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Set name: Jetbug

Set Number: 2193

Price: $?USD , 12.99 Euro

Pieces: 63

Year of release: 2011




"Jetbug is one of the incredibly dangerous strikers in the service station. Flame-breathing creature must be immediately destroyed!"

Of the three canister-sized villains, Jetbug probably has the most self-explanatory name. BIONICLE has made evil flying bugs before, so read on to find out how Hero Factory makes them differently!

The Box



Here we see Jetbug flying towards us in an imposing manner. Due to the size of the box, which is the same size as the 2010 villain boxes, Jetbug appears bigger than the set inside. I was surprised that the background wasn't filled with flames and smoke, instead there is a blue-skied background showing some sort of seaside factory or oil depot. Two Hero Factory ships fly up above Jetbug, and seem to be present in most of the 2011 backgrounds. It would be nice to see one of those as a Summer set, but I think their only purpose is getting Heroes to their destinations, not fighting.



The back of the box features the fiery inferno that Station 22 is being engulfed in (again with ships flying above), with Jetbug lunging at Furno 2.0. The demonstration of Jetbug's meteor launcher makes it clear that his Zamor has a marbled pattern. :sweet: I like the continued style from last year's villains with the Villain fighting a Hero, but without stats or some other information, the back looks very empty. The steel plate border that surrounds the entire box is very nice, and it has pitting and scorch marks appropriate to a fire breathing villain.




When I opened box and removed the pieces from their bags, the assortment of pieces felt alien compared to previous sets. Of all the pieces, there are only 8 Technic pieces, and five Bionicle pieces, three of which are recoloured. Unfortunately the hand-sockets are not the new kind that you can see in the other reviews, but Jetbug's instructions show the new socket, so TLG must be getting rid of the old sockets in the early batches of sets. I'm not sure if all Jetbug sets will have the old sockets at first, or if it is random between different sets.

Also in the part-lineup are 14 recoloured red spike pieces, which adorn many of the 2011 Hero Factory sets. Unlike the Heroes that only have 1 or 2, Jetbug has all the red spikes you'll ever need! The new limb and armour pieces are covered extensively in other reviews and a review of their own, so I'll focus on the pieces slightly more specific to Jetbug.


This is the first time that the new Gunmetal colour has been used in Hero Factory, and it is indeed a lovely colour, creating a dark robotic and scorched look when used for the villains. In Gunmetal, there are 4 new blade pieces, which resemble corrupted Mahritoran blades, 2 recoloured Thornax launcher pieces, a "Villain Core" that has two rod connectors similar to the Hero chest plate, and 2 new machine panel pieces, which are used as flamethrowers/jetpacks on the villains. The detail on the machine panel pieces is perfect, with wires, tubing and bolted steel plates. I'd love to see them being used for a car or plane engine.


Next up are the fire pieces, which include 2 trans-neon-orange armour pieces, 2 new flame pieces and a marbled yellow-orange/red Zamor. The fire pieces have the new standard connection of 2 rod connectors. They're made of a hard rubber that bends just enough to prevent the thin flames from accidentally being snapped off. I don't think this piece would suit BIONICLE or System creations, but it matches the spiky multi-toned flame theme of the new villains very well. The Zamor is a very interesting recolour that I was pleasantly surprised to see included, as it easily could have been a solid red Zamor instead. The Zamor is solid red on the underside, and has an almost hypnotic ring pattern on the top, with a small section of normal marbling in the middle. I'd love to see the process behind these Zamors, because there usually isn't such a fine alternation between colours in marbled pieces. The Zamors in other villain reviews are quite different, so it could be possible to find extremes of almost solid red or yellow zamors in random sets.


Included in all the new Hero Factory sets is a printed armour piece. I love the flames and electric logo on Jetbug's armour. Will it mean anything? Regardless, the printing is of a good quality, and I'm glad this wasn't a sticker instead.


Here is Jetbug's head, in yellow-orange. The head is very flat, with a small pair of fangs and menacing eyes. If one of the Mistika Makuta from 2007 was based off a cockroach, this would be what he would have looked like. And now for the other side...


It's Nitroblast! People will have a lot of mixed feelings about the move to combine masks to save making new moulds, but there's no denying that this piece is made very well. From Jetbug's side, you can hardly tell that Nitroblast's face is on the other side, and vice-versa. The downside is that Jetbug's head is unnecessarily asymmetric and you will see Nitroblast's face looking at the back of Jetbug, but on the upside we already have 2 different colours for Jetbug and Nitroblast - yellow-orange and red! Nitroblast's head strongly resembles a cross between Tarduk and Takadox and uses Jetbug's head as a long snake-like neck.


