces on the map. All units can move across them, but Wookiee Warriors and Chewbacca gain special abilities from being on these spaces. Water Only a few units and vehicles can move across the blue spaces that represent water. Only Kit Fisto, Geonosians, rocket battle droids and jet troopers can go on these spaces as well as the Infantry Support Platform, the Republic Speeder Bike and the Single Trooper Aerial Platform. Ice These spaces are light blue on the map. All units and vehicles can move across it, except large vehicles (those that take up 2 spaces) will fall through and be destroyed if they step on it. These spaces will then turn to water. Freeco speeders gain advantages by travelling across them. Impassable areas The dark grey spaces are impassable to all units and vehicles. Nothing can pass over these spaces. Turns There is a coin toss to see which chooses the map and takes the first turn. Turns can include transforming, loading and unloading vehicles, bringing units onto the map, moving across the map, attacking enemies, healing and repairing. Players can move forwards, backwards, left, right and diagonally during turns, however large vehicles that take up two spaces cannot move diagonally. Five actions including different units/vehicles can be completed each turn. Some actions may result in units being unusable on that player’s next turn. Air Strikes The com. transport on each side can be used to call in an air strike for that faction. Strikes become available every 10 turns, but the com. transport must have both pilots in order to be used. Air strikes can be put on a single space and will take five defence from everything in that space, no matter what faction they belong to. If this is more than the unit or vehicle has, they are destroyed and removed from the game. When the com. transport has been destroyed, no more air strikes can be called in. Armies There is no limit to how many units and vehicles you can have in your army. Once you win a round, all the units and vehicles can be used again in the next round. Any extra units or vehicles you buy after a round can also be used in the following round. Death Each unit and vehicle has a certain number of attack and defence points. When a unit or vehicle attacks a unit or vehicle of the opposing side, the attack value of the attacker is taken off the defence value of the victim. If this value passes zero, the unit or vehicle being attacked is dead and is removed from the game. Certain units and vehicles have particular rules concerning death. These can be viewed below in the data section. Types of units Jedi Jedi are a type of Republic hero. These are Ahsoka, Anakin, Barriss, Jedi Knight, Kit, Luminara, Mace, Obi-Wan, Plo and Yoda. When two Jedi are gathered together on the same space, they can form a group and move, attack and defend together. Sith / Dark Jedi Dark Jedi and Sith are the Confederacy’s alternative to Jedi. They are Sidious, Dooku and Ventress. Two of these, or one and a MagnaGuard, can move together as one when they meet on the same space. Leaders There are political characters on both sides. Farr, Palpatine, Grievous and Gunray are very important to the game. By eliminating both leaders on the enemy team, you can prevent them bringing in reinforcements, calling in air support and healing dead units. Assistance droids These units can perform useful actions to help their side. These units are C-3PO, R2-D2, R7-A7, R4-P44 and CIS buzz droids. Commanders All commander units and heroes (except assistance droids) are collectively commanders. Many large vehicles have commander positions that must be filled in order to be used. Any of these commanders can fill these spaces. Troopers/battle droids These are the standard units that make up the bulk of each army. Vehicles Republic players may use the AT-TE and 74-Z speeder bike from 4482, the AT-RT from 7250, the ISP from 7260, the BARC speeder and turbo tank from 7261, the Republic speeder bike from 7655, the recon shuttle from 7665, the AT-AP from 7671, the AT-TE from 7675, the 74-Z speeder bike and com. transport from 7676, the Republic fighter tank from 7679, the missile walker from 8014, the CK-6 swoop from 8085, the ISP from 8091, the AT-OT from 10195 and the clone walker from 30006. Confederacy players may use Bloodfin from 7101, Dooku’s speeder bike from 7103, STAPs from 7121, battle droid carrier from 7126, Bloodfin from 7151, AAT from 7155, MTT from 7184, Grievous’ wheel bike from 7255, snail droid and dwarf spider droid from 7258, STAP and droid transport from 7654, MTT and com. transport from 7662, Bloodfin from 7663, dwarf spider droid and hailfire droid from 7670, STAP from 7675, homing spider droid from 7681, Dooku’s speeder bike from 7752, assassin droid bike from 8015, AAT from 8018, snail tank from 7748 and STAP from 30004. Vehicle positions Pilots Almost all vehicles require at least one pilot to operate. If a vehicle does not have a pilot, it cannot move or attack. Certain characters gain advantages by occupying this position. Certain vehicles can gain advantages when they are piloted by certain characters as well. Commanders Some large vehicles have a commander position. These vehicles are AT-TEs, Juggernauts, AT-OTs, MTTs and AATs. Each of these vehicles require either a commander or hero to occupy this space in order to operate. Gunners Some vehicles have gunner positions that must be filled to achieve their maximum attack value. If not, their total value is reduced by the attack value of the unmanned weapon. The AT-AP requires a gunner to avoid an RA reduction of 2, the AT-TE requires a gunner to avoid an RA reduction of 3, the Juggernaut requires a gunner to avoid an RA reduction of 5, the TX-130S requires a gunner to avoid an RA reduction of 3 and the AAT requires a gunner to avoid an RA reduction of 3 (gunner position is shared with commander). Passengers Many vehicles have space to carry passengers as well as their crew. At the start of the game, all units must be carried into battle in the vehicles. Any extra units are kept as reinforcements. Players can load and unload their vehicles throughout the game. Destruction When a vehicle is destroyed, all the units in/on it, also die and are removed from the game, along with the vehicle. Weapons Ranged weapons All units except