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Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 4

Hearing the roosters call out their morning alarm, Captain Qocél got up from his cot and put his uniform.

Happy, he would go out and see the beautiful 42nd regiment, in line, ready for role call.

He trusted his NCO's to do their duty. The sun was not quite risen, yet, a bluish tint shining from under his tent.

He untied his tent and stepped out. He was shocked to find that only Pvt. Oult, Pvt. Toreil, Pvt. Stelly, and Drummer Boy Maetan

standing in line, obviously quite stressed at the absence of their comrades.


"What's going on here? asked Captain Qocél.

"I don't know." answered one soldier.

Just then, though, Provost Guards Des and Dalese, Pvt. Malne, Pvt. Gierdieu, Pvt. Yellman, Pvt. Rames, Sgt, Hemphill,

and Flag Bearer Redman were coming from the river bank.

"Ah, nothing like washing our faces in the cool morning water!" remarked one soldier.

"You said it! Boy, did I need a bath!" said another.

"Now my spare clothes are drying!" commented another soldier.


"What on Earth are all you guys there for??" asked Captain Qocél.

At that moment, though, Pvt. Aellot, Pvt. Perot, Pvt. W. Gale, and Pvt. Reutal were coming from another direction.

"We shouldn't have eaten Pvt. Shadón's sausages at midnight yesterday!" said one soldier.

"We'll need a detail to dig another latrine!" remarked another.

"Ah! What's going on!?!" yelled Drummer Boy Maetan.

"Just what I'm wondering!" replied Captain Qocél.

Then, Pvt. Cartelle and Pvt. Camon are coming out of their tent, chatting with each other.

"So I really think the royalists are stumped this time." said one.

"I think this is the time that we will be winning!" said the other.

Pvt. Entaine and Pvt. Shadón suddenly walk out of their tent.

"Oh! So that's where you got the sausages!" said Pvt. Entaine.

"Yup! And I got them dirt cheap! They were on the being of sale!" replied Pvt. Shadón.

As everybody walks in, the Captain is quite baffled at the current situation. Still, he gathers himself and counts everybody.


"One, five, ten, sixteen, twenty one! Wow! Nobody was killed last night! But why is everybody not at role call on time?

Uh, oh, the general is coming. MEN! FORM UP A LINE! AT THE DOUBLE QUICK! The general comes!" ordered Captain Qocél.


The general came galloping in, screaming his head off.

"CAPTAIN! What is going on!? Why has almost your ENTIRE regiment miss role call!? First I hear they did not convict the previous day and now THIS!?

INTOLERABLE! This regiment, and this goes for you, my Provost Guards, will CONDUCT itself in an ORDERLY fashion. Else, I will take drastic measures!

If NOBODY is CONVICTED today, then I will have the 53rd Guards posted at EVERY tent. The first person to walk out of their tent is shot IMMEDIATELY.

If it weren't for your brave and kind Captain, I would have you STAND in line the WHOLE DAY until you convict. However, I'm sure the captain will dismiss you.

DO NOT fail me again. My eye-patch is proof of my capabilities. Captain, to your orders!"

Taking a few breaths, the Provost General gallops back to his head quarters.

"42nd! Break ranks, march! Eat up and start working!" -Captain Qocél-

Nerved, the soldiers set themselves around the camp fire and begin cooking breakfast...

[Note: Camera problems meant either delay or lack of pictures. Lack of pictures/recycled is the choice.]


The Rules

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "day", you will be given 4 real days in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 2 real days. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to me during the night phase. If I do not receive them within the two days, they will not be counted.

In Imperial Soldier's Mafia, there are the Honoured and there are the Deserters.

- There will be two main sides in the game. You win when your side has defeated the other.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- Voting will ONLY begin after 24 hours into the Day.

- You may not edit your posts. Violation of this rule may result in a court-martial.

- Please avoid posting out of character in the game thread.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator has sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a court martial. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the Confirmation and Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game. Any violation of this rule will also result in a court martial.

- Please be considerate towards the host. I am unable to commit every possible minute to this, so things might be delayed. I will try to not to delay, though.

-Please stay in period while in game. This is to better enhance the quality of the game and make it more fun! This is to say, do NOT post anything modern or things past the early 1800's, the set time period of this game. You will be warned when you do this, and with three warnings, you will be put up to court martial. Any mentions of PMs in the game should be really be called "Letters".

-Please do not metagame. Metagaming is where you play the current game based off of the results of other past game. While it is a good tactic, it has ruined other player's game (like getting quickly voted off) because of their past character. Metagaming will result in an immediate court-martial.


