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During the Clone Wars, the Sepratist forces occupied the colonized moon of Nar Shadda, to Liberate the many People, Jedi master and General Yarren Bofar commanded Talon Company and a squadron of the experimental LA-DS2 (Low Alltitude Drop Ship) to perform a quick deploy of troops onto the moon, Gunships would have drawn to much fire, and the moon, which was a city like couracent, could not take an all-out war from At-te's and other heavy equipment. Within three weeks, the battle was won, earning Yarren Bofar the Chancellor's Service Medal for his bravery.

And now a look at the ship that they could not win without.


design specs

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Crew: 2, 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner

Armement: 2 Concussion grenade Launchers, 2 Heavy Laser Blasters, 2 Pinpoint Composite Beam Lasers, Mounted Auto Gun


Engine:Dual Repulsorlift, 800 series

Forward view


Aft View


Troop Bay with Mounted Autogun


Troop Bay Deployed


(deployed using a Technic Beam)

Landing Mode




General Bofar leading his troops


Hope you enjoyed this creation, all aspects are Non-cannon, and I appreciate comments and criticisms.


Looks really good and genuine.

I like the shape, very dynamick.

Just two comments: the two front windows look a litle weird and the module which has to be dropped could also be a litle more dynamick, now it get thicker at the bottem, I would make it smaller at the bottem, feels more airodynamick.


Neat. It's like a large predecessor of the imperial dropship from the stormie battle pack. I like the shape of the wings. What's confusing, though, is that it has the CIS color scheme. If you would change it from grey to white, it would make more sense.


Neat. It's like a large predecessor of the imperial dropship from the stormie battle pack. I like the shape of the wings. What's confusing, though, is that it has the CIS color scheme. If you would change it from grey to white, it would make more sense.

I know, I forgot to mention it, but these ships weren't republic, they were called into the battlefield quickly to help free Nar Shadda and all they could do to show what side they were on was quickly paint the republic navy logo on the wings, and besides, I like this colour scheme better.

(how was that for a cover up)


The only thing I don't like is the gap between the bay and the craft. I really would have liked it better if the troop bay was flush with the rest of the ship.

Other than that, nice job, I really love the color scheme. Dark blue is one of my favorite colors. :thumbup:


The only thing I don't like is the gap between the bay and the craft. I really would have liked it better if the troop bay was flush with the rest of the ship.

I agree, if the reverse sloping part in the gap were removed and the troop bay was extended (for more troop space), it would be perfect.


I know, I forgot to mention it, but these ships weren't republic, they were called into the battlefield quickly to help free Nar Shadda and all they could do to show what side they were on was quickly paint the republic navy logo on the wings, and besides, I like this colour scheme better.

(how was that for a cover up)


At least they wont get shot at as long as the droids don't see the logo on the wing. :tongue:


This is a really great build. I like the cockpit area, the angles of the build and the wings, and the story that goes with it. I even like the color scheme :wink: I do agree with the others that a larger troop bay would make it better. A gun on the other side of the extended troop bay would make it perfect IMO. Cool MOC though, one of the better that I have seen lately.

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