Jedi, Sith, Dark Jedi, assistance droids, magnaguards, clone pilots, super battle droids, droidekas and pilot droids can be equipped with a ranged weapon. However, all leaders can only use a pistol, except Grievous who can use a lightsaber as well. There are four types of ranged weapons: pistols, rifles, bowcasters and snipers. Pistols Pistols give the user a range of one and a ranged attack of one. Rifles Rifles give the user a range of one and a ranged attack of one. Snipers Snipers give the user a range of four and a ranged attack of two. Bowcasters Only Wookiees can use these. In turn, Wookiees can only use these. They give the user a range of two and a ranged attack of two. Melee weapons All units except troopers, battle droids, leaders and assistance droids can be equipped with a melee weapon. There are two types of melee weapons: electrostaffs and lightsabers. Most units have a standard melee attack without having to be equipped with a weapon. This becomes their total attack power when they don’t have a weapon. Electrostaffs Only MagnaGuards can use these. In turn, MagnaGuards can only use these. They give the user a melee attack of four. Lightsabers All Jedi, Sith and Dark Jedi can use a lightsaber. They give the user a different amount of melee attack depending on their skill at using one. See the individual characters below to find out their attack score with a lightsaber. Data Republic Units Ahsoka Tano – Ahsoka is a weak hero. She can be equipped only with a lightsaber. She has a melee attack of five with a lightsaber and one without, a ranged attack of five, a range of two and a defence of six. She can move one space per turn. She gains one defence and melee attack when on the same space as Anakin Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker – Anakin is an average hero. He can be equipped only with a lightsaber. He has a melee attack of seven with a lightsaber and two without, a ranged attack of six, a range of two and a defence of seven. He can move one space per turn. He cannot be killed by Count Dooku, he keeps one defence. Barriss Offee – Barriss is a weak hero. She can be equipped only with a lightsaber. She has a melee attack of five with a lightsaber and two without, a ranged attack of five, a range of two and a defence of six. She can move one space per turn. She gains one defence and melee attack when on the same space as Luminara Unduli. C-3PO – C-3PO is a very weak hero. He cannot be equipped with a weapon. He has a melee attack of zero, a ranged attack of zero, a range of two and a defence of three. He can move one space per turn. He can convert Geonosians and assassin droids so they can be used by the Republic. Captain Rex – Rex is an average commander. He can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. He has a melee attack of three, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of three. He can move one space per turn. Attacks cannot be made on Anakin Skywalker when Rex shares a space with him. Chewbacca – Chewie is a weak hero. He can be equipped only with a bowcaster. He has a melee attack of four, a ranged attack of two and a range of two with a bowcaster and a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without and a defence of four. He can move one space per turn. He cannot be attacked by units or vehicles on the ground whilst on a wooden platform. Clone Gunners – Clone gunners are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. When they are in the gunner position of a vehicle, it gains one defence. Clone Pilots – Clone pilots are weak soldiers. They cannot be equipped with a weapon. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. When they pilot a vehicle, it gains one defence. Clone Troopers – Clone troopers are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. They can move as a group of three after they gather on one space. Commander Cody – Cody is an average commander. He can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. He has a melee attack of three, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of three. He can move one space per turn. Attacks cannot be made on Obi-Wan Kenobi when Cody shares a space with him. Commander Fox – Fox is an average commander. He can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. He has a melee attack of three, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of three. He can move one space per turn. Attacks cannot be made on Palpatine when Fox shares a space with him. Jedi Knight – The Jedi Knight is a strong commander. He has a melee attack of five with a lightsaber and one without, a ranged attack of five, a range of two and a defence of six. He can move one space per turn. He receives an extra one defence when he shares a space with another Jedi. Jet Troopers – Jet troopers are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. They can move across raised areas and water. Kashyyyk Troopers – Clone troopers are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of four and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of three. They gain an extra two ranged attack when they use a sniper. Kit Fisto – Kit is a strong hero. He can be equipped only with a lightsaber. He has a melee attack of eight with a lightsaber and three without, a ranged attack of seven, a range of two and a defence of eight. He can move one space per turn. He can move across water and cannot be attacked when he’s in the water by any units or vehicles on land. Luminara Unduli – Luminara is an average hero. She can be equipped only with a lightsaber. She has a melee attack of seven with a lightsaber and two without, a ranged attack of six, a range of two and a defence of eight. She can move one space per turn. She cannot be killed by Asajj Ventress, she keeps one defence. Mace Windu – Mace is a very strong hero. He can be equipped only with a lightsaber. He has a melee attack of nine with a lightsaber and five without, a ranged attack of eight, a range of two and a defence of nine. He can move one space per turn. He can use his ranged attack on all droids on two adjacent spaces in range in one turn. Obi-Wan Kenobi – Obi-Wan is a strong hero. He can be equipped only with a lightsaber. He has a melee attack of eight with a lightsaber and three without, a ranged attack of seven, a range of two and