Posted August 5, 201014 yr Hello everybody! Since many years Playmobil has been releasing a lot of City/Police sets including violence and/or weaponry - e. g. nearly every police officer has a pistol, the police station includes guns and batons, there are burglars and there are even some sort of SWAT men. Since the fact is that Playmobil is even released for much younger kids than Lego, the question appears why TLG doesn't do these sets, too. And would you like to get sets similar to those from Playmobil? Please vote. Comments are welcome! Klaus-Dieter Edited August 5, 201014 yr by Klaus-Dieter
August 5, 201014 yr Personally, I like the peacefulness and absence of weapons in LEGO City sets, although I don't really think Playmobil sets are particularly 'violent'.
August 5, 201014 yr TLG needs to be consistent, if they already have guns for the police, swords for the knights, cannons for the pirates, lightsabers for the jedis, blasters for the clones/droids, etc., then what's keeping them from expanding weaponry in the CITY theme? I agree with moderated violence, and I applaud TLG for its non-violence stance, but it's becoming more and more irrelevant nowadays, especially in these times where there's a preponderance of violence-related video games, tv shows, movies, and various media accessible to kids. These minor changes in lego, if ever they do it, won't have that much adverse effect on the psyche of young kids compared to that of the aforementioned examples. I'm no child psychologist, but that's how I view this issue. EDIT: I just now realized, CITY policemen don't have guns, I wonder how they catch the 'bad' guys (which appear in CITY police sets). With their magic handcuffs?!? Edited August 5, 201014 yr by KielDaMan
August 5, 201014 yr I voted no. I know that most Lego themes already have some level of suggested violence or confrontation, but I applaud TLG for not having introduced that sort of crap in the City theme. I know that many kids crave for that sort of stuff, but I don't and I have no interest in buying such sets. There are plenty of resources for Lego guns, including other Lego themes and third-party manufacturers, there's no need to add them to the City palette. In the same vein as not offering modern military sets, I think that having violent subjects in the City theme is mildly disturbing and too close to reality. And I'm proud of TLG for not doing like every other toy company. I know it probably won't change anything about how kids are exposed to violence everywhere, but it will change my adult view of TLG and the sets I will choose to buy.
August 5, 201014 yr In real life there is too many violence to carry it into Lego. If Lego City and violence merge, I would prefer to quit that hobby - Lego.
August 5, 201014 yr I definitely like City sets the way they are. So a clear NO concerning the use of guns and/or depiction of violence in these sets. There's too much violence in the real world. It's nice to have none in the City sets.
August 5, 201014 yr I voted NO ! There is enough gun crap on the TV news - Lego City is real life in miniture which is generally peaceful, castle and SW even IJ are good guy vs. bad guy we expect weapon usage but in City there are not many bad guys just the odd handbag thief which is a bit much for guns to be used ! Though police with battons and shields for crowd control might pass, but guns are taking to a level where Lego City (Legotown) loses it simple childlike rollplay and replaced with shootouts and driveby shootings ! I'm a conformist! !
August 5, 201014 yr I'm inclined to vote "NO." There's something cool about Lego just glorifying the everyday life in the wonderful City line. BUT at the same time, I must admit I picked up a few extra cowboys this summer just to arm my police department...
August 5, 201014 yr I vote no. We've all been clamouring for more focus on everyday civilian live in the City theme. I don't think guns really fit in. And the Lego police force has managed to round up the criminals without guns for a few decades now. No need to change that, I think. And if you really really must have guns, there's always Brickarms.
