Posted January 1, 201015 yr [pid][/pid]215A The Admirable Admiral was so-named as he had all the qualities most looked for in an Imperial officer - noble of brow, handsome of visage, and wise and patient with his men. But he was not perfect! Having lost all his savings in the Dutch Tulip Bubble - aka tulipomania, the GFC of 1637 - upon retirement the Admirable Admiral was forced to take up residence in the shipwrecked ruin of a once grand Imperial vessel. Traces of its splendour still resided in the gilt deckwork and the figurehead of Poseidon holding a double trident. The hull had filled with earth and weeds, but the Admirable Admiral cleared it out as best he could and built a little cottage. Although his circumstances were reduced, the Admirable Admiral was never seen on deck in anything less than full dress uniform! Very often his inseparable friend from his military days, the Companionable Cabin Boy, came to stay and the two toasted former glories with a glass of rum shandy and watched as the waves lapped at the torn body of the ruined naval dame. The overall view of the converted wreck, showing house and garden: I really like how bulky the hull looks from the lower angle here. An upper view of the deck, showing the layout of the garden and the pool. The garden slopes down from the figurehead end towards the angled house. There's a map hidden behind the figurehead, just visible here... The Admirable Admiral kept a solitary pig for companionship and delighted in cultivating exotic lilypads in a crystalline rainwater pool which had collected at the prow of the ruined vessel. This was my first ship-building exercise and I have to say I was very happy with how the shape developed. Not mega-MOC level like the masters CGH & Bonaparte but certainly more detailed than the average official set. My style is more cartoon-like and larger-than-life than strictly realist in any case. Proud Poseidon and his thrusting golden double-barrelled tridents o'doom! End view back towards the shipwreck. Cosy! See, Apple Tree House detractors? Look how lovely the tan window frames are and the expanded suite of dark blue roof tiles! I think looking at SlyOwl's work inspired the angled abode. High spirits shared between friends lubricated nostalgic talk of the old days. Rear view looking back - it is less detailed, but this side is supposed to bump up against a cliff. A final view, again at a slightly different angle! This one will be sitting on my shelf for a while next to my modular Department Store DESIGN NOTES: The original concept sketch. The first details I worked out were the bumpy shape (2 end hull pieces) and the pointy arches for the cannons. Everything flowed from there - the idea of the little house on top of the shipwrecked ruins, gardens, merman figurehead etc. I was running very late and was bereft of inspiration but I gave myself 24 hours to pull something together! I am really pleased with how it turned out I have come a long way since my original PTV entry! I prize colour very highly, so everything flowed from there once I had the concept of a house lived in by a former member of the Imperial Navy, sitting atop the ruins of one of the great ships, filled with a moist and mulchy sunken garden. This MOC is a heady mix of 10210 Imperial Flagship (must-have ship building parts pack), 5981 Apple Tree House (tan windows and dark blue roof pieces), a bit of 7627 Temple of the Crystal Skull and a splash of 6243 Brickbeard's Bounty, with a generous helping of Bricklink order parts which I made months ago and have been waiting to consume! Thanks for viewing!
January 1, 201015 yr I really like the surrealistic aspects of this. I knew those minifig stands would quickly be used as leaves by someone. Very tastefully done: I really like the color combinations on this one. And that 'grand emporium' plant has really grown...
January 1, 201015 yr Avast ye Fleshies! Well done on an inspired Happy SlyOwl-esque build! The use of many trademark pieces caught my attention straight away, including and not limited too the dark tan flower pot and tentacles, the TS green lily pads, shirtless dude from Fight on flight wing, and of course the pig! Bravo on an abstract and interesting entry.
January 1, 201015 yr Author I Scream Clone said: Well done on an inspired Happy SlyOwl-esque build! I should mention, the shape was very inspired by Sieggy's bulky Fabuland Houseboat MOC from a while back. That's always stuck in my mind for some reason.
January 1, 201015 yr I think you win the prize of "funniest entry"! The story is great as always and the MOC is wonderful. Thanks for finding the time (and inspiration) to do an entry. The Apple Tree house part is a very nice contrast to the rest of the ship... and yeah, those pieces are just begging to be used as lilly pads! Svelte said: This MOC is a heady mix of 10210 Imperial Flagship (must-have ship building parts pack) Was this a second or did you break it? Svelte said: I should mention, the shape was very inspired by Sieggy's bulky Fabuland Houseboat MOC from a while back. That's always stuck in my mind for some reason.
