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With royal dignity, the King of Delaware allowed himself to be marched to his execution.

Now, on to



The sky remains crisp and clear this morning. The New Year's holiday has fully ended, and the rumble of cars on the road getting back to their regular grind occasionally echo from the distance. Dr. Blutziegel's forehead throbs in a way that it hasn't since his university days. He sits alone in his office.



Nurse Penny informed the staff, "The doctor has requested we come to his office."



The doctor glanced at the head of the King on his table, and then to his staff. He steadied himself as he focused his glare on them.

Thank you all for coming. I don't feel well this morning. The stress of this experience is taking it's toll on me. Dr. Ballbricker, who was the next in line for the PR position?

Ballbricker consulted her notes. "Ryan Catchers, sir. Shall I notify him?" She awaited his answer.

Dr. Blutziegel stood silent, deeply breathing through his nose.

Yes. I will be staying in my office for the day. I will come to the ward at the end of the day. Everything else should continue as per usual.

Ballbricker spoke for everyone, "Understood, doctor. I think it's fair under the circumstances. I'll notify the patients of the situation, although I think they're all pretty much aware at this point."

The doctors and nurses moved to leave the room.

One more thing: Nurse Pepper, I would like you to bring a liter of ketamine to my office before lunch.

Quizzically, Nurse Pepper asked, "But doctor, what do you need anesthetic for? There's no patient here."

Dr. Blutziegel glowered at Pepper.

"I'll be up shortly, sir."


The staff gathered the remaining patients, whose number had shrunk by nearly a third.


Doctor Ballbricker spoke: "Here's the deal. The King? He was Insane. His friend, the Chief? Murdered. He was Insane. And a third patient, Cat Manuel. Murdered. He was Insane. This is a problem. Manuel's death is the third M.O. to surface this week. We're wondering if the Walrus' death gave other ticking tomb bombs the trigger they wanted to indulge their vice...

"The Chief was your PR. Since he's gone, that means Ryan Catchers is your new PR. Congratulations to him." The patients grumbled and looked towards Catchers. Catchers looked to his feet. Ballbricker continued, "Our good doctor plans not to grace us with his presence today, he's, for lack of a better term, occupied. But he wants things to continue as per status quo. We need to find these killers, and that includes us staff too. All of us need to work together to solve this thing." Dr. Rajim and the nurses nodded their heads.


The patients line up at the window to get their days medication and ponder their fate.

Day Four has begun. All remaining players have 48 hours in which to vote on a lynch.

The Rules

1. There are two opposing sides in this game, the Insane and the Sinister Insane. The Sinister Insane win when they outnumber the Insane and can kill Dr Blutziegel. The Insane win when they’ve killed or lynched all of the Sinister Insane.

2. Each day, the players will vote out one amongst them by lynching the member with the most votes. One vote can cause a lynch. To vote or to take back your vote, you must use the following sentence in your post: vote: character or unvote: character, using bold letters. If you want to change your vote, you must first unvote before the second vote is calculated. If you can't or don't want to vote, you may proxy your vote to another player by using the following sentence: proxy: character. Proxy lasts a single game day, and you can unproxy using the sentence unproxy: character. You may not vote for yourself to be lynched. Your own proxy vote against you will not be counted.

3. Days last 48 hours. Voting begins when the day begins. No waiting is necessary. It ends after 48 hours. Voting can change up until that final moment. Days will start and finish around midnight, Japan-time. Calibrate your clock accordingly.

4. Every player will receive a PM letting them know their positions, and possibly their abilities. These are subject to change, and are part of the game mechanics, and should be treated as such. You are expected to role play until the end of the game.

5. The night abilities have a pre-specified order of effect. ie. role-blocker supercedes killer, so if a role-blocker targets a killer as the killer targets the role-blocker, the role-blocker will live. This list is predetermined and will be revealed after the game has finished. When the day ends, you will have a posted amount of hours in which to submit night moves. The night should last either 24 or 48 hours, depending on my schedule.