a defence of eight. He can move one space per turn. He cannot be killed by Grievous, he keeps one defence. Onaconda Farr – Farr is an average leader. He can be equipped only with a pistol. He has a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of four. He can move one space per turn. He can only be killed by a hero. Palpatine – Palpatine is a weak leader. He can be equipped only with a pistol. He has a melee attack of zero, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of four. He can move one space per turn. He can bring any one unit back to life per turn when he is in the com. transport. Plo Koon – Plo is a strong hero. He can be equipped only with a lightsaber. He has a melee attack of eight with a lightsaber and three without, a ranged attack of seven, a range of two and a defence of eight. He can move one space per turn. R2-D2 – R2-D2 is a very weak hero. He cannot be equipped with a weapon. He has a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero and a defence of three. He can move one space per turn. He can repair any vehicle to full defence, but cannot be used again in that turn. R7-A7 – R7-A7 is a very weak hero. He cannot be equipped with a weapon. He has a melee attack of zero, a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero and a defence of three. He can move one space per turn. He can repair any vehicle to full defence, but cannot be used again in that turn. R4-P44 – R4-P44 is a very weak hero. He cannot be equipped with a weapon. He has a melee attack of zero, a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero and a defence of three. He can move one space per turn. He can repair any vehicle to full defence, but cannot be used again in that turn. Recon Troopers – Recon troopers are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. When they pilot a BARC speeder, it gains one defence. Senate Commandos – Senate commandos are very strong soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of four, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of four. They can move one space per turn. They can move as a group of two after they gather on one space. Shock Troopers – Shock troopers are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. They can move as a group of three after they gather on one space. Star Corps Troopers – Star Corps troopers are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. They can move as a group of three after they gather on one space. Swamp Troopers – Swamp troopers are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. They can move as a group of three after they gather on one space. Wookiee Warriors – Wookiees are very strong soldiers. They can be equipped only with a bowcaster. They have a melee attack of four, a ranged attack of two and a range of two with a bowcaster and a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without and a defence of three. They can move one space per turn. They gain one defence when on either of the wooden platforms. Yoda – Yoda is a very strong hero. He can be equipped only with a lightsaber. He has a melee attack of eight with a lightsaber and four without, a ranged attack of nine, a range of two and a defence of nine. He can move one space per turn. He can move onto a space adjacent to an enemy space without being attacked, but then he cannot attack on the next turn. Vehicles 74-Z Speeder Bike – The 74-Z has a ranged attack of two, a range of one, a defence of fourteen and space to carry one unit. It can move two spaces per turn. It gains one ranged attack when Commander Cody pilots it. All Terrain Attack Pod – The AT-AP has a ranged attack of eight, a range of three, a defence of eighteen and space to carry three units. It can move one space per turn. Its ranged attack can be increased by four, but its move is reduced to zero for that player’s following two turns. All Terrain Recon Transport – The AT-RT has a ranged attack of three, a range of one, a defence of fifteen and space to carry one unit. It can move two spaces per turn. It gains one ranged attack when a Kashyyyk trooper pilots it. All Terrain Tactical Enforcer – The AT-TE has a ranged attack of fifteen, a range of three, a defence of nineteen and space to carry eight units. It can move one space per turn. It can attack up to three spaces in front with a ranged attack of eleven and one space behind with a ranged attack of four on the same turn. Biker Advanced Recon Commando Speeder – The BARC speeder has a ranged attack of three, a range of one, a defence of fourteen and space to carry one unit. It can move two spaces per turn. It gains one ranged attack when a recon trooper pilots it. Clone Walker – The clone walker has a ranged attack of two, a range of one, a defence of fourteen and space to carry one unit. It can move two spaces per turn. It cannot be destroyed by units, it keeps one defence. CK-6 Swoop – The Freeco speeder has a ranged attack of three, a range of one, a defence of sixteen and space to carry one unit. It can move two spaces per turn. It gains one ranged attack when it is travelling across ice. Communications Transport – The com. transport has a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero, a defence of sixteen and space to carry two units. It cannot move at all and must remain where it begins the game. It can be used to call in aerial attacks during the game. When Palpatine is one of the transport’s pilots, he can bring one removed unit back to life each turn. Neither piloting unit can attack whilst in the vehicle. Heavy Assault Vehicle/wheeled A6 Juggernaut – The juggernaut has a ranged attack of ten, a range of two, a defence of nineteen and space to carry ten units. It can move one space per turn. It can attack up to two spaces in front with a ranged attack of five and up to two spaces behind with a ranged attack of five on the same turn. Infantry Support Platform – The ISP has a ranged attack of six, a range of one, a defence of sixteen and space to carry two units. It can move one space per turn. It can travel across water. Missile Walker – The missile walker has a ranged attack of six, a range of two, a defence of sixteen and space to carry two units. It can move one space per turn. It gains one ranged attack when a swamp trooper pilots it. Recon Shuttle – The recon shuttle has