If you are to be found breaking any of the above rules, you will be put to court-martial. These were military courts that would deal with soldiers who broke the rules (deserting, criminal acts, stealing). After you have been caught breaking the rules, the host will PM 5 random members in the game. They will decide your fate with a Yes/No vote. Found guilty, you will be sentenced to death. Found not-guilty, you are free. Be careful! Guilty members will not be replaced by the reserves.


Have a ball :sweet:

Character List:

alexthegreat.png Pvt. Alex Gierdieu (Alex the Great)

alice.png Pvt. Alain Entaine (Alice)

awesomestar.png Pvt. Aaron Stelly (AwesomeStar)

bigcam.png Pvt. Bill Cartelle (BigCam)

bobconstructman.png Pvt. Bobby Camon (Bob the Construction Man)

ca.png Pvt. Geoffrey Oult (Captain Genaro)

dragonator.png Pvt. David Reutal (Dragonator)

generala.png Drummer Boy Gace Maetan (General Armendariz)

iamded.png Provost Guard Ian Des (iamded)

metroid.png Provost Guard Mason Dalese (MetroiD)

new_right.png Flag Bearer Nathan Redman (New Right)

quarry.png Pvt. Quinn Malne (Quarryman)

rick.png Pvt. Rick Aellot (Rick)

roncanator.png Pvt. Ron Toreil (Roncanator)

sandy.png Pvt. Samuel Yellman (Sandy)

shadows.png Pvt. Michel Shadón (shadows)

stash.png Sergeant Stanely Hemphill (Stash2sixx)

tanotrooper.png Pvt. Talón Rames (Tanotrooper)

captaingenaro.png Pvt. Tom Perot (TinyPiesRUs)

whitefang.png Pvt. Wilson Gale (Whitefang)


martinsuperd.jpg Captain Martin Lecoq (Macoco) -Honoured

def2.jpg Pvt. Dan Gale (def) -Honoured

pedrod.jpg Lieutenant Pedro Pellsan (pedro) -Honoured

42nd Reserves:




Jim Butcher





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Captain! Hallelujah! It would seeming to be a successful night with no death! Have the deserters run out of chances for the killing of us or did someone make the good actioning to keep us safe? We must have done the good job for such a result!

I am so very happy I could be using the sausage!

I must admit that the clarity of good sleeping leaves me with the better thinking. I hope we can be seeing more of that today, then maybe we can make the figuring of something out for the great success!


No death for today, meaning something last night was done right.. :thumbup:

I am pretty sure, one of us, honoured has done the right thing. I am fairly confident of it. Speaking of which, yesterday was a day without any conviction, and I strongly suggest we should backtrack where we last stopped.


Well, no death last night, but what could you guys be thinking? Not going to role when you already know we do this every day! Really that shows some clues that some of you might not care here and could possibly be deserters... Anyways on to breakfast :sweet:


Boy what a relief that no one was killed last night! I was a bit worried when only four of us were lined uo in time. What were you guys doing?


I went down to the water to wash my face and clean up. When I went investigating last night, I found that this "subject" carries a knife in their knapsack. It was a clean knife, but still a knife. I saw the person start to move around so I ran out as fast as I could. On the way back to my tent, i tripped and slid through some mud. So, I just figured I would get up a little early and get down to the river and wash up.


Good morning everyone. Michel, pass those spicy sausages please while they're hot.

It's a relief to hear than none of us was killed last night. I'm sure we have one of our honorable soldiers to thank for that. I really think we missed our chance at arriving at an informed conviction yesterday by wasting much of the afternoon. Then when people started finally voting, many already went to bed. Is there anyone who can - after last night - shed some light on the debate that was unfolding yesterday?

What were you guys doing?

As I said yesterday, I wanted a fireplace in my tent. I burned the first one down due to a slight miscalculation. :blush: The General kindly gave orders for the issuance of a new one.

When I had finished erecting the new one, I was pleased to discover that the General had provided me with the deluxe model that already is having the fireplace in it. I inquired with the General who informed me that this is the case for he did not want me to keep burning them down, so for you men who are wishing to find the warmth in the night, please be stopping at my tent where things are always hot.

Merci, General, it is a lovely new tent! :thumbup:


Oh, at least there's good news this morning. I was half expecting that the deserters would've overwhelmed us by now, since we failed to convict anyone yesterday.

I don't think I'm the person who should be calling the shots on who to vote today. I feel like I've been lead on so many directions that I really don't know which way is the right way anymore. This would've been so much easier if we'd know if Pvt. Retaul is a deserter or not by now, but now I really just don't know... :sceptic:

What were you guys doing?

