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Hey everyone,

I wanted to post some pictures of the Eta-2 I have been working on (mostly waiting for parts from Bricklink). I love the fighter and TLG version, but was not a fan of the colors they had for the sets, so I made my own with some small adjustments like adding a few parts for aesthetics and matching some peices.

Overhead, nothing special, just about same as TLG but you can see some of the small changes made to the fighter


DSCF0653 by DanSZ15, on Flickr

Head on. This is the last thing a bunch of tri-fighters will see :laugh:


DSCF0652 by DanSZ15, on Flickr

Cockpit. No changes here, the seat is a one stud back now, it had a box behind it for some gear but I took it out.


DSCF0649 by DanSZ15, on Flickr


DSCF0647 by DanSZ15, on Flickr

Hope everyone likes it. Not much, but I like the new colors on this one! Hope you guys enjoy. Thanks for looking.


Nice work on this simple color modification of the Eta-2 Capt.Dan, it's always nice to see differently-colored JSFs. Do you intend to modify this further to make it more accurate to the real thing?


Nice work on this simple color modification of the Eta-2 Capt.Dan, it's always nice to see differently-colored JSFs. Do you intend to modify this further for a make it more accurate to the real thing?

Probably not, I like the simplicity of it and it serves it's purpose. If I could, though, I would love to make it more like Rook's Eta because I think it is awesome. But at the time I think I am going to continue to work on Delta B fighters since I am more of a Clone Wars guy. If I do mod it significantly I will be sure to post some pictures.

BTW, KielDaMan, I just finished one of your Lightning Squadron walkers and I have to say it is really awesome!


it's always nice to see differently-colored JSFs.

We all know of your obsession with that. :wink:

Pretty nice job, Cpt. Dan. Never was satisfied with any of TLG's JSFs, Delta-7(b) or Eta-2 myself. 'Course, just as KDM loves to see these in different colors, I'd love to see it in SNOT. :grin:


Looks pretty good! While the changes are small it looks quite a bit better. Is the cockpit supposed to be on backwards?

I was hoping no one noticed! It popped off and I for some reason put it on backwards then took the pictures. I noticed when I uploaded them but didn't want to take more :blush:

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