Here is the underside of the dual-head piece, showing how it connects to other pieces. It's nice that the head/helmet/mask pieces still use axles, which is one of the few things that link these new sets back to BIONICLE. The single axle suits both heads as can also be seen in Siegfried's Nitroblast review.



The front page of the instructions show the box-image of Jetbug along with a white warning box. The usual, although non-US versions don't have the white box.


On the first two pages of the booklet there is the same image as on the back of the box. I suppose this is so that you won't forget to buy Furno 2.0 even if you're the type that throw out your boxes. There is also another annoying white box of warnings in French and Spanish.


Here's a random image from the building steps. The background is a faint gradient with a brushed steel texture, with a non-distracting Hero Factory logo embossed in the center.


Here is the piece inventory, where you can see that the first piece listed is the new style of joints, not the old ones included in the set. :sceptic: On the next page there is a general advertisement for the theme, which is the only place so far that mentions the Heroes' first names. Nathan and Julius are both very formal names, while I was hoping Nex's first name would be Kyle. :laugh:


It seems to be that the number of pages in all instruction booklets for similar sets must be the same, because there are often pages that are in some books but not others. There is a trade-off between extra steps in the building process and extra pages in the back, and here I'm glad Jetbug has less steps! On the first place is an advertisement for Hero Recon Team coming Spring 2011, with the Design by Me logo next to it. Build-your-own-Hero is official, but we still know very little about it. On the next page there is another advertisement for sets, which includes a new and improved Fire Lord. I'll leave you to spot all the differences, but he looks exciting!






The first step is to build the torso, which is quite and easy, involving only three pieces.



We then add the legs, which are again very simple. The new socket system is very satisfying to build with, because they pop in and out easier, without sounding like you almost broke them. Currently Jetbug looks more like a chicken than a bug, that that will be fixed in the next steps...




Jetbug uses torso armour as shoulder armour, which suit the plated back of a cockroach. The gunmetal Thornax launcher pieces and blade look great together, and are a nice progression from the previous Villains' black meteor blasters.

Jet Packs


The jet pack "wings" which connect to the shoulder ball joints on the torso piece. Each jet pack can be positioned in a wide amount of ways, as outstretched wings or folded up to form part of a shell.




Here the new blades are used again as massive mandibles, which I think are slightly too big for Jetbug as they are the same length as his head. Probably the biggest disappointment of this set is that there are no glowing eyes behind the mask, which can make Jetbug look as lifeless as a Voyatoran at times. Luckily there are easy ways to remedy this, such as adding trans-orange Bohrok eyes to the blade pieces(PICTURE NEEDED), but I wish that the problem wasn't there to fix in the first place.

Finished Set



With the jet packs and head attached, Jetbug is now finished! Here he is hovering high in the air, surveying the battlefield below.

Flying through the air


Jetbug has all the articulation that would be expected from a canister-sized set, as well as extra articulation for his neck and jet packs. He can be balanced on his claws and a jet pack or blade to look like he is flying.

Crouched, ready to strike


My favourite feature of the finished set is that Jetbug's shoulder armour, jet packs and head are shaped to create a bug-like shell, with spikes protruding out. Certainly not a bug you could squash with a rolled-up newspaper!



The back of Jetbug is mostly covered by his jet packs, so unlike many canister-sized sets, he doesn't appear hollow from behind. However, from many angles you can clearly see Nitroblast's head, which is quite distracting.

Jetbug catches Stormer by surprise, while he was posing for a bill-board photo to be displayed back in Makuhero City


Final thoughts

Colour scheme - 10/10 - Jetbug uses yellow-orange, red and trans-neon orange to great effect, looking as if he is on fire. Despite all three villains being based around similar fiery colours, Jetbug manages to stand-out while still fitting the theme.

Parts - 8/10 - There are many pieces in interesting colours and a massive amount of red spikes that will be useful for other creations. Compared to the other villains though, Jetbug doesn't have as many different new limb pieces, and his dual-mask more distracting than it is on Nitroblast. As a BIONICLE fan, I also wish that there was at least one recoloured BIONICLE part introduced in this set, as there is in Nitroblast and Stormer 2.0.

Design - 9/10 - Jetbug lives up to his name, resembling a giant cockroach villain that has jet packs for wings. If only he had glowing eyes, he would be perfect.

Articulation - 10/10 - Jetbug has 20 points of articulation, not counting the slight articulation of each armour piece. This armour piece articulation also allows the leg armour pieces to overlap each other, preventing knee articulation by being limited.

