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This is "The Swan", a fantastical vessel of her majesty, Queen Beatrix of Brickland. It will be featured in the upcoming chapters of my comic, Queens' Quest (links available in my signature). It's a small and fast ship, used in short distance travels (Beatrix of course has a large ship at her disposal, too).

Here's the different sides of it.






Pay in mind that I have no idea how to build an authentic ship, so this might miss some crucial parts needed for seatravel. Also note that the masts are almost directly copied from the Armada Flagship, since I didn't know how else to fit the sails. I did switch their places, though.

Here's a close-up shot of the figurehead that gives the ship it's name (alongside the "tail" at the other end of the ship). The swan is wearing a crown since this is a royal ship.


I also tried to attach an anchor to the ship, but it just looked too big and bulky so I took it out.

Here's the colorful rudder and details of the back:


I tried to make an interior for the cabin, but it was just too crammed to function properly, so I didn't finish it and left it out of this photoshoot.

And finally, here's the young queen herself, in her naval attire, posing as she's steering the ship. Good thing she has a captain to do that job, though, because she is no sailor.


If you have any comments, suggestions or improvements, I'd be more than happy to hear them! :classic:


This is such a feminine looking vessel. It appears to be very colourful and lively. Although it's too rainbow looking for my taste, but I enjoy the way you put this all together into an impressive looking ship. :pir-sweet:


Beatull, just beatifull nothing else. it is very nice indeed, and the figurhead or ships bows swan is beatifully decorated. Its like some kidna of "love boat/love ship"

Anyway, awesome work. I'm a conformist!, I'm a conformist!. lovley little vessel

Captain Becker


Hey there Sandy! What an amazing vessel! It's beautiful! :pir-wub:

Her shape looks great and the figurehead is very nice. I also really like the colours and detail you've put in this ship.

Perhaps you can let the blue line on the prefab hulls connect with eachother?


Soon! :pir-sweet:


Wonderfoul ship!

The figurehead is very nice and I also like look of the narrow stern.

Like Blackmoor said, it could be a little bit improved by connecting the blue line.

The places of the sails may be a little bit strange, but that's just what I like about it because it makes the ship look very 'fantasy'.

Good job, and a well-deserved place on the frontpage :thumbup:


Nice fantasy ship Sandy. The color scheme is well-balanced and the figurehead is simple but elegant. I would just suggest to continue the blue line on the stern and bow sections on the mid-section as well.

... And she certainly has a handsome captain :pir-wub::pir-wink:


I love The Swan, it really looks like one and it fits right into your story, I'm looking forward to reading about it!

I see someone beat me to blogging it on Classic-Pirates.com, well...less work for me :pir-grin: !

Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for all your comments! :wub:

I did as many of you suggested and combined the blue parts together, and it does look more streamlined and cohesive now. I also made some adjustments to the rigging, and added some details (including a crest and crossed swords above the cabin door, and two crossbows at the bow).

You'll soon be seeing The Swan sailing in my comic in her full glory. :wink:


Wow, a very beautiful and creative ship, I love all the details on her, and I myself based a ship off of the Armada Flagship, though yours blows it away :pir-tongue: Very nicely done indeed :thumbup:

However, you should add canons, looks like this ship is an easy target in battle.

Sorry, this is more of a medieval ship (although in a fantasy world), so I don't think cannons were invented then. I did add some crossbows for defense.

The Swan isn't really a warship, anyway, just a transportation vessel. And Brickland, Queen Beatrix's country isn't at war with any other nation currently, either. :wink:


It's a very nice one, congrats!

I like the way you modified the Armada Flagship, I think it's less rainbow now than the original and certainly has an elegant style


Great ship sandy ^^ Looks like a ship from the Manga One piece ^^ The "mr 2" ship

I really like it , the figurehead is very cool and the overall shape is perfect, great job on it!

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