Posted January 11, 201114 yr This is a small moc that I made a while ago. Its the venator in mini (?) scale. It is a simple design. hope you enjoy. comments are more then welcome.
January 11, 201114 yr Nice work at this size! The bridge is simple but great! Could you tell me how long it is?
January 11, 201114 yr Author Could you tell me how long it is? its about 22 studs long, up to 14 studs wide and up to around 7 studs high.
January 11, 201114 yr its about 22 studs long, up to 14 studs wide and up to around 7 studs high. Wow. That's pretty big.
January 11, 201114 yr Wow, this is really well done A little skinny when it comes to the height of it, isn't it? and blogged
January 11, 201114 yr Pretty nice job. Bridge tower might be a tad too high, though. Did you try to slope he plates, or did you just go wih stacked from the beginning? I'm pretty sure it's possible to slope at this size.
January 11, 201114 yr Author Pretty nice job. Bridge tower might be a tad too high, though. Did you try to slope he plates, or did you just go wih stacked from the beginning? I'm pretty sure it's possible to slope at this size. I tried it at first, but t angles didnt seem right to me. Maybe I will give it another try later. Edited January 11, 201114 yr by Blackknight112
January 11, 201114 yr I tried it at first, but t angles didnt seem right to me. Maybe I will give it another try later. Do you have the midi ISD? You might want to try using the base of that set, making the base wider and longer to accommodate the flat dk. red strip(to keeping it all proportionate ). This is a great venator. One of my favorite venators of this size. IMO yours is a little fat when compared to some pics of the venator, yet is to scale of some other pics. Is there two different types? Anyways, great job on this.
January 11, 201114 yr I like this a lot! Nice solution of making the slight slope with those angled plates
January 11, 201114 yr Author Do you have the midi ISD? You might want to try using the base of that set, making the base wider and longer to accommodate the flat dk. red strip(to keeping it all proportionate ). This is a great venator. One of my favorite venators of this size. IMO yours is a little fat when compared to some pics of the venator, yet is to scale of some other pics. Is there two different types? Anyways, great job on this. I dont have that set and there is only one venator
January 12, 201114 yr I think that you've captured the look of the ship quite nicely for such a small scale. What's difficult with a small model is achieving the right "look" while compromising details. I see you've remembered to include the characteristic heavy turbolaser turrets, which is a plus. The stand is nice as well. Personally, I like the way the plate-stacking looks at this scale, but if you really want everything to look right you'll probably have to incorporate sloping of some sort (though I can't help but think that the thickness of the plates would make it difficult to capture the right angles. Still, Brickdoctor knows what he's talking about - perhaps you should send him a PM). Using the core from 8099 would yield disastrous results, as the core is quite bulky and the Venator is a very thin ship. However, I think that if you used these you may be able to use the basic technique. Two things that I noticed at first sight: First, the rear. There should a blocky protrusion at the stern of the ship with the engines clustered around it. Looks like the rear of your model is nearly flat. Second, the area around the docking port could be bigger. Maybe two studs instead of one. And of course, it lacks the characteristic Open Circle Fleet markings, but that's a quick fix, and I guess not all Venators belong to that anyway. There's no tangible studio model of the Venator that I know of, but the Revell kit is generally considered by people in the modeling world to be quite dimensionally accurate, though sporting some obvious simplified detailing (in the manner of other Revell models), and it's probably accurate enough to determine this much: The most important thing you could gain from this is the look of the rear section. As I stated above, there is a protusion behind the aft fins around which the engines are placed. Looking at your MOC, I would suggest you make the aft fins a bit thinner, then just attach a rear to what you already have (though I can definitely state from this clip that the aft edge of the bridge tower should be roughly aligned with the aft edge of the fins). I count eight engines - four large, two smaller ones, and two still smaller ones. The model also appears to confirm my thoughts about the docking port area as well as what Brickdoctor said about the tower. The 33 slope brick should definitely be shifted a bit more forward, but you may even want to use a 1x4 slope brick. I think that the issue there would be the use of a 1x2x3 slope brick, which honestly doesn't look right. Perhaps you could remove the cheese slope and just mount the bridges directly on the 45 slope brick? It looks like you should place the turbolaser turrets apart with about a half stud in betwen, as they seem too close together, and one stud would be a bit too much. By the way, regarding the dimensions, Wookieepedia states that the Venator is 1137m long and 548m wide - at a width of 14 studs, your model should be roughly 29 studs long. I think that expanding the area around the docking port and adding the engines would probably make up for most of the lost length. I realize that I just threw an awful lot at you, but don't be discouraged. Part of the fun in building MOCs is making great leaps in accuracy over LEGO's fun but typically inaccurate products as well as achieving things that other builders couldn't. 'I'm a conformist!'!
January 12, 201114 yr I like this a lot even for its simple build. You got the overall shape right and you did well using mostly those wedge plates. Nice work!
January 12, 201114 yr Using the core from 8099 would yield disastrous results, as the core is quite bulky and the Venator is a very thin ship. However, I think that if you used these you may be able to use the basic technique. Yes the exact core would, I recommended that general design, yet making it a lot longer and slightly wider. The design on the interior of 8099 is a fantastic technique, I suggested making the entire thing bigger, while using the same method of attachment as 8099. This would only work if the designer were willing to enlarge their design. If I buy the midi-ISD, I'll show you what I'm talking about.