Someone tightened the ties on my tent so that I couldn't get out. I could just make out that the tent-tying terror had feint epaulettes (so most likely either yellow or gold).

I went down to the water to wash my face and clean up. When I went investigating last night, I found that this "subject" carries a knife in their knapsack. It was a clean knife, but still a knife. I saw the person start to move around so I ran out as fast as I could. On the way back to my tent, i tripped and slid through some mud. So, I just figured I would get up a little early and get down to the river and wash up.

Who was the person you investigated? Why weren't you able to find out their allegiance as you had the last two nights?

Someone tightened the ties on my tent so that I couldn't get out. I could just make out that the tent-tying terror had feint epaulettes (so most likely either yellow or gold).

This is becoming a game ... of life ... of incomplete clues and faint evidence. :sceptic:

I wonder what the mysterious hidden investigator has to say for today. If you were blocked as you say, he couldn't have been, which means we should be getting another report before too long. I think I'll wait for that and then try to weigh all of the confusing evidence we've been given along the way.

Someone tightened the ties on my tent so that I couldn't get out. I could just make out that the tent-tying terror had feint epaulettes (so most likely either yellow or gold).

I tightened the ties on my own tent, but Pvt. Shadón lured me out by sticking spicy sausages through the gaps this morning. :grin:

Someone tightened the ties on my tent so that I couldn't get out. I could just make out that the tent-tying terror had feint epaulettes (so most likely either yellow or gold).

Most likely our Provost Guard, Ian Des.

The clues are piling up against him. On Day Two or yesterday, someone mentioned that he had seen a mustached man. Today, you see he had either gold or yellow epaulets. I believe we might have found our first deserter.

Most likely our Provost Guard, Ian Des.

The clues are piling up against him. On Day Two or yesterday, someone mentioned that he had seen a mustached man. Today, you see he had either gold or yellow epaulets. I believe we might have found our first deserter.

The mustached man is our supposed killer. This need not be the one who played tie-up games with Pvt. Perot. Not trying to defend our provost guard, because they seem to be unable to effectively help us over the past days, just pointing out a perhaps too hasty conclusion.

Most likely our Provost Guard, Ian Des.

The clues are piling up against him. On Day Two or yesterday, someone mentioned that he had seen a mustached man. Today, you see he had either gold or yellow epaulets. I believe we might have found our first deserter.

I must agree the evidence is becoming sustainable. Especially with our requirment to find a conviction today. My vote is heavily leaning.


Thank God no one was killed last night. We now have a fighting chance to defeat the deserters. :sweet:

I am also starting to wonder if one of our "loyal" provost guards hasn't turned traitor. But lets not forget that our provost guards arn't the only ones with yellow epaulets.


Am I the only one who finds it suspicious that fingers are quickly being pointed at Provost Guard Ian Des this morning and that all finger-pointing is done by privates that refrained from voting yesterday? Seems like someone is trying to shift attention from the direction that things were going yesterday. I was expected to hear some confirmation or rejection of the accusations that were made by Pvt. Yellman and his informant against Sergeant Hempill and Pvt. Reutal yesterday. And let's not rule out the possibility that the supposedly yellow/gold epauleted soldier was actually trying to prevent Pvt. Perot from going out at night to do something detrimental to the honorable part of this regiment. I mean, after all, no murder was committed tonight and Pvt. Perot is wearing a mustache.

I was expected to hear some confirmation or rejection of the accusations that were made by Pvt. Yellman and his informant against Sergeant Hempill and Pvt. Reutal yesterday. And let's not rule out the possibility that the supposedly yellow/gold epauleted soldier was actually trying to prevent Pvt. Perot from going out at night to do something detrimental to the honorable part of this regiment. I mean, after all, no murder was committed tonight and Pvt. Perot is wearing a mustache.

Well, I am not saying that I think Pvt. Reutal is innocent however,this new " information " seems to lead us to our first deserter.

As for your second idea, not bad. It sounds reasonable however,I would like a little more support before I think Pvt. Perot is the killer.

Well, I am not saying that I think Pvt. Reutal is innocent however,this new " information " seems to lead us to our first deserter.

The new information only points to a yellow/gold epaulet wearing soldier who prevented someone from going out at night. By no means does this mean he's a killer or a deserter.

As for your second idea, not bad. It sounds reasonable however,I would like a little more support before I think Pvt. Perot is the killer.