a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero, a defence of fourteen and space to carry one unit. It can move two spaces per turn. It cannot be attacked whilst it is transporting a unit who can get on and off at any time, except while moving. The unit on the shuttle cannot attack whilst piloting. The shuttle cannot occupy the same space as any other vehicle. Republic Speeder Bike – The Republic bike has a ranged attack of two, a range of one, a defence of fourteen and space to carry two units. It can move two spaces per turn. It can travel across water. TX-130s Fighter Tank – The TX-130s has a ranged attack of twenty, a range of three, a defence of nineteen and space to carry two units. It can move one space per turn. It can attack the same space twice in one turn, but then cannot be used at all next turn. Data Confederacy Units Asajj Ventress – Ventress is an average hero. She can be equipped only with a lightsaber. She has a melee attack of six with a lightsaber and two without, a ranged attack of six, a range of two and a defence of seven. She can move one space per turn. She cannot be attacked on the enemy’s turn after she moves. Assassin Droids – Assassin droids are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of two, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of one and a range of one without a weapon and a defence of three. They can move one space per turn. They cannot be attacked by the ranged attack of units. Assassin Droid Elites – Assassin droid elites are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of three, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of one and a range of one without a weapon and a defence of three. They can move one space per turn. When they pilot an Assassin Droid bike, it gains one defence. Battle Droids – Battle droids are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. They can move as a group of five after they gather on one space. Buzz Droids – Buzz droids are weak soldiers. They cannot be equipped with a weapon. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero and a defence of three. They can move one space per turn. They can repair any vehicle to full defence, but cannot be used next turn. Commander Battle Droids – Commander battle droids are weak commanders. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. When they are in the commander position of a vehicle, it gains one defence. Commander Rocket Battle Droids – Commander rocket battle droids are weak commanders. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. They can move across raised areas and water. Count Dooku – Dooku is a very strong hero. He can be equipped only with a lightsaber. He has a melee attack of eight with a lightsaber and four without, a ranged attack of eight, a range of two and a defence of nine. He can move one space per turn. He can call his speeder to him and move in one turn, but cannot be moved next turn. Darth Sidious – Sidious is a very strong hero. He can be equipped only with a lightsaber. He has a melee attack of eight with a lightsaber and four without, a ranged attack of nine, a range of two and a defence of nine. He can move one space per turn. He can bring any one unit back to life per turn when he is in the com. transport. Droidekas – Droidekas are very strong soldiers. They cannot be equipped with a weapon. They have a melee attack of zero, a ranged attack of three and a range of one and a defence of six. They can move one space per turn. They can only be attacked on the enemy’s turn after they move. Geonosians – Geonosians are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. They can move across raised areas and water. Grievous – Grievous is an average hero. He can be equipped with a lightsaber and a pistol. He has a melee attack of seven with a lightsaber and three without, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a pistol and a defence of eight. He can move one space per turn. He can move back into any vehicle, but cannot be used next turn. Heavy Super Battle Droids – Heavy super battle droids are strong commanders. They cannot be equipped with a weapon. They have a melee attack of two, a ranged attack of three, a range of two and a defence of four. They can move one space per turn. Has an extra one ranged attack when attacking two spaces away. MagnaGuards – MagnaGuards are very strong commanders. They can be equipped only with an electrostaff. They have a melee attack of four with an electrostaff and one without, a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero and a defence of six. They can move one space per turn. Attacks cannot be made on any hero that shares a space with a MagnaGuard. Nute Gunray – Gunray is an average leader. He can be equipped only with a pistol. He has a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of four. He can move one space per turn. He can only be killed by a hero. Pilot Battle Droids – Battle droid pilots are weak soldiers. They can be equipped only with a pistol. They have a melee attack of zero, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a pistol and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. When they pilot a vehicle, it gains one defence. Pilot Droids – Pilot droids are very weak soldiers. They cannot be equipped with a weapon. They have a melee attack of zero, a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero and a defence of three. They can move one space per turn. When they pilot a vehicle, it gains one defence. Rocket Battle Droids – Rocket battle droids are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. They can move across raised areas and water. Security Battle Droids – Security battle droids are average soldiers. They can be equipped with a pistol, a rifle or a sniper. They have a melee attack of one, a ranged attack of one and a range of one with a pistol or a rifle, a ranged attack of two and a range of four with a sniper, a ranged attack of zero and a range of zero without a weapon and a defence of two. They can move one space per turn. They gain an extra one defence and ranged attack when on the same space as a hero. Super Battle Droids – Super battle droids are strong soldiers. They cannot be equipped with a weapon. They have a melee attack of two, a ranged attack of two, a range of one and a defence of three. They