6. The Day-topics are meant for active players only, so do not post in them if you are dead. The Discussion-topic is open to everybody to comment on how you like the game, but please do not post anything that might influence game players actions.

7. Do not edit your posts. If you make a mistake and want to correct it, just repost it with an 'Excuse my nonsense above, I meant to say...'

8. Do not directly quote anything I’ve sent to you via PM. Please use your own words, and never post unpostable information, as listed in the PM. Claiming roles in thread is forbidden. Describing roles is okay. (ie. "I'm the cop!" is verboten. "I went through his stuff last night." is perfectly fine.) Do not directly quote other people's PMs. In this game, there is only 'talking,' so there is nothing to quote.

9. PM players as much as you like, just don't call them Potato Messages. No potatoes allowed to inmates. Please be inventive, using your own phrases, like, "Let's speak in the corner."

10. I will be using two voices in the game, the game runner and Dr. Blutziegel. The game runner's rules will always hold true, and be written in plain text. Questions about game rules should be addressed with me via PM or the discussion thread. Hospital rules may be asked in thread to Dr. Blutziegel. Blutziegel will speak in green. Dr. Blutziegel has a low tolerance for inane patient questions.

11. In game, you can't kill/convert/etc. Dr. Blutziegel, so don't waste a night action on it.

12. Breaking a rule or directive will, at least, get you a smack on the head from Dr. B (aka, a penalty vote). At worst, it will involve you being booted from the game.

13. About meta-gaming. As a serial meta-gamer (despite thinking it poor game play), I've designed this game to be anti-meta. Using the number picker at random.org, avatars were assigned rooms, then players were (for the most part) randomly assigned avatars, and after those were settled, roles and powers were randomly assigned. There is no connection between hospital roles and game roles. So have fun in the game, but don't think nurses are being led by the doctors, or there is any meaning between room groupings. If you do, you will shoot yourself in the foot and hurt your team.

The Players

drb.jpgDr Blutziegel (def, NPC)

st-dr1.jpgDr Ballbricker (Ricecracker)

st-dr2.jpgDr Rajim (Admiral Ron)

st-nur1.jpgNurse Pendleton (Zephyr)

st-nur2.jpgNurse Pepper (Bob the Construction Man)

st-nur3.jpgNurse Penny (Yumiyoshi)

m-munch.jpgPerry Noid (ADHO15)

c-sailor.jpgSalvatore Ricardo Samuels (Dragonator)

m-senor.jpgSeñor Canny Bolero (Iamded)

b-holden.jpgRyan Catchers (Rick)

b-caveman.jpgTed Nathan Tompkins (Whitefang)

b-lilsanta.jpgSandy Craws (Sandy)

r-mrn.jpg'Mr. Nowhere' (Scouts)

r-wolfboy.jpg'Lupo' (Rufus)

r-jesus.jpgDougie "Jesus" Douglas (Hinckley)

r-pyro.jpgPetey Pirowski (Peanuts)

c-spacetwin.jpg'Timtam Timmers', Spacetwin #1 (Lord Arjay)

m-spacetwin.jpg'Tamtam Timmers', Spacetwin #2 (Quarryman)

c-prof.jpgProfessor Diem (Walter Kovacs)

c-mrs.jpgMisty 'Mrs' Monroe (badboytje88)

s-spaceman.jpgStanley Spussemmin (Cornelius Murdock)

s-gi.jpgDudley Eisenhower (MrLegoNinja)

s-chef.jpgCookie Custer (Roncanator)

s-pkd.jpgHavel Pavlov (Sok117)

The Departed

Day/Night One

5328699484_b0d3a8d57e_t.jpg Cameron 'Big Cam' Oaktree (Big Cam) (Insane)

Day/Night Two

5339448230_2dea07a159_t.jpg Kevin 'Shadows' Mitchell (Shadows) (Insane, independent)

5337999291_3da81713bd_t.jpg Sparky Trucks (TinyPiesRUs) (Insane, independent)

5337999317_ebf260f133_t.jpg Martin Century (Stash2Sixx) (Insane)

