Posted February 4, 200619 yr I looked at this Pirate site and well does anyone know where I can buy the Pirate sets that is not e-bay? this is important I love the sets.
February 4, 200619 yr Governor Yes, purchasing Pirate is of the utmost of importance and should take priority over other expenses - like food and bills for example. :-D From my own experience I regard eBay as the best source of Pirate LEGO and have acquired almost every SYSTEM Pirate set produce. (Only 5 I don't have and all of them US only promotional sets. I'm still kicking myself for not getting that MISB Barnacle Bay when I had the perfect opportunity. ROAAAAR!!!) Anyway... There's also Brick Link which is an a database of online LEGO sellers from all around the world. This website is great for acquiring individual parts at a good price, but when it comes to sets they're usually WAAAAAY over priced. Or much more than I'd pay anyway. You could also look on LUGNet to see if any of their members want to see any of the Pirate sets. But you need to become a member of LUGNet to contact its members and to become a member LUGNet insists you make a monetary donation. Suffice to say I've never registered because I'd like to interact with the community before I hand over my money just so I can be reassured its worth my purchase. So therefore I've never traded with anyone from LUGNet. If you don't want to purchase online there are other options... You could go round all the toystores in your area and hope they have unsold LEGO stock from the past 15 years. Unfortunately I've never experienced this wonder but some of the other members at Eurobricks have, so best of luck to ye on that quest. There are markets... I've been to 3 in my area and none have had Pirate LEGO. I've asked the store holder how frequently they come across anyway and their reply usually is "Well, we had some about 6 to 12 months ago". So I don't bother getting up at the crack of dawn to go to markets because its just not worth the hassle. However, I have known some people in other areas to have better luck than I, so maybe you could too. Similiar to markets are second hand stores... You'd have to trapse round each of those enquiring if they ever get any Pirate LEGO in. But in my experiences with second hand stores is the equivelant to those of markets. So I don't bother with those anymore. Finally, you could kill me and claim my Pirate LEGO collection for yourself which would give you almost every set, upto 3 or 4 of some of the most common sets. However, first you have to find me then you have to actually kill me, baring in mind that I may kill you first. Out of all the methods I've tried, eBay has served me the best. If anyone has tried a method I haven't thought of you better tell us right away, or ELSE!!!
February 4, 200619 yr Author Okay, I will ask my mom if she could buy me some sets off E-bay. I'll tell you the results soon.
February 4, 200619 yr may i ask you to create a title that's more to the point than "Important" in the future? that way people can easily see if this is a topic for them or not and it prevents us from posting topics about the same subject, because the title would clearly state what's it about... but to come to the subject, i think phes has given all the usual options... i can't think of anything else, except for a garage sale or something but they normally don't that in Belgium...
February 4, 200619 yr Author AW MAN! She said no. I guess I will never get a Pirate set. I mostly just want one minifig from the pirate line.
February 4, 200619 yr Governor Count Sneffy has a point, you're a confusing laddie! First you say you're looking for Pirate LEGO because you love the sets, now you're saying you only want one mini-figure? Well BrickLink is your best bet, but since you're mummy (notice the u there) won't let you buy any from eBay she'll probably say the same to BrickLink. And fear not Count Sneffy, for I shall amend this topic's title! Edited February 4, 200619 yr by mister_phes
February 4, 200619 yr Author Okay sorry. I really love the sets but I want the figs more for making custom pirates. Now she said yes so how do I buy the sets if there for bidding? what if it gets higher?
February 4, 200619 yr Governor I'm not going to explain to you how to use eBay laddie! eBay has quite an extensive Help Section with plenty of information for assisting new users getting started. I suggest you go HERE and make good use of it. I will however, provide you with tips for searching for Pirate LEGO, but only after you learn how to use eBay.
February 4, 200619 yr thanks phes for changing the title :biggrin: i'm wondering, dj, why you would want a set if you could just as easily buy the MG or the parts thru BL... for probably less...