can move one space per turn. They can move as a group of two after they gather on one space. Vehicles Armoured Assault Tank – The AAT has a ranged attack of nine, a range of three, a defence of nineteen and space to carry two units. It can move one space per turn. Its can carry an extra four units outside, but its ranged attack is reduced by two. Assassin Droid Bike – The assassin bike has a ranged attack of six, a range of one, a defence of fourteen and space to carry two units. It can move two spaces per turn. It can attack one space in front with a ranged attack of four and one space behind with a ranged attack of two on the same turn. Bloodfin – Bloodfin has a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero, a defence of fourteen and space to carry one unit. It can move two spaces per turn. It cannot be attacked whilst it is transporting a unit who can get on and off at any time, except while moving. The unit on the bike cannot attack whilst piloting. It cannot occupy the same space as any other vehicle. Communications Transport – The com. transport has a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero, a defence of sixteen and space to carry two units. It cannot move at all and must remain where it begins the game. It can be used to call in aerial attacks during the game. When Sidious is one of the transport’s pilots, he can bring one removed unit back to life each turn. Neither piloting unit can attack whilst in the vehicle. Dooku’s Speeder Bike – Dooku’s bike has a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero, a defence of fourteen and space to carry one unit. It can move two spaces per turn. It gains one move when a Count Dooku pilots it. Droid Transport – The droid transport has a ranged attack of four, a range of one, a defence of sixteen and space to carry six units. It can move one space per turn. The units carried on the transport live if the vehicle is destroyed. DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid – The dwarf spider droid has a ranged attack of three, a range of one and a defence of fifteen. It does not need a pilot. It can move two spaces per turn. It cannot be destroyed by units, it keeps one defence. IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tank – The hailfire droid has a ranged attack of sixteen, a range of three and a defence of eighteen. It does not need a pilot. It can move two spaces per turn. It can gain an extra one range in order to attack a large vehicle four spaces away. Multi-Troop Transport – The MTT has a ranged attack of eight, a range of two, a defence of twenty and space to carry twenty two units. It can move one space per turn. All battle droids are automatically repaired when they share a space with this. NR-N99 Persuader-class Droid Enforcer – The droid enforcer has a ranged attack of eight, a range of two and a defence of eighteen. It does not need a pilot. It can move one space per turn. It can attack the same space twice in one turn, but then cannot be used at all next turn. OG-9 Homing Spider Droid – The homing spider droid has a ranged attack of six, a range of three and a defence of eighteen. It does not need a pilot. It can move one space per turn. It can attack two adjacent spaces with a ranged attack of four on the same turn. Platoon Attack Craft – The PAC has a ranged attack of zero, a range of zero, a defence of sixteen and space to carry seven units. It can move one space per turn. It gains one extra move when it isn’t transporting any units, besides the pilot. Single Trooper Aerial Platform – The STAP has a ranged attack of two, a range of one, a defence of fourteen and space to carry one unit. It can move two spaces per turn. It can travel across water. Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike – The wheel bike has a ranged attack of six, a range of one, a defence of sixteen and space to carry one unit. It can move two spaces per turn. It gains one move when a Grievous pilots it. Here are the unit stats: Republic Confederacy And the vehicle stats: Republic Confederacy These are the six maps you can play on: Geonosis Kamino Kashyyyk Orto Plutonia Rhen Var Tatooine And these are what all the vehicles will look like in the game: Republic Confederacy Take a look at the demo game here. If you are at all interested in playing, just PM me or post in this thread. If you have any questions after you have looked over the rules, please ask them here so that everyone else can benefit from the answers. It does not matter how big your army is. Everyone will be battling everyone else, so you may win some games. The more players we have, the better the games will be. If you decide you want to play, all you need to do is post photographs here of your entire army, making sure all your minifigures are separate from your vehicles and that each minifigure can be clearly seen with their weapons. There are lists in the rules of what vehicles and units you are allowed to use. If you are still not sure, just ask. Please do not be put off by how much there is to know about the game. It can be picked up very easily and you can look at it all the time you are playing in case you are not sure of anything. Players will be put into pairs and battle each other. In round one, the pairs will play each other and the winners will move onto round two. This will keep going until a single winner is announced. Of course, as an added insentive, there will be prizes available for everyone who plays! All players who complete the first round will win ten points in my signature game. All those who finish the second round get fifteen and so on, depending on how many rounds we can have, based on the number of players. The top prizes available will be: - The Clone Walker promo from the Daily Mirror giveaway - The Battle Droid and STAP promo from the Daily Mirror giveaway (Sorry for the reduced number of prizes. Budget issues.) The winner has first choice and then second place. Anyone below that only gets points for my sig game. I hope a great deal of you decide to play and find it enjoyable. Thanks for looking if not. Edited October 27, 2010 by ADHO15
-JD- Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Sounds fun and interesting ADHO15! Can you not just insert the document into a post? I have definitely seen this done before...