Quality - 10/10 - The pieces are all made out of consistently coloured plastic, and the sockets no longer break. That's due to the part design rather than the plastic quality, but I'm really really pleased that it's finally been fixed, because it means I can assemble and disassemble the set without fear of breaking anything. :thumbup:

Overall - 47/50 - Excellent! All of the 2011 Hero Factory sets have undergone a massive change compared to last year, so the initial reaction to the Jetbug from a long-time BIONICLE fan would be shock and the impression that everything looks wrong. However, once you start to get used to the new Hero Factory building system, Jetbug will really stand out as being one of the best new sets. His selection of parts isn't the most generous for BIONICLE builders, but it is very valuable addition for beginning your collection of parts to build in this new Hero Factory ball and socket system. Special thanks to TLG and the Hero Factory team for this set - it's a great set, that is one of the 2011 Hero Factory sets worth picking up first!

Questions and picture requests welcome! :classic:


Wonderful review. You have a good point that this is the first appearance of dark silver (316 Titanium Metallic) in Hero Factory sets, although Bricklink would try to tell us that all the silver parts in Hero Factory sets are dark silver. :hmpf_bad:

The transparent fluorescent reddish-orange armor is beautiful, as are the other new pieces. The printing on his armor looks metallic-- is it really, or am I misinterpreting the photo?

And SO MUCH YES at the Build-Your-Own Hero thing being by DesignByMe. On the one hand, it might mean that (as with the regular DesignByMe service) parts won't be available in colors that they can't have in real life. On the other hand, it increases the likelihood that the Hero Factory pieces will be added to LEGO Digital Designer, finally allowing us BIONICLE and Hero Factory fans to really let our creative juices flow. And of course, DesignByMe would probably offer the same amenities as it has in the past, specifically the opportunity to design your own box (somewhat justifying the high cost these are almost certain to have).

Jetbug's build is just as perfect as I expected it to be. I might end up getting this set if I really do follow through on my intentions to start collecting Hero Factory next year.


Wonderful review. You have a good point that this is the first appearance of dark silver (316 Titanium Metallic) in Hero Factory sets, although Bricklink would try to tell us that all the silver parts in Hero Factory sets are dark silver. :hmpf_bad:

The transparent fluorescent reddish-orange armor is beautiful, as are the other new pieces. The printing on his armor looks metallic-- is it really, or am I misinterpreting the photo?

And SO MUCH YES at the Build-Your-Own Hero thing being by DesignByMe. On the one hand, it might mean that (as with the regular DesignByMe service) parts won't be available in colors that they can't have in real life. On the other hand, it increases the likelihood that the Hero Factory pieces will be added to LEGO Digital Designer, finally allowing us BIONICLE and Hero Factory fans to really let our creative juices flow. And of course, DesignByMe would probably offer the same amenities as it has in the past, specifically the opportunity to design your own box (somewhat justifying the high cost these are almost certain to have).

The colour still has a hint of green in it, and it's too similar for me to want to switch from Gunmetal. It's certainly not Dark Silver though! BIONICLE silvers have always been misleading for Bricklink, because there are so many of them with only subtle differences. :laugh:

The logo in the center is metallic silver, while the light flecks elsewhere are light grey.

I'm really excited for the Hero Recon Team program, for a lot of those reasons. Considering that Heroes are packaged in canisters, I hope that custom printed Hero Pods for your Heroes will be a possibility, as well as custom printed names on armour pieces. The program might offer recoloured armour pieces as well to widen the customability, although people might have mixed feelings about exclusive pieces being offered through the historically overpriced DesignByMe. :sceptic:


The trans-orange parts are wonderful. I hope we see more of the like in future, because it really looks striking.

The new connection system, too, is well-done in my opinion - then again, I'm more of the collecting type when it comes to the LEGO action figures, so I can see how it'd be seen as detrimental to a MOCer. Hopefully that's balanced out by the wealth of new joint parts.

-Nuju Metru


Great review! You made my day with a review of my favourite HF 2011 set. :laugh:

Jetbug's as awesome as I expected, although I'm quite disappointed with the double head and lack of trans-coloured eyes.

Still, he's a definite buy for me.


Jetbug's as awesome as I expected, although I'm quite disappointed with the double head and lack of trans-coloured eyes.

Fear not, there is an easy fix to his eyes:



I wish something like this was included in the set, but the attachment of this particular fix is a bit unconventional for a set.