Day/Night Three

5351344257_d012dcc9bc_t.jpg The King of Delaware (KingoftheZempk) (Insane)

5351344311_354da7e133_t.jpg Chief Washing Bear (JimButcher) (Insane)

5351344349_daf109905c_t.jpg Cat Manuel (The Penguin) (Insane)


1. Cralegoboy

2. Professor Flitwick

3. Eskallon

4. Callmepie

5. DannyLongLegs

6. Legonator

7. Emperor Claudius Rome

8. Captain John Paul

That is the worst possible result we could've gotten from a night. I don't even know where to begin to sort everything back out or what bearing my list has on anything.

One thing I do know for sure, the turn on The King of Delalaware and Chief Washing Bear was initiated by one person. I vote: Mr. Nowhere/Scouts. I will unvote him if he can come up with a good explanation as to where he got his information.

In addition, my night action was again unsuccessful in the same way as the night before. I dreamt I succeeded and woke up to realize it was just a dream and I had actually never left my bed. I believe that I was again blocked.

I have some other theories but will wait until the day progresses a bit until I reveal them as I don't need to start off yet another day with a long-winded speech about who I trust and who I don't.

Poor King of Delaware. I trusted him until we heard from Scouts and then he made that goofy statement about being drugged to kill. :cry_sad: Turns out he was innocent after all... I feel absolutely horrible about this and Mr. Nowhere better have a good explanation.

I agree. Mr. Nowhere brought forth false information yesterday and, combined with a possible dark blue arm that certainly doesn't belong to the King, should be held with the highest suspicion.

Vote: Mr. Nowhere / Scouts

Dr. Raj, does your contact have any more photographs to share? Maybe Cat's killer?

What a terrible night. I don't know what to believe anymore.

I do know this, though. Todays proceedings are going to boil down to three things. Either Jesus has been lying to us the entire time, Mr. Nowhere willfully misled Jesus, or Mr. Nowhere's informant is the Sinister.

Or we are all so insane that none of the information we are getting from our night actions is reliable.

We've all been duped. I guess the question is how far back the deception goes. Am I surrounded by lunar voles or is there just one particularly sly one? I will hold on my vote until I talk with a few people.

Vote: Mr. Nowhere / Scouts

If I recall correctly, Mr. Jesus is correct.

I beg you all to unvote Mr. Nowhere.

Why? Simply because he's recived his information from me. Yes, I am the night investigator have the ability to steal patient's files.

My results were meant to show up as either sinister insane or not sinister insane. Just to clarified that.

Yes, I investigated the Chief on night one and got sinister, then I investigated the King on night two and got sinister as well.

I realize both my results were wrong, as I was insane (this replies to my night action as investigator, not to my allegiance, which would be insane).

I contacted both Mr. Nowhere and Dudley Eisenhower, just as insurance. Mr. Nowhere gave my information to Jesus.

You may wonder, how I know I'm insane and not just paranoid? Simply just because I got a "not sinister " result yesternight, which makes only sence if I'm insane.

Why should you trust me? You have every reason not to do, I can't say I would, so it's up to you. Please do it. If you decide to convict me today, and when I turn out to be insane, be sure to vote: Havel Pavlov/Sok.

He was the one I investigated tonight and I got "not sinister", and as Martin is dead, I might be your last investigator (besides the photographer). I know that it looks bad for me, but please give me one more chance.

You now have to choose: Me or Havel Pavlov/Sok

That's quite a story, Petey. I would like to hear it confirmed by Dudley and Mr. Nowhere first, before I cast my vote.

  On 1/13/2011 at 3:50 PM, Walter Kovacs said:

That's quite a story, Petey. I would like to hear it confirmed by Dudley and Mr. Nowhere first, before I cast my vote.

They can only confirm I contacted them, and why should I lie about that?

I haven't told them my newest result yet, because I decided to do it publicly.

I have to say, your confession makes sense to all this confusion, Petey. A Sinister would not jump in to rescue someone else like you did. Unfortunately you are more than likely to be dead by the next morning because of your role (just hope the protector does his or her job right). An insane investigator whose results are topsy turvy... tricky indeed.