ADHO15 Posted October 11, 2009 Author Posted October 11, 2009 (edited) Sounds fun and interesting ADHO15! Can you not just insert the document into a post? I have definitely seen this done before... No. The file is too large to attach. Thanks anyway, Jammiedodger! Edited October 11, 2009 by ADHO15
-JD- Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 (edited) No. The file is too large to attach.Thanks anyway, Jammiedodger! Dang! Ah well. Please could you keep me on the reserves for the moment? Thanks. If anything, I would go for the Republic faction. Edited October 11, 2009 by Jammiedodger714
Oky Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Sounds interesting! I'm in! I'm very curious about the rules, so I'll PM you right away. I think I'll be CIS since I barely have any Republic vehicles and because I'm a huge Grievous fan. Here is a pic I took of my CIS army a while ago: However, it has grown a bit since I took that pic. I now have an AAT, 2 tank droids, a Hyena Bomber, and a Sep Shuttle. So, that's 8 more BDs, 1 more droid pilot, 3 SBD commanders, and 3 rocket droids. I can take a pic of those too if you need me to (although I would first have to build the Sep Shuttle). Btw, do main characters such as Grievous or, say, Commander Fox play a role in this game?
ADHO15 Posted October 11, 2009 Author Posted October 11, 2009 Dang! Ah well. Please could you keep me on the reserves for the moment? Thanks. If anything, I would go for the Republic faction. I've made a PM version and have just sent it to you. If anyone else wants to choose this option, just let me know. Sounds interesting! I'm in! I'm very curious about the rules, so I'll PM you right away. I think I'll be CIS since I barely have any Republic vehicles and because I'm a huge Grievous fan. Here is a pic I took of my CIS army a while ago: However, it has grown a bit since I took that pic. I now have an AAT, 2 tank droids, a Hyena Bomber, and a Sep Shuttle. So, that's 8 more BDs, 1 more droid pilot, 3 SBD commanders, and 3 rocket droids. I can take a pic of those too if you need me to (although I would first have to build the Sep Shuttle). Btw, do main characters such as Grievous or, say, Commander Fox play a role in this game? I'd like a general and recent photo of everything you have together please. That's a nice army, but I'm afraid you aren't allowed any custom minifigures, weapons or vehicles in the game. Aerial vehicles like vulture and hyena droids also cannot be used. Of course. You can include any heroes that you have, but only one. Duplicates of generic figs are fine, but not main characters. Thanks for entering, Oky! Hopefully you'll get some competition soon.
-JD- Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Count me in. I will be Republic! I better start learning the attack and defense etc of all the units.
ADHO15 Posted October 11, 2009 Author Posted October 11, 2009 Count me in. I will be Republic!I better start learning the attack and defense etc of all the units. Great! Just post some photos here when you're ready. I'll finish the stats spreadsheet and attach it to the first post soon to make it easier for you.
Oky Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 (edited) I just went over the rules and I must say: Wow! You put quite some thought into this! Great job! This sounds like a lot of fun. I'm so in! I do have some questions though (they don't call me Mr.DIA for nothing ): How does the dice rolling work? How do we keep track of where everybody is on the map and how many life points they have? Do we need to post pics of any kind during the game? Grievous is both a hero and a leader? That's all I can think of right now. Btw, it's very generous of you to provide prizes for this! I would have totally joined if there weren't any prizes, but it definitely adds to the fun! So, thank you! On a side note, is Empire At War or any other game anything like this? Because it would be neat if there were a videogame like this. PS: This game did get approved by admins, right? Edited October 11, 2009 by Oky Wan Kenobi
ADHO15 Posted October 11, 2009 Author Posted October 11, 2009 (edited) I just went over the rules and I must say: Wow! You put quite some thought into this! Great job! This sounds like a lot of fun. I'm so in!I do have some questions though (they don't call me Mr.DIA for nothing ): How does the dice rolling work? How do we keep track of where everybody is on the map? Do we need to post pics of any kind during the game? You can only use one hero and two leaders, right? Grievous is both a hero and a leader? So, if I chose him, the only other commander unit I can use is another leader? What are the stats of a SBD commander? That's all I can think of right now. Btw, it's very generous of you to provide prizes for this! I would have totally joined if there weren't any prizes, but it definitely adds to the fun! So, thank you! On a side note, is Empire At War or any other game anything like this? Because it would be neat if there were a videogame like this. PS: This game did get approved by admins, right? Thanks a lot. I'll roll the dice for each player and say who won. I'll change the map each turn and post it in the game thread. No, you don't. If you wish, you may make displays or dioramas of the events, but you don't have to. You can only use of one of each hero, but you can use as many heroes as you have. Leader is a type of hero. eg. you can use Dooku, Grievous, Ventress and Gunray, but not Grievous, Dooku and two Gunrays. They're in the data section under Heavy Super Battle Droids. MA-2, RA-3, R-2/3, D-4. Great. If you think of anything else, just ask. Not at all. I want as many people as possible to play and have fun doing so. Including prizes attracts more people and gives you all something to work for. I suppose Empire at War might be. I never really played it much. Galactic Battlegrounds is probably where I got most of my inspiration, I guess. I didn't know it had to be. What do I do? PM somebody? Edited October 11, 2009 by ADHO15
Bob Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 My CIS Forces are much greater, but the Republic has more vehicles than the other. I guess I won't be able to use the Shuttle or the LA-AT. My three heros are Commander Bly, Mace Windu, and Yoda. If you are wondering who Commander Bly is, this is him.I'm calling him Commander Bly because he has the pauldron, meaning he has some form of control, and he is a Star Corps Trooper, so that works as well. 1 AT-TE 1 Clone Walker from the Battle Pack and 1 Swamp Speeder Along with 25 Clone Troopers.