I have no evidence to suggest that, I was just saying that this is an equally likely explanation based on what we have so far. But then again, it would be very naive of Pvt. Perot, if he really was the killer, to say he was blocked in a night without a killing. But you never know.

Also, I'm still waiting for the Sergeant to reveal the person he found carrying a knife last night.

The new information only points to a yellow/gold epaulet wearing soldier who prevented someone from going out at night. By no means does this mean he's a killer or a deserter.

For all we know, the fact that Pvt. Perot was blocked and there was no killing by the deserters could be related... :hmpf_bad:


But we already know from our investigator that Pvt. Reutal is the killer. Wasn't he away from the camp on border patrol last night?

I finding it very worrying that everyone is trying to divert attention away from Reutal and the Sergeant and are again trying to shift the suspicion onto the Provost guard.

Also, the message I received didn't mention gold epaulettes specifically. It said the epaulettes were faint, but I couldn't tell if they were yellow or a feinted red.

But we already know from our investigator that Pvt. Reutal is the killer.

Which investigator? The one who hid behind Pvt. Yellman? You said that he's probably paranoid, why would you support him now?

I finding it very worrying that everyone is trying to divert attention away from Reutal and the Sergeant and are again trying to shift the suspicion onto the Provost guard.

But again, you suspected that the 'investigator' who accused them is paranoid, and you didn't vote for either yesterday, so clearly you didn't want to be associated with such a vote, making it seem you're being less than honest with us here.

Then there is the matter of the sword, which, according to the voice in the sky, was still the murder weapon after all (I asked for clarification on the discussion topic post and was told that he never meant to indicate that it was a knife, just that he would have used one if he could find one) and they are limited to officers. What else can we suspect?

But again, you suspected that the 'investigator' who accused them is paranoid, and you didn't vote for either yesterday, so clearly you didn't want to be associated with such a vote, making it seem you're being less than honest with us here.

All I did was raise the possibility that he's paranoid - he found 2 deserters on the first 2 nights after all. However, from private conversations and the additional information Pvt. Yellman has offered, I do believe him to be sane. I wasn't able to vote last night because I was on latrine duty for the whole of the evening (Our street's internet went off for half a day because of some construction down the road).

But that all has little to do with the point that I'd originally raised.

Then there is the matter of the sword, which, according to the voice in the sky, was still the murder weapon after all (I asked for clarification on the discussion topic post and was told that he never meant to indicate that it was a knife, just that he would have used one if he could find one) and they are limited to officers. What else can we suspect?

But the voice also told us not to look for clues in the pictures, as they are just reenactments of sorts. So as far as I'm concerned, no one is above suspicion

And if Pvt. Reutal isn't the killer, where do you suppose he got a bloodied knife from? We haven't been in a battle for quite some time, so he couldn't have got it from there.


Ok, here is what I know. Feint colored epaulettes, check. Moustache, check. Knife in bag, check.

Provost Guard Ian Des, all of this stacks up against you. And I had to run out of that tent before I could finish my investigation. Anything you would like to say for yourself?

Am I the only one who finds it suspicious that fingers are quickly being pointed at Provost Guard Ian Des this morning and that all finger-pointing is done by privates that refrained from voting yesterday? Seems like someone is trying to shift attention from the direction that things were going yesterday. I was expected to hear some confirmation or rejection of the accusations that were made by Pvt. Yellman and his informant against Sergeant Hempill and Pvt. Reutal yesterday. And let's not rule out the possibility that the supposedly yellow/gold epauleted soldier was actually trying to prevent Pvt. Perot from going out at night to do something detrimental to the honorable part of this regiment. I mean, after all, no murder was committed tonight and Pvt. Perot is wearing a mustache.
But we already know from our investigator that Pvt. Reutal is the killer. Wasn't he away from the camp on border patrol last night?

I finding it very worrying that everyone is trying to divert attention away from Reutal and the Sergeant and are again trying to shift the suspicion onto the Provost guard.

Also, the message I received didn't mention gold epaulettes specifically. It said the epaulettes were faint, but I couldn't tell if they were yellow or a feinted red.

I'm glad to see some of these men have sense. Accusing the men assigned to help root out Deserters of being Deserters themselves, do you have any idea how silly you sound? Besides, these epaulettes are never faint! They always sparkle this magnificent gold. <Pulls out a rag and rubs off a speck of dirt, before positioning himself so the sunlight reflects off the marvelous epaulettes>

Now, we aren't going to just forget about what happened yesterday are we? If you went to bed early, or have a terrible memory, you can always go over the notes...

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