But I'll take your word for it, so I vote: Havel Pavlov/sok117.

But I understand you wnat to have every information you can get, I would do the same. I just wanted to tell you that it won't help you that much.

Eh, sure, why the hell not?

Unvote: Mr. Nowhere / Scouts

Vote: Havel Pavlov/sok117

I trust Petey, and Mr. Pavlov is new here...

Vote: Havel Pavlov/ Sok117

It is possible that Petey and Mr Nowhere are sinister together, however I find it unlikely. Havel Pavlov was already suspicious to me (especially since he disapeared near the end of yesterday) so I have little reason to doubt his guilt. Obviously, if someone contradicts this story I'll remove my vote though I don't think that's going to happen.

Also Petey, what made you choose to investigate Havel?


What the hell?

It seems like most active people are innocent, at least they're very believable.

We still have a blue arm.

And a host of patients who post, but don't really contribute and are flying under the radar.

TimTam Tommers (or whatever the hell)/ Quarryman has a blue arm and is flying under the radar. "Oh you guys talk too much, I'll vote along with you once the majority has already passed." :hmpf_bad:

Also, I believe ThePenguin's killer was on our side. ThePenguin was highly suspicious and it's nice that the killer got him out of the way without us having to waste a vote on him, in my opinion.

Sorry, I forgot about the voting.

For now, unvote: Mr. Nowhere/Scouts

I really need to think before placing my vote. I've been suspicious of Havel, so I imagine this will be easy. I just hate to unvote and re-vote right away.

Very well. That sounds plausible.

Thank you for coming forward, Petey. It'll be you tomorrow if this info is wrong!

Unvote: Mr. Nowhere / Scouts

Vote: Havel Pavlov / sok117

  On 1/13/2011 at 4:11 PM, Lord Arjay said:

Also Petey, what made you choose to investigate Havel?

After the death of the King, who I still believed to be scum, I had plenty of suspects, including of course most who voted for the Chief, who I believed to be scum as well.

I decided to take Havel, because he wasn't very active, never contributed at voting and some others seemed to be suspicious of him, too. And I just had a gut feeling.

  On 1/13/2011 at 4:18 PM, ADHO15 said:

Thank you for coming forward, Petey. It'll be you tomorrow if this info is wrong!

I know.

The Sinister were smart to target Bear for murder last night since we were convinced we would vote him off today because of Petey's investigation results. They knew we wouldn't protect him since we were convinced of his guilt... :hmpf_bad:

Sorry, just thinking out loud.

The only reason I hesitate to vote for Havel is because you may be a paranoid investigator, an insane investigator or whatever the other kind is that gets random results.

We need to consider the options (metagame on: it wouldn't surprise me in a game in an insane asylum to have an insane investigator :metagame off)

Your results are all Sinister. We can take that off the table since we have a Not Sinister result. So you are not paranoid.

Your results are opposite.

Your results are random.

I forget the names of these roles and I can't check the mafiascum wiki Journal of Psychiatric Mafia Role Disorders right now because IT blocks most forum sites the library is locked right now. Either way, we need to consider both possibilities. We do have the info that two results you got (if you're telling the truth, which I'm inclined to believe you) were opposite, so I hope that's how it works. I would like to be able to vote out a Sinister today!

  On 1/13/2011 at 3:32 PM, Peanuts said:

I beg you all to unvote Mr. Nowhere.

Why? Simply because he's recived his information from me. Yes, I am the night investigator have the ability to steal patient's files.

My results were meant to show up as either sinister insane or not sinister insane. Just to clarified that.

Yes, I investigated the Chief on night one and got sinister, then I investigated the King on night two and got sinister as well.

I realize both my results were wrong, as I was insane (this replies to my night action as investigator, not to my allegiance, which would be insane).

I contacted both Mr. Nowhere and Dudley Eisenhower, just as insurance. Mr. Nowhere gave my information to Jesus.