August 5, 201014 yr EDIT: I just now realized, CITY policemen don't have guns, I wonder how they catch the 'bad' guys (which appear in CITY police sets). With their magic handcuffs?!? Here in Norway, the police aren't allowed to carry guns unless they are responding to a shooting or the sight of a gun in public. And they manage to arrest people pretty often So the CITY policemen don't need guns unless the citizens of LEGO town start carrying guns
August 5, 201014 yr I voted NO I believe that the lack of a military theme or the lack of "modern" weapons (excluding blasters) follows the original Lego philosophy to try and promote as lesss as possible human vs. human violence. Most themes that feature weapons are not meant to be violent in itself, let's remember that a pirates best weapon was intimidation, not firepower! Medieval themes where we have swords and axes were often more fantastic than realistic etc... In sum, I truly believe that it's a good thing Lego does not have much "modern" weapons to offfer as lightningtiger said "There is enough gun crap on the TV news" and as a soon to be father, I would much rather my kid (and me!!!) create fantasy worlds and stories without guns!!!! Over and Out! Pirate
August 5, 201014 yr Here in Norway, the police aren't allowed to carry guns unless they are responding to a shooting or the sight of a gun in public. And they manage to arrest people pretty often So the CITY policemen don't need guns unless the citizens of LEGO town start carrying guns Same in the UK.
August 5, 201014 yr I'm gonna go with "no." In my mind, there's a clear difference between themes that are fantasy-based (castle, space, pirates, wild west, Star Wars, Prince of Persia) and the City theme, which is meant to mimic the real, modern world. The fantasy-based themes are generally conflict-driven and filled with weapons, but I think that's okay, because kids are smart enough to know when they're simply role-playing. I think introducing that sort of armed conflict into the City theme would be tasteless and inappropriate. I don't want to see TLC sign a license to make sets based on HBO's "The Wire." Although, an Omar mini-fig would be awesome ... Besides, Lego cops don't need guns. They can simply overwhelm the bad guys through sheer force of numbers. There's one cop for every two or three citizens!!
August 5, 201014 yr I'm gonna go with "no." In my mind, there's a clear difference between themes that are fantasy-based (castle, space, pirates, wild west, Star Wars, Prince of Persia) and the City theme, which is meant to mimic the real, modern world. The fantasy-based themes are generally conflict-driven and filled with weapons, but I think that's okay, because kids are smart enough to know when they're simply role-playing. I'd have to disagree here. Violence is violence. Guns are guns. Just because one theme that has weapons is fantasy based, does not make it any less "violent" or excusable than one that takes place in modern times. And why wouldn't a kid be role playing when playing with his LEGO Police sets? Your right. Kids are smart these days. They can just as easily play with Star Wars sets, as well as City themed sets and separate that from every day life. Most themes that feature weapons are not meant to be violent in itself, let's remember that a pirates best weapon was intimidation, not firepower! Medieval themes where we have swords and axes were often more fantastic than realistic etc... Thats exactly the purpose of police having weapons. Intimidation. Which brings up a good point. A set is only going to be as violent as the end user makes it. There are many fans of the Star wars line that purchase sets for vehicle design and could care less about the blasters battle packs. So if tomorrow TLG decides to offer police sets with weapons, it doesn't mean that kids are all of a sudden going to be raging wars with the citizens of LEGO or its bad guys. Some (like myself) just like the idea of adding detail to our sets. it really doesn't have to be about violence like many are making it out to be. So my vote, is yes.
August 5, 201014 yr I vote no. Even thogh the police in my Lego city are armed, lets not forget that Lego sets are designed to be sold to kids. There is enough violence in the world these days and I don't think that little kids need to be brought up with additional violence in there lifes.
August 5, 201014 yr No. I think Lego is doing a good job with their non-violence approach. Sure, we would love some other violent themes, like Army, etc... but violence doesn't really belong in City. When was the last time you saw a random guy walking down the street with a weapon?
August 5, 201014 yr I voted no, kids get enough glamorized violence via video games and such. For this very reason I am attempting to steer my kids into the city themes over Star-Wars.
August 5, 201014 yr I vote no. Even thogh the police in my Lego city are armed, lets not forget that Lego sets are designed to be sold to kids. There is enough violence in the world these days and I don't think that little kids need to be brought up with additional violence in there lifes. Then i guess we should stop theme's like Star Wars, pirates and such. And by that line of thinking, i guess Indiana Jones and Batman were bad ideas to huh? Police are around to keep the peace. Not aggravate it. Giving a mini figure a had gun with a police uniform doesn't endorse violence any more than a jack sparrow mini figure with a pistol. No. I think Lego is doing a good job with their non-violence approach. Sure, we would love some other violent themes, like Army, etc... but violence doesn't really belong in City. When was the last time you saw a random guy walking down the street with a weapon? Depending on where you live, it can be quite normal actually. And if you see one, doesn't mean that that person is about to rob a bank either.