Fear not, there is an easy fix to his eyes:

I wish something like this was included in the set, but the attachment of this particular fix is a bit unconventional for a set.

Thanks! I could do that. :laugh: But wouldn't that connection make the Bohrok eyes really loose?


Thanks! I could do that. :laugh: But wouldn't that connection make the Bohrok eyes really loose?

Surprisingly, it has a good amount of friction, like that of a pin with ridges. I don't know if that's due to the specific Bohrok teeth I used or if the new pieces use slightly thicker bar connectors.


Surprisingly, it has a good amount of friction, like that of a pin with ridges. I don't know if that's due to the specific Bohrok teeth I used or if the new pieces use slightly thicker bar connectors.

A rod is supposed to have function (though friction) in a cross-hole, no matter what cross-hole and rod you use.


Another comment - I wish the mandibles were a lighter shade instead of gunmetal. They blend in too well with the torso core such that I can't really see them clearly.

Also, just for the heck of it - mind if I request a picture of Jetbug posed with Bitil, if you have him assembled? :laugh: Thanks!


The more HF 2.0 reviews I see, the more I love those new joints. the mocer in my is actually excited because I'd like to be experimenting with those things soon. Too bad I'll probably have to wait a whole year before seeing them on local shelves.

This guys looks very nice.

It seems we've stumbled upon some new favorite parts for space builders everywhere :wink:

that orange body armor is




I've been excited about the orange armor ever since I've seen it the first time in Fire Lord's pics. I hope next wave has more transparent goodness in other colors.


The more HF 2.0 reviews I see, the more I love those new joints. the mocer in my is actually excited because I'd like to be experimenting with those things soon.

There is a lot of new technics to be invented. I haven't really spent time moc'ing with the parts, but me and a college have done some wicked structures using a high number of the new bones. You can kind of build in 3D. Some of the designers has made big fantasy animals etc. with the new system.

It should be noted that one of the brains behind the new system, was also one of the initiators back in 2000 when Bionicle was born.

Posted (edited)

Unfortunately the hand-sockets are not the new kind that you can see in the other reviews, but Jetbug's instructions show the new socket, so TLG must be getting rid of the old sockets in the early batches of sets.

See I was afraid that was gonna happen. I had made a comment in the cursed cobra statue review about the brick version of the socket:

side note - LDD factory mode shows the new sockets but i don't trust that they won't mix in the old till they've run out, and I don't need any more that are gonna crack on me in the first week of use

To which Front replied:

The new ball cup design, used on all the new Hero Factory parts but also this 2x2 brick with ball cup, has resulted in all new part design numbers, so I would be VERY surprised of an old style of ball cup would mix into this 2011 set. It should not be possible.

Looks like you might have to be very surprised, Front. :wink:


no I'm just kidding, and it's not the same thing, so I can't say 'told you so' - which is a jackass move anyway. :wink: everybody knows official sets can have alternate parts - for example, a city fire helicopter 4900 I just got at target (it's a 2008 set originally) has apparently gotten a silent update to part 92842 from part 4617. the instructions haven't changed, the set number hasn't changed, but it's been substituted.


But seriously Front, please don't be offended. I felt like I'd irritated you the first time around and that wasn't my intention. I feel like I need to pass you the peace pipe :wink:

Edited by SpiderSpaceman

Very nice. All the new pieces are so mouthwatering, but I'm not a big fan of the new armour connection system. I'd rather have pins and axles instead, to at least keep the Lego aspect.


Also, just for the heck of it - mind if I request a picture of Jetbug posed with Bitil, if you have him assembled? :laugh: Thanks!

It's more of a comparison than them posing together, but I hope it's what you were looking for:



But seriously Front, please don't be offended. I felt like I'd irritated you the first time around and that wasn't my intention. I feel like I need to pass you the peace pipe :wink:

I am glad that somebody points out that I made a mistake. No need for any peace pipe.

Two propellers that are slightly different (not in function) is in my opinion ok. I'm not that happy about the ball cups though, because building experience will be different.

Posted (edited)

My only dislikes of this set are that the red pieces aren't also Trans-Neon Orange. Almost a perfectly fire-colored set, apart from Glatorain Legends Mata-Nui. red makes things less amazing and just plain "Look! You get to be stuck with more of this forced conformity". But then again it is a villain, and red is an evil looking color.

Edited by BrotherDog

I'd like to add that I wish his pincers were silver instead of gunmetal. They blend in too much with his villain core such that you can't really make out what it really is. A perfect example is the prelim pictures. I didn't realize Jetbug had pincers. I thought they were part of his torso. :hmpf_bad:

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