January 1, 201015 yr Author Siegfried said: Was this a second or did you break it? I broke it! I wasn't getting a 2nd at Bricklink prices! 10210 is a great parts pack It wants you to smash it up.
January 1, 201015 yr Wow Svelte, it's brilliant! I'm so glad Sieggy nagged you now, the result is definitely worth it. Great use of the army men stand pieces, and blue tile roof is droolsome! It's just sooo cute. Great work under pressure (you even did a drawing??? Man, that's impressive)! :thumbup:
January 1, 201015 yr I was impressed by your drawing also, but even more so by your freaking awesome scrawly hand writing. Hahaha. Brilliant MOC as always Svelte. I love how you word things too. Quote Proud Poseidon and his thrusting golden double-barrelled tridents o'doom! This cracked me up!
January 1, 201015 yr I didn't expected such an odd entry. It is very nice! A lot of unique things in here. The ship's prow looks quite good, as well for the bulky hull. Perhaps you could find another solution for the mast instead of a prefab one with holes. I like your water lelies and other details. Good luck in the contest!
January 1, 201015 yr Author I don't know why you all say I'm crazy. Making a house in a derelict hull seems perfectly logical to me Besides that, Tulipmania/ the Dutch Tulip Bubble was real, people!
January 1, 201015 yr Svelte said: Besides that, Tulipmania/ the Dutch Tulip Bubble was real, people! ... and we still don't seem to have learned anything from it... Edited January 1, 201015 yr by Rick
January 1, 201015 yr Very impressive, I like all the different elements you used from so many different lines, I think I see Atlantis, Toy Story, pirates, Creator, adn probably more! Looks awesome!
January 1, 201015 yr Not bad, not bad indeed. This is a very unique entry Svelte, I like how you built the house/building onto the back of the ship
January 2, 201015 yr Big Cam said: Very impressive, I like all the different elements you used from so many different lines, I think I see Atlantis, Toy Story, pirates, Creator, adn probably more! He's just being a show-off.
January 2, 201015 yr Author Siegfried said: He's just being a show-off. Is it wrong to like new parts and want to use them in different ways? There's also a practical reason in that it's kind of a pain to dig stuff out so I tend to use whatever is most accessible - usually new sets! Actually, all the stuff I got (just before Xmas!) ended up *still* being cheaper than if I had put in the same order from S@H (including shipping) and a lot faster. The Atlantis 2x Squid Gates were a separate order but above the Australian retail price I paid $AUD4 in shipping from the Netherlands - so less than I would pay on a train ticket to go and get them in store (when they arrive in March) So really, no big expense was involved at all
January 2, 201015 yr Svelte said: Is it wrong to like new parts and want to use them in different ways? No, and I apologise for any offence or implications. I'm just jealous and all things considered I might start following your lead...
January 2, 201015 yr Wow, an amazing entry indeed! I love how you've done the 'decoration' of the ship, and also the minifigs look great. Much luck and fun with the contest . PS: Pfeeww...looking at the name of your MOC I expected something cruel/gruesome happening with me.
January 2, 201015 yr I love it, when can I move in? I really like all the small detail in there, the fact that the house is angled and the big plant thingie coming from the corner. Well done!
January 4, 201015 yr It has a wonderful cartoon feel to it. I like it a lot, especially the giant plant.
January 4, 201015 yr This is a really surrealistic looking ship. I don´t mean it in a bad way at all, it is very lovely indeed. You got many good details such as the huge plant, the pond with the water lilys. Nice use of that new green piece from Toy Story. The little house in the back is very, very good. Like the colours of it.
January 8, 201015 yr Svelte - awesome. Love all the details! I've seen a lot your mocs in the town forum (where I exist) but ever since the announcment of the 10210, I've been lurking around the pirates forums Great job!
January 9, 201015 yr Cool Build Svelte the house looks great nice details. Also wonderful seledtion of colors on the MOC.
June 25, 201212 yr All the little details and the overall styling of this is just great. I'm so surprised it didn't get as much attention as it deserved in 2010. [bloggedcp][/bloggedcp] I'm told it is ok to raise this old thread because it is so cool.
June 25, 201212 yr Geat M.O.C. : it reminds me "Monkey Island" (and the ship-houses). My favortie part is the ainwater pool. Nice job !
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