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i keep track very carefully, since im trying out a BrickLink store. i happen to know my total exactly !!!

here is what my numbers look like from the past 12 months...

total store inventory investments - total store sales + personal collection costs = 994.66 USD.



I would estimate that I spend around 150 - 200 Euros a month, so thats like 2000 euros a year. I have never really calculated it. I am not sure I would like to know the result.

Maybe I should calculate the next years amount, just to see how much I use.



wow...you guys really spend a lot on this. i'm collecting a few selective sets for resale and some for my personal use. i tried out bricklink and ebay before but i wasnt impressed. i'm gonna resell all used parts and will just buy new sets going forward. hopefully i will break even and my hobby will fund itself! :-)

i only started this year and i'm down around 200-300 USD.


Very variable. When I forst got in to SW LEGO, I must have spent an incredible amount on getting all the sets I missed. So far this year I've only bought the January SW releases and the Batman Dragster. Money has become a problem, but (hopefully) you can add the cost of the Sailbrage and ISD by the end of the year.


On average around $1000-1500. Last year I had some extra money due to overtime and no major house projects so it was higher but this year it will be much less as I need to save for the uni bills.

Oh and Legoman, you should consider buying less and saving more. At your age you should be thinking about saving for things like school, a car or just in general. Things like houses, computers and though it may be far off a wedding can all be expensive. If you can save $500 a year when you are 21 you will have $5000. That can be very helpful. ;-) Just make sure when you get a girlfriend you don't mention it. X-D


it will probably be more than $5000. there's compounding interest to consider even if it is just sitting in the bank. best to buy some kind of a fund which may yield better return than just CDs.


I won't calculate because it will give me a heart attack :-D

Darn SW sets !! I always need multiple copy of certain ships for army building !! Since the beginning of the year I got the ISD, Barge, Slave1, 2 V-Wings, 3 Interceptors, 3 Ties (with the Lul Vader MF), 3 A-Wings, 2 B-Wings + mucho other sets (all Batman and a lot of city sets... !!)

It will be much worse with the UCS AT-ST + all good SW sets !!

Oh well, its an expensive hobby hehe >:-)



I allways get told by my friends at school that I spent to much money on Lego, allthough that I dont quite agree with my friends on that matter, is there a little bit of thruth behind it. Especially when the local Tru is having a sale, which happens quite frequent.

I have been useing alot more money on Lego lately as I have gotten a job at the local swimming bath as a swimming instructor.

I got to make an estimate as I dont keep track of how much that I have bought, but I do think that it is 500-700 USD a year or 3000-4000 Danish Krone. Some years it might very well be less if that there arent coming out any interesting sets.


I don't see why so many people feel 1000 dollars on lego in a year is so much money... I've got friends who spend much much much more on their hobbies. some go Scuba diving, others buy M


It really isn't that much to spend $1000. If you smoke you will certainly spend more than that. If you drive a fancy car you will spend more that that in a few months on insurance alone. Everything cost money and LEGO is one of the best hobbies I have seen. And best of all, unlike the other things I listed, LEGO doesn't go down in value that much. In fact if you take care of it, it will actually go up in value. Which is something few cars will ever do.

I still think it is wise to put something away though. Tough times come to us all and the better prepared make it through without having to sell all their LEGO X-O ;-)


if you see lego as an investment, you can't open the box else the value immediately drops 30% average.

right now, i'm looking to have my hobby fund itself. obviously we won't know that until 5 years later. i'll have to keep track of my spending, etc on a spreadsheet until then. :-)

the problem with hobby/lego is that the appreciation will bottom out and is very unstable. over 10 years or more i dont think you will be able to recover your investment + inflation. also demand can be rather erratic.

if you see lego as an investment, you can't open the box else the value immediately drops 30% average.

right now, i'm looking to have my hobby fund itself. obviously we won't know that until 5 years later. i'll have to keep track of my spending, etc on a spreadsheet until then. :-)

the problem with hobby/lego is that the appreciation will bottom out and is very unstable. over 10 years or more i dont think you will be able to recover your investment + inflation. also demand can be rather erratic.

i agree... chances are that in just a few years time we'll see a serious decline in demand... I would only keep MISB sets as investment for just a very sets, like the old X-wing, the MF, ... unfortunately they're all opened and parts are scatered all over the place... :-$


I don't spend very much money on Lego compared to a lot of people here, though my parents still think it's too much. :-P

I've never bothered to keep track of how much I spend each year, but I know that this year I've spent around $50.


As I said previously, I have spent loads on LEGO over the past couple of years, but a lot less this year. But the point about how much is spent on other hobbies in entirely valid.

Every time I go on Martial Arts seminar, which is roughly once a month, I write off

So, this makes me wonder...what else do you spend your money on? Or well, at least the tiny bit that's left of it? :-P

well, the thing is NOT to spend too much money on electricity, petrol, heating, telephone, ...

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