JimBee Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Thanks for sending me the rules. I get the gist of it, but it seems pretty complicated with all of the character/ vehicle effects and variations. I have one question: What are trooper platforms? You said that these were one of the vehicles that could move across water, but I have no idea what it is. And I think I'll play with my Republic army. My CIS army may be bigger, but as long as I'll be paired up with someone with an army close to this size, I'll be fine. Oh, one more thing that I'm not clear on- you said that people get paired up with a teammate, so it's 2 on 2? Republic and CIS vs. Republic and CIS?
Oky Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 (edited) Leader is a type of hero. eg. you can use Dooku, Grievous, Ventress and Gunray, but not Grievous, Dooku and two Gunrays. Aha... So all heroes except for Farr, Palpatine, Grievous and Gunray are non-leader type heroes? What do you mean by "transforming" vehicles? If you're on a vehicle that has zero range attack but which doesn't say that you can't attack from it (such as Dooku's speederbike), can you use your unit's weapons or melee to attack? Are BDs invulnerable when sharing a space with the MTT? And does that include SBDs? What are the dimensions of the maps? I did some math and I'm guessing they are 25x50. Can you use your enemy's vehicles? Galactic Battlegrounds is probably where I got most of my inspiration, I guess. So you have played that one? Is it good? How similar is it to this game? I didn't know it had to be. What do I do? PM somebody? Yeah, it does. They will contact you eventually, I guess, but you could take the initiative and contact one or some of them first, especially if you want the game to start soon. I believe Jammiedodger's Apocalypse game got approved by Imperial Shadows. Edited October 12, 2009 by Oky Wan Kenobi
ILikePi Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 I would love to participate in this game, but unfortunately I do not have enough time on my hands. I only get about 1-2 hours of computer time every day, and I spend most of the time browsing the other Eurobricks threads. Sorry ADHO15. If you decide to host another game in the summer or during a vacation time (Christmas, spring break, etc.), I would love to join in.
Shadows Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Temporarily on hold while certain matters are cleared up regarding the potential future approval of this game. Edit: Matters settled.
Dragonator Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 After some consideration, I feel this game will be fine to go ahead, and encourage anyone interested to take part in it. It should be made clear, however, that this game is being run and organised by ADHO15, and it is therefore his responsibility to supply, award and deliver the prizes offered for this game, as well as settle any disputes or complications that arise within the game. In addition, the game must adhere to all EB posting guidelines, and should be well structured and organised so it does not become a centre for off-topic/spam posting. Good luck to ADHO15 with the game, and to all participants. If you have any queries or require any advice, please do not hesitate to contact me.
ADHO15 Posted October 15, 2009 Author Posted October 15, 2009 After some consideration, I feel this game will be fine to go ahead, and encourage anyone interested to take part in it. It should be made clear, however, that this game is being run and organised by ADHO15, and it is therefore his responsibility to supply, award and deliver the prizes offered for this game, as well as settle any disputes or complications that arise within the game. In addition, the game must adhere to all EB posting guidelines, and should be well structured and organised so it does not become a centre for off-topic/spam posting.Good luck to ADHO15 with the game, and to all participants. If you have any queries or require any advice, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much, Dragonator and congratulations on your new postition! I will do my best to make this game a great success and I hopw everyone who plays has a great time doing so. I know there have been some queries and suggestions about how to improve the rules, so I will update them and send them out again to all players before the game starts. Due to this brief delay, I will allow another week before the start of the game to allow as many people to enter and become as familiar with the rules as possible. If you know anyone that you think might be interested in playing, please let them know. Spread the word and the games will be better! I will shortly attach a statistics spreadsheet to the first post to make the abilities of all the units and vehicles easier to understand. I will also include pictures of the maps and what the units and vehicles will look like in the game, providing that doesn't make the spreadsheet to large to attach. If you have any questions you'd like to ask, please post them here so that other people can benefit from the answers. Best of luck to everyone!
RepublicForces Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 I will be in, I will soon make a pic of my giga clone army .