February 5, 200619 yr Author I'm not going to explain to you how to use eBay laddie! eBay has quite an extensive Help Section with plenty of information for assisting new users getting started. I suggest you go HERE and make good use of it.I will however, provide you with tips for searching for Pirate LEGO, but only after you learn how to use eBay. Tell me please. :(
February 5, 200619 yr Governor Have you learnt how to use eBay yet and confident using it? (I'd applaud you if you achieved this in under 12 hours) By learnt and confident I specifically mean: Have you successfully created an eBay account, searched for items that appeal to you and added them to your watch list, won an auction, paid the seller, had the item delivered and left feedback FOR the seller, in addition recieved postive feedback FROM that seller? Until you learn how to do ALL those things and are confident doing them I'm not going to give you any specific tips to help you find Pirate LEGO. No point teaching you the tricks if you don't understand the fundamentals... PS. Chewie, I have moved your post over to a new thread called How much is a 6291/6280 Armada Flagship?, so head over there and you shall recieve the assistance you require. Edited February 5, 200619 yr by mister_phes
February 5, 200619 yr May I jump in and say that, if you already have some kind of Pirate helm, hat, bandanna or even just a hairpeice, some gray pants and a smiley (or better yet, an eyepatch smiley), and if you have a torso of anykind, you can just chuck them together, and use one of Anthony Sava's or LEGOFREAK's special Torso stickers and decals to put over the body for awesome Piratey-fun, without having to ask your mum about purchasing over the internet!
February 5, 200619 yr Out of all the methods I've tried, eBay has served me the best. If anyone has tried a method I haven't thought of you better tell us right away, or ELSE!!! There's one more method worth mentioning - you can ask your friends or neighbours or anyone in your vicinity if they collect or - even better - used to collect Pirate Lego and have something they can sell you. The second option is better because those who don't collect Lego anymore and only have some stuff from the old days don't treasure it as much as active collectors and can sell it to you for lower price or, if they are your close friends, even give it to you for free. And they might have sets they purchased while Pirate Lego was still in the shops. This is how I got my free Black Seas Barracuda, which I mentioned some time ago in another thread. I told my friend who had it that I could pay for it but he refused and gave it to me for free.
February 5, 200619 yr Governor Mr Dreamweb, you're definitely right! That IS the best way! I remember telling Chewie a similiar thing about 6 months ago but it completely slipped my mind so its a good thing you're here! Mr Djmonkey, if you're only looking for ONE specific mini-figure go to and find the exact mini-figure that you want. then post an image of that mini-figure in your next message. If you don't know how to do that then copy & paste the text BELOW the mini-figure into your next message and I'll take care of posting its picture. If you don't know how to copy & paste then I suggest you brush up on your computer skills but in the mean time you can describe the mini-figure to us. Describe it's: Head - facial features, what colour hair Torso - colour and what design it has on its body Legs - what colour legs does it have And if you can't manage that then we're going to have a hard time helping you identify that mini-figure.
February 5, 200619 yr Author Mr Dreamweb, you're definitely right! That IS the best way! I remember telling Chewie a similiar thing about 6 months ago but it completely slipped my mind so its a good thing you're here!Mr Djmonkey, if you're only looking for ONE specific mini-figure go to and find the exact mini-figure that you want. then post an image of that mini-figure in your next message. If you don't know how to do that then copy & paste the text BELOW the mini-figure into your next message and I'll take care of posting its picture. If you don't know how to copy & paste then I suggest you brush up on your computer skills but in the mean time you can describe the mini-figure to us. Describe it's: Head - facial features, what colour hair Torso - colour and what design it has on its body Legs - what colour legs does it have And if you can't manage that then we're going to have a hard time helping you identify that mini-figure. looking at all these I want 4 of these and these are: and and and a evil skeleton with a red sailors bandanna that is all. The reason I want the Soldier is because it looks like you and I'm gonna start looking up to you. Or the King Kahuka,a monkey, and this whole set:this set
February 8, 200619 yr Okay mister_phes told me to post here so I want the same set DJM wants but only the set not the other mf's he posted,anyone know where I can get this in the USA? EDIT: I really want to know mister_phes do you know where I can buy one in America?
February 27, 200619 yr Governor It is questions like "I really want to know mister_phes do you know where I can buy one in America?" that make me wonder if some users actually bother to read the all the posts, otherwise they'd already know the answer to their question.
April 15, 200717 yr Well i used to have the lego pirate ship ubt my mum broke it up and gave some lego to a friend when we where the other day i brought the Mega Bloks Captain Cutlass stormstalker and the shark attack with the fort dfience but...Is there any place apart from ebay thats in the UK where i could get a old lego pirate ship there jsut soooo cool :'-(
April 15, 200717 yr Governor I recommend you read the IMPORTANT! Methods of obtaining Pirate LEGO thread as that contains several ideas of where you might obtain Pirate LEGO.
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