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As I only have a very small quantity of 9V tracks, and everything else is PF, I outfitted my Cargo Railway with the rechargeable battery box and IR receiver.


I lost one passenger compartment and space for one cargo container.


Fitting the battery box was a real easy decision, as it was kinda obvious. But one passenger compartment had to go, no big loss, for me.


I was even able to have a real simple mechanism to turn the battery on or off:


The more complex part was trying to fit the IR receiver, where it will go was obvious, just gonna loose the first container holder thingy. but how to put it there and don't have a big cably mess?


I routed the cable around and concealed it with a 1x6 plate or similar.


There is even enough space to store the rest of the cable behind the channel selector.

Building the roof was a little harder, as the IR receiver is just 1/3 too high for the roof tiles supplied by 4559. So I had to brickbuild it with some Emerald Night spare parts (cheese slopes):


Currently I'm waiting for my short extension cable to connect it to the 9V motor and light brick. So stay tuned for the rest.

Hope it's helpful.

I routed the cable around and concealed it with a 1x6 plate or similar.

You could have used part 30413 with two 1x1 bricks at it's side, instead of the headlights and a 1x6 plate. That said, the plate idea does add some greebling to the model. I assume it's symmetric, though?

Very nice work-around, indeed.

You could have used part 30413 with two 1x1 bricks at it's side, instead of the headlights and a 1x6 plate. That said, the plate idea does add some greebling to the model. I assume it's symmetric, though?

Very nice work-around, indeed.

I didn't had those at hand ATM, so I did this workaround. And for my solution, I could have used headlights and plate on the other side, but I just used the left over bricks with grille, gives it some diversity.


1) I didn't had those at hand ATM, so I did this workaround.

2) And for my solution, I could have used headlights and plate on the other side, but I just used the left over bricks with grille, gives it some diversity.

1) That certainly works in a pinch, and as a permanent solution

2) Ah, that does add some diversity, indeed. Doesn't look all that odd either; opposite of what I thought. Certainly on par with the general build-up of the original model. ;)

Like I said, looks good! And I trust it runs like a charm too.


My new extension cable just arrived, and it WORKS!


Just remove the 2x4 yellow plate and replace it with the 9V end of the extension cable:


^ Please note how the cables are fitted, else derailments will occur.

Some modifications had to be done to sit the train driver in there:


After that do some testing and adjust cable mess as needed:


Flexible Train Track is a very good testing bed, if it survives this, it'll survive about anything.


And yes, it still looks odd with metal wheels on plastic track.

  • 4 months later...

My PF MOD for my 4559 is finished, works great on 9V, RC and Flex-track.

I also replaced the 9V motor with a RF-one. On 4559 there is, somehow, quite good traction available, even with the old grey O-rings.


I also replaced the clear blue windows of the battery box pod with black ones, and made some more black cargo-only pods. I think it looks great in black and yellow, with no blue anywhere. Of course, no minifig want's to travel in darkness, but with the modular design of the Cargo Railway, it's easy to swap 'em out for the standard passenger pods.

@Moderators in charge: could you please change from WIP to MOD? Thank you.


Think the changes look great. Since you mentioned this in the thread I started, I've been planning to get another PF system and switch mine over too. Really like the cargo carrier as the second car now too.

  • 3 months later...


Cargo and Passenger Pod Terminal for Cargo Railways.

The crane is from the 2010 Cargo Train, additional Pods are made out of spare parts and BL-Orders.


Great work,

But you stole my ideadefault_classic.gif ,i just change the 9v motor with a pf,and now i'm waiting for the parts(battery and ir reciver).

After i copy something.


Great work,

But you stole my ideadefault_classic.gif ,i just change the 9v motor with a pf,and now i'm waiting for the parts(battery and ir reciver).

After i copy something.

If I stole it, sorry. If I didn't: Good luck! Got a URL so I can see yours?

I'd recommend RC-Motors. It's easier to add a 9V light to it than using a PF one. Also the RC-Motors have great torgue on CargoRailway's design.


If I stole it, sorry. If I didn't: Good luck! Got a URL so I can see yours?

I'd recommend RC-Motors. It's easier to add a 9V light to it than using a PF one. Also the RC-Motors have great torgue on CargoRailway's design.

Not Now,i just exchange the old 9v motor with pf motor,now i need to buy all the part to change in a complete pf train(i hope),when i made it don't worry,i tell you!default_blink.gif

  • 3 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well executed modification!

On the point of losing space for the battery box, I started another thread here with a solution: http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=94266

Doesn't work for modification of existing standard 6-wide trains but could be good solution for MOcs.

Wouldn't work with this particular set, because of the bi-level base plate.


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