You may wonder, how I know I'm insane and not just paranoid? Simply just because I got a "not sinister " result yesternight, which makes only sence if I'm insane.

Why should you trust me? You have every reason not to do, I can't say I would, so it's up to you. Please do it. If you decide to convict me today, and when I turn out to be insane, be sure to vote: Havel Pavlov/Sok.

He was the one I investigated tonight and I got "not sinister", and as Martin is dead, I might be your last investigator (besides the photographer). I know that it looks bad for me, but please give me one more chance.

You now have to choose: Me or Havel Pavlov/Sok

Yes, Peanuts is the investigator who gave me the information.

I hope that you realize that I didn't tell any white lies (/Mr.NowhereFaceJoke).

Now, to new business.

I trust Petey and will Vote: Havel Pavlov / sok117. I don't believe Petey to be paranoid, though whatever reason that the results were wrong, pointed out by Jesus (Still friends? :classic: ), are interesting. I haven't considered (or known about) opposites.

  On 1/13/2011 at 4:47 PM, Scouts said:

pointed out by Jesus (Still friends? :classic: ),

Absolutely. :sweet:

I came to the same conclusion as Jebus about the nature of Petey's role.

But think of it this way: right now it seems our options are to vote out either Pavlov (sok117) or Petey (Peanuts). Since it's not likely both of them are normal insane (even though that is possible with the "random results" option), we will find out the truth by the next morning, no matter which one of them we vote for.

And a choice between a potential investigator and a silent tag-along is not really that hard, is it?

Oh. My. God. What a disastrous night for us. :sadnew:

Three good men lost. I too was convinced of the King's guilt; I can only hope that we don't make the same mistake again. At least we know not to trust Petey's findings. Sorry Petey.

But, Jesus is right, we still have the evidence of the blue arm, assuming the Photographer's evidence can also be trusted. I wonder if he saw anything last night?

Jesus, I want to trust you, but I'm still concerned that you proxied your vote rather than voting for the King yourself, considering you were so vocal about his guilt. It was your confidence that persuaded me to vote for him. Did you want to escape the consequences of his wrongful conviction?

I suspect we will learn more in due course, so I'm going to hold off voting for now.

Oh my another three insane guys died last night... This starts to make me believe there is only one sinister insane one running around here. How can it be possible that after seven deaths we didn't kill one single sinister insane guy... I still think Bloodbrick's got something to do with the killings at night. He's the only one we know of that has a gun...

  On 1/13/2011 at 4:54 PM, Rufus said:

Jesus, I want to trust you, but I'm still concerned that you proxied your vote rather than voting for the King yourself, considering you were so vocal about his guilt. It was your confidence that persuaded me to vote for him. Did you want to escape the consequences of his wrongful conviction?

Not at all. Anybody could see that I had plenty of time to unproxy my vote and change it. The way I see it, I voted for the King.

...and take full responsibility for my vote being placed for him.

Three deaths on our side, that's not good. As Santa already concluded a Sinister would not come forward with an investigation result like that. At most he would achieve the death of one innocent and be lynched tomorrow. So, the only reasonable thing to do is:

Vote: Havel Pavlov

It's possible that you're not an insane 'patient file thief', but something of a more random nature, but like Santa I think we should take our chances that you're indeed an insane 'thief' and your results can be interpreted as opposite to what you read in the files.

Like Jesus, however sorry I feel for the loss of The King, I think we did the right thing by convicting him yesterday. We wouldn't have learned how to interpret the results of Pyro Pete otherwise (if he tells the truth of course).

Dr Rajim, did you receive any pictures that may shed some more light on the issue (or possibly chance my mind)?

  On 1/13/2011 at 5:27 PM, Rick said:

It's possible that you're not an insane 'patient file thief', but something of a more random nature, but like Santa I think we should take our chances that you're indeed an insane 'thief' and your results can be interpreted as opposite to what you read in the files.

I'm not sure what you mean, I definitely know I'm stealing files every night. I just learned that I seem to assess the results wrong.

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