January 12, 201114 yr Yes the exact core would, I recommended that general design, yet making it a lot longer and slightly wider. The design on the interior of 8099 is a fantastic technique, I suggested making the entire thing bigger, while using the same method of attachment as 8099. This would only work if the designer were willing to enlarge their design. If I buy the midi-ISD, I'll show you what I'm talking about. The core of 8099 is at least an inch thick, plus the assemblies for attaching the wings on either half. That would likely mean extending the ship to over a foot long for accurate proportions.
January 12, 201114 yr The core of 8099 is at least an inch thick, plus the assemblies for attaching the wings on either half. That would likely mean extending the ship to over a foot long for accurate proportions. You ruined the surprise! Yep, as BD said, I am considering doing a venator of that size.
January 12, 201114 yr Still, Brickdoctor knows what he's talking about - perhaps you should send him a PM). I'd actually forgotten about that MOC, and never realized it too was 22 studs long. Still, I can go smaller. You ruined the surprise! Yep, as BD said, I am considering doing a venator of that size. I was referring to posible future solutions for this MOC. You gave away the surprise with that post.
January 12, 201114 yr I'd actually forgotten about that MOC, and never realized it too was 22 studs long. Still, I can go smaller. I was referring to posible future solutions for this MOC. You gave away the surprise with that post. I was just kiddin with ya!
January 12, 201114 yr I'd actually forgotten about that MOC, and never realized it too was 22 studs long. Still, I can go smaller. Actually, I didn't know either, I just remembered seeing this and you posting something about how unfair people think the MOCpages contests are. I was just kiddin with ya! Aww... after seeing your UT-AT, I was looking forward to another great MOC. Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and assume you didn't think of going to the Review Index and read my excellent review on 8099( ) and just post a picture of the core of 8099 (the midi-scale Star Destroyer, a fine set indeed, though not without its share of inaccuracies): The technique brickartist mentioned is using two Technic pieces with studs facing opposite directions connected by a pin as the center and attaching bar clips to them, allowing you to slope vertically as well as horizontally. Still, even with the pieces I mentioned the system ends up being a bit big. (In fact, this core ends up making the set too fat.) To take full advantage of the possibilities this gives you would require you to make this much bigger, as brickartist and Brickdoctor have already said.
January 12, 201114 yr Actually, I didn't know either, I just remembered seeing this and you posting something about how unfair people think the MOCpages contests are. [snip] Ah. I gave up on MOCpages contests. Too much work, hassle, rush, and immature competitors for a poorly Photoshopped 'trophy'. Those are some horrible looking 2x4 tiles!
January 12, 201114 yr Aww... after seeing your UT-AT, I was looking forward to another great MOC. Thanks fallenangel Yet you will chuckle at the sight of V.1, when I go on my posting rampage (8 Mocs are done) and I'll unveil UT-AT V.2 along with the other 7. Anyways, sorry BlackKnight we're Kind of pounding you with criticisms/ and suggestions. I'm not sure if your goal it to as accurate as possible. If so I would consider going bigger, and incorporating more detail, only accomplish-able at a larger scale. This shows some some serious potential. Those are some horrible looking 2x4 tiles! That better be the lighting....
January 12, 201114 yr Ah. I gave up on MOCpages contests. Too much work, hassle, rush, and immature competitors for a poorly Photoshopped 'trophy'. Good choice. Thanks fallenangel Yet you will chuckle at the sight of V.1, when I go on my posting rampage (8 Mocs are done) and I'll unveil UT-AT V.2 along with the other 7. Nah. We've all had our awkward beginnings. Anyways, sorry BlackKnight we're Kind of pounding you with criticisms/ and suggestions. I'm not sure if your goal it to as accurate as possible. If so I would consider going bigger, and incorporating more detail, only accomplish-able at a larger scale. This shows some some serious potential. Indeed. As you can see, some of us are more enthusiastic than others when it comes to accuracy. That better be the lighting.... Yeah, some of my pictures with flash are terrible.
January 12, 201114 yr Nah. We've all had our awkward beginnings. Ouch...Come a long way, huh? And I mean a long way... The reason I am such an accuracy stickler, is you and brickdoctor. I probably never would've gotten into that perfectionist style of MOCing/critisizing otherwise.
January 12, 201114 yr Ouch...Come a long way, huh? And I mean a long way... The reason I am such an accuracy stickler, is you and brickdoctor. I probably never would've gotten into that perfectionist style of MOCing/critisizing otherwise. I'm not even close to the level of accuracy-stickling that fallenangel327 is at. I do try to incorporate some aesthetic quality that takes precedence over accuracy. Mostly that's just in the cases of a little thicker or thinner for a better transition, some extra greebles, or doing something in SNOT. And yes, if I ever do an X-wing, it will have SNOT wings...
January 12, 201114 yr An excellent mini starship 'Blackknight112', great work on it's shape and colours - spot on ! May the brick be with you !
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