Oky Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 (edited) Great to see this back on track. I'll try to post a pic of my army asap. Btw, here are some more questions I had: For a standard melee attack, do you need to be on the same space of the unit/vehicle you want to attack or on a space adjacent to it? Which vehicles need gunners? What are the stats of the AT-OT? Is there a difference between reviving dead soldiers and calling in reinforcements? Just keep those in mind when updating the rules and creating the stats sheet. Oh, and you might wanna remove the "Enter by PM" part from your sig now. Can't wait for this to begin! Edited October 15, 2009 by Oky Wan Kenobi
RepublicForces Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 (edited) I still have one question, what about gunships??? Edited October 15, 2009 by repubilcFORCES
ADHO15 Posted October 15, 2009 Author Posted October 15, 2009 (edited) I will be in, I will soon make a pic of my giga clone army .I still have one question, what about gunships??? Great! Gunships and any other air vehicles like fighters or shuttles, are not allowed in this game. Great to see this back on track. I'll try to post a pic of my army asap.Just keep those in mind when updating the rules and creating the stats sheet. Oh, and you might wanna remove the "Enter by PM" part from your sig now. Thank you very much for all your help, Oky. I'll answer all your new and previous questions here publicly. - The HSD can attack two adjacent spaces with an RA of four. So if there is one unit on each of the two spaces, is it 4 RA for each unit or 2 RA for each unit?- What happens if you attack a space with more than one unit/vehicle on it? - And how does the calling of reinforcements work? Where do your units go when called in? - For a standard melee attack, do you need to be on the same space of the unit/vehicle you want to attack or on a space adjacent to it? - Which vehicles need gunners? - What are the stats of the AT-OT? = When using this ability, you take the RA off everything in both spaces. = If you are attacking a space with more than one unit or vehicle on it, you attack everything on the space. = Each turn, another unit can be brought into the game, as long as the com. transport has two pilots. Any units brought into the game, including those brought back to life, return to the space in front of the com. transport. When this space gets full (when there are five units on it), no more units can be brought into the game. = To use a melee attack, you have to enter the same space as an enemy using one part of a turn, and then you attack the same space on another part of the turn. If you move and attack over two turns, the enemy has a chance to melee attack you in between. One square adjacent counts as one range. = The vehicles that need gunners are: AT-AP, AT-TE, Juggernaut, Republic Speeder Bike, Fighter Tank and Assassin Droid Bike = I'm sorry. I completely forgot to put those on! The AT-OT has a ranged attack of ten, a defence of seventeen, space to carry thirteen people, a range of two and can move one space per turn. Hope that has helped you and anyone else who was wondering the same. Just ask if there's anything else you're not sure about. Edited October 15, 2009 by ADHO15
CloneCommanderDelta7 Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 Great! Gunships and any other air vehicles like fighters or shuttles, are not allowed in this game. = When using this ability, you take the RA off everything in both spaces. = If you are attacking a space with more than one unit or vehicle on it, you attack everything on the space. = Each turn, another unit can be brought into the game, as long as the com. transport has two pilots. Any units brought into the game, including those brought back to life, return to the space in front of the com. transport. When this space gets full (when there are five units on it), no more units can be brought into the game. = To use a melee attack, you have to enter the same space as an enemy using one part of a turn, and then you attack the same space on another part of the turn. If you move and attack over two turns, the enemy has a chance to melee attack you in between. One square adjacent counts as one range. = The vehicles that need gunners are: AT-AP, AT-TE, Juggernaut, Republic Speeder Bike, Fighter Tank and Assassin Droid Bike = I'm sorry. I completely forgot to put those on! The AT-OT has a ranged attack of ten, a defence of seventeen, space to carry thirteen people, a range of two and can move one space per turn. No gunships!? That would have been my central plan of attack (and is when I versus my friends in Lego), and what type of rifles will there be? On the maps will there be elevated positions? If so will we be able to use one-shot kills with snipers, or just use a sniper rifle. Regarding Delta, will he be able to be used as a hero? If not, maybe there can be a 'create a hero' and they have special abilities like 'survival while being surpressed' or 'paradrop.'
ADHO15 Posted October 16, 2009 Author Posted October 16, 2009 No gunships!? That would have been my central plan of attack (and is when I versus my friends in Lego), and what type of rifles will there be? On the maps will there be elevated positions? If so will we be able to use one-shot kills with snipers, or just use a sniper rifle.Regarding Delta, will he be able to be used as a hero? If not, maybe there can be a 'create a hero' and they have special abilities like 'survival while being surpressed' or 'paradrop.' Sorry about that, but no air vehicles are allowed, except repulsorlift craft. All the weapons allowed are pictured in the rules. The rifles are standard Star Wars small and long blaster rifles, but the long ones are snipers. There will be raised areas on Geonosis, accessible only by jet troopers, geonosians and rocket battle droids. There are raised platforms on Kashyyyk, but all units can move across these. Snipers have no special abilities. They have a certain ranged attack that is taken off whatever it attacks. If that happens to be more than the defence of the opposition, then it will be a one-shot kill. Using them on elevated areas is no different to using them at lower ground level. Delta will not be able to be used as a hero as he is a custom fig and they aren't allowed. Since you made him from a normal clone trooper, that's all he can be used as. As I've already said, allowing everyone to make custom figs will there own stats will soon get out of hand as they'll all be ridiculously strong. Also, I'd have to add loads more troops to the rules and stats sheet, so I'll just put a flat ban on all custom minifigures.
RepublicForces Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 ADHO I have one qeustion left, when dous this "game" starts? because I will have a larger army after the 24th of october. With other words, I can join after the 24th of october, I don't know if this is a problem.
ADHO15 Posted October 16, 2009 Author Posted October 16, 2009 ADHO I have one qeustion left, when dous this "game" starts? because I will have a larger army after the 24th of october.With other words, I can join after the 24th of october, I don't know if this is a problem. The game will start next Saturday, which luckily enough for you is the 24th. If you end up scheduled nearer the end of round one, you will probably be able to use them. If not, you won't be able to use them in round one, but you will in round two. This goes for everyone, too. If you want to make your armies bigger between rounds, feel free.
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