August 5, 201014 yr The discussion is not important. LEGO just won't put weapons in non-fantasy themes set in the current era regardless of what polls tell them. It is basically their vote as a company and it is unlikely to change. I think even a military theme is more likely than a city set with weapons as it wouldn't put weapons on exactly the same setting in which their target audience live.
August 5, 201014 yr I voted no as well. The innocent, idyllic way Lego portraits their city has been most of its charm for many years now. Just average minifigs going about their lives with the occasional fire or burglary going on. Bringing weapons and violence into the game would kinda ruin that, and that's why Lego has their action themes. Themes like Agents are set in a City setting as well, but focus much more on the action violence. And I think it should stay that way.
August 6, 201014 yr The discussion is not important. LEGO just won't put weapons in non-fantasy themes set in the current era regardless of what polls tell them. It is basically their vote as a company and it is unlikely to change. I think even a military theme is more likely than a city set with weapons as it wouldn't put weapons on exactly the same setting in which their target audience live. Of course it's TLG's call. I think KD posted this topic not to influence TLG's decision but just to get the view of the AFOLs here in EB. ------------- And what's the difference of putting weapons in CITY sets and existing CITY themes + weapons from other themes? Could TLG prevent these kids from 'arming' their poor CITY policemen with weapons they get from the other teams? And don't underestimate kids nowadays, it doesn't mean they're gonna be violent thugs when they grow up just because their CITY lego sets have guns. I ain't in anyway pushing for weapons in the CITY theme, I just have a beef with TLG's inconsistent non-violent stance. If they really want to be a non-violent toy company, they should scrap all other themes with violent weapons and stick with the simple, peaceful, and utopic CITY line. The way I see it, they keep the non-violent CITY for their good image and all other themes for the $$$. Edited August 6, 201014 yr by KielDaMan
August 6, 201014 yr Author I voted for YES I do want weaponry and moderated violence even in the City theme. What I do not want is "hard" violence like military stuff. But moderated violence is imo ok. Which kid wouldn't be very happy to get a bank robbery set?! Plus in nearly other theme there exist violence and weaponry - the majority of themes even wouldn't exist without them. And nearly all kids which are in the age to play with City sets are regrettably confronted with violent computer games and movies anyway. So some moderated violence in City sets would surely not make them getting criminal. In contrast, some moderated violence would even attract the interest of those kids. The only reduction for weaponry and moderated violence I would call for would be to keep it in the Police subtheme. I really would like to see TLG releasing: -a bank robbery (pistol (for bank robber) -a police tank -a police water cannon -a SWAT unit (guns (for sharp shooters), pistols and machine pistols) -riot police officers (batons and trans-clear bucklers) -pistols for police officers and bandits That would be totally awesome! More I don't need. Klaus-Dieter Edited August 6, 201014 yr by Klaus-Dieter
August 6, 201014 yr I voted yes. The way I see this issue is from the point of a famous quote that goes "In a future where guns are outlawed, every outlaw will have a gun." And while peace and love in a Lego city are a good ideal, it does no good to have a police officer be dropped by a bandit with a gun because he wasn't armed, and then have his friends have to respond to the guy that made their buddy die. I support this theme utterly, as not only would it show kids that guns are not "evil" but how to use a weapon RESPONSIBLY for the good of the people and the upholding of justice. I have seen many people around here walk the streets with open carry firearms, and we have shootings in my city quite regularly. I don't like to see people die, but one thing I notice is that the ones who are usually shot are the people who weren't armed, because people thought they would be an easy target to prove their manhood or their membership into their gang. So case and point, I would much rather have my police officers and even civilians, Lego and otherwise armed and ready, then peaceful and dead. I have already armed my police, and with a more serious load out for peace